-1A/N: Ah, and here it is…we come to the end of all things (well, maybe not ALL things, but the end of this story, at least). It has nearly been a year since I began this and I feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to share it with all of you (whom I will list at the end of this chapter--if you ever left a comment at any time in the story, your name will be there, as a sign of my gratitude for your attention). This is my first fic, and I am so thrilled that it went over as well as it did. Three hundred-fifty-five comments to date! I never expected it to be so well-received. I remember back when I was giddy at the idea of having a whole twenty comments! Ah, but I delay too long. So yeah, at the end of this chapter, I'll list everyone who ever paid homage to what has become my little baby (and little monster). Thanks.

Disclaimer (haven't seen one of those in awhile, huh?): This is not mine. If it was, I would currently be creating an anime that continues on after the movie. Why? Because that's the way uh-huh, uh-huh I like it.

It was a beautiful afternoon in Risembool, and Ed was watching as his brother and Winry worked on the new prototype for his arm. He was not only anxious to once again feel complete, but also pleased to see his brother and friend working together. There was no better team for the job. Winry knew the mechanics of it all, and only Al knew exactly how it would be put to use, so Ed wasn't worried in the least. He trusted them both implicitly to give him the best work they both could. He was glad to see his brother so at ease as well. He knew how much Al worried about being worthy enough for Winry, though he never said it. He didn't have to. They were brothers, after all.

It didn't really take a brother to see how Al felt about their mechanically-inclined friend, however. He simply glowed when she was around. Ed had a feeling Winry knew, but was just waiting for Al to do something about it.

Just then, Ed got an idea…a truly awful idea…

He grinned mischievously. "Equivalent exchange is a bitch, little brother."

As he was sitting there, watching his brother and thinking evil thoughts that no brother should ever think about another (but often do), he was unaware of a certain presence behind him, watching him just as intently as he was watching his sibling. This certain presence was currently inches from his ear, waiting for him to twitch, move slightly, do something!

"Planning something, Edward?" Roy asked, causing the smaller male to finally move away instantly, swatting to the side wildly in hopes of hitting whatever the disturbance was.

He missed Roy by feet and nearly took his own eye out. Roy simply looked on in amusement as the blonde began to slowly revert to behavior he was better known for when he was younger.

"What did you think you were doing, trying to give me a heart attack?! Geez, you bastard!" he screeched, waving his arms around angrily.

Roy smirked, realizing that it was a prime opportunity to make a small joke…literally. "Oh, were you there? Sorry, didn't see you."

Ed's eyes narrowed as he growled at the taller man. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SMALL HE COULD USE YOUR SHOE LACES AS A JUMP ROPE!!!"

Roy laughed low in his throat, nudging Ed with his elbow. "Whatever you do in your spare time is your business. Just make sure you put my laces back on my shoes. Unlike you, I actually tie my shoes."

Ed frowned slightly and opened his mouth as if to fire off a smart retort, but instead shut his mouth and crossed his arms, making a rather adorable pout.

Roy shook his head, amazed at how easily Ed gave up. It really was remarkable, the changes they had each gone through. Ed had become more subdued, like Alphonse, and Al had become more outgoing, like Edward. It was as if they had each swapped a little bit of their personality during their trip home. Ed had realized that as well, and he was ashamed for not noticing it sooner, but he would make up for it. There was a lot of that to be doing.

Ed gave a little smile and looked down at his shoes to find that they actually were untied. Evil bastard… he hissed in his mind. He glanced back at Roy to find him smirking back. Ed crossed his arms and bowed his head to hide his blushing. So much had happened in the time since he'd shown up at Roy's apartment…and there was still so much more that could happen… It had been no easy feat, trying to explain everything to his brother, but he felt that Alphonse somehow understood. He still had Winry to tell, but he somehow didn't think it would be as bad as he imagined. Sure, she hadn't been all that thrilled when Roy had shown up at her doorstep with Ed, but after being assured that it was only to keep an eye on the blonde, she had seemed somewhat subdued.

Al laughed as Winry accidentally shot a little oil in his direction, looking at her fondly in a way he reserved only for her. Nearby, Roy was looking at Ed in the same way, causing a warm feeling to flow over the younger of the two.

No, come to think of it, I didn't miss you at all.

What a lie that had been. He had missed Roy. He'd missed everyone. He'd missed being home.

Home. Yes, Edward was finally home. He'd missed many things in the years he'd been searching for everything other than what was in front of him, when that was all he really needed…just what was in front of him the whole time. He really had just started to make up for what he'd missed, but there was still so much more…

It was really good that Ed had all the time in the world, because there was a lot of those things.

A lot to make up for.

So how was that? Not too terrible, eh? Well, that's not where this story ends, I can assure you. I am currently working on two different pieces, one which happens to be the sequel to this one, and one called "Cherry Blossoms," another RoyEd fic I am very excited about.

So thank you, grazie, gracias, domo, merci, danke, and wado to everyone who has commented on this story and made it such a wonderful experience for me. (btw, that's thanks in English, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, and Cherokee. That's all I know, so please don't take offense if I missed a language. If you'd like to teach me a new one, I'm always open to suggestions.)

BlackMercifulFaerie, ThexYaoixNinja, Visual Confectionary, Pojo-san, rayvnofsorrows, Kawaii Kisu, Amy, Kitti, Vivian Black715, BloodRaevynn, Meekah Greenleaf, yutakayumi, TaintedShikonShards, edluver14, Nuitari Aquarius, Shadewolf7, marufu-chan, Panic, AirElemental101, Roy Mustang 08, amichka, KiboKi, Janchanb, Crimson lantern, GreyLiliy, xXX Bishiman Sephiroth XXx, Dark Mage Makai, anmbcuconnfan, GreedxEd, hiya24, Julietlvsthebeat, Sophie, Iseult of the Snows, Amsuhl, Sadler, Kirbychan, lotrhpfan1234, Mus4u, AstroStarr42, Koigokoro-Love, Satan in a Pretty Costume, ai-08, lady scorpio, DesperateMeasures, Chetra-card, gundanium, Glue Project, kiryanna, jam280, zst4ever, msberry, YaoiPrincess, HFA and Kisa, Shine Lumiere, catwomen47, KeveTenjoin, Lunadia-aloneforevermore, Meghan H., Bar-Ohki, nanoSaby5, Demonskid, theSaiyanKira, Mage of Dragons, Evil Pixies Are Yummy, the Sayjin Kira (theSaiyanKira? Same?), Daeleniel Shadowphyre, Krystal T. M., inuyasha-demon-lover, Kikiko, The Lady Morana, Crazy4Skittles, Phantomsnow, KajiMori, Ebony Cassandra selene Ridd…, littlelibra, BlazenFantasy, Chelsea, joe90, Suvi, Ranewen Ancalime, AAJ Edward, SoubiAgatsumaSama, gggggggggggggg (that's a reviewer, not a typo), I love Malfoy as a ferret, too-lazy-to-login, Paon, Afrieal, Ed Fullmetal Alchemist, tapole910, Mocodity, Amber-Brooke,

Spirix, Child of Rainbows, kitkat78, The Wonderful Crack Fairy, horsepoet, Leminy, pure.life, WhisperedDaydreams, Wolfgirl99, StupefiedNarutard, Kichi Tsukima, Eternal-Goddess-Of-Light, and animevamp727.

Good grief! That's a lotta reviewers! Well, I love each and every one of you for it. In fact, I do so love you that I am designing an icon for the sequel. However, I am not posting it on my DeviantArt account (samaire). I am only giving it to those who have been so wonderful to me this first time around. So, you ask, "How do I get it?!" Well, just leave a comment on the sequel with this somewhere in it: "ALTMUF commentaholic." That's all. :D I also hope to see many familiar names gracing the reviews page. There's nothing better than a panel of readers who have already given so much attention. Thank you, and see you in the next one!
