Thank you to everyone who has reviewed my stories (especially Deadly-Flame). It's been a great help to know what you guys think. A lot of people have been wondering if Kate is really Camryn. Well, I'll just leave that for you to decide. Sorry this is so inconclusive.

Alex was back home on Wednesday. Jack had come back to the house to find Hughes dead in their kitchen. She had called the police. Now the incident was all cleared up. The only things that remained were the memories and the scars on Alex's chest. Alex sat in the living room across from Kate and Dan. There were so many questions he wanted to ask.

"Who are you two working for?"

Dan and Kate looked at each other. "Can't tell you," Dan answered.

"Okay, then who are you?" Alex asked Kate.

"I'm Kate Cameron. You might know me as sniper82."

"That's you?!"


"Daisuke kept asking me where Camryn was. She's dead. At least I think… I don't know anymore."

"She's dead," Kate said.

"How can you be sure?"

"I was on the team that cleaned up the situation in Chechnya."

Alex took the silver ring out his pocket. "How did this turn up?" He handed the ring to Kate.

Kate inspected the ring, then handed it back. "I found it in the remains of the building. I cleaned it up and gave it to Tim Burton. He was supposed to get it to you."

"How did you know to give it to me?"

"We have ways of getting information about things."

"Who's 'we?'"

"The agency Kate and I work for," Dan chimed in.

"So, what did Daisuke want with me? Did he think Camryn was still alive?" Alex asked.

"No," Kate said. "He wanted to torment you by making you think Camryn was alive. You know he had a thing for her."

"Yeah. Creep… What about Malcolm Hughes?"

"Takahashi paid him to help," Dan said.

"And Emily?"

"She was just angry. She found out about her father's plans and decided to chip in."

Alex put his face in his hands. "It just gets worse and worse."

"I'm sorry about this whole mess," Kate said.

"Forget it," Alex muttered. "I'll be okay. So what's going to happen now?"

"You're just going to go back to your normal life," Dan answered.

"I didn't have a normal life to begin with."

"We're just going to put this behind us," Kate said. "It'll be hard to forget, but I think you'll be alright."

Alex sighed. "Probably. The whole thing's blown over now."

"Alex, Kate and I need to get back to headquarters. We've got mounds of paperwork to tackle." Dan scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to Alex. "That's mine and Kate's cell phone numbers. Call if you want to talk or ask any more questions. Good luck to you, Alex."

"Maybe we'll meet again," Kate said.

"Yeah, maybe," Alex said. The three stood up and headed to the door. Alex saw Kate and Dan out of the house. Alex closed the door and sighed. The past two weeks had been filled with lies. It was almost like a game to everyone else, and Alex was the victim.

"I'm not looking forward to all this paperwork," Kate complained as she and Dan entered headquarters.

"If we work together, we'll get it done faster."

"Sure. Sounds good."

Dan stopped walking and pulled Kate into his arms. He brushed her auburn hair behind her ear and kissed her.

"Don't," Kate protested.

"Why not?"

"I don't believe in going back to old boyfriends."

"Oh, really?" Dan challenged. "What about Alex? Would you date him again?"

Dan kissed her again. This time, she let him.