Title: Failure
Author: Therm
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own the characters.
Summary: Murdock worries.
Warnings: None.
Notes: Response to Q.P for Fear. 151 words.
I'm scared.
There I admitted it. No big deal. Someone can be brave for admitting they're afraid, right? Who am I kidding. It's nothing but fear, running deep in me. Stone cold dread from my bones to my skin and no place for anything else.
If they were looking for what cowardice looked like, they could look right in my direction and say 'That's it!'
And what brings out my fear, so bad that I can't sleep at night? What makes me call the guys in the middle of the night in such a panic they think I'm having some sort of crisis? What, you ask? Well I'll tell ya.
Ink blot's.
A piece of card + some ink instant fear.
Stupid, crazy and irrational fear. It's not even fear of failure. I know I'm gonna fail.
It's fear of what will happen when I get back to the VA.
That's fear.