Gloomy and Suicidal
By Joe
Summary: Stephanie goes to school and meets a suicidal boy. He convinces her that life is not worth living, and Stephanie decides to become suicidal as well.
Author Notes: I do not own Full House, its characters, or any other copyrighted material. I do own my original character, Jacob, however.
Chapter 1
One morning, Stephanie went to school as she did every day. She learned that her lunch schedule was to change that day. She now had lunch in the middle of fourth period, rather than before fourth period. Stephanie missed going to lunch early, but she decided that she would adapt.
When fourth period arrived, she anxiously waited 30 whole minutes. Things would be lonely without her friend Gia. Perhaps she could eat with other people she knew. If she didn't find anyone to eat with, she figured that she would be forced to eat alone, and that wouldn't do!
The bell rang for lunch during the middle of fourth period, and Stephanie ran off to the cafeteria to get her lunch early before the lines got long. Stephanie got a ham sandwich and chocolate milk. As soon as she paid for her lunch, she saw that lots of people had already gotten in line. "Good thing I got here early," she said to herself. She walked to the area where the tables were, and she looked around, seeing if she recognized anyone. To her dismay, there wasn't a single person around that she recognized. There were people from her class, but she never did make good friends with anybody from her class.
At last, Stephanie settled for the outcast table, where she saw a mixed boy with wavy black hair, brown eyes, and a rattail. He was wearing camouflage clothing. The boy looked lonely and a little odd, but Stephanie decided to be nice and make friends with him.
"Hi," Stephanie greeted sweetly.
"Hey," the mixed kid replied.
There was an uncomfortable silence for a minute. The kid was quiet and wouldn't say anything. Stephanie decided to break the ice. "My name's Stephanie Tanner. What's your name?"
"I'm Jacob Branson," replied Jacob.
"Oh, that's cool," said Stephanie. Jacob just nodded and didn't reply. Stephanie wondered what was wrong with Jacob. He seemed so sad and alone. She continued to try to talk to him. "So, uh, tell me about yourself."
"Well," Jacob started, "there's not really a lot to say about me. I think that life sucks and that it's not worth living."
Stephanie looked shocked at Jacob's bizarre outlook. "Why is that?"
"I dunno, it's just not," Jacob said. "I have trouble getting girlfriends and won't be able to get a good job. It's just pointless."
Stephanie felt great sympathy for Jacob, but she also wished that he would have a little more self-confidence. It would improve his life, she believed. Suddenly, she saw several red marks on Jacob's left arm. "What's that on your left arm?" Stephanie asked curiously.
"Oh, this?" Jacob asked, revealing all sorts of cut marks on his arm. "It's where I've tried to cut myself. I took a little knife and made incisions all over."
"That's horrible!" gasped Stephanie.
"Eh, you'd do it too if your life was crummy." Jacob then continued talking about his attempts at suicide. "Once, I even tried to hang myself with a dog collar, but it hurt more than I expected, so I decided to stop. Another time, I even took a gun and nearly shot myself in the head, but I then decided not to."
Stephanie was flabbergasted by Jacob's irrational behavior. But then again, Stephanie took a look at her own life. It had been a while since she had a boyfriend, and her last relationship ended badly. It turned out that her boyfriend was going out with another girl, and Stephanie was infuriated. Also, Stephanie's grades had been dropping to the point of no return. She had been somewhat depressed, especially considering the fact that Gia was no longer at lunch with her. "You've made a lot of good points, Jacob," Stephanie said. "It almost makes me want to do the same."
"Well, it's not hard. Just start trying to kill yourself, and you'll feel a lot better," said Jacob. "I do it all the time."
"Why haven't you died yet?" Stephanie asked.
"I really don't know," Jacob answered honestly.
The two sat, not saying much, and a while later, the bell rang. It was time to return to class. Stephanie waved farewell to Jacob. She had a lot on her mind as she walked to her class. Jacob's viewpoints on life seemed correct to her, and she began to long for suicide attempts.