Hey everyone! Guess what! I'm not dead! As I'm sure many of you thought. Though, others of you knew perfectly well that I wasn't dead because I was reviewing your stories telling you to UPDATE!

The last thing I've done updating wise was added the song lyrics of "Never Alone" by BarlowGirl to my story "Why Did You Leave?" Because the lyrics fit so perfectly.

So here I am, with another story for you. It started off as a songfic about a month ago. I typed it all up and it was a couple of pages long and I was quite pleased with it. But then Alice yelled at me to add more to it. (Yes, Alice actually yelled at me. In my head at least. I'm just weird like that.) So, I added more to it.

You won't actually see the lyrics until the last chapter, and that's a long way off.

So here's the story behind the songfic that I came up with a month ago that Alice yelled at me to add more to.

Enough with my babbling, here's the story!

Disclaimer: Don't own Twilight or New Moon.


Six Months-Edward Part One

What to get her?

It was six months until Bella's and my anniversary. I had no idea what to get her.

I went across the hall and banged on Alice's door.

She came out into the hallway.

"What'cha want?" she asked cheerfully.

"It's six months before our anniversary and I have no idea what to get her." I said.

She thought for a minute, then said, "Why don't you create a piano piece for her?"

"I've done that before."

"Okay, how 'bought you make her a video, showing a bunch of events pertaining to hers and your life. Even better, let me make the video, I've just been dying to try that equipment you bought me ever since I've been recording things since Bella's change."

There was no point in telling her no, she was already going to make the video whether I wanted her to or not.

"That'll be great!" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. Then I went back into my room.

I would have to come up with something else on top of the video.


Well, there it is. The beginning of it anyway. Yeah, I know it's kind of short, but I'll put up the next chapter soon!
