Chapter 10

Dr. Hibbert operated on Bart and Lisa. Homer and Marge paced the waiting room with Maggie. Both were very worried. They hoped that the operation would be a success. Hours passed since Bart and Lisa had entered the hospital. Homer and Marge were afraid that things in the operating room weren't working out.

"Oh, I sure hope they're okay," Marge said, crying a little bit.

"Me too, Marge," said Homer. "But I'm sure these things take a long time."

"Easy for you to say! Just look at how long it took you to finish breakfast," Marge complained.

Just then, Dr. Hibbert entered the waiting room, looking rather grim. Homer and Marge were afraid that the operation was unsuccessful. "Mr. Simpson. Mrs. Simpson. I have bad news." On impulse, Marge started crying her eyes out, and Homer comforted her. "I'm afraid that your son is alive and well being," he said, sounding very tragic. He then perked up. "Lisa's alive, too. The operation was a success! Eh heh heh heh heh heh!"

"Bart! Lisa!" exclaimed Marge. "That's terrific news! Why did you sound so sad?"

"It's a little trick I like to play on people. Plus, don't you realize how much of a little demon Bart is?" Dr. Hibbert said.

"Well, it's not funny!" Homer said. He then gave Dr. Hibbert a few playful slaps on the cheek.

"Oh, thank you so much, Dr. Hibbert. I don't think I can express how happy I am!" Marge said. "When can we see them?"

"Right now," said Dr. Hibbert. "They won't be able to leave the hospital until next week, though."

Homer and Marge took Maggie with them and followed Dr. Hibbert to the room where Bart and Lisa had been operated on. Sure enough, both had their eyes wide open. Both were very happy when they saw their parents. "Mom! Dad!" they yelled. Their parents ran over to hug them.

"We're so glad you kids are alive," Homer said. He then turned to Bart. "And Bart, I will never strangle you again." Bart grinned. "Except on Tuesdays," Homer said. Bart looked disappointed. "Just kidding," said Homer. The two exchanged a big hug.

About a week later, Bart and Lisa were discharged from the hospital. The kids told their story of what happened to them involving Chucky. Upon arriving home, Marge ordered Homer to take Chucky's remains and burn them until they were completely inexistent. Homer gladly agreed. He started a big fire in the front lawn. He even charged admission for everyone to see the ultimate destruction of Chucky. He initially charged $100 per person, but Marge snapped at him for it, so he lowered the price to $5 per person. Homer's attraction was famous. Even Kent Brockman came with his camera to film the event on tape and later play on television when the electricity came back.

"Everyone!" Homer announced. Practically the entire city of Springfield was there, along with dozens of people world-wide who heard that Homer was finally destroying the Chucky. "This little doll has terrorized people much larger than him. He has even killed them, too! But we say…enough is enough! We're going to finally give this doll what he deserves!" Everyone in the audience cheered. Everyone watched as Homer dropped the Chucky doll into the fire. Instantly, it went up in smoke. Everyone watched as the doll began turning crisp black. He slowly turned into ashes. But Homer didn't stop there. He even continued by burning the ashes. As the ashes slowly dissolved, one final loud shriek from Chucky was heard.

"AIIIIEEEEEE!!! THANK YOU! YOU HAVE SET ME FREE FROM THIS BODY! THANK YOU!" cried the spirit of Charles Lee Ray. His spirit even appeared above the fire. His spirit then vanished, and everyone looked down to see that the ashes were gone.

"Yay!" everyone cheered. "Homer! Homer! Homer!" Everyone picked him up and carried him all across town.

"Woo hoo!" cheered Homer.

Marge went down to the basement to see that all the guts had mysteriously vanished! "Weird," Marge thought.

Months later, things returned to normal. A solar-electric company moved into Springfield and provided power for the city. Also, people were getting back to work and said less about Homer defeating Chucky. Homer did have quite a streak of fame, though. He had even visited the White House, where the president personally congratulated him. Homer also went on tours across the country, visiting New York City, Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, Hollywood, Denver, Detroit, and finally, Chicago, the very city where Chucky started terrorizing people.

One evening, the Simpsons were getting ready to watch TV, when they saw that Family Guy was preparing to air again. The Simpsons cheered.

"Mom, why is Family Guy back on?" Lisa asked. "I thought the cast disappeared."

"Well, it seems that they were found dead, all because of Chucky. Dr. Hibbert operated on them, and they're living again," Marge said. "By the way, they're coming over to our house."

"What?" Bart said.

Then, at that moment, the Griffins entered the Simpsons' living room. "Ah, it's been awhile, but we're back!" said Peter.

"Peter, shouldn't we go back to our own show? A lot of people think that we're a rip off of them."

"Shut up, Brian, the Simpsons don't know that," said Peter.

"They do now!" Lois said, pointing at the Simpsons, who looked furious.

"Why you little!" Homer growled, leaping for Peter. He then strangled his fat neck.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Lois, help!" cried Peter. "Okay, okay, we'll go back home! Come on, everybody." The Griffins then left and went back to their own home.

"You tell 'em, dad!" Bart exclaimed.

"Heh heh heh!" Homer said. He then pulled out a can of beer from under the couch and began drinking. "Uh…honey, the lamp's alive again…" slurred Homer after he finished his drink.

"Oh, Homer," sighed Marge. The Simpsons then laughed at Homer's stupidity. Homer laughed, too, though he didn't know what he was laughing about.

The End