All characters belong respectfully to Arakawa-san. We all love and adore her. BOW MORTALS! Heh, yeah...well, here's the start.
"Colonel, that was Ed, wasn't it?" Roy Mustang gave Winry a sad gaze.

"Al too?" Mustang simply tilted his head. 'Yes'. Winry moved her bangs so they covered her eyes. She did not want to cry. Not here, in front of everyone. But...she buried her face in the Colonel's uniform.

"I can't keep them close to me at all." She whispered hoarsely, "They keep slipping away." The Colonel placed his hands on her shoulders, setting her a step back from him. Then, without a word, he began to walk. Winry followed him at a short distance. They wound their way through the rubble that had been East City not half an hour before. It was ten minutes before Winry recognized where Mustang must be headed.

"Roy," she pulled on back his uniform to make him stop, "Why are you going to the city underground?" Roy made no noise. He did not turn around. He just started walking again. Winry did not. Why was he not saying anything?

"What did Ed tell you to do?" she screamed at his back. She started running as fast as she could towards him, not sure what she was going to do when she caught up. However, she was saved that decision. At the exact moment she reached him, he disappeared below ground. Winry jumped in after him.

She let out a yelp of pain when she hit the bottom. On the way down, her left leg caught on protruding metal that caused her to land at a painful angle. She swallowed the pain as quickly as she could and pulled her body to the edge of the railing. Below, Roy was already standing at the edge of a large transmutation circle, right where Edward had appeared from the other world. It hit her; she knew exactly what he was going to do.

"DON'T!" Roy spun around.


"Please! I don't care what he told you to do! You can't do this! You can't take them away forever!" Winry pleaded. "What about—"

"I can't let anything like this happen again!" Roy shouted back.

"I didn't tell him!" Winry cried desperately, reaching through the rails as if she could reach him, her eyes streaming. "You were there that whole time, and I'm grateful...and you know them. can't do this to them..." she said faintly. Nevertheless, Roy bent over the rune.

"Winry...please forgive me."

"NO!" A bright light leapt from the ground, stalling every shadow until it consumed the lost city.

Yes, short. It's like one of those 2-minute movie intros that's not too interesting, but still important. Next chapter will be quite a bit longer.