DISCLAIMER: I do not own Alex Rider, although I wish I did.

"Dead people don't write letters," Alex Rider argued.

"Exactly!" Jack Albright exclaimed, frustrated. "That means he's still alive!"

"No! Yassen Gregorovich is dead! I saw him die! I was there!"

"You may have thought he was dead, but obviously, he isn't."

Alex sighed with frustration. "Okay. Say, you're right. Why would Yassen send me a letter anyway?"

"Maybe he wants to talk to you."

"About what?! I want nothing to do with that man!" Alex fumed. "He killed Uncle Ian!"

"But he's saved your life more than once."

"Yeah, he also sent me to Scorpia were I almost got myself killed – again!" Alex flailed his arms in the air as he shouted.

"Alex, be careful or your wound will open again," Jack warned.

Alex sighed and pulled his face. The past two weeks had been hell. Camryn Albright, Alex's girlfriend, had been kidnapped almost two weeks ago after they came back from a mission in Los Angeles. Alex had been stabbed in his attempt to protect her. The gash in his side had been stitched up time and time again because the wound kept opening. Alex threw on his jacket and headed toward the door.

"I'm going to headquarters," he said briefly.

"Alex, I thought you said that you quit."

"Yeah, but do you think they'd ever really let me go?"

"Why are you going to MI6?"

"They have all the resources I need to find Camryn. I can't sleep anymore because I can't get her off my mind."

"But it's almost been two weeks," Jack said quietly.

"I know, but I have a feeling that she's still alive. Besides, I can't rest until I know for sure."

Jack sighed. "Come on, I'll drive you. And you should really read that letter."

Alex followed Jack to the car with the mysterious letter in his hand. Jack started the car and drove to Liverpool Street. She stopped outside the Royal & General Bank headquarters. Alex got out of the car.

"Call me when you want to go home," Jack said before she drove away.

Alex walked into the disguised MI6 headquarters and went up to Alan Blunt's office. Manners didn't faze him in the slightest. He opened the door and walked right on in.

"Are you back to apologize for your rudeness two weeks ago?" Mr. Blunt asked.

"Of course not. I need help to find Camryn," Alex said.

At that moment, Mrs. Jones stepped into the office. "Alex, I thought I heard you. Come with me; I want to show you your office."

"My office?"

"Since when does he have an office?" Mr. Blunt demanded.

"Since last night. I asked you about it at the pub, and you agreed to it."

"I don't remember that."

"With all due respect, sir, I believe you had too many drinks. I have a recording of your agreement if you would like to hear it."

Mr. Blunt's face glowed bright red. Alex snickered. He followed Mrs. Jones down to the third floor to an office at the front of the building looking over Liverpool Street.

"This is nice," Alex complimented.

"It is, but it's not yours," Mrs. Jones smiled.


Mrs. Jones took a bright green folder from the desk. Suddenly, Alex's heart tried to rip itself from his chest. Green was Camryn's favorite color. The thought of her brought tears to Alex's eyes.

"Are you alright, Alex?" Mrs. Jones asked.

"Huh? Oh – yeah. I was just thinking about Camryn." Alex brushed his sleeve across his eyes.

"I know how you feel," Mrs. Jones said quietly. She walked passed Alex. He followed her to an office toward the middle of the building. There weren't any windows in this one.

"It's not as nice as some of the others," Mrs. Jones said. "This had once been your father's office, so I thought you might like it."

Alex smiled. "This will be great. Thank you."

Mrs. Jones handed Alex the green folder. "This contains all the passwords to our databases. If anyone questions you, direct him to me. Also, in your top right desk drawer is all of Camryn's work before she was kidnapped. I don't know if it might have anything to do with her abduction."


"Call if you need anything." Mrs. Jones turned and left.

Alex sat down behind the desk. He turned on the computer and waited for it to boot up. Where was he going to start anyway? Alex opened the top right drawer of the desk. Inside were files and binders full of papers, pictures, and photographs. There were also a bunch of CDs lying in the drawer. Alex pulled everything out and began sorting through it.

What am I looking for? Alex thought. Then he remembered the cab driver. He'd had a thick Russian accent. Alex separated every bit of information concerning Russia and the former members of the Soviet Union. Once he was finished, he had three binders on Russia, a binder and two folders on Ukraine, and a folder on Armenia. In addition, he had eight CDs of computer files on the three countries. He put everything else away and opened the first binder on Russia. He began reading through Camryn's notes. After two binders on Russia, Alex's eyes blurred and the office went dark.

"Alex," Mrs. Jones called. "Alex, wake up."

Alex's eyes fluttered open. He had fallen asleep while reading Camryn's notes. He sat up in his chair and stretched.

"Jack is waiting for you downstairs," Mrs. Jones said.

"Oh. What's the time?"

"It's almost 8:30 in the evening."

"Really?" Alex turned off the computer and gathered up all of Camryn's notes, folders, and CDs.

"You might want this," Mrs. Jones said, setting a red backpack on the desk.

"Thanks." Alex shoved everything into the backpack and slung it over his right shoulder. He rode the elevator down to the lobby and went outside. Jack's car was parked just outside the building. Alex climbed in.

"Why didn't you call?" Jack asked as she began to drive home.

"Oh, I fell asleep in my office," Alex yawned, still tired.

"You have an office?"

"Yeah. Mr. Blunt approved for Mrs. Jones to give me an office."

"Was he drunk?"

"Actually, he was."

Jack laughed out loud. "I guess there's more to Alan Blunt than meets the eye. Anyway, are you hungry, Alex?"

"No, just tired. I haven't gotten much sleep for the past two weeks. I just don't feel right without Camryn."

"I'm so sorry, Alex."

"It's okay. I'm going to get her back."

"Did you read the letter?"

"No, not yet. I will when we get home."

Once Jack and Alex arrived back at their house, Alex immediately went up to his room. He put the backpack Mrs. Jones had given him on the bookcase, and then changed into a loose T-shirt and boxers. Finally, he took the mysterious letter from his coat pocket and jumped onto the bed. He tore open the envelope, unfolded the letter, and began reading.

Alex, I know I am the last person you would ever expect to hear from, but I am, indeed, alive. I know I am also probably the last person you would want to hear from, but I need to talk to you. We have some important matters to discuss. I advise you not to ignore this, or else you may regret it later on. I am not going to tell you much in this letter, because what I need to talk to you about must be discussed in person. Meet me on Monday night at ten o' clock at The Church of Forgotten Saints.

-Yassen Gregorovich

Alex crumpled up the letter and tossed it into the trash bin. He could care less about Yassen. He turned out the light and slid beneath the covers.