DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Alex Rider series, although I wish I did. This is kind of like my own little fan fiction type thing. Hope you guys like it.

"What you got, what you want, what you need – I'm gonna be your savior. Everything's gonna crash and break. But I know, yeah, I know – what you got, what you want, what you need – I'm gonna be your savior. Everything's gonna crash and break. Your savior."

Alex Rider lay on the bed in his room. He turned his head and watched the snow fall outside his window. He let out a long, deep sigh of distress. Christmas break was supposed to make him happier, but he'd been moping around for the past three days. His girlfriend, Camryn Albright, was visiting her friends in New York City. Alex felt so empty and alone without her around. All he had done fro the past three days was lie around for hours listening to "Savior" (Cam's favorite song) and think about his girlfriend. Camryn had only called him once since she left. Alex began to wonder if she missed him as much as he missed her. The high pitched ringing of his cell phone penetrated his thoughts. He grabbed it off the nightstand and checked caller I.D. His heart began racing wildly.

"Hey, Cam," Alex answered.

"Hey, how have you been?" Camryn asked him.

"Absolutely miserable. I miss you."

She laughed. "I'll be home in two days."


"I'll be home in time for Christmas!" Camryn sang.

"You'd better be. So anyway, how's New York?"

"It's cool. It's nice to be back here again and to see my old friends. They all want to meet you."

Alex smiled. So she did think about him.

"So what's going on in London?"

"The usual Christmas thing."

"And MI6?"

"Mr. Blunt hasn't asked me to do anything yet. We really haven't had any big assignments since Scorpia."

"God, that was so horrible."

"Yeah, but I got a girlfriend out of it."

Camryn chuckled. "That's true. Mr. Blunt is probably waiting until I get back before he gives us another assignment."

"What makes you say that?"

"We'll talk about it when I get back."


"I gotta go. I'll call you later. See you."


The phone call made Alex feel a little better, but it wasn't the same has having Camryn right there with him. With nothing else to do, Alex fell asleep.

The past two days had been the longest days of Alex's life. Now he was standing in the airport, waiting for Camryn. Finally, she walked through the arrival gate with her suitcase rolling behind her. Her gray eyes caught Alex's gaze immediately, and she hurried over to him. She threw herself into Alex's eager embrace. Alex kissed her deeply and lovingly.

"You're not allowed to go away anymore," he told Camryn. "I miss you too much."

"I'll just take you with me next time."

"That works too."

Alex was just about to kiss Camryn again when gunshots rang out. He immediately sprang into action. He whipped out a Gloch handgun from under his jacket and began tracking the source of the shooting. More people screamed and went into hysteria when they saw a sixteen-year-old boy running around with a gun in his hand. Thinking quickly, Camryn pulled her ID badge out of her pocket.

"MI6! Get down and stay low!" she yelled. Surprisingly, people obeyed her. It's not everyday that a sixteen-year-old girl runs through the airport claiming to be with MI6.

Alex spotted the shooter. "Cam! Left, down the corridor!" he called to Camryn.

The two teen spies ran after the shooter, steadily gaining on the man. They followed him to the baggage pick up. Alex dropped down to one knee and took aim. But before he could shoot, the man threw himself at a large window, breaking the glass, and fell four stories to his death. Camryn stood at the edge of the broken window and peered down.

"There's no way he could've survived that," she said. "Call MI6 to pick up his body. I'm going to check on the people at the gate."

Alex took out his phone and dialed the MI6 headquarters.

"This is Alex Rider. I need to talk to Mr. Blunt immediately," Alex said.

"Just a moment," the secretary replied.

"Hello, Mr. Rider," Mr. Blunt answered a moment later.

"I'm at the London Heathrow Airport. A man shot at some people and then committed suicide. I need a team to pick up the body."

"Okay, I'm sending a team over now. Stay where you are so we can track the signal on your phone."

Mr. Blunt hung up, and Alex snapped my phone shut. He waited about ten minutes until a field team finally came. Alex showed them the body below and went off to find Camryn. When he got back to the arrival gate, Camryn was watching a team of medics carry a man on a stretcher. The place had been cleared out except for two injured citizens being tended to, the man on the stretcher, and one woman who lay dead. Camryn sat down on the edge of a chair and put her head in her hands. Alex sat down beside her.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. I'm just trying to figure out the motive behind this. The woman who died was a biochemist. So is the guy on the stretcher. The other two are just random civilians."

"How'd you get a background check so fast?"

"I didn't. I just interrogated them except for the dead woman. The guy on the stretcher told me that she works with him."

"Did you get names?"

Cam nodded. "I checked their IDs."

"Come on, let's get out of here."