Author's note: If there are any complaints, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to message me.

Disclaimer: I do not, nor do I wish to, own any of the original LotR characters. Credit for those goes to J.R.R. Tolkein. I do however own the plot and the following characters: Ellen of the Rose, Adelina, and Dracovia Lord of the North

Lord of the Rings:

Of The Thorn


The room was utter chaos. The once calm elf was now pacing just outside. Healers and others raced in and out of the room. Every once in a while his blue eyes would round the corner and peek in. Then a flurry of orders would come rushing out the door. Then he would hide behind the corner again and wait. Smirking to himself, "She seems to know more than the healers." With this, his pacing would begin again. His beloved had been brought in the day before; exactly ten hours had passed.

Finally, he gave up and sat down on a bench. It was clear the child would not be born soon enough. With a sigh, his blonde hair pressed against the stonewalls. The elf looked into the clear sky, "By the Valar, let this be over and done with." Luckily, he had more patients then all whom were in the room. Occasionally a nurse would come out and inform the elf on his wife's condition.

He did not know when it happened, but it did. As he entered a light sleep, one of the older healers came and woke him. "My prince, the child has been born. You are now the father of a healthy girl." Immediately Legolas rose to his feet and zipped around the corner. The scene he had before his eyes was much different from just a few moments ago.

The beautiful blonde-haired woman that was his lay on a bed, her face tired and weary from the birth. However, a smile was from one cheek to other. In her delicate arms, there was a small bundle of cloth. It squirmed and wiggled. Then it let out a cry. A smile moved across the father's face. His boots clicked the floor as he walked over. In one swift move, he picked up the young babe. The mother reluctantly allowed her husband to take the child. It was a thing of beauty what they had done: brought life to the world.

Singing a soft elven lullaby, the Mirkwood prince held his child. Then his face turned to the mother. "What shall we call her?" His wife looked surprised. She had not expected him to allow her to pick the name, no questions asked. Then the soft red lips that had charmed the elf opened. She spoke. "Adelina, of the Water lily." The child stopped crying at the mention of the name. It would be hers for the rest of her life.

Legolas smiled. He pulled the child closer to his chest, resembling a small hug. Then his arms gave her back to her mother. "Just like your mother." The parents stayed in the room. Silence had grown. Every elven healer in there was captivated by the moment. Tears could not help but be shed.

The prince looked down upon his small family. His father had been away that day, but word was reaching the king at that moment. In a matter of hours, he would come through the door. Hugging his son and blessing the newest arrival.

Legolas, prince of Mirkwood, had married a human woman. She was known through the land as Ellen of the Rose, for she had no family. At the age of fifteen, she had bumped into the prince. From then on, she would only accept the prince as her escort. Five years later, they were married. Now, the child of the human and elf lay there. She represented the final bond between the two beings. The soft hands of the elf stroked the child's face. He smiled. Adelina had gotten her mother's ears. The prince was thankful for that. Not many elves dwelled in middle earth. Just a handful stayed in Mirkwood and Imlidras; Lothlorien was completely empty. Soon his father would take to the sea. Legolas had made his choice the moment he laid eyes on Ellen.

This would be his life. He looked again into the eyes of his wife. She smiled and looked once more at the child, before falling asleep. The prince smiled softly and stroked her hair from her rosy cheeks. In a soft whisper, he told the sleeping child and mother, "Two weeks. We will live within the walls of Minas Tirith."


R&R major people. I need to know if I should continue this story. Okay, if there are not enough reviews, then this story is deleted and lost. Got it? Okay, thank-you.

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