A Last Goodbye

The room had darkened somehow

Each minute that passed took forever

His hands clasped those of a dying friend

Would this be the last time they spoke, never

to speak again to one another. Is this the end?

He knew it was. Still his heart would not admit it

The dwarve's eyes looked old and aged with time

How many years had passed? ten, twenty?

The eld didn't know. He didn't care. All he knew was that this was it.

Memories of their friendship came to mind once again. How they chimed

happiness into his saddening soul. Once again he sat beside the dwarf. Plenty

of times he had bantered with him. Now, the elf smiled at the thought.

Would they never tease each other again? To never laugh with each other?

It was harder for the elf than it was for the dwarf. He would live on

His days never ending. Oh the joy that this friend of his had brought

Who knew he bring as much pain. The odd creature had grown to be like a brother

Now, life was ending for him. The two stared at each other. Tears streaming down

their cheeks. The fire burned bright in the room. Providing heat

The elf listened intently for the last heartbeat

The dwarf smiled and opened his mouth to speak,

"Laddie, do not think I'm on this death bed because I'm weak."

"Never. Now, even a dwarf needs his rest"

A slight chuckle came from both at this test.

The aged dwarf gave one last smile, gave one last laugh, said one last word of love,

Then his eyes closed, his body grew pale, cold, and his spirit descended above

Cries of pain came from within the elf. His blue eyes glazed over with the thought of losing the dwarf.

Finally, he placed a kiss upon the lifeless body,

Forever, he would live. Never being able to join his friend in the heavens.

Yet, he would continue. Just for him,

The elf smiled, being his last goodbye