Chatter without a Point: This one's a filler! You can tell 'cuz it's so short and it's as pointless as this section. And you knew this chapter was coming, didn't you? Oh, and all of you should watch the weather channel more often if you aren't doing so already! It's my new favorite channel. Awesome channel.

Chapter Fourteen: The Glory of Pudding (FILLER)

The mayor, who was Shintetsu's student long ago, stood in front of the gigantic bowl of pudding. He nodded to Mia and Varil, even Zappe, acknowledging their presence. Clarie stood nearby, in very skimpy clothing that put Sanary to shame. She hid behind her father shyly.

"Pudding!" chorused the citizens of the island.

"Pudding!" exclaimed Mia, a little too late, after their cry of pudding died down.

"It's time for our annual pudding festival," stated the mayor. "Only one person will be pushed into the Great Bowl Of Pudding-ness, just like every year, and that person will be lucky for the rest of the year! Hopefully it's a cute girl this time, because then she'll be lucky enough to date me…" The mayor winked. Most of the citizens of the island just groaned.

"But before we get into the pushing, everyone has to form a line so that they can eat one spoon of the delicious vanilla pudding!" exclaimed the mayor.

A line was quickly formed. Mia pushed herself to the front of the line somehow. Whoever was at the front got the first pick of the spoons, which ranged in different sizes. That meant that she got the biggest spoon of the pudding.

"Mmm…" Mia started on her spoon and left the line for everyone else to get some pudding.

-------------------------------------------Division Claws---------------------------------------

"Now that everyone has had one spoon of pudding—and you get to keep the spoons for free!—it's time to push someone in! So everyone, fight amongst yourselves before you come to a decision!" said the mayor.

"I hate this part…" mumbled Varil.

"Last one standing gets pushed in by the second-last!" said the mayor. Then he started to fight too.

----------------------------------------Division Claws--------------------------------------------

"Wow…Clarie's tough…" remarked Mia. There were only five people left. Her, Varil, Clarie, Rugista Island Citizen A, and Rugista Island Citizen B.

"I'll get pushed into the pudding!" yelled Rugista Island Citizen B.

"I'll be the one pushing…" said Clarie.

"She's aiming for second-last! Get her!" said Rugista Island Citizen A.

"Oops," said Varil, smacking Rugista Island Citizen A.

"Ow!" complained Rugista Island Citizen A. He smacked Varil harder, motivated by the pudding.

Varil fell.

Four left.

"Get the white-haired one!" said Rugista Island Citizen B.

"It's silver!" protested Mia.

"Whatever," said Rugista Island Citizen B.

"But it's not white!" complained Mia, punching Rugista Island Citizen A.

Rugista Island Citizen A fell.

Three left.

"Oh no…I don't want to be the last one standing…" said Clarie. She didn't like pudding much. She pushed Mia down hard, because she could tell the Mia wanted to be in the pudding, and the game wouldn't be fun if she got what she wanted right?

Mia fell.

Two left.

Clarie left her defenses open. She was trying hard to be second-last.

Unfortunately for her, Rugista Island Citizen B tripped and fell.

"Yay! I get to push Clarie in! Maybe she'll date me this year too!" said Rugista Island Citizen B.

Clarie muttered (shyly!) under her breath.