Reviews for Confessions of a Capital L Loooooooser
LovelyAndDull chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
dude like i don't write reviews but this story omg
best story ever i love it
you should continue it when u have time
Sapphire Princess chapter 15 . 3/12/2012
What? Is this the end already? :O
Ruby-Blade-Princess chapter 15 . 7/27/2009
And this was the last update you two years! GASP! Two? Now that I really think about it, that's a long time! mentioned to me about not knowing where you were going with this story. It is a bit hard when there isn't an exact plot to follow through with. A scene that stops and does not seem to lead to another scene is a hard situation. Hmm...I'd suggest a plot., unfourtuanantly, I can't think of a plot for you since this is your story, and not even I know where you're going with the story. (sweatdrop) You've come this far, maybe you should find a good plot to weave into the story. Uhh...maybe it's time to pull Bob back into the story?
Ruby-Blade-Princess chapter 13 . 7/27/2009
Ok, ok, I couldn't resist and read on! It was so tempting! Uh...You're right, the characters are a little OOC...I still remember racking my brains to keep my characters in character! It's a pain, isn't it? Dead fish and a pointless I bit myself to try and keep myself from laughing.
Ruby-Blade-Princess chapter 2 . 7/27/2009
Although I've been in touch with you, I realized that I have yet to post a review for this story! Well, I decided to reread some other fanfics for some research, but unfortunantly, I had to stop at chapter two...why? Well, I don't want to explain to my mom about why I'm reading fanficiton, yet it's hard to keep the secret from her if I'm bursting out laughing every two minutes! Your story is hilarious to me. I'll reread the rest when I get the chance and post more reviews.
MikariStar chapter 15 . 3/5/2009
This is so amusing XD
Anonymous chapter 13 . 11/15/2007
Hey there, I just recently finished Summon Night: Swordcraft Story when I decided it would be time to check out fanfics since the game is so awesome, and I stumbled onto this equally awesome fic. I've noticed that you've stopped updating, but I hope you continue this story since it is so hilarious.

Yeah, some of your characters are OOC from time to time, but I can honestly just imagine the characters behaving/speaking like this in the game, which just makes all the more funny. If you can, please update since it would be a shame for a fic like this to stop.
SaintHernan chapter 15 . 5/22/2007
GOD... last update has been, like, since january... x.X kinda tragic...

this fic is really great, i practically laughed a lot... ~_~

update and nobody gets hurt :3
Jalyss chapter 15 . 4/24/2007
Haha. This is so random and funny. I love it.
CoughHackChokeDie chapter 2 . 1/31/2007
Mia took the opportunity after the match ended to give Sakuro a brand new curry ladle as her present to him.

Ah, if I hadn't already died from laughing I would've done it again
Akeifara chapter 15 . 1/11/2007
Oh wow pudding! I love pudding! Lucky Claire! She got pushed in...ahh the stuff I'll do to be pushed into pudding *eyes mist up in dreams of giant pudding bowls*

Hehe anyway I like this chapter!(As if that wasn't obvious enough XD)And yes! I finally remembered my password, I kinda figured out after ten minutes of trying again that I left the caps on the keyboard *sweatdrops* More Bron thrashing in the future? *looks at you in adoration* My hero!

Well work is calling and if I don't work, I don't get paid and then I wont be able to go to that Dir en Grey concert on Feb *teary eyed* To top it all off some idiot in my class signed me up for Theater class so I have to practice -_-;; ja!
Revir chapter 15 . 1/3/2007
This story is simply great! You have a real talent to portrait hilarious situations. It's so perfect.

I don't really like Clarie, but i feel kinda sorry for her... well, she did say it, *the game wouldn't be fun if she got what she wanted, right?*

Keep up the good work, i'll be waiting for more :P

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ceruleanmisty chapter 15 . 1/1/2007
Wahahahahahahahahaha!Great new 2 chappies!I have to the penguin Myojin and the green acorn Tete...I FORGOT!(WAH)...and because my saved game of Summon night just got (accidentally)DELETED!I'm still in shock of my actions...and sad too...WAH!
Craftlord of Legend chapter 15 . 1/1/2007
Pudding! Maybe a little too late. It's a short chapter, but a good one, since I like...pudding! And I still think Pratty's hair is white, not silver...even though it looks like silver...hahaha, the citizen was 'motivated' by pudding...update soon!
ceruleanmisty chapter 13 . 12/25/2006
BWAHAHAHA!There was a note stuck to the dead fish. Bron read it aloud. “Marry Amariss an’ I’ll kill you…” Threatening…

He turned it over. In tiny scrawled writing that was obviously Rondeau’s, it stated, ‘This is NOT from Rondeau!’

“THEN WHO ARE YOU?” yelled out Bron, dismayed. Right at the bottom of that, in Ureksa’s handwriting, it said, ‘Ureksa and Sakuro didn’t help.’


ANYWAY... loved the fic...pls. update faster!
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