Okay, so I decided to try something different. I wanted something to happen between Violet, Quigley, and Duncan, so I am going to write what I think happened after The End. I'm trying to write this like Lemony Snicket would, from his point of view just like the books, so bear with me. Oh yeah, and the rating is currently just for breathing room.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the idea for the plot. Mr. Snicket (or Mr. Handler, whichever you prefer) owns all of it. (but I'd really really really like a Klaus clone...)


Chapter 1

I'm sure you are wondering, among other things, what happened to the Quagmire triplets after my dear sister Kit saw them last, as she was escaping on her Vaporetto of Favorite Detritus, and which of the Quagmire boys called Violet's name, and whether these three will ever meet up with the Baudelaires again. The answer to one of these questions, I am glad to say, is yes. Hopefully, dear reader, you can figure out, through common sense and logic, which question I have just provided the answer to. The answer to one of the remaining two questions is contained in this very story that you are reading.

After Violet, Klaus, Sunny, and Beatrice left the island where they had lived for a year, they set their course as best they could for their home, where they each hoped the Quagmires were waiting for them - except, of course, for Beatrice, who knew nothing of their old friends, having not been an official occupant of the world during any of the times when her adoptive parents had seen these friends.

As Violet gazed at the horizon she found that her thoughts were wandering to a certain young man named Quigley, whom she had not seen for some time and whom she had a special fondness for. I'm sure you know that the phrase "her thoughts were wandering" does not refer to Violet's thoughts literally growing legs, climbing out of her head, and ambling around aimlessly on the deck of the boat. This phrase means "she was thinking about something completely different then what was currently happening", in this case Quigley Quagmire.

"Have you ever wondered how the Quagmires are doing?" she asked her siblings. "Do you think they're in a safe place?"

"I hope so," said Klaus. "I've missed them, and I've often wondered what's happened to them since Kit last saw them."

Sunny nodded in agreement. "So have I. Do you remember how Isadora and Duncan were the only people to befriend us when we were at Prufrock Prep?"

Smiling, Violet replied, "Of course. We owe them a lot for coming up with that plan to keep us from being expelled, even if Prufrock Prep was a horrible school."

"Tootak," said Beatrice, meaning something like "I don't know who you're talking about, but if they're friends of yours they must be nice, so I hope they're safe as well."

They fell silent again, thinking about their friends and hoping as hard as they dared hope that the Quagmires were alive and all right.


I know it's short, but more is forthcoming, if I get some reviews and positive feedback.

Oh yes, I must say one more thing: IT'S SO WEIRD TO HAVE SUNNY ACTUALLY TALKING!

Now that that's out, um, yeah, reviews are great.