Author's Notice


The Ending

I hope you liked the ending. Didn't I say you wouldn't expect it. Okay, here's what happened after Kakashi was sucked into the dirt.

When Kakahsi was pulled through the dirt, Ishida had brought him into the dark chamber under the room. Ishida greeted him when he awoke. Naruto had been accidently pulled in as well since he was right next to Kakashi. So Kakahsi questions what was going on and demands answers. All Ishida tells him is that answers could only be found and not given. Then Ishida is covered in a black veil. The voice of the chakra can be heard. It tells Ishida that it is leaving him until Ishida can learn to follow what it has choosen for him. Ishida almost breaks down at the leaving, but finds that some of the black chakra remains. It tells him to take the two Konoha shinobis to the the open field above the village. Ishida does so.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Misha are trying to find a way out. Misha digs his way through to the wall of a room. He puts his ear against it. He can hear the wind. So calls to Sakura. She punches it and presto!- they're outside. The village is west of them. The two of them run to find Tsunade.

In the field, Ishida (Now half-free) explains about the dark chakra. A little bit of the true Ishida shows for a split second before the chakra takes over again. Learning this, Kakahsi realizes that he must either kill Ishida, or help him break free. Just then Naruto sits up.

Misha and Sakura have found Tsunade. She angry at them for leaving the cell, but Sakura quickly explains what happened after the prison break. Tsunade understands and says that Misha is pardonded from his crimes(since he didn't kill anyone) Then the girl again explains that they need to find the other three. Tsunade assembles a quick team of shinobi. Just as she tells them to leave, a lighting strike comes from a hill close to Konoha.

So there. That's what happened. Did you get all of that? Good.


I hope you liked the story. The Kakashi/Ishida series will not end with this story, nor will it end with The Lost Chapters. That was what I had originally planned, but I felt that you may want to learn more about the characters that I created.

There will be five stories total. You can find information about them and their release dates on my profile. If you have any suggestions, questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to e-mail me, or to ask in a review of a chapter you haven't submitted a review to.


I'd just like to say thank-you to all who have read my stories; whether you reviewed or not. I'd also like to thank certain people whom's reviews I have seen constantly. This goes to the following (You have reviewed more than twice so far): gothkat, nannon, and Goth Kacie. Thank-you to all who have reviewed as well.

Concerning Characters

After the Kakashi/Ishida series is complete, feel free to use the characters I have created in your own stories. I don't any one will do that. Just in case though. The following characters I have created and belong to me. Credit for them must be given to me. They are as follows(Name/looks

1. Akira Ishida (red hair, light skin, black T-shirt w/ torn sleeves, black chakra, net shirt underneath, cargo tan pants, cylinder slung across back)

2. Toshibu Misha (Large musculer, black hair tied in a thin ponytail, white T-shirt, light skin, black pants-a little tight)

3. Toshibu Kuzu (Same as Toshibu Misha, only his hair is short, and he dresses in all black)

Note: All characters above are copyrighted

The original Naruto characters do not belong to me. They belong to Masashi Kishimoto.


Plot: Marlonian Hayes

Oc: Marlonian Hayes

Naruto c: Masashi Kishimoto


Marlonian Hayes