

Cartoon Land



After peering out through the window for the fortieth time in three days, a very fed up Marge rounded on Homer.

"Homer," she sighed, "I've asked you four days in a row to clean the driveway and you still haven't done it!"

Homer raised his eyebrows and looked up from the TV. "Well it's easy to yell at me Marge, but I think that part of the blame - "

Marge rolled her eyes exasperatedly. "For the last time, part of the blame does NOT rest with Itchy and Scratchy!"

Homer put his hands on his hips and adopted a condescending tone. "And what makes YOU so sure?"

Marge decided she wasn't putting up with this anymore. "They're fictional characters!" she protested. "Every day it's always the same!" She mimicked Homer: "Itchy and Scratchy ate the pie, Itchy and Scratchy are covering for me at the plant, Itchy and Scratchy told Ned that God would frown on him if he didn't deliver me cookies…."

Homer started to drool. "Mmmm…God-fearing cookie deliverer…." He drooled some more.

Marge continued. "They are not REAL! They live in cartoon land, where everyone's happy, and people walk up to you and give you a million dollars, and famous people pop into your living room, and - "

Madonna suddenly popped into the living room and handed Marge a wad of green notes, then exited, whistling cheerily.

Homer and Marge looked at each other blankly for a few seconds.

"The driveway still has to be cleaned, Homer."

"OK, OK," he finally relented, "I'll clean that driveway or my name's not Karl J. Simpson!"

"That isn't your name!"

"What isn't?"

"Karl J. Simpson! Who is he anyway?"

"I don't know - but when you find him, tell him he'd better clean that driveway."