Disclaimer: I love DBZ and wish I had some part in its creation, but all of that credit goes Akira Toriyama as do all characters is this story! Hope you enjoy!

P.S. I think I made Bulma to be a bit younger than she is during this part of DBZ.

Chapter 1

'Men suck!' thought a very angry and distraught Bulma as she furiously wiped the tears that were streaking down her face and botching her perfect makeup. Why couldn't she find her car keys? Were the God's against her? She just wanted to leave this hellhole of a restaurant, find a peaceful unpopulated spot and vent her anger and frustration against the opposite sex. Her day had started out bad, and it was becoming progressively worse.


'Kami, could this day get any worse?' Bulma thought as she looked up from her purse at the sound of her name. She saw Yamcha running through the crowded parking lot as though some sort of evil monster was chasing him. She quickly wiped the remaining tears off of her face and glared at him as he skidded to a stop in front of her.

"Yamcha, what a surprise! I see you're enjoying yourself today. But wait! I think I must have missed something important. Didn't you tell me you had to train all day and that you didn't have time to go out for the afternoon? I thought that's what you told me. Obviously, I was mistaken." The sarcasm practically dripped off her tongue and would have put gouges in the concrete they were standing on if it had been actual poison.

Of course, Yamcha missed her acidic tone as he went on to explain himself to her. 'As if I'm going to be dumb enough to believe the bullshit he comes up with. One time is fine, even two times I can deal with, but by the third time, he's got to be deluding himself if he thinks I am going to fall for his crap.'

Yamcha looked at her with the sheepish expression she had gotten used to over the past few weeks. He ran his hands through his hair in a nervous gesture and laughed uncertainly.

"H-hey Bulma love. I did tell you I was busy, but can't a guy take a break and get something to eat? I mean, I might not have a Saiyan appetite, but that doesn't mean I don't get hungry." He looked at her with his sad puppy dog eyes. She wanted to smack the sick expression off of his stupid looking scarred up face.

She stepped a little bit closer to him and ran her finger along his jaw line. She smiled sweetly at him. He smirked confidently at her after she smiled, thinking he was of the hook. Of course, if he had been paying any attention to her eyes, he would have run away from her as fast as his long legs could carry him.

"Of course you need to eat! What was I thinking, my poor ittle wittle Yamcha munhkin? A warrior needs to keep up his strength!" She ran her hand down his neck and pectoral muscles, stopping at his stomach. She started to laugh inwardly as his breathing picked up and his eyes clouded with barely concealed lust.

"I knew you'd understand Bulma-chan." He stepped closer as he tried to anchor his arm around her waist.

"Of course I understand Yamcha." Bulma looked at him; the fake smile still plastered on her face, as she balled the hand that was conveniently placed on his stomach into a tight fist. "I understand perfectly!" With that, she pushed all of her anger into the perfectly performed sucker punch to his filthy, cheating, rotten guts. She backed away and smirked menacingly at him as he doubled over and gasped audibly in pain. 'Serves him right to feel a little pain after what I've been going through!' she thought, feeling a bit of satisfaction when she looked at his pathetically weak posture. She backed away from him as he tried to rise up from his doubled over position on the pavement.

"What the hell was that for?" he gasped out angrily.

"That, you big dim-witted jerk, is for having the audacity to think I'm stupid!"

"Yeah, well, you sure as hell are acting stupid Bulma," he rasped out at her as he continued to try to stand up straight. He was still reeling over the fact that she had punched him in the gut and it hurt a lot more then he would have given her credit for.

"Huh, that's what you think! I come here to enjoy a good meal away from that big jerk Vegeta, and what do I find? You sitting and holding hands with a blonde broad! This is the last time that I am going to put up with your cheating ways! It's over between you and me Yamcha. And if I would have been thinking clearly, it would have been over the first time I caught you red handed with another woman! No more nice Bulma for you, you stupid wanker!" Bulma's face had turned an angry shade of red, and her fists were balled up with rage as she finished her shouting tirade at the cringing Yamcha.

"Sheesh Bulma, you could cause a man to go deaf with all of your shrieking!" Yamcha groaned as he finally found himself able to straighten out. Of course, Yamcha being the idiot that he was should have also realized that telling Bulma she was shrieking would lead to more pain and suffering on his part.

"Did you just tell me I was SHRIEKING?!! WHY YOU…." Bulma screamed as she landed another punch to the helpless Yamcha, this time right in the shoulder. Still recovering from the previous blow, Yamcha fell onto his ass in a most undignified, un-warrior like display.

"For Kami's sake Bulma, would you quit beating me up? Just let me explain before you damage me some more!"

"Why should I let you explain anything to me, bucko? It's just going to be the same lame story it's been the last two times I caught you with another women. I fell for it the first time, seeing as you weren't doing anything that could be warranted as cheating. I believed you the second time, even though you stood me up and then had the audacity to be caught in public yet again with another woman. But I'm not buying it anymore! And this time you were a lot warmer to her then if she were just a friend. You two were kissing in broad daylight! I don't know what kind of excuse you're going to come up with to weasel your way out of this situation, but save yourself the energy and breath. I have had ENOUGH!!!" Bulma glared at him, and if looks could have killed, he would have been one dead son of a gun. But the one thing that could be said about Yamcha was that he didn't like to quite. And he was set on having Bulma as his "official" girlfriend. I mean, she was perfect for him, and had been as long as he had known her. She was smart, rich, beautiful, rich, charismatic, rich, caring, and rich, rich, RICH!! He couldn't stand the thought of her with anyone else, even though he was too narrow minded to realize that the same should be said about himself. He angrily thought about her obnoxious houseguest, the self proclaimed Prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta. She was with the guy twenty four hours a day.

"Hey Bulma," Yamcha said as he pushed himself up off the pavement of the parking lot. "You really don't have much authority in this matter. How can you accuse me of cheating, when you've been doing the same thing?" He looked at her with a matter of fact smirk on his face. 'Try and get out of that one, Princess!' he thought to himself with an inward smile. Even though he knew she really wasn't cheating on him, he had enough evidence to make it seem like she was. And in his own twisted logical sort of way, he decided that since she had the appearance of cheating, it was alright for him to explore little side relationships while he was still in a relationship with her.

"WHAT?!!" Bulma screamed. She stomped forward until she was a mere inch away from his body. "What the hell are you smoking to think that I have been cheating on you? Who would I possibly cheat with? The only guys I know are in the Z squad, and they are all unavailable. And unlike you, I think it is morally reprehensible to try to get it on with someone who is in a relationship. I mean Krillen is dating that bimbo Marron, Tien has Launch to contend with, Goku is married and has a kid, Piccolo is an asexual alien, and we won't even go there with Master Roshi, Oolong and Yajirobe."

Yamcha crossed his arms and glared at the fiery, temperamental woman before him. 'Oh yeah,' he thought, 'she won't be able to get out of this one!'

"You failed to mention one person of the male sex. He happens to be living with you at Capsule corp. And you spend a lot more time with him then you do with me." Yamcha gave Bulma a triumphant grin while he waited to hear her explanation.

"What, my dog Muffin? If that's all the better you can come up with Yamcha…. Well, let's just say that I'm not surprised by your lack of creativity." Bulma gave him her best "miss innocent" look as she turned and started to head towards her waiting vehicle. She couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.

"God Bulma, sometimes you can be so obtuse! I'm not talking about your stupid dog. What about Mr. Prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta? I'm not an idiot. You build the guy a gravity training room and cook for him, and do what ever else the arrogant prick asks. Obviously, something more then friendship is going on there."

Bulma stared at him before responding.

"Me and Vegeta? Very funny. Give me a flipping break. If you would ever come around, which you never do because you're too lazy to do any actual training and your stupid baseball career is all that you care about, you would realize that I can't stand the arrogant jerk. He's obnoxious and treats me like I'm some sort of personal slave. The only reason I put up with him is because we need his fighting power to defeat the Androids that are going to show up in two years. You really have a lot of nerve to try and pull that crap with me, Yamcha. And for all that stuff about me not spending time with you, it isn't from a lack of trying. Take today for instance. I practically begged you to go out for lunch with me, and you told me you were busy. I've been trying to go on a date with you for weeks, but something conveniently comes up right before we're supposed to go out. What kind of relationship is that? I think it's been over between us for months, but I've been too afraid to break it off. I'm 27 years old after all, and I'm not getting any younger. But that doesn't mean that I have to keep getting blown off and cheated on by the only guy I've ever called boyfriend. You have really hurt me Yamcha, and if you still can't see it, then you aren't even worth the effort I've put into our relationship for the last ten years. Dr. Laura was right when she said it was time to call it quits if you don't have a ring within three years of dating. And quite frankly, even if you bent down and professed your undying love for me and asked me to marry you, I would have to say no. If I can't trust you not to stray now, how could I trust you not to stray once we were married? Goodbye Yamcha." And with that, she turned on her heels and walked as quickly as she could to her car without looking back

This time, she found her keys with no trouble, and tried to ignore the tightness behind her eyes. Lord, she was pathetic, crying over the jerk. She could and would do better. She pulled out of the parking lot and headed back towards Capsule Corp. Working on a new science project always helped her to vent her frustration and anger into a useful fashion.

What do you think? Read and review, but no flames please. Chapter 2 is almost done and will be up soon.