Sorry for the long wait, I had temporary writer's block with this story and I started getting so many ideas for some of my other stories I had to write them down to get them out of my head. But here's the next chapter. Send me a review and tell me what you think :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed or Seed Destiny

Ezekiel tapped his pencil on the notebook loudly. The files were still downloading, and even they were hooked up to the PLANT supercomputer, the massive files were still taking a long time. Looking over at Vana, her eyes were closed, which meant she was surfing the ether somewhere. Part of him wanted to know what it was like to have the ability to do something like that.

There was a loud beep, which caught his attention to his computer. Her IP signiture had fully infiltrated the PLANT archive and was searching files. He watched her pause over the newspaper files, and she began downloading the files directly to his laptop. Smiling to himself, he whistled.

"Come on, babe." he murmured, "I know that you can find something."

Her eyes snapped open, and there was a frown on her face.

"Hey." Ezekiel looked at her, "Hey, what's wrong, Vana?"

She had a look of distain on her face, "Ezekiel, I have a bad feeling about this."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"These newspaper articles from around the time when Angel Eternal disbanded...they refer to an incedent, but they aren't saying what. Only that there was a terrible incedent."

Ezekiel frowned, this did not bode well, "Did you check police reports?"

"I'm starting to check now."

He hoped he would not have to tell Alex anything upsetting.

Shiho lowered herself into the Deep Arms.

"Hey!" Dearka called to her over the com link, "It feels like old times, huh?"

She smiled, "Yeah. Eat my dust, Elthman."

He let out a loud groan, "My two best friends are both a Jule. Gezz, how am I going to deal with that?"

"Hey!" Yzak called over the intercom, "Stop making fun of my wife, Elthman."

"See what I mean? You all gang up on me."

"Just hurry up and launch already!" Yzak snapped.

Dearka made a face and waved a hand in the air, "Aye sir..."

The battle outside rang as the docking door opened.

"Dearka Elthman, Zaku, launch."

Shiho watched as he threw himself into the battle.

When the Voltaire had reached space, they had began to aid and assist in fights around the sector. Any squadron that was being attacked by Twilight forces was given the option to request aid from Eternity in exchange for joining Eternity. Yzak frankly thought it was sort of an underhanded way to do things, but he would have to be honest in saying that he liked the straight-foreward approach.

They were quickly gaining allies all over the sector. There had not been a battle yet they had not been able to win, and many Twilight commanders would surrender within the hour when learning that they were facing the legendary ZAFT Captain Yzak Jule.

"Honey?" Yzak called, smiling to himself. He knew that the crew let them get away with a lot. Yzak married a subordinate, and by ZAFT regulations they would have normally been stripped of their ranks and discharged. But because the Volatire was now formally associated with Eternity, Cagali and Athrun let them get away with it. Because of their own relationship circumstances, Athrun and Cagali both believed all that mattered were skills and abilities, not what soap operas were going on in the ranks.

Yzak knew that it annoyed her that he was use terms of endearment in front of the crew, which was why he used them.

"Yes?" she said.

"Safe hunting." he said.

She smiled, pulling her helmet shut, "Shiho Hah-" she paused a moment. Yzak wanted to tease her, she could do the same.

"Shiho Jule, Deep Arms, launch."

There were snickers among the bridgecrew as Yzak's cheeks turned pink. He made a face, and then he smiled as he watched the Deep Arms disapper into the battle. For the first time in ages, he had something to look foreward for the rest of his life. Her.

Shiho maneuvered her way through the mobile suits. The Deep Arms was a fully completed suit now. Possess more firepower and strength then a GINN or a Zaku, it sacrificed agility, but she could easily make up for it. Postioning herself in the middle of the battle, she smirked, opening all gunports the Deep Arms fired in every direction like the petals of a blooming flower.

The crew sometimes called her Blossum. She smiled to herself, hearing the cease-fire message come threw.

It was a good nickname. It suited her.

She sat in her grandmother's livingroom watching the television. Her grandmother was an elderly, kind woman who was once a member of the same agency as her parents were. Although Grendiline Forrester was retired, she would once in a while lend her knowledge to the organization, and it was graciously appreciated.

"Would you like a peanut-butter sandwitch, angel?" her grandmother called, smiling brightly at her.

Micka nodded, smiling back at her. Peanut butter and apricot jam had always been her favorite, and her Grandmuma always made it perfect. As she watched the television, she found her eyes resting at the commercial for the annual vocal contest at Aprillius One. It was a large contest, singers and bands from all over PLANT came to compete, and the best one generally became an instant sensation. It was very difficult to win, however, and it was not often that the judges would declare that no one would win at all.

Her grandmother set the plate and glass of milk on the coffee table next to her. Patting her head, she returned to the kitchen. Micka picked up a small triangle of sandwitch and took a bite.

It had been a week since she met Satoshi in the park. They were becoming fast friends. Every day after school, she got in the habit of traveling back to her usuall place in the park, and she would sing while he played. They would sometimes talk for hours afterwards. She learned in that week, that he lived alone in the apartment complex just four blocks from where she lived. He would have band practices in the garage of a friend of his.

Satoshi was the lead guitarist in his band, which he and his band mates had called Eternal. Micka had met them only once, a few days ago when they went to have a quick word with him. Satoshi was the lead guitarist, and for the moment, he was also the vocalist. From what he told her he could play the guitar, piano, violin, and viola.

The drummer's name was Dexter Langley. He was a computer geek, with big glasses, blond hair that fell just to the top of his eyes, and he was somewhat of a clutz. Satoshi often prided at has absent mindedness. However, he was one of the most sought-after drummers in the city. Micka had never seen or heard him play, but he was well known for his Taiko drumming as well.

Saahl Rehn was the bass player. With his short, straight dark hair, dark complection, and black eyes he was handsome. Being the tallest in the group, he made no move to hide the fact. Although the bass guitar was his primary instrument, he could also play the cello, double bass, and flute. Originally from a rich family on Copernicus, his mother had taken an interest in their band and gladly donated funds towards Eternal's events.

Satoshi wanted to make the best band ever. That was what he told her anyway.

Micka took a sip of milk. She was still trying to decide if she would sing for him or not. She was so much younger then they were, and she did not want to leave her grandmother. Micka was leaning towards telling Satoshi no. Someone needed to take care of Grandmuma Grendiline. But despite all of this, there was a little voice in the back of her mind that told her she was meant to do this, and it was what she was born for.

There was a knock on the door, and she heard her grandmother walk past her. Micka turned as she heard her ask who it was at the door.

There was a gun shot.

Micka jerked awake, covered in sweat and tears. Why, after all the years of dreams without nightmares, had they started to resurface again? She had not dreamed about her grandmother in ages.

Gathering a robe around her, she stood up and headed for the same place she went every night.

Alex folded his clothes, putting them away. He had an uneasy feeling, like he did not know what he was doing in life. There was a knock on his door. He opened it, and stared at the person looking at him.


It had been three days since the episode with her screaming in the middle of the night. Ever since then, at night when she slept she would have nightmares, and she would show up at his door. He never asked her questions, but would simply pull back the covers, and let her climb in with him.

Bad idea.

He stepped aside and let her come in. She headed to his room, walking like some sort of zombie, pulling back the covers herself, she crawled in. It seemed like she would fall asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

Alex would follow the same routine.

He would take a shower, get dressed, braid his hair, and go to bed. Laying next to her, he turned lay on his side, facing away from her. She would sleep soundly, the nightmares would not bother her as long as she was sleeping with him.

But there was a reason why it was such a bad idea.

She made a soft noise in her sleep, and his eyes snapped open as she rolled over in her sleep, pressing her face to his back. One of her hands clung to the back of his light shirt, digging her face into him as she returned to a deep sleep.

Alex lay awake for another night in a row.

He had to stop this. Before he keeled over from lack of sleep, before it inhibited his alertness during his shifts too much...

She yawned, the entire length of her body now pressed against his. She did not wear a whole lot when she slept.

...or before he could not control himself anymore.

"Will that be soup or salad with that?" Suzuka asked, scribbling fiercly on the notebook in her hand.

"Soup." the middle-aged woman smiled, her arms wrapped around a little girl sitting in her lap. Suzuka smiled and leaned over,

"Would you like some applesauce?" the Eternity captain smiled. She laughed as the little girl giggled and nodded. Adding it to the list, she turned around and headed back to the kitchen, "Soup, applesauce, and two sodas."

"Comming up!" Lena smiled, heading back towards the kitchen.

Suzuka saw Rey out of the corner of her eye, turning around she caught his wrist, careful not to disturb the pile of laundry in his arms.

"How is your arm doing?" she asked.

"Alright." he smiled uneasily, "It's starting to get a little sore."

"We're on break in twenty minutes. Go upstairs and I'll put clean bandages on it." she said, "And take it easy. I think Mrs. Knittle with be upset if she lost her star laundryman."

Rey chuckled, "Gee, thanks Suzuka."

Rey watched her take the serving tray and head back towards the main floor. It was friday, almost a week since Suzuka started working with everyone else. She was almost completely healed from their little struggle on the pier at the Twilight base. He still caught glimpses of the bruises on her from time to time and felt a tug in her chest knowing that he had given them to her, but Suzuka always joked that she gave them back to him so everything was alright.

But it did not seem to help his guilt at all.

On his break, he headed upstairs to the room, walking through the tiny bedroom. Personally, Rey did not mind sleeping on the couch. It was large enough for him and it was comfortable, but it was starting to get a little old. Flopping down on the end of the couch, he flinched slightly as he bumped his arm a little too hard.

"Does it really hurt that badly?" Suzuka frowned, holding a med kit in her hands. She was still wearing her uniform, and Rey admitted that he thought it suited her.

"No, it's okay."

"Rey, if you're in pain say so." she said, sitting nealty next to him and began unbuttoning his shirt, "If something is wrong, tell me. Don't suck it up."

He laughed, "Yes, ma'am."

She helped him with the shirt, and made a face. The wounded had started bleeding again through it's bandages. Slowly peeling them off, she noticed that two of the stitches had been pulled. He sat perfectly still as she repaired them, covering the wound with cream, and then re-wrapping it. He rest his head on the couch, watching her intently.


He did not hear her, he was too busy just watching her. She stopped, gently laying a hand on his shoulder,

"Does it feel better?"

Rey nodded, "Much."

She stared back at him for a moment, blushing slightly she reached across him towards the medical box, "I'd better clean this up-"

He caught her wrist, tangling the fingers of his other hand in her hair.



Rey gently pulled her face towards his, touching his lips to the corner of her mouth. She turned her face towards him as he kissed her jaw, and then the side of her neck. Closing her eyes, she simply liked how it felt to have him touch her again.

"Remember when we were on the base?" he murmured.


She gasped as he grabbed her, yanking her down on the couch under him. His mouth closed over hers, effortlessly diving into her mouth and tilting her head back.

"I think maybe we put that on hold far too long, hm?"

She pressed her hands on his face, kissing him back, almost causing him to loose his balance and fall to the floor.

"There so many things I wanted to tell you when we completed that mission." she spoke into lips.

"Me too." he captured a kiss again.

She stopped a moment, pulling back to stare into his blue eyes, "Rey, I-"

There was a bang on the door, and one of the other workers called from the hallway, "There's a rush downstairs! Are you guys done with your break yet?!"

She felt a warm breath blow over her face as he sighed, "We're comming!"

"Great. Thanks!"

As soon as he was certain all was quiet again, he heafted himself off the couch, and reached out a hand to pull her up. Doing so, she handed him his shirt back and he put it on. The moment he did, she stood on her toes and stole a gentle kiss from him. Smiling at him, she chuckled,

"Never can get a moment to ourselves, can we?"

"Apparently not." Rey smiled back.

Shiho docked her mobile suit aboard the newly inducted ship. It was a huge, grey, Naszca-Class warship, just like all the others. This one, however, had a certain significance.

The Shirahime was a famous ship in ZAFT. It had only taken a leadership position in the last year, but it was powerful, as was it's captain. Although the ship was impressive, it really was the captain that Eternity was after. Shiho had never really met the man himself, but Dearka had. He advised her that he was a bit...eccentric.

"Ah HA!" a voice floated down to her ears from the docking bay hallway, "What a lovely woman! And Major Elthman! It's rare that I see familiar faces around here at all!"

Shiho and Dearka exchanged glances.

"Major Shiho Jule, sir." she saluted, "It's an honor to finally meet you."

"I should say so!" the Shirahime captain folded his arms and making a face, "It's not every day that thee Mrs. Jule is on my humble boat." he said before giving her a brief salute, "Or shall I say...the legendary Major Shiho Hahnenfuss?"

"Hardly." she chuckled, "I just get lucky. Major Elthman here has a more legendary reputation then I do."

Dearka shot her a glance, and then chuckled, "Captain Jule would like an audience with you."

"I should think that he does." he said, "I'll come aboard the Voltiare ASAP. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll do whatever I can. Besides, I was never one to...go with the grain? Is that the correct phrase?"

Both of the Voltaire soldiers laughed.

"I'll be back in a moment. I need to send the message." Shiho spoke.

"Sure thing." Dearka nodded.

She smiled and headed back off to her Deep Arms, which the Shirahime's crew had just finished refueling. When Shiho sent the message, she returned,

"Forgive me, sir, but I didn't catch your full name."

"Oh gods!" the captain threw up his arms, "Where are my manners? Being in space too long has fractured my brain, I'm afraid." he shook hands with Shiho, "I am Captain Heine Westenfluss, captain of the Shirahime, and I'll be honored to lend my services to Eternity. But please, no formalities. Call me Heine."

yawn I think I'm going to take a nap before doing homework. I need sleep. Thank god tommorrow is thursday. Maybe I'll get a cup of coffee for class.

I brought Heine Westenfluss back to life. In this universe, he's not dead. Compared to other anime characters, Heine probably gets the most jipped. I can't really think of any other characters that I feel more sorry for. Except for maby Kotori from X1999 He gets brought in for 2-3 episodes and then he gets killed off before we can even see him fight that much. So out of sympathy, and because I think that if he lived he probably could have been one of the only people other then Kira to kick Athrun in the butt to stop being so emoish, I brought him back to life.

Go Heine. You rock.

Thanks for readin!

