Reviews for Eternity Rising III: Last Rise
Tadala chapter 4 . 1/5/2014
Yo story z rilly great, plz finish it and save me from thinking how its goin to end
I luv the way you keep us guessin, dont stop kip the love goin
cupcakesXGrrr chapter 4 . 12/18/2012
i love your story and hope you finish it!
YamiRi chapter 4 . 12/21/2010
It's one of the best fanfic

I don't know what you are doing now but I hope you will update your story

You have a great talent

But, I won't insist you to continue your story since you are busy

Just do your best, ok? Looking forward to your story
Mwah Z chapter 4 . 12/1/2010
Cool story/-ies. Waiting for next chap... :D
Lacus Yamato chapter 4 . 8/17/2010
I love this story! ur such a talented writer! pls update! thanx!
shioncagalli2317 chapter 4 . 10/22/2009
this is one heck of an interesting story! read eternity rising 1, 2 and 3 in 1 sitting. I hope you get to write the rest of it though...
Latiwings chapter 4 . 9/10/2009
Please tell me this story is still being updated. It is too good to be in HIATUS! Please update! *begs*
InOcEnT-schoolgirl chapter 4 . 12/11/2008
wow i've just read the 2 parts and the first 4 chapters of the 3rd part of eternity rising and WOW... SO COOL _

i've been hooked on it the past 2 days and almost reading it nonstop! wow it's nothing like the fanfics that on the market recently at the moment and wow it was definitely a breath of fresh air _ also you've got a really sophisticated writing style and even with all the technolingo you seem to know what you're talking about which amazes me... when i write the military computer formatting stuff or the military commands or procedure type stuff that is way over my head all i can hope to achieve is writing the most perfectly authoritative and sophisticated commands or whatever- then realise that it sounds great but i have no idea what i just said... P LOL

it's hard work...

OH! and i love what you've done with Rey! him and suzu are so cute! not to mention i like what i see with dacosta and meyrin- OH and i generally love the 3 awol zaft pilots _ go ALEX and MIKA _

ALSO i love how you've portrayed Dearka and Miriallia _ so cute!

You've just generally made everything very interesting _

WOW - oh no though i've just found out that you haven't updated since 2006! no...*whimpering in pain*

god i'm guttered... i just read all that beyond awesome stuff that took me forever to get through only to find you've most likely stopped writing it... *pouts* WAH! (

well hope you liked the enthusiastic review _

Could you send a reply to tell me whats happening with the story wether it's discontinued or what... much appreciated.

good luck for future writing _
ladynightsky chapter 4 . 9/26/2008
I only recently discovered this story (unfortunately for me), but I absolutely, absolutely, absolutely love it! The characters are so well developed, especially the OCs, and the narrative is entirely engrossing. The premise is fascinating. I could rave on and on about it, but for now, I'll just say that I sincerely hope you find the inspiration to continue on after such a long break. I can't wait to read more!

DreamersLTD chapter 4 . 4/27/2008
Just curious about when you plan to update. I've been reading Eternity Rising ever since it began. Please find the motive to continue soon! ;P
orb90 chapter 4 . 2/18/2008
please update sooner .i can't wait for the ending cause i read your story form the eternity rising 1
EternalXHaruka chapter 4 . 2/8/2008
When will be the next chapter be posted?

Its like 10 years since i last read this...

Im soo waiting for the next chappie..

Please update...
mystice chapter 4 . 10/12/2007
it's sad that you didn't finish this 3rd installment yet. i was having fun reading it, yzak saying 'honey' to shiho in front of the crew of voltaire is just timeless. oh, and i agree with you about heine. it's just a pity that his character lived only for a couple of episodes. he seemed very optimistic and friendly that it was sad to see him die. anyway, i hope that you'll still update this, coz dammit! i'm sure your readers, aside from me, are waiting for an update. i hope you'll be able to finish this (in your own pace, of course) to wrap up the story.
Ahm771 chapter 1 . 9/4/2007
added to fav
midnightblue123 chapter 4 . 8/25/2007
nice story. if it only had an ending...
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