Author's Note:


Okay, thank all of you who read this story. You can find stories that I will write in the future on my profile. Do not be afraid to review. Say anything you want.

Note On Story Details:

With the books, do not worry about not finding out what they are for. That will all be explained in the second story. The secret words as well will be used. Plus, if you read Burning Sun, don't ever listen to the stuff I write at the bottom. I think you can already see that.

Thank You:

Just a general Thank-you to all who have read my stories, or will continue to read my stories. I would also like to thank all those who reviewed. They get a special thanks because they took the time to let me know how they felt about the story. I wish I could reply to all the reviews, sadly I don't have that time. As you will notice, some of my chapters are short. This is because I don't have a lot of time on my hands. Please forgive my neglegance.

Other Information:

By the end of Summer 2007, I hope to have completed the Kakashi/Ishida series. There will be a total of five stories in all. They are in order as follows:

1. The Day I Wouldn't Forget You

2. Burning Sun

3. The Lost Chapters

4. Men of the North

5. Look Ahead

Information on these stories can be found on my profile.

Once again, Thank-you.

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