Devil's Cage

Disclaimer: I do not have any rights to the world of "Supernatural," its characters, or any of its storylines. They belong to Kripke. I am just borrowing them for this story.


Dean was dragged out of a deep slumber by muttering. He blearily opened his eyes to see the sun peeking through the motel room's curtains. The muttering became more agitated and increased in volume. Dean rolled over in time to see his younger brother, Sam, sit bolt upright with a start, his eyes unfocused and staring through the wall into another world. His face was slicked with sweat, his shirt clung to his torso, his sides were heaving with gasps for air. Thin parallel lines of a healing wound stood out against the starkness of his pale face.

"Sam. You ok? . . . Sammy!" Getting no response, Dean slid out of bed over to the other one and grasped his brother by the shoulders, squeezing to get Sam's attention. He peered into sightless eyes. "What's wrong with you?"

Sam came to with a start, his eyes blinking furiously while his breathing slowed down. Sam recoiled to see Dean so close, his gaze sharp as he watched his brother finally come out of whatever had had him in its grip. Sam reached up to rub his left shoulder absently while shifting away from Dean. "What?"

"Did you have another nightmare? I've never seen you this upset."

"Did I? I . . .I don't. . .I didn't see anything, there was just sound, smells, and . . . pain."

"What about? Who?"

"Me. At least I think it was me. It was just a flash really. I'm in a large room, maybe a barn. I can smell the hay, and the place echoes so it seems huge. I'm on a wooden floor, can't move, and my left arm hurts like crazy. Someone's talking. I'm terrified. . . I'm alone." Sam stopped speaking for a moment, looked inward, shuddered, and continued. "My stomach explodes; I think I must have been stabbed or something, it hurts that bad. I hear fire roaring, choke on the smoke, feel the heat against my skin. You're calling my name. That's all." Sam looked down and saw that his hands were shaking so he gripped his knees and looked up at Dean through his bangs. His pupils had dilated so much that his normally hazel eyes appeared almost black.

Dean straightened and then leaned forward, grasping Sam's shoulder. "It seems to me more like a nightmare than a vision. You've always seen what's happening in your visions."

"But it's never been about me!"

"Nooo, but you still always see and if it was about you, I think you'd have a ringside seat. You didn't feel a blindfold did you?" Dean prayed that the answer would be negative, and it was granted.

But. . .what if it's a vision?" Sam's voice rose a little with panic.

"Even if it was, which I don't think, what did I tell you? As long as I'm around, nothing bad is going to happen to you. I mean it! You said you heard my voice, so I was there. . .and you know I'd pull your ass out of any fire."

Sam's body gave one final shudder before relaxing into his customary slouch. He ran the fingers of one hand through his shaggy shock of hair and swung his legs to the floor.

"Get a shower so we can go get some breakfast."

Sam dug into his duffle bag for clothes and retreated into the bathroom leaving Dean alone in the room. Dean listened for the shower to start and then allowed himself to feel the panic he had been suppressing in front of his brother. He dug the heels of his hands into his closed eyes until he saw sparks. A burning began behind his eyelids that he ruthlessly suppressed. He briefly thought about calling his dad but was certain he'd get voicemail, so what was the point. It had been 9 days since they had seen the truck's taillights turn left at the end of the alleyway before they had left Chicago themselves to hole up in Effingham, Illinois. Fear swept over Dean in a wave. Was it a vision? Or a nightmare? Dean took scant comfort in the fact that he was in the vision/nightmare, and he knew nothing could keep him from his brother. He would keep him safe. Dean would just keep a closer watch on Sam and hope his worry wouldn't show on his face. Of course, he was a master poker player so that shouldn't be too hard. Watch and wait.