Well, you can all pull out your handkerchiefs to both sob into and wave a fond farewell with to Seven (naw, don't be that over-dramatic really…).

Because this is it. The last chapter. The last Titan. The last sin.

So far you have been treated to Gluttony, Pride and Sloth, each personified in that order by Cyborg, Speedy and Beast Boy, and written by my co-writer narroch (the "06" part is now a thing of the past); and you have had Envy, Lust and Greed, embodied by Raven, Starfire and Terra, written by myself, RobinRocks.

Well, since seven is an uneven number it worked out that one of us would have to write four.

And I suppose it is somehow fitting that I ended up with Robin, given my pen-name and all…

Why did we leave him until last? A few reasons; we knew people would be interested in his sin so thought we'd make you wait (heh) – it seemed like a good finale. Secondly, his is the longest. Don't ask why – it just is. The third reason is kind of like the first – we thought he'd make for a good finale since he is the "centric" Titan (team leader an' all) and also the oldest character (66 years is OLD for a comic book character…).

Fourth… we thought we'd keep you guessing. Maybe it's because he's such an old character and has been through a lot of different incarnations and reinventions during that time, but Robin is a very flawed (if not sinful, as such) character. Quite a few of the sins we have done here already could have been applied to him.

And admittedly, when allocating the seven sins to our seven Titans, he was the one most moved around. Originally he was Pride (but referring more to a fighter's pride than to appearance – you do see Robin preening sometimes but altogether Speedy fitted the rap much better). Then he was Lust (but since that seemed to be the only one which fitted Starfire even remotely, he was moved again). I very briefly considered him for Greed (with that whole "need-to-win" thing he has…) but again someone else (Terra, in this case) fitted it much better than him. Envy would have been a possibility if referring to the events on Tamaran in Betrothed, but it was still a bit tenuous…

So we decided on this. Wrath. The staple source of which being none other than Haunted.

Because Robin really does flip out in that episode.

Since writing it I have seen Trouble in Tokyo, and the scene where he "murders" Psychotech (I think that's the right spelling… maybe it's Psychotek…) only lends itself to the theory we have explored here in the Boy Wonder's "own words".

That Robin really does have a bit of a temper…


Wrath – Robin

Bruce would not be proud of me.

I know that. Bruce always taught to me channel anger. To suppress it, to hold it back.

Anger, he used to say, blinds you.

Maybe it does.

Last night… I was angry. I still am now, but last night

Last night I was murderous.


That name just goes around and around in my head; it feels like it's literally knocking against my skull as it bounces off. It aches and it burns.

It's like it's been tattooed on my brain.

His face. His voice. His mocking words and the glint of that one eye.

I hate him.

I hate him and he's always there.

Always taunting.

Always haunting.

Anger blinds you.

If I close my eyes I can push even Slade aside and hear Bruce instead. Hear him lecturing me about controlling my temper; way back now, when I was, like… eight. When he first started to train me.

He knew we would come face to face with Boss Zucco sooner or later. So it was a race against time to teach me not to fly off the handle; to train me to train my temper.

As it goes… I didn't kill Zucco. I would have liked to; he had my parents murdered.

But I didn't. It barely crossed my mind.

Bruce had done well.

But now?

Maybe it's something to do with being away from Bruce – out from under his thumb.

Either way… that temper of mine is starting to make a reappearance. It's starting to bubble over again within me.

Maybe it's Slade.

Whatever. It scares me…

…And then that fear makes me angrier.

The slightest little things have started to irritate me. Beast Boy goofing around used to make me laugh; now I end up yelling at him half the time. Sometimes I just want to get away from Cy's in-your-face attitude; and I want to shout at Raven for being so withdrawn. It doesn't make any sense to me because I can't decide what happy medium I want, but…

And Star…

Sometimes I crave her company.

And then there are other times when I want to slap her right across the face. She makes me angry because I don't make her angry. My tempers and mood swings don't seem to bother her and I wonder why and then my head aches from thinking about it so I blame her; and then when she comes bounding in showing off her new hairclips like she thinks I really care – like I don't have other things to worry about – I am in no mood for her.

But even when I snap at her she doesn't seem very upset. Perhaps dejected that I ignored her hairclips, but she doesn't avoid me like the others do.

I know that it's Slade doing this to me. His presence wears me down so.

You'd think that his "death" would have loosened me up a little.

Trouble is, I never believed he was gone.

And now…

Last night, "he" showed up. Beat me practically to death.

And then… it turned out he was never there at all. It was all just a chemical reagent within his mask working on my nervous system.

So he was never really there. The whole time he taunted me, hurt me, tortured me…

He was never there.

Does that make me hate him any less? Does that make me believe that he really is gone?

I would laugh at the speculation, but it aches to.

He's not gone. No matter what they say.

Raven, with her cool logic – "Robin, Slade is gone."

Cyborg, with his less-cool logic – "He fell into a pit of lava!"

Beast Boy, with his near-hysterical logic – "Terra killed him, dude! He's so gone!"

And Starfire, with her worry for me – "Robin, please, you will make yourself ill if you continue to think about Slade and all that he has done. Why will you not just accept the words of the others? Accept that he is gone?"

I can't accept it. I can't

…because I know it's not true.

He's out there. I know he is. Biding his time, building his resources.

Waiting for exactly the right moment.

And have I no right to hate him? He blackmailed me, threatened the lives of my friends and forced me to serve him.

Whether he's gone or not… I still have a right to hate him.

And hate him I do.

The unfortunate punchbag I have just kicked a hole in knows this. I watch the sand pour out onto the gym floor and push my sweaty hair out of my face, heaving a sigh.

Because that's the third one this week.

Cy's not gonna be pleased.

("…You messing up my gym again, Boy Wonder? I tell you, you break another punchbag and I'll break you!")

That's the earful I got last time. Two days ago.

Before last night.

I know they think I'm swinging slowly out of control. Maybe they're right.

Last night I was so angry and crazy… they strapped me down. Restrained me because they were afraid of what I would do.

I feel my face grow hot now as I remember, and the embarrassment kicks in. They must have been pretty freaked out to have tied me down.

Their so-called leader.

I cross to the wooden benches and sit down, burying my face in my hands. I'm so ashamed now of what I did last night; and of what I said.

("…I have to stop him! I'm the only one who can! And I'll take down anyone who gets in my way!")

No wonder they knocked me out and tied me up. That sudden outburst of murderous rage must have really freaked them out.

If it had been one of them… I think I would have done the same…

And Starfire…

I'm sorry now when I think about it. I hurt her; and I frightened her.

But I was so goddamned angry.

She couldn't see him because he wasn't there.

I thought he was.

And even that aside… he is out there. Somewhere.

And yet they still refuse to believe.

My remorse at hurting Starfire is overridden by fury yet again.

He's out there. He's planning something; he's watching and he's waiting.

And I have no control.

Bruce would not be proud of me.

Because I'm slowly but surely drowning in my own anger.

My own wrath.

Narroch speaking! Thank you everyone for supporting this fanfic. It went over very well, and we are glad people liked it.

Some people have reviewed that the sins we portrayed weren't that sinful. Well, true. But that wasn't what we were going for. If we made the Titans REALLY sinful (and believe us, it could have been very easy to do so!) then that would have defeated the purpose of the fic.

We were trying to show how even the good guys, the heroes, the so called perfect role model protagonists, how even they have their moments of weakness which make them all more 'human'. Or alien…whatever. Ya'll know what I mean.

We weren't trying to make any of the Titans evil, nor were we trying to portray them as the epitome of morality. We were showing the balance between the inherent good and evil, the light and dark, the virtue and the sin that they have to fight against. Just as all of us do. That's partly why we suggest that ya'll take the sin test. We are all on the same page here. Everyone has these moments of guilt. Everyone, even the heroes. Our champions. And ourselves.

It has been fun exploring all these sins and their possibilities. Thank you for sticking with us through everything.

RobinRocks again. Just a final farewell – we are so happy with how well this went down and hope you have enjoyed the above final instalment of Seven – Wrath, personified by our favourite Boy Wonder.

Don't forget, you can still take the Seven Deadly Sins test on Tickle (a link is provided on my profile) to find out what your biggest sin is.

Truthfully, neither Narroch nor myself are really ashamed to admit ours;

She's Gluttony. I'm Greed.

And we ain't changing.

Thankyou to everyone who read and reviewed! Seven may be over but the Narroch/RobinRocks partnership isn't, so there'll be more co-written stuff coming your way soon. At present we are also running two co-written fics – the infamous Small Print and the satirical Wertham's Law.

That's all for now, so TTYS!

RobinRocks and Narroch xXx

P.S: Don't let those sins consume you!