Hi everyone I'm baaaaack

Kirby:Grrreeeaaatttt! I'm still have nightmares from the last time!

SHUT UP YOU!Anyway here's another story for you!I thought it up on the spot though so ignore any plot holes/selling mistakes/grammer mistakes...WHAT? I'm only human!

Disclaimer: Butch almighty (not really) owns Danny Phantom and all his minions, I mean co-stars! But I own Emma! Steal her without my permission and I'll send my zombies to kill you!


Not yet but soon very soon...Well, enjoy!

Dan walked into the dark room looking for the former object of his affection, Paulina

"Come out Paulina it's me, Phantom. Remember, the guy you're in love with?" Dan said, bitterness in his tone.

Suddenly he heard a barely audible whimper coming from a room over. He smiled evilly before phasing him self into the room. It was a medium sized room with pink carpet and walls. Rainbows, butterflies, flowers, and stuffed animals were everywhere. And huddled in a corner was a little girl, no older than five, who bore a strong resemblance to Paulina. The only difference was her hair was short and ragged with two pink clip trying in vain to keep it out of her eyes.

"Hello what's this?" Dan said and floated over to the small girl.

Dan had dealt with children before. He knew as long as he acted like the villain he was they wouldn't do or say anything other than cower in fear. So instead of demanding that she tell him where her mom was he put on his "nicest" smile and knelt down to the child's level.

"Hello, little one, what's your name? My name's Dan."

"M-my n-name-e?" the girl asked.


"Emm-ma B-ba-axter…"

At this Dan couldn't help but smile. Dash and Paulina had gotten together, how predictable. Both were nasty and rotten, they were good for each other.

"Well Emma, do you know where your mommy is?"

When he said this the little girl broke into tears. What did Paulina do now, he thought. You would think Paulina had stopped bringing pain to everyone around her by now but some things never change. Dan looked at the crying girl huddled less than a foot away from him and felt something he hadn't felt in a long time, sympathy. He truly felt sorry for this child who was forced to have Paulina as a mom. He wouldn't wish that on anyone. He looked over at her and sighed, he already hated himself for what he was about to do. He leaned over to the sobbing child and picked her up, rocking her gently as she cried. Eventually she stopped crying and looked up at him with watery teal eyes.

"Why?" she asked.

Dan looked her in the eyes before saying, in true Danny like fashion, "I don't know"

She smiled before sniffling one more time and said, "Do you really want to know where Mommy and Daddy went?"

Dan nodded.

"It was a couple of weeks ago, I woke up and saw Mommy and Daddy running around throwing stuff in suitcases. I asked them where we were going and they said nowhere and told me to go back to bed. When I woke up later they were gone and I was all alone."

Dan looked down at the girl and then out the window where half the town lay in ruins.

"I have to go, ok?" Dan said standing up.

Emma grabbed his cape and he turned around. For anyone else grabbing his cape meant instant death but for her, he just flashed her a fanged smile.

"Can I go with you? I don't wanna be alone again." She asked hopefully.

"I'll make you a deal. You can come with me but if I say the word "Valerie" you have to start screaming and acted like you want to get away from me, ok?"

She nodded and Dan picked her up and after checking that he had a good hold on her, flew out the window. And as he flew he looked at her wide eyed expression as she soared high above the town, and smiled.

After all, who ever said he had no heart?

Well Whatdya think? Now I need your opinion. Do you want me to A:continue the story, detailing Emma's life with Dan. or B:Leave it as a simple oneshot? I need your opinions!

So R&R!