A/N- So I know this was originally a one-shot and this is going to be the third chapter. But it had this incomplete feeling to me, and I had to finish it. This will be the final chapter.

Renewed Destiny

"The future is always beginning now."

Brooke walked into the Tree Hill gym hand and hand with her husband of nine years, Lucas Scott. Only ten years previous had walking to this very gym been troublesome, but now it was a regular occurrence, but today was not any but regular. Her eldest daughter, Kianna May Lyon and her step-son, Landon Patrick Scott were graduating. The gym was decorated with baby pictures of all of the graduates. Many of the pictures included many of the other graduates with each as small children, because that is how it works in a small town like Tree Hill. All of the parents had known each since birth and all of their children knew each since birth also, with of course a few exceptions. Brooke's daughters, Kianna and Tatiana were two of the exceptions, although Brooke herself had been raised in Tree Hill. After high school Brooke left Tree Hill and moved to New York City where she met and married Michael Lyon. They pair had two children, before his death fourteen years ago. Ten years ago in this very gym, Brooke renewed her relationship with her high school sweetheart, Lucas Scott and ever since she has been in Tree Hill living her new life.

Brooke had her happy little family, everything she ever wanted. Brooke lived with Lucas, her own daughters Kianna and Tatiana, and her and Lucas' children, eight year old Kory and six year old Layla and every other week, Landon; Lucas' son with his ex-wife, Peyton lived with them. Peyton Jagielski, also known as Lucas' ex-wife and Brooke's life-long friend. Sure, their friendship was only renewed ten years ago, but they had always been friends, even when they weren't. They had that unbreakable bond.

Ever since that night almost ten years ago, everything had gone back to the way it had always be meant to be. Brooke was with Lucas, Peyton was with Jake, and Haley was with Nathan. That was the end of all of their stories. They were all meant to be. All their children had become as good of friends as they all had been in high school. But today everything was changing. They were all graduating, and after this summer, moving away to begin their own lives. As much as they all hoped everything would work out, the was always that lingering feeling, wondering, if their children's lives would take twenty years to work out they way they supposed to, or if they were all destined to be as messed up as their parents.

"Are you ready?" Lucas asked squeezing Brooke's much smaller hand. Brooke looked up at her husband. His hair had darken as he aged, no longer the light blonde it had been when they were teenagers, now it was a light brown with plenty of gray.

"Most certainly am," Brooke responded with an almost sad smile on her face. Quickly she wiped off some lip gloss from the corner of her lip, readjusted her large, black-leather shoulder bag, and her smoothed the sides of her blouse. "Let's go." Brooke led Lucas towards the seat that had been reserved for them.

"When is Tatiana going to get here with Kory and Layla?" Lucas asked. Tatiana had been put in charge of getting the younger two ready for the big day.

"Any minute, she was coming with Peyton and Jake and their crew," Brooke explained. Most people initially never understood the friendship between the two families, considering that Peyton and Lucas had been married and had a child together. But somehow it worked; now they were all happy within their own relationships everything worked.

"Hey Mom, Hey Lucas," Tatiana said arriving right on cue. Tatiana was identical to Brooke when Brooke was sixteen. Tatiana had the same long, straight brunette hair, and deep brown eyes. Her style was completely different though, alike Brooke who had always gone the somewhat slutty route, Tatiana was totally conservative. She wore lots of sweaters and her shirts always had sleeves and never showed an inch of cleavage. Today she was wearing a white skirt which just reached the top of her knees and a pink camisole under a darker pink cardigan. Some people thought Tatiana was uptight but she wasn't, that was just her style.

"Hey guys," Peyton said, smiling at the pair. She was holding Jake's hand and next to them were their fifteen almost sixteen year old sons, Shawn and their thirteen year old son, Connor. Tatiana and Shawn were both quite young when the friendship of Brooke and Peyton was rebuilt and the pair had always been the best of friends.

Both Brooke and Lucas responded with a quick hi and a small wave. "Mommy, mommy!" a small girl exclaimed as she let go of Tatiana's hand.

"What sweetie," Brooke said to Layla, her youngest daughter.

"Look at the pretty dress, Tatty put me in," Layla said calling Tatiana by her childhood nickname.

"It's very pretty," Brooke said, admiring the small yellow dress with its white flowers. "Don't you look just handsome," Brooke said looking at Kory, her and Lucas' son.

"Ew," Kory replied. Kory was eight and getting to the age where he was beginning to get embarrassed by his mother. It was the first time the Brooke had really experienced it, with rest of her children being girls.

"I'm just saying," Brooke said with a small smirk on her face. "So is Jen coming?" asked Brooke.

"No, she couldn't get the day off to come down here," Jake said. "But she said hi to everyone." Jen was Jake's now thirty-one year old daughter. She worked as a real estate agent. She had been married for three years and had sixteen month old son.

"Oh, well that sucks," Brooke replied. "Where's the other Scott family?" Brooke said as she looked towards Lucas. Haley and Nathan's twins where graduating also today.

"They were going to be slightly late," Lucas replied. "They figure this is going to start late and they needed to pick up Natalie from the airport."

"Natalie is going to be home for this?" Brooke said happily.

"Yeah, she is home for the summer and then it's back to school," Lucas replied. Natalie Scott, the twenty-one year old, middle child of Nathan and Haley. The rebel, Natalie was always in trouble but always lovable. The two eldest children of Haley and Nathan both continued to live the Tree Hill lifestyle after their graduation and both were expected to be at the graduation ceremony today.

Eventually everyone arrived. As they all looked around the room, they all were having similar thoughts, mostly ones of their own graduation day, and the day they all became one again. They weren't the only old group of friends celebrating their children's graduation today. They were many familiar faces in the room. Most of the people were younger than them but they were familiar. People they had learnt to be friends with. Their children played basketball with each other, their daughter's cheered together, and their children were just friends in general.

Behind the scenes the graduates were in a dither. The day had come; it was the end of their lives as they knew them. The girls hanging to their boyfriends and best friends and the boys trying to play it cool, although everyone knew that they were also freaking out inside. Kianna Lyon wandered towards her boyfriend of one year, Stephan Scott. When they had hooked up last year, everyone thought it was strange, they had kept it secret for awhile from their parents. Stephan was Kianna's step-fathers nephew, but they weren't raised as cousins and they had never thought as themselves being related. They had always been close friends. And it was to expected they would eventually become more than friends, their core group of friend consisted of them, Lanna Scott, Landon Scott, and their respective others, James Kennedy, and Courtney Moore. Lanna and Landon had both dated James and Courtney off and on through the years, and it was only time before the remaining two hooked up.

The graduating class was called into the gym. They sat themselves on the bleachers in alphabetical order. All three Scott's were seated next to each, Landon, Lanna and then Stephan. And as luck would have it James, Kianna, and Courtney were seated next each other as well. The principal of the school went through the list, one by one. When she name was called, Kianna walked gracefully onto the stage. She was tall and had her father's strawberry blonde. Brooke looked at her with a small tear forming in her eye. She reached for Lucas' hand and held it there. As the principal reached the three Scott's, Landon was called first. Like his step-sister, he walked up onto the make-shift stage. His walk was different from Kianna's. Landon was much more cocky, he knew that he was all-that and likely more. Lucas looked over to Peyton and they shared a smile. That was their son and they were divorced but still the best of friends. Lanna was next; she looked identical to her father, raven colored hair and striking blue eyes. She was the popular girl in school. She had grown up in Tree Hill and her father was the famous Nathan Scott and she knew it and she was born with a reputation. Stephan, he was quiet one, even quieter than Kianna. He had the looks of his father but the personality of Haley but even more quiet. There was a reason that he and Kianna were a couple. The made their way through the graduating class and in the final classic moment they threw their caps into the air.

It was over for them, high school was complete. It was the next stage in their lives. Each of their parents looked at them, all seeing something slightly different. All of the graduates were asking themselves questions, would their lives turn out a messily yet as perfect as their parents, would this be their final moment, would the picture being taken now be the same being taken in ten years at the reunion? What would happen? Only time will tell. And they all hoping for the perfect life, but the sad truth was only a small few of them would get it.

All of the parent's had asked themselves the same questions at their graduations, and they all had their answers, but now it was the children's turn. Their lives were only beginning. And a new stage in the parent's lives was also beginning, their children has become adults.

The End For Real Real This Timeā€¦

A/N- So I am thinking about sequel but probably not. Tell me if there is any interest.