

Homer's Sunday!



It's Sunday morning, and the family are ready for their weekly spiritual outing.

Homer: "Moe's tavern, here I come!"

Marge (disappointedly): "Homer! We go through this every week!"

Homer (correcting himself): "Oh, sorry Marge." He clears his throat. "Moe's tavern, here we come!"

Marge (rolling her eyes): "We're going to church, Homer."

Homer (smiling nervously, whilst trying to hide his specially engraved beer mat and bar stool): "Oh, of course…."

He turns to shout up the stairs.

Homer (loudly): "Lisa! Get in the car!"

Lisa's voice is faintly heard.

Lisa: "I'm not going to church today. Tell mom I'm doing homework."

Homer: "I already tried that one last week - it doesn't work."

Lisa (incredulously): "You told mom you were doing homework to avoid church?"

Homer (rolling his eyes): "Yes, but it doesn't work. Neither does 'my gynaecologist advised me not to'."

A few moments later, Lisa descends the staircase to face the family.

Lisa (determinedly): "I've decided to no longer bow down to society's pressure to seek solace in a greater being. Instead I will endeavour to find truth in my own heart and let my conscience guide my - "

Homer (in a baby voice, bending down to Lisa's eye-level): "Lisa, if you go to church, Daddy will give you a gum-drop."

Lisa (lowering her eyebrows): "Please don't patronise me, Dad."

Homer blinks.

He blinks some more.

Homer (still in a baby voice): "Gum-drops are little sweets, honey."

Lisa (rolling her eyes): "I'll get my coat."



A little later that day….

Homer: "Why are you carrying a wrapped up present, Lisa?"

Lisa: "I'm going to Apu and Manjula's wedding."

Homer: "Is that why you're wearing those strange clothes?" He points at Lisa's usual red dress, which she has worn every day of her life.

Homer (in a terribly hurt voice): "And why wasn't I invited?"

Lisa: "You were invited, Dad. That's why you're holding a bunch of flowers and a card with 'To Apu and Manjula on your wedding day' written on it."

Homer looks down at the gifts in his hands for a good few minutes. He looks up again at Lisa.

Homer (confused): "And why are you carrying a present, Lisa?

Lisa (rolling her eyes): "I'm going to Apu and Manjula's wedding."

Homer (in a terribly hurt voice): "Why wasn't I invited?"





Hope you enjoyed it!