Meh. I know there are a million of these out there. I don't care. I'm posting it anyway. This is what happens when a Troyella fan is awake at 12:30 in the morning while her family is driving across Montana and it's a clear night. I hope it doesn't suck too much.


"That was great!" said Gabriella Montez happily as she exited the movie theater with her "almost boyfriend" Troy Bolton. She and Troy were on a double date with their best friends Chad Danforth and Taylor McKessie.

"Got to agree with you there, girl. Awesome movie!" remarked Taylor. "So Troy, you're going to drop us all off at our houses, right?"

Troy had been staring at Gabriella and had clearly been off in another world. "What? Sorry."

An amused smile played on Gabriella's lips. "Troy, she asked if you're gonna be chauffeur for us."

"Oh. Um, sure." Looking embarrassed, Troy led his friends to his car.

Within a few minutes they had dropped Chad and Taylor off at their houses. But instead of driving down her street as Gabriella expected, Troy drove past it and kept going.

"Uh, Troy, where are we going?" she asked, confused.

"You'll see," he replied, not looking her in the eye. After several minutes he pulled into the city park's parking lot and parked in an empty space. "C'mon. I've got something to show you."

Gabriella raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and said, "Okay."

She climbed out of Troy's car and followed him deep into the park, to the base of a hill covered with soft green grass. Beginning to climb up it, he indicated that she should follow his lead. When they reached the top, Troy gestured toward the sky and said softly, "Surprise."

Glancing up at the sky, Gabriella gasped softly. It was around the time that stars begin to come out, and the night sky was filled with bright twinkles of light. The nearly full moon gently illuminated the hillside. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

"Oh, Troy," she whispered. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

"Not as beautiful as you." Troy replied, smiling. "And you're welcome."

She blushed as he gently took her hand and they sat down on the grass next to each other. Unconsciously Gabriella leaned back and rested her head against Troy's chest. After several minutes she lifted her head up so she could look him in the eye and asked, "So why did you bring me here? You could have any girl in school, but you chose me. Why?"

"Because you're different than those other girls, Gabby. I knew the night we met that you were special." His bright blue eyes gazed intently into her soft brown ones. "And ever since then I've been meaning to tell you...I love you, Gabriella."

Her eyes shone as brightly as the stars above their heads. "Troy..." she began, almost breathless with shock and joy. Before she could continue, though, he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers. Both of them had been waiting a long time for this moment, and it seemed like eternity before they broke apart.

"I love you too," whispered Gabriella as Troy wrapped his arms around her. For awhile they sat there, gazing at the stars in the ebony sky and enjoying their closeness. Finally Gabriella said softly, "You know, I don't think Sharpay will be very happy And some of the other kids might not like it either."

Troy replied, "Who cares? There's no law against our being together or going out."

Falling silent for a few minutes, Gabriella thought about what he had said. She knew he was right, but she also knew that some people could be downright cruel if they didn't like you or something you were doing. Gabriella was not the sort of girl who enjoyed being teased or ridiculed. And then she thought of something else.

"What about your reputation?" she asked. "If I'm your girlfriend, a lot of people probably won't like you much anymore."

"Gabby, do you not want to go out with me or something?" One of Troy's brows were arched.

A jolt of panic shot through her. "No! I mean, yes, I do, Troy, but I'm thinking of you. I don't want your social life destroyed because of me..."

"Listen to me, Gabriella," said Troy seriously, looking into her eyes. "Do you think I'd have tried out for this musical with you or spent all this time with you if I thought my reputation was important? No, I care about you way more than about my stupid rep. People can say what they want about me, but I'd rather have you than be the most popular guy in the world." And with that, he kissed her again. A deep, meaningful kiss that completely destroyed any of Gabriella's doubts.

"Convinced now?" asked Troy, his eyes shining with amusement.

Nodding, Gabriella smiled and pressed closer to him. "Most definitely."


Review if you like. If enough people like it, I have a second part in progress. But I won't post it unless people like this part.