A/N: Some of you might have wondered if I were still alive. I am, but the truth is I didn't know how to end this story. In fact, I still don't. I'm not sure if it's finished yet...I'll have you decide that!

When I was suffering from a complete loss of inspiration, I gradually lost interest in this fandom. I was progressing into life and simply couldn't find the time or desire to finish the story. But not too long ago I got a nice review, and decided I was going to give it another shot. As you might have noticed, it's been over 5 years and my style has changed, hopefully for the better :)

Like I said, I'm not entirely sure if the story is finished. If you feel like it's not, please let me know. I'll see if I can squeeze out something. All the best to you, thank you so much for your reviews! They're what made me come back :) I hope you'll all forgive my absence.

PS: If you haven't discovered Dragon Ball Z Abridged yet, go to Youtube NOW. After reading the story of course.

Disclaimer: Please. Freeza's voice would have been way different.

The two Saiyans had been silent for several minutes. Neither of them wanted to speak first and acknowledge the situation they were now in. They were still staring at each other, daring the other to break eye contact only sound in the cabin was coming from the guards outside, chatting near an open window. Vegeta swallowed hard. This had been the accumulation of his life's wishes. While he'd never admit it to anyone, including himself, his father's rejection had hurt him. Being handed over to Freeza without a fight had been one of the reasons that he kept going. The anger he felt when he thought about how he wasn't good enough for his father kept him going through everything. It made him want to be better, to prove he was wrong.

But now, all of that had shattered. Everything he believed to be true had been a lie. He wasn't a disappointment to his father, and neither was he considered unimportant by the man that meant so much to him. While those particular facts should have been cause for at least some happiness, he couldn't bring himself to feel any. Vegeta had always thrived because of his anger. It gave him a drive unequaled by anyone in the universe. But in the course of his life, the reasons for his anger had been taken away one by one. First he finally finished that idiot Nappa, then Freeza died. He settled down, lost his killer edge. And now? Now he couldn't even hate his father? The only one that was left was Kakarrot, and Vegeta prefered not to think about him. The Saiyan prince had no enemy left, and this frustrated him greatly. Bah, now I'll definitely turn soft.

He had been so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't hear his father calling him. The King had noticed his son's mind had wandered off, and he didn't want to lose him now that he was on his good side.

"Vegeta." the King tried again. "What do you want?" Vegeta snapped. "I was wondering...what happened to your tail?" the King hesistantly asked.

Vegeta sighed. Great. Now what? "It was cut off by a fat man with a sword."

The silence returned after that comment.

"Trunks, are you going to make me chase you? Because I will follow you around all day until you tell me what is up with you, young man."

Trunks sighed. His mother could be impossible at times. He briefly considered flying off and hiding out until his sister blew up a part of the house, but decided that might put his mom in a bad mood. And he did not want to deal with that if his dad wasn't around.

"Whatever problems he's going to have, it'll be my fault." he finally answered.

Bulma didn't need to think about what her son meant by that. "Sweetie, he's a grown man. He can handle himself, it'll be fine. You have nothing to do with whatever is going on there, trust me."

"Mom, you don't even believe that. I see you sitting there, looking worried. It's my fault. Father only stayed because I was born, and if I hadn't been there he wouldn't be - "Stop it right there, Trunks" Bulma interrupted. "Now you listen to me. Your grandfather wasn't around, so he has no right to judge his son. Your dad chose his own life, and we're happy you're here. So if the King has a problem with you, he has a problem with your dad. And your dad can handle even the toughest guys around." Bulma cheerfully finished. "Now, let's go back and inside and get you something to eat, Trunksy. You are a real Saiyan after all." she winked as she forced her son back into the kitchen.

"I'm not here for your approval" Vegeta suddenly said.


"Your approval. I have no need for it."

"Yes, so you've mentioned. What is your point?" the King asked.

Vegeta shot his father a glare. He wasn't sure how to reply to that question. What was his point?

"Let me rephrase." the King quickly said. "Why did you want to speak with me? You said you had questions, but it seemed like you already knew the answers and just wanted confirmation. Then you refused to believe otherwise. Therefore I've yet to comprehend the purpose of your visit." He was treading on thin ice and he knew it, but he needed to know what his son wanted. While he would never directly ask him, he needed to know if there was something he could do compensate for his past inadequacy.

Vegeta weighed his words carefully. He didn't want to seem weak, like some pathetic child begging his father for approval. "I wanted you to know."

"Know what? That you're strong? I never doubted your potential." King Vegeta proudly said.

"That I did it. And I did it without you. You were a disappointment to your race, while I have risen beyond the limits of an ordinary Super Saiyan. I don't need you." Vegeta's arrogant smirk was restored to it's full glory as he saw the expression on his father's face. However, it quickly faded as his father crossed his arms and stared at him, hard. "You are angry because of my absence. Because I was not there to witness your triumphs." He said slowly.

"How great, father. I never knew you got a degree in Freudian mind-reading." came Vegeta's sarcastic response.

" A what? Is that some moronic Earthling reference I don't understand?"

Vegeta growled at his father's disrespectful tone. "You fully understand my point, old man. What makes you think there's more to it than I say?"

"Because if you just wanted to flaunt your strength, you would have asked for a meeting with Freeza."

"Wrong again, father. Freeza already had his humiliation when my son killed him. He knows he's not a match for the almighty Saiyan race. You still needed to see it for yourself." Vegeta's tone had become increasingly more threatening. He didn't like his father implying that there were some ludicrous emotions behind his request to speak with him. It was a matter of pride, not some unresolved daddy-issues.

King Vegeta laughed bitterly. "Yes, because unlike Freeza, I haven't suffered any humilation. Giving you up to him was the proudest moment of my life."

"Enough!" Vegeta yelled out as his fist broke the table. His father chuckled. "How does your weakling mate deal with such violent outbursts?" He mockingly asked his son.

"I tend to control my temper around those I have a modicum of respect for."

King Vegeta's expression hardened again. "That will be enough. What do you want from me? You have showed me your strength, your achievements, your family."

There was venom dripping from the last word, but Vegeta pretended not to notice. He was done arguing with his father. "I don't have to listen to your complaining about my family. You were too weak to keep yours together. I've protected mine like a man, and they've all become worth more than your life ever was. I don't need your approval."

"Then why even tell me about them? You brought pictures. Why even show them to me if my opinion means nothing to you?" The hostility had left the King's voice. Like his son, he was done arguing. It was obvious that his grandchildren were a sensitive topic. It probably has something to do with his attachment to that woman. Has she weakened him? Is that why he's here? Does he want me to agree with his decisions? Bah. Maybe accepting his blasted half-breeds will give him what he wants.

"Because I wanted you to know. This is the way it is. I have chosen my path. It is the right one, despite what you may think." Vegeta answered his father stoically. "I assumed you hadn't lost interest in my life after you gave me to Freeza. But obviously I was wrong."

"No." The King answered. "If this is as you choose, I...I trust your judgement."