Disclaimer: Don't own Shaman King. Hard to believe, right?
Jessie: Definitely.
Joh: Yeah…well here's the sequel to Resistance. If you haven't read that yet read it.
Jessie: Joh is going to list all the characters and their age since a lot of time has passed…like two years…
Joh: Uh huh.
Yoh- 17 years old
Hao- 17 years old
Opacho- 9 years old
HoroHoro- 17 years old
Ren- 15 years old
Pirika- 15 years old
Jun- 20 years old
Manta- 16 years old
Faust- 36 years old
Warnings: lemon, yaoi, twincest, language, angst, violence
2 years later
Hao clenched his teeth together as he drove into Yoh at a fast pace. The younger Asakura moaned softly, kneading and clutching at Hao's shoulders in a desperate attempt to hold onto something.
He stared down into Yoh's empty eyes. He hated them. Those dull brown orbs always seemed to be looking right past him (or through him sometimes) staring at something he couldn't see.
And that bothered him. Greatly.
With a new vigor Hao began to slam into Yoh ruthlessly, wanting to wring out some reaction, any reaction as long as it was different.
Yoh bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut; his face was flushed and twisted in agony as Hao's thrust became more and more violent.
He arched his back into Hao as he cried out wantonly. He screamed, bucking his hips to meet the thrusts.
Hao sucked his teeth and bent over him, pressing his face into the crook of his neck. "Yoh." He grunted as he reached between their sweating bodies to grasp his throbbing member.
A line of saliva trailed down Yoh's chin as he writhed in pleasure.
As Yoh came silently into his hand he felt his insides clamp around him, giving him the push he needed to come as well. He thrust sharply several more times before pulling out of the limp body beneath him.
He rolled off of Yoh and chose to sit beside him, draping the thin white sheets over both their spent bodies.
As he glanced down at Yoh he felt a strange pang inside of him. It was triumph (he had succeeded in breaking the ever smiling Yoh, after all) but also pity…maybe…possibly even regret.
Yoh lay still and unmoving on his back, staring up at the ceiling with blank glazed over eyes. His long hair was splayed out around him like a dark halo, contrasting against the white pillows. A small silver star earring dangled from his left ear, gleaming sharply.
Hao traced his eyes over the body he had come to memorize so perfectly. He knew where every one of Yoh's scars were, including the ones he had made himself and ones that had been received by others.
His eyes trailed down to the harsh H burnt into his hip, so evident against Yoh's pale skin. He reached out and touched it softly, remembering when he had given that brand to Yoh.
"Yoh…?" Hao withdrew and looked at his younger brother.
The brunette looked at him blankly in response, infuriating Hao further.
"Never mind." Hao snapped, standing up and yanking his pants on. Yoh watched him, sitting up in the bed.
With one last glance at Yoh, Hao stormed out of the room, sliding the door shut violently.
"Hao-sama?" A young voice quivered.
Hao sighed and leaned against the door, glancing down at Opacho. "What?" he asked flatly, calming himself down. It was always like this. Whenever he was in Yoh's presence he lost control of himself. He hated losing control of things.
The young shaman girl furrowed her eyebrows in concern. "Did Hao-sama fight with Yoh-sama again?"
"We don't fight." That was true enough considering how Yoh hardly did anything unless it was a direct order from Hao. He only spoke when told to and never raised a word against him.
Opacho nodded and held out a small tray of food that she had been carrying with her. "Would you like to feed Yoh-sama?"
Hao shook his head, buckling his baggy pants. Usually he liked to eat with Yoh, even though they never spoke when they eat it gave him a content feeling to just sit side-by-side eating. "I'm not in the mood today."
The nine-year-old girl nodded as her master brushed past her, allowing her to open the bedroom door.
"Yoh-sama, I brought dinner for you." She chirped, closing the sliding door with her small foot.
Yoh didn't look at her; he was too busy staring out the large window to bother.
Opacho was used to this however and bounced right up to him, placing the silver tray on the tiled floor next to the futon. "Yoh-sama should get dressed or he will catch cold." When he made no move to retrieve his clothing she added on, "Hao-sama would not like that."
Yoh blinked and slid out of the sheets, walking over to a pile of crumpled clothing. He slipped on his black boxers first then his dark blue jeans. Robotically he reached up to tie his chestnut colored hair back into a high ponytail so that it brushed against the base of his neck.
Once he had finished he sat with his legs neatly folded under him in front of the tray. A bowl of two oranges, a glass of water, and a bowl of miso soup were arranged before him. He ate slowly, his eyes still staring off in an unfocused sort of way.
While he ate Opacho spoke to him. Opacho liked talking to him even though he never answered her or put in any words of his own, but she knew he listened and heard what she said all the same.
"Hao-sama does seem to be getting more frustrated recently, hasn't he?" Opacho mused, lying down on her stomach and propping her chin up in her hands.
Yoh took a small sip of water, his eyes downcast.
A small frown was on her lips as she watched Yoh bring the bowl of soup to his lips. "Opacho thought he would be happier. Opacho doesn't really understand Hao-sama…or Yoh-sama." She blinked her large black eyes at him.
He put down the bowl, licking his swollen lips.
"Yoh-sama isn't happy at all. Maybe that is what makes Hao-sama angry." She thought aloud. She swung her legs back and forth in the air as Yoh began to peel the first orange.
"Opacho remembers Yoh-sama before. Yoh-sama used to make Opacho angry because he didn't care about Hao-sama." She told him this scowling.
Yoh broke off a small orange piece and popped it into his mouth, chewing slowly.
There was a long silence for a moment as Opacho revisited her old memories from back when she was six and Yoh was fourteen. "Opacho remembers the Shaman Fight very well, even though it was three years ago." She giggled and closed her eyes. "Opacho remembers Hao-sama's fight with Yoh-sama the best though."
Yoh paused as he lifted another piece of orange to his lips.
She peered at him thoughtfully. "Opacho thinks…Opacho thinks that Yoh-sama remembers it very well too…"
Yoh dropped the orange, letting it fall back to the tray. Instantly he turned away from the food, standing up slowly and walking out towards the balcony. His long pants covered his toes as he moved, muffling his footsteps.
The balcony doors were slid open, letting in the cool air and the sound of crickets. A tall wood railing framed the balcony, matching the wood flooring.
Opacho watched Yoh lean himself against the railing, sliding down to the ground and pressing his face against the bars. With a sigh she stood and collected the tray, heading out of the room. Their 'conversation' was over.
Shaman fight. Do I remember...? Three years
Shaman fight...Hao...
Horo tapped his chopsticks against his teeth, glancing up across the table at his boyfriend. "You okay?" he asked anxiously, blue eyes narrowing in concern.
The other boy waved a dismissing hand at him, offering a small smile as well to show that he was fine.
The Ainu smiled in return, reaching up with his hand to adjust his headband over his long black bangs. He glanced back up. "You gonna eat that?" he asked, reaching across the table with his chopsticks.
The younger boy slapped his hand away. "Course I am." Came the sharp response.
"No you're not! You're just saying that so I can't have it!" Horo whined, eyeing the spring roll hungrily.
"Don't be stupid. I just haven't gotten around to eating it yet. I have to finish my rice first."
"You're a slow eater."
"Only compared to you, you pig."
"That was mean!" Horo pouted and stirred his rice about on the plate unhappily.
The other shaman ignored his pouting and ventured on to another subject. "Have you seen that kid around lately?"
"What kid?"
His lover looked up in agitation as he fought to remember the name. "Manta! Him…I haven't seem him in years…"
Horo scrunched up his face and nodded in agreement. "You're right. I saw him a couple months ago, but only briefly. He's studying real hard for collage."
"I see." The young shaman chewed slowly and swallowed. "I wonder how much he's changed…"
"A lot. He's gotten taller. Amazing, right?" Horo chuckled, remembering Manta's short height.
"It's funny…it feels like everyone's been changing so much… I hardly recognize anyone anymore…"
Horo stood up and collected his plates, walking into the kitchen to dump them in the sink. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Do you think I've changed a lot?"
"You?" he echoed.
"Yeah…when I look at myself I don't think I'm any different, but from another one's eyes…" Horo trailed off with a shrug of his broad shoulders. "Who's doing the dishes tonight?"
"Not me." They said in unison.
"You finished eating last so you have to do them!" Horo declared, standing in the doorway of the kitchen to glare at his boyfriend.
"Yes well, I did them last night. So it's only fair for you to do them this time."
"But I don't want to!"
The slenderer of the two stood up with his dirty dishes in his hands and walked over to Horo. He gave him a quick peck on the lips. "HoroHoro, do the dishes."
Horo grinned and leaned in for a more passionate kiss, letting their tongues play against each other. "Fine." He groaned once they pulled apart. "But you owe me for this."
Horo took the dishes off the boy's hands and dumped them in the sink with his own. Sighing he turned the water on, letting it collect.
The small room was soon filled with the soft sound of the clinking of dishes as he scrubbed at them.
Strong arms wrapped around his waist as a thin body pressed up against him from behind. "After this…let's go to bed, okay Horo?"
Horo smiled. "Sure." He agreed softly, speeding up his dish washing.
The warm body slipped away from him as his boyfriend stepped back. Carefully he slid onto the counter, his legs banging against the cabinets. He breathed in sharply.
"Careful spiky!" Horo exclaimed, dropping his sponge to glance at him in concern. Ever since that 'accident' he had constantly been worrying over his lover's health and conditions. Too much over exertion just might lead to a fit… which he did not want to have to witness again.
"Tch, stop fussing, I'm fine." Amber eyes rolled to the ceiling as the bland response was made.
Horo turned his attention back to the task at hand, closing his eyes and smirking. "I can't help it." He said this in a singsong voice but they both knew he meant it.
"Yeah…yeah I know."
Horo peeked one eye open and grinned widely. "Are you blushing?"
"What! No!"
"You so are!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"…Go to hell."
Horo sniggered and turned the water off, stacking the plates neatly on the counter. "I win."
The other shaman fought the urge to roll his eyes again and instead chose to change the subject. "You've changed on the outside…"
"Before…you asked me if I thought you changed at all…on the outside you have…"
Horo raised his eyebrows as he reached for the red dishtowel and picked up a dripping plate. "Oh?"
"Yeah…you've gotten uglier."
The Ainu nearly dropped his plate in indignation. "Excuse me?" he coughed.
A chuckle. "Kidding…kidding." He reached out and toyed with Horo's small messy ponytail. "I'm still not used to that."
HoroHoro shrugged and rubbed the plate dry. "I like it."
"You're also…more mature…by like…one percent though."
"Yay! Now I'm one hundred percent mature!" Horo cheered.
"I never said that!"
And so the two continued bickering as Horo finished up his chore of drying the dishes. By the end of evening they ended up entwined in each other's arms, lips pressed together firmly.
Joh: Yes…I've had so much time on my hand's that I've been writing non-stop. So the sequel is all ready started! Yay!
Jessie: I think it's a good start.
Joh: I guess. Hope you guys like it!
Jessie: Oh, in the next chapter you'll figure out what happened in that two-year lapse in case it got confusing.
Joh: I didn't want to give it all away so quickly. You'll figure out what Yoh's friends have been up to in chapter two!
Review please.