Author's Note – Ok if you're a Mondler fan you are going to hate this! I guess you should leave now if you hate anything that breaks them up. If you continue to read you can't say you haven't been warned lol :)

I wasn't going to say what this story was about but it's pretty obvious so heck I'm going to do it. This is a Chandler/Rachel fic. Now I don't normally do these. I'm a big Mondler fan and I don't normally like Chandler and Rachel as a couple but I thought I'd give this one a whirl. It just came to me when I should have been updating my other stories, it didn't take long to write and I'm pretty happy with the result so I thought I'd share it with you! This is pretty different for me (although it does include Chandler as per usual hehe.) So I would appreciate any reviews or comments you have.

Again sorry to Mondler fans and sorry for the super long authors note.

Anyway please read and review!

Thank you… and on with the story…

He closed the door quietly as he sneaked into the apartment.

He knew only she would be home; there was no need for the secrecy, not really, but knowing what he was going to do filled him with guilt.

As soon as she saw him she smiled, she got up from the couch, and waited for him to walk over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he embraced her. She could make him feel cherished unlike anyone else. He loved that; he loved how she made him feel.

She sighed contently as she pressed herself against his body.

'I thought you'd have gone after her.' She whispered.

He put his finger against her lips and stared into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes that sparkled with life. She felt as if he was staring right into her soul. He kissed her forehead, then her nose and then he pressed his lips against hers, softly at first until the passion he had for her grew and the intensity of the kiss increased. It seemed to last an eternity neither one of them wanting it to end.

Finally he broke away. She pulled him back and stroked his cheek tenderly.

He looked at her sadly.

'I came to tell you it's over.' He whispered.

The smile was instantly erased from her face and her eyes began to blur as the trace of tears began to form.

'You mean this is really it?' She said her voice cracking.

'It has to be.' He said taking hold of her hands.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and he wiped them away, once again staring into her eyes that were now etched with pain.

He tried to kiss her; as if that would somehow take away the hurt; but she rebuked him.

'No you can't keep doing this.' She sobbed. 'You can't just use me when your relationship isn't working. It isn't fair. I won't be second best to anyone anymore. If you want to make your relationship work then you can't do this. If it's over then it's over, don't keep stringing me along and giving me false hope.'

He sighed sadly and brushed the hair from her face.

'It has to be over I have to try and make things work with my girlfriend and you… well you have relationship issues too.'

She scoffed.

'That's such a cop out – don't use me and him as an excuse.'

He shook his head.

'It's not an excuse. He's my best friend. I can't do this to him, not when I know how he feels about you.'

She sighed as she wiped away her tears.

'Well I don't feel that way about him anymore.' She said resolutely.

He closed his eyes then opened them.

'We have to stop this before someone gets hurt.' He knew that was crap. Two hearts had already broken tonight. 'I'm going to go.' He said. 'I'm sorry… about everything.'

He walked away but lingered a second too long at the door just looking at her. His resolve faded as he saw how beautiful she was. He'd hurt her and he hated himself for that. He walked back over to her and kissed her. For a second she fell into the kiss, her feelings taking over but then she pushed him away.

'No.' She said firmly. 'I mean it you can't keep doing this. It's not fair.' She took a deep breath. 'I think you'd better leave.' She said sadly.

'But I love you.' He blurted out. He was shocked; he hadn't even said that to his girlfriend. She looked at him and she melted. Her determination to end things was gone. She smiled.

'I love you too.' She whispered.

They undressed each other hungrily and made love on the living room floor. They lay together for a while, wrapped up in blankets, just content to be in each other's presence. He held her close as she slept, breathing in her hair, if this was the last time they would be together he wanted to remember it forever.

Eventually he fell asleep and woke only when he heard the door open.

His girlfriend was back.


'Chandler.' She said confused as she saw him.

He got up and wrapped a blanket around himself.

'I thought you were at Phoebe's?' He stammered.

Monica's face dropped as she noticed the sleeping figure on the floor.

'Listen Monica I can explain.' He said.

'You bastard.' She screamed.

All of the commotion woke up Chandler's other woman. She stirred and stood up sleepily, with a blanket wrapped around herself. She was smiling but her face instantly dropped as soon as she realised what was happening. She stared into the eyes of her best friend who was now crying.

'Monica.' Rachel gasped. 'I'm so sorry.' She said full of regret.

Monica just shook her head.

'How could you?' She sobbed running out of the apartment.

Chandler and Rachel could do nothing but look at each other in distress.