Shikashikanaranara: I wrote this because I was BORED!...yeah…


"Come inside! Unpack your things!" Mr. Weasly said as he went inside the tent. What Harry saw when he went inside amazed him. On the outside, it looked like a plain old tent. ON THE INSIDE, IT LOOKED LIKE A PALACE!

"I love magic!" Harry said, his British accent made it sound like, "Olive magic!"

"C'mon! We don't have all day! Let's get to the stadium before it starts!" Mr. Weasly coaxed, excited about the world cup Quidditch match they were about to see. When they went inside the seemingly small stadium, it looked more like A HUNDRED football stadiums COMBINED!

"I love magic!" Harry said.

"GEORGE! These people sure know how to party!" Fred declared as he heard a loud BANG outside.

"I love magic!" Harry said.

"Mordesmorde!" Some random dude shouted as he pointed a stick to the sky. A skull appeared out of nowhere and stuck it's tongue out. That's rude! But, Harry thought otherwise.

"I love magic!" Harry said.

"Harry! Are you ok? Did something happen?" Arthur, Mr. Weasly, asked in concern.

"Arthur! The mark!" Fudge exclaimed.

"I love magic!" Harry said.

"COME ON! We're going to be late for the Hogwart's Express!" Mrs. Weasly shouted, pushing herself through platform 9 and ¾.

"I love magic!" Harry said.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" The candy-cart women asked, candy sprouting from every crack of the cart.

"I love magic!" Harry said.

"Let the feast, BEGIN!" Dumbledore declared as food appeared on their plates.

"I love magic!" Harry said.

"Password?" The fat old lady in the painting asked.

"I love magic!" Harry said.

" I am sorry, but you are incorrect." The fat old lady then went out to visit a friend.

And thus, Harry slept outside that night…


Shikashikanaranara: I just thought that the scene was funny…Harry Potter and the goblet of Fire, in the movie. Go to the scene when they entered the tent for the first time. After a while, Harry goes, "I love magic" stupidly…yeah…yeah…yeah…mmmhmmm…yup…yeah…woop…woot……………………..yeah…