First and foremost... I'm so sorry for neglecting to update my stories. I'll have you know that since the last two years, I was stuck in Boarding School and was separated from fanfictions for two whole years, resulting in the lack of update. True, I could have written the stories on a piece of paper and typed it on the computer when I'm home for holidays. But ideas don't flow as easily as it does when I am typing on the computer itself. Then when school finally ends, I couldn't bring myself to read fanfictions anymore as I was always busy at home, and not having enough time to actually do something at all.

At the beginning of this year though, when I finally enter University(yes, I am now a university student) I found that I have much free time when I have no assignments. As I have nothing better to do in my room than sleep, I finally decided to read fanfictions once more, and after a few stories I was addicted to fanfictions again. After all, I have computer in my hand that can access Internet. That was when I decided to continue my story as to not disappoint you guys any further. BUT. I still have to rethink the plot and settings.

Some of you had reviewed, telling me that the name of Naruto's mother is Uzumaki Kushina and she's from whirlpool. I took a lot of time thinking if I should change the settings and follow the canon's settings for his mother. But then I decided against it. If I'm changing her name, then I'll have to change the Yondaime's name too, and change her appearance(in canon she has red hair, in mine she has brown hair and blue eyes). Then I'll have to change her family settings and everything that I had planned for her family. That means changing the whole plot and what I have planned for this story. That is why I have decided against it. If I change everything according to the canon then what was the whole point of writing fanfiction?

Therefore I will not change any settings of the story. Yondaime's name is still Kazama Arashi, his wife is Uzumaki Koyu and she is from the village of the Sun. Hope you all will bear with that.

As for now, I hope you'll accept my apology and...please, enjoy the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto except for characters of the Sun Village and the name Takeru Kenshu and Uzumaki Koyu.


Chapter 2: Nightmares


-15 Minutes Earlier-

'I won! I won! I finally won! Haha! Take that you sucker! Now no one can call me a Legendary Sucker. That's my nickname no more! Money money money! Woohoo I'm rich!!!' Tsunade squealed in joy as she tossed up an armful amount of notes into the air, before the money rained down upon her in all her richness. The blond Hokage sighed dreamily before she relaxed and fell back onto the large pile of notes.

She grabbed onto one of the green notes and sniffed it deeply, pleased with the scent of heaven on earth. Now she could buy anything that she ever wanted and drink as much sake as she likes, and money will no longer be the limiter for her to enjoy her favourite beverage; sake. The Godaime laughed gleefully and bathed in the paper notes known as wealth. She smiled in content, fanning herself with a makeshift fan made of money notes. Suddenly a bottle of sake appeared before her out of thin air. The Sannin grabbed the bottle immediately and was about to take a swig of liquid goodness when-


All of a sudden her pool of money disappeared on her. Tsunade's eyes widen at the sudden loss and was about to cry out of despair, trying to deny the fate that she would always be known as the infamous Legendary Sucker when she felt a tug at her consciousness, pulling her back into the reality.

- Hokage's Chamber -

Tsunade woke with a groan at the thought of her beloved money that had disappeared into the abyss of dream. She felt that it was such a waste that it had only been a tricks of mind and none of the sorts would actually happen to her, as much as she hate to admit it. She sighed as she opened her hazel eyes slowly, only to meet with an unknown figure in her office. Startled, Tsunade stood up her chair as fast as lightning and shouted with a hint of anger, "What is happening here? And who is this!?"

She knew without a doubt that this young teen was the primary reason for Shizune to actually wake her up from her lovely dream, full of money and sake. Actually, regardless of the presence of the strange boy she would have come in and wake her mentor up for another day of working with those fated enemies of the Hokage; paperwork. The blond Hokage shrugged at the thought and focused on the current matter instead.

"Tsunade-sama there is an intruder in your office!" Shizune said as she threw another handful of senbons towards the boy clad in dark clothing.

The blond leader narrowed her eyes at her student's words. A suspicious ninja had intruded into her office, and none of the Anbu had actually realised this intrusion. For all she knows the boy could have been there longer than they both thought. For a few hours, perhaps? She shook her head inwardly at the thoughts. She must tighten the security around the Hokage Tower as well as the village. After all, she should have gotten a report from the guards at the entrance gate should an unknown shinobi entered the village. So far though, she had received none of the sorts.

The powerful medic nin eyed the intruder as she took in his appearance. He was mostly clad in dark clothing, and had a darker shade of blond than hers. She did however noticed that there was something strange going on with some of his features. His eyes for example. His black pupil is slightly elongated than the normal round one, and it was creepy in a way.

After another seconds of examining him with her own pair of hazel eyes, she finally complemented that this ninja was not one of Konoha's. She might be a drunkard and lazy enough to not remember the names and faces of her ninjas, however she could place that she had never seen this boy as one of the Konoha's ranks in her entire life before.

Well whoever that person was, it doesn't really matter to her any more. No one, and she means NO ONE could sneaked into her office without permission and gets out from that chamber alive, or uninjured. She would make sure the intruders had their own share of pain and lessons, one way or another.

"W-Wait I mean you no harm! I was just-" the male blonde tried to explain himself.

Tsunade paid no heed at his words, clenching her hand into a tight fist and enhanced it slightly with her chakra. 'Whoever this boy is, he's gonna get paid for breaking into my office!' with that she aimed for a hard blow on the boy's face, only to have her powerful fist caught by the stranger.

To say that the blond Sannin was surprised was an understatement. No mere ninja could stopped her mighty punch as easily. Granted that she had only used a small amount of chakra to enhance the attack, her normal, raw strength was more than enough to split a table without so much of a bruise on her part. So when the male nin had caught her chakra-enhanced blow as though it was nothing more than a light attack, Tsunade almost found herself gaping at the boy.

Keyword being almost. No ninjas should ever show their feelings and emotions to others, even their closest friends or families. Much more when it's an enemy or foes that were standing in front of them.

Even if she regards him as a stranger, it's much more safer to treat him as a foe. Thus why she attacked him. Only to be stopped by the very same intruder.

"I said.. I mean you no harm..." the powerful boy paused, "I was just trying to wake you up..."

Tsunade retracted her fist and glared at the dark-clad boy in front of her. She didn't pull back her fist out of his remark or words. Rather she did it so that she could get into her fighting stance easier and get herself ready for anything that might due next, just in case his words proved to be false. Glaring at him, she spat out her question in vicious manner, not caring how she should act as a kage. Acting gracious and polite around a possible-enemy could only get you killed, especially when it's a strong one.

"Who are you and what do you want!? State your business," Tsunade demanded. Her most trusted apprentice, Shizune was already at her side. Her senbons, dipped in sleeping drugs were in position ready to be launched towards the intruder in case he decided to go aggressive towards her and her most important mentor.

The blond boy sighed slowly and paused before looking up, his deep cerulean blue orbs locked gaze with the blond leader's own hazel orbs. Both blonds stared at each other for a while, and Shizune was starting to get restless when the male nin opened his mouth, and with a sentence had shocked both females to their bones.

"I'm here to request something from you... I'm here to become a Konoha Shinobi..."

-Present Time-

The pure force of tension in the Hokage's Chamber was so thick that one could take a knife and slice through the ever growing force easily. Both blonds had yet to break the gaze they held on each other. Their focus was so intense that one could easily mistake them for a passionate kind of stare between lovers, if they do not feel the heavy and tense feeling developing between them that is. After moments that seemed like eternity to the current occupants of the chamber, Tsunade finally broke their gaze and walked around her desk and sat on her rightful chair.

"All right, give me a few valid reasons why you decided to join Konoha and where was your allegiance to before you decided to come here. Are you on an official business or are you a representative from other village that comes here with hope for alliance with Konoha? Give me every details and don't leave anything out. Don't give me craps about not having join any village before this, someone of your skill level must have taken some trainings from a shinobi village," the blond Hokage locked her gaze with the blue orbs again, her voice was back on the formal and official Hokage tone. Shizune who had been in a fighting position returned to her mentor's side and stood faithfully beside her idol.

Thoughts began to ran through the avenger's mind. Should he tell the truth? Should he inform the female leader of his village; The Village of The Sun? Should he tell her the truth behind his name, his father's family name for that matter? 'No... it would not do for them to find out the truth behind my heritage from either of my parents' sides. They could learn the whole truth regarding my plan to punish the Konoha fools and destroys everything I had set my mind to since I was a kid. I shall not tell her of anything that might lead to it,'

All these thoughts vanished as quickly as it came. Naruto had decided in less than five seconds on what he was going to tell her. He would tell her of the Sun Village as his former village without stating his real family's name. He would act as if he was just another shinobi from a small clan of no importance in that village. He knew he could tell her that he was from another village instead of the Sun, but naturally his home is the place that he knew best of all places. He would tell her a partial truth to first gain her trust. And that was what he just did.

"I go by the name of Takeru Kenshu of Takeru Clan form the Village of The Sun. I am not an official representative from the village to deal with business of any sorts. I was previously a Jounin and as for the reason I decided to join Konoha... let's just say I got tired of the Uzumaki Clan ruling the Village of The Sun and decided to take chances and live in Konoha instead," Naruto lied convincingly, his words came out smoothly through his lips. He could sense that Tsunade had summoned her chakra quietly in hope that he wouldn't notice and knew immediately what it was for.

Tsunade had enhanced her ears with great precision that she would not hear other irrelevant sounds that might hurt her currently very sensitive ears. She aimed to hear the only thing that speaks the truth of the nin regardless of his words or body actions. She listened for his heartbeat, trying to adjust her rhythm with his to make it easier. She knew the basics of basics, of which human heart will always beat faster when the human lies or were nervous or scared. The blond Hokage had planned to listen for his heartbeats and arrest him if he had somewhat lied to her. He wasn't.

The self-proclaimed Kenshu had spoken only the truth, Tsunade decided from his normal pace of heartbeats. Either that or he had already sensed what she was trying to do and avoid being detected by controlling his feelings and emotions, hence controlling his own heartbeats.

The female leader sighed inwardly, at this rate, she could never arrest the boy. Without prove or any evidence, capturing a nin from other village that had requested for joining her ninja forces was not a good move. A mistake in handling such nin could lead to war between their currently neutral village and end many lives. No, she had to do her part right.

Meanwhile, Naruto had started to ponder on her actions. He knew for a fact that such measure was not needed to actually grant a nin from other places an official ninja status of a village. He had helped his grandfather with his Kage works on several occasions to know enough of how things work. And this is definitely not one of the procedures taken. He narrowed his eyes slightly, 'Did she somehow found out the trail of destruction that soon will follow once she approved of my ninja status here? Well if that is the case then I guess I have no choice but to commence my original plan. Destruction of Konoha will begin as soon as I leave this room,'

Fortunately for the villagers and citizens of Konoha, and in a way Naruto as well, Tsunade was sane enough to not start a war with another powerful yet hidden village for her own benefit of doubts.

"I see... How did you leave your village though? Are you a missing-nin?" Tsunade eyed the boy carefully, waiting to see his reaction. She was still hoping to get a proof of her silent accusation; she did not believe that such powerful ninja would come and requested a ninja status in another village just because he wasn't satisfied with the clan that rules his former village.

Naruto said nothing for a minute and decided the best way to leave the village that he would have taken. Not that he'd abandoned his home though. Rather he would gladly die instead of turning against his beloved village.

"I had sent Taiyoukage a letter of resignation as a shinobi of the Sun Village. He approved of it and stripped me off my ninja status as I had requested. Not that he cares. I was just another one of his shinobi from a lowly clan after all,"

Tsunade cursed inwardly. This had not gone in her favor. Everything that he had claimed had seem nothing but truth regarding his life whether she liked it or not. The blond medic quickly ran through the questions forming in her mind. Lots of them were intriguing, but it wasn't as if he could ask him straight out whether he had planned something towards Konoha behind her back or if he had any history with Konoha or its people. And it wasn't like he would answer her questions too.

Finding out that there weren't any more questions that she could ask without alerting him her suspicion, she decided that she might as well follow the standard procedure and grant him the right of being a Konoha shinobi. Tsunade pulled out some forms out of her drawers and set them on her desk. She motioned for him to come forward and fill in the required forms. Unbeknownst to him, she had silently slid in another paper in between the forms to find out more information regarding this nin.

Naruto walked forward calmly, he suspected that he had already became a suspicious target in the blond leader's list. Inwardly he shrugged; not that it matters, she won't be able to stop him anyway. Picking up the papers, he quickly scanned through the contents and filled in personal particulars of his other self that goes by the name Kenshu. He stopped however when he came across a paper that he knew by heart shouldn't be in his hands right now.

The Sun nin took a brief glance at Tsunade who was looking at him innocently before returning his gaze to the papers before him and smirked. Figures.

Naruto pondered on what he should write before an idea popped into his mind. He smiled slightly and began to write across the paper.

The male nin handed over the papers to Tsunade as soon as he was done. A surprised look flashed across the blond medic upon looking at the informations before composing herself. She eyed the single male carefully and nodded, "As of now I will grant you the rank of Chuunin. Tomorrow we will test your skills and decide on the appropriate rank for you, and only then will I present you with the formal vest and hitai-ate before I officiate you as a shinobi of Konoha,"

Naruto nodded slightly at her words, 'At least I passed today's part,'

"Meet me at the Forbidden Forest at 8 am tomorrow. I will send someone to guide you there. For now, I welcome you to Konohagakure, Village of The Leaf," Tsunade continued, her gaze never left the blond teenager's face, "You are dismissed,"

There was a brief color change in the dark-clad boy's eyes; his cerulean blue had flashed dark purple and before Tsunade could relate it, a black substance covered him wholly from head to toe. Several moments later the black substance dissipated, and no trace of the blond boy was left.

Tsunade slumped onto the desk and sighed. Her loyal assistant, Shizune quickly went to her side and before she could ask anything Tsunade muttered a few words loud enough only for her to hear, "What have I done?"

Shizune, puzzled at her mentor's words began to massage her shoulders in hope to ease her of tiredness before she asked, "What do you mean Tsunade-sama? Surely Takeru-san will be a good addition to our manpower. We had suffered lots of losses last year during Chuunin Exam and is still recovering from that attack. His skills will surely help in recovering this village back to its prosperous time,"

Tsunade shook her head, "Didn't you see that look in his eyes? It was full of menace and hatred, and I doubt it was directed towards me or you as we've never met him before. If I have to guess... those hatred are directed towards this village. I doubt he'll bring this village to her glory, instead he might possibly bring her to her downfall," Shizune gasped at the female beside her and exclaimed, "Why did you approve him of his request then? Why didn't you refuse him instead?"

The leader shook her head yet again, there was no way she could refuse him. If what she had guessed so far was correct, then refusing him now would only bring Konoha to her destruction sooner. As if to prove her assumptions correct, Tsunade looked down at the piece of paper she had slid in earlier yet again and sighed.

Name : Takeru Kenshu

Rank :Jounin

Missons Accomplished:

~ S-rank= 2

~ A-rank= 16

~ B-rank= 23

~ C-rank= 37

~ D-rank= 49

Taijutsu : Excellent

Genjutsu :Above Average

Ninjutsu :Excellent

Kenjutsu :Excellent

There was no way a Kage would let go of his soldier easily, especially a powerful one at that, 'He must have some connections with the Taiyoukage and came here with a mission unlike what he had just told. I'll have to keep my eyes on him,' the blond Hokage thought. She just hoped that having the said nin in her command would help her in devising plans to avoid destruction of Konohagakure that he might bring.

The sannin opened her drawer and placed that piece of paper containing Kenshu's information inside it. As she closed the drawer another thought passed her mind, 'Is this some kind of warning from him? That hatred and almost undetectable killing intent of his?' Or maybe he was trying to instil fear in her? If that's what he'd been aiming for then she'd have to say that he'd done a really good job on it. Not that she'll admit of course.

Sighing again Tsunade motioned for Shizune to stop massaging her shoulders. Her assistant obeyed and without a word excused herself from the chamber, knowing that Tsunade needed some time alone to think about the whole ordeal that had happened. The blond woman was grateful for her thoughtfulness and decided to thank her later. For now, all she want was to take a few swigs of her beloved sake.

-With Naruto-

'I have to say... that woman of a Hokage really deserves to be one. She knew, or at least suspected my intentions in less than an hour she had with me,' Naruto thought as he took another step towards the Hokage Mountain. After spending about 3 hours in the Hokage's chamber, he decided to have a look at Konoha's landscape. He should be prepared to commence his plan and destroy this village to ashes in case the Godaime Hokage did find out about the rest of his plans. And what better place to look at the surroundings of the village than the famous Hokage Mountain?

"'Are you sure about this kit? If she had already suspected you with your plans, don't you think it will be harder to accomplish it later?'" Kyuubi's voice echoed in his mind. The Nine-Tailed Fox demon had come to think of Naruto as his son. After being with him for 14 years, he had found out that Naruto was more special than others, seeing as not all humans have the potential to hold the power of Bijuus like he did. He knew where the powers came from, and it only made him more likeable. A boy from a clan that associates with demons. Now how could a demon like him not love the boy?

'So? That will only make all this more interesting. A goal that you can achieve in just a few seconds without any sort of workouts is not good for your ego and pride. I need something more challenging, something that will bring me satisfaction upon accomplishing it,' the blond smirked at the thoughts of the Konoha fools' face, full of horrors at the revelation regarding his true motive after years of trusting him with their lives.

The red fox demon chuckled silently, he would love to see those thoughts of his son came into reality. He had always hated those humans who thought they are more powerful than others and are arrogant as hell, especially the clan with those red eyes that people often dubbed 'copycats'.

Moments later the cloaked boy finally arrived upon his destination. Without hesitation he walked to the Yondaime's head and sat on his father's head on the Hokage Mountain. Naruto's eyes began to scan the surroundings of the village, from east to west until the Main Gate of Konoha.

'Hmm... the village is still recovering from that attack during the Chuunin Exam last year it seems.. I can't believe how a Snake Freak like him can be called a Sannin if he couldn't even bring this village down like he had bragged earlier last year. I guess it's a good thing Grandpa had rejected him flat out when he offered to 'work together' to finish Konoha once and for all. It would only shatter the pride of the Sun Village, like it did to Suna's. Though I doubt that we will fail if we have a part in the attack as well,'

"' Kit, you have to stop being overconfident like that. It can bring you to your downfall one day if you can't control your confidence,'" Kyuubi said. It was good that his kit was confident in his skill, for a shinobi who have no confidence will not be able to survive against a stronger nin. However that doesn't mean that he should overestimate his own abilities.

'Yea yea.. but what can I say? My clan IS the most powerful clan in the world... IF our enemies could actually live to tell the tale to the whole world. As it is, we are forced to kill every single nins that encounter us to keep the strength of our clan a secret. You never know when an evil person might plan something for my clan to get our bloodline and sacred traditions,' Naruto never knew how true his words were. A secret organisation called Akatsuki would have hunted every single member of his clan should the word of his power got out.

Suddenly the blond felt a presence coming towards him at high speed. Naruto jerked his head upward, looking somewhere into the sky where he felt the presence were. A few seconds later, a black dot appeared behind the clouds and dived towards him at incredible speed.

Less than a minute later, the presence came into view and slowed down to avoid crashing into the teenager. Naruto smiled at the presence that had revealed itself as a small phoenix in the size of a tiger cub. Its feathers were blazing red in color, with black streaks along each of the feathers. In its mouth was a scroll which Naruto knew was from his mother. Naruto reached out his hand to pat on the legendary bird, earning him a happy squawk from the phoenix. He then pulled out the scroll from its mouth before taking out two piece of coal from his pocket and threw them into the mouth of the blazing bird.

The mythical bird gave another happy squawk at receiving its food before disappearing with a 'poof' of smoke.

Naruto had always envied his mother for her phoenix summons. Those mythical creatures are able to fly and Naruto had always wished that one of her summons would be willing to take him for a flight. But they were under orders of their master which was of course Koyu, who would never let her son go for a trip in the sky for fear of her son's life if he had somehow fell from the bird. He never had the chance to do so so far.

But he won't give up.

Regardless Naruto turned to look at his mother's scroll and bit his finger before smearing his blood on a spiral-shaped seal. Slowly but surely the seal melted and disappeared from his sight with a 'hiss'.

"'Dun dun... let's see what your mother says...'" Kyuubi chuckled at the back of his mind. The blond boy ignored his inner demon and opened the scroll and read through the letter.

Dear Naruto-kun,

What the hell are you thinking!? I thought I told you that all you need to do is to destroy that pitiful excuse of a village into ashes once you stepped into there? And now you're planning to what, become a high-respected Jounin or Hokage for around two years before you finally punish them for their crimes!? How about your training to overtake your Grandpa!? You should undergo training as Taiyoukage starting next year! I know that you're not going to take over his job until you're 20 years old at least, but what if any emergencies happens? Of course I do not wish for anything to happen, but we always have to take possibilities into account. You will need all the training you can get then to rule the Sun!

Of course, minus all those negative effects of your selfish action, I do agree with you. Those monkeys deserve no less than a taste of their own crimes against us fourteen years back. I only hope that you won't have any change of heart in the coming years, staying there and dealing with them and all. Remember son, never trust them, no matter how they act towards you, kind or not. Remind yourself of their ugly self that refuses to acknowledge the truth and tried to kill us back then. NEVER let yourself be deceived by their words or act of kindness, as all they really care about was their own personal safety, feelings and satisfactions. They are but apes disguise in human masks. Lower than garbage, really.

I hope you're all right living there. Remember to clean up your sword once a week, and never abandon your training routine more than twice in a week. If I find you out of shape once you're back here, you know what to expect. I won't give you any mercy, AT ALL! Oh and one more thing, do NOT eat ramen more than fifty bowls per week! I'll send Chigo to check on you once in a while to make sure you follow my orders. If I find out that you has somehow eaten an extra bowl, even one bowl, I'm going to double up your training and restrain you from having even a mouthful of those noodles for a month!

Now then, I just hope you're safe there. I trust you know enough to not reveal the Uzumaki name to them? Oh well, I know you can handle everything. Just remember to write me a letter at least once a month, possibly once a week if you have the time. Remember I ALWAYS Love you my baby. You will always be in my heart.


Your Beautiful Mother

P/S: Just so you know, things are getting quieter and boring here now that you're gone. Hope you'll come back once in a while and enlighten you poor mother's heart?

PP/S: Give my regards to Kyuubi. Tell him I trust him to take care of you in my place.

Naruto groaned, his mother was calling him a 'baby' again. Plus she's banning him from eating his favourite ramen to a limit of 50 bowls per week! That was barely enough to cover him for 4 meals!

"'Hahhaa... typical Koyu I guess. Always a Loving mother to her only son huh?'" Kyuubi laughed loudly after finished reading the letter through his vessel's eyes. Naruto gave the fox demon a mental sour look while on the outside he remained calm and composed. His mood worsen at the thought of Chigo coming to check on him.

He had always hated that baby phoenix. Though small, it was quite fast and cheerful, and always carry out important tasks given by his mother. He would have like it too, if not for its big mouth.

That bird always told Koyu his secrets and behavior. It always blabber out all of his misdoings even the smallest ones like not washing his hands after using the bathroom. It was all its fault that he found himself facing wrath from his mother, and sometimes he wished for the bird to disappear or get out of his life.

But that is not going to happen soon. And with Chigo checking up on him, he better not disobey his mother at all costs. Besides a life-and-death situation of course.

The male Uzumaki sighed as he closed the scroll before he burned it using a weak Katon jutsu. Soon there was nothing left on his hand except for a pile of ash that soon got carried away by the wind and dispersed into the air of Konohagakure.

Naruto looked down on the village, and with a flash of purple in his eyes, he dissolved into black nothingness that covered him wholly.

-That Night (Dream)-

Red. Fire. Scream. Everywhere was filled with those three things. Fire and red were everywhere, dominating the scene, while screams of fear and horror filled the air. Naruto found himself lying on the grass and he pushed himself up from the ground. He looked around him in confusion, wondering where the hell was he.

At first he thought that this place might be Konoha, or what he hoped was Konoha when he finally destroy them. But then he saw familiar buildings and landscapes where he grew up with, and immediately fear and disbelief dominated him, "This! This can't be the Sun can it!?" he shouted in horror. He was in the private training ground that he had often used during his childhood.

The blond nin began to run toward where his family compound was. In less than five minutes he had reached the Uzumaki family compound, and a wave of dread hit him once he saw the scene in front of him. The entrance of the compound was destroyed, with blood splattered everywhere and guards of the gate lying on the ground, headless.

Naruto ran into his house to search for his most important family members; his mother and grandfather. He went for the Family Room where his mother and grandfather always sat, and on his way there he encountered more dead bodies. Most of them were his distant relatives, and as he got closer to his destination he came across his dead aunties and uncles, along with his cousins.

One turn away from the room he felt another wave of dread hit him; his closest and childhood friends were pinned onto the walls, their eyes were gouged out and organs were spilling out of their bodies. Naruto had to held on his nausea so that he would not vomit from the scene. When he turned away from those dead bodies though, he saw another surprise. His dead lover, Kariya, the one who was killed by Kumo nins when he was nine years old was in the garden, though now her body was floating on the garden lake, her blood tainting the once pure water where fishes used to swim.

Naruto shut his eyes closed, and before tears could escape him, he began to run towards the Family Room. Once he reached there though he stopped and took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself for what he was about to see. He slide the door open and his eyes widen in horror, "Ojiisan!!!"

Uzumaki Kenji,otherwise Naruto's grandfather and current Taiyoukage of the Sun was impaled through his heart by a long katana with white hilt. He was pinned high on the wall by the blade with no other visible injuries on him. His face though, was of pure horror with eyes widen, staring down at his grandchild. A lone tear slid down Naruto's cheek and he was about to mourn his loss when a voice from behind interrupted him.

"Uzumaki Naruto, are you enjoying the sight?"

Naruto spunned around and took out a scroll from his chest and dispelled the seal, summoning forth a black katana sheathed in black with white blazing fire design on the sheathe. He unsheathed his katana and held it in a fighting stance before he growled at the strangers standing in front of him.

There were four figures facing him, and the one thing that Naruto noticed was common between them was their clothes; a black cloak with red clouds as the design. Everything about them screamed 'Dangerous!' at him, but Naruto paid no heed to the self-warning and began rushing at them, trying to strike them down.

His blow stopped halfway when one of the strangers shoved his mother in front of him as their shield.


His mother was tied up at her wrist with chakra, as well as the rest of her body. Though she was in terrible condition, Naruto was sure that she was still alive. Her breathing though soft and irregular, told him all that he need to know; his mother was safe. For now.

"Let her go you bastards!" Naruto tried to slice the hands of the stranger that was holding his mother. But before he could reach those pair of hands, another one of the cloaked guys had sneaked on him and gave him a thunderous kick on his gut. Naruto was thrown away from the impact of the kick and was sent into the wall, hard, making big dents on those walls.

"Uzumaki Naruto, we will let your mother live, if you choose to follow us quietly without any sorts of retaliation," the figure holding Uzumaki Koyu said calmly.

"Like hell I will!" Naruto shouted before he groaned at the pain. That kick was very powerful that it could take him, who was at sannin-level, down in one attack.

The figure looked at him for a while before he said in disappointment, "Wrong answer,"

Naruto could only watch in horror as his foe sliced his mother's throat with ease using a wakizashi. His mother's blood splattered onto his enemy's face and cloth, as well as the floor before she slumped onto the floor with a loud thud.

Uzumaki Koyu was dead.


-End Dream-

Naruto's eyes shot open, his clothes as well as bed sheets were drenched with sweat. His eyes darted around the room, looking for any sign of fight or blood. He sat up slowly as his panted breathing slowed down. Nothing was out of place, nothing had happened.

It was just a dream.

Scratch that. It was a nightmare.

A nightmare that had seemed so real that he doubted he would had realised it was nothing more than a nightmare had he not awaken.

A nightmare that he hoped would stay no more than a nightmare.

Naruto groaned; what was it with him and nightmares?

The blond male got up and slowly stretched himself, popping the bones in all the right place. Once he was done he went to the bathroom to take a nice, long shower that hopefully will erase him of the memories of the nightmare. Slowly but surely, memories of unpleasant dream were fading from him as he soaked himself into the bliss people called shower.

Once he was done, Naruto got out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. He took another towel from the rack and began drying his wild, spiky blond hair. After he was done drying himself up, he took out a pair of his usual ninja clothes from his backpack and quickly wore them, including his black ninja half-mask.

No sooner than he was done, there was a knock on his door. Naruto turned to look at his clock. It was 7.45 am. He groaned, he had woke up rather late that he hadn't the time to actually have breakfast. After pondering for a moment, he decided to have a large breakfast later after he was done with his appointment with the Hokage. After all, he was supposed to test his skills and decide his rank in Konoha.

Another knock on the door was heard, and from the loudness of it, Naruto could guess that whoever was guiding him to the Forbidden Forest was getting impatient.

Naruto opened his door and was greeted by a sight of a shameless kunoichi wearing nothing but a fishnet and trench coat that barely conceal her important assets. The said woman was looking pissed and he could guess that he was the cause of her anger. Not that he cares.

"You Takeru Kenshu?" The woman asked him, one of her eyebrows were raised as she asked.

Naruto merely nodded as an answer to her question. He didn't think he was obligate to answer the woman verbally. The woman smirked at his attitude and smiled flirtatiously.

"Name is Mitarashi Anko. Come, I will guide you to the Forbidden Forest for the assessment of your skills,"

That is the end of this chapter.

I'm hoping that you guys will help me on this one particular problem that is very crucial to the storyline.

Is Jounin Exam held in different village where all Chuunins who wish to advance to a higher rank have to go to where the exam is held like Chuunin Exam? Or do they conduct the exam in their own respective village for their own respective shinobi?

Thanks a lot for your support. I hope you guys will continue supporting me until the next chapter and next and next till the end of the story.