A/N: Don't ask me how I got the idea... especially during exam... 'cause I really don't know how it came to me...anyway, ENGLISH IS MY SECOND LANGUAGE! But that doesn't mean I'm bad in english, oh no I'm actually pretty good, only a few grammar mistakes. Though I must admit that I suck at writing fighting scenes. Anyway enjoy this story!

Note: This story was posted as an apology for the late update of my other story, 'The Way It Ends'... And I'm pretty sorry I can't post the next chapter of 'The Way It Ends' right now... got some problems... I'll post it as soon as I can...

What if Naruto's mother had survived when she gave birth to Naruto? What if she too had survived the Kyuubi Massacre, only to be chased out from Konoha by the villagers? And what if, she brought Naruto to the Hidden Village of Sun, the place where she came from, and decided to raise Naruto as an avenger, to avenge Arashi's death by destroying Konoha?

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Naruto except for Uzumaki Koyu and the Hidden Village of Sun!
Thank you Silente Faerie64 for helping me...

Prologue: How it started...

It was another peaceful and relaxing day for the civilians in Konohagakure, one of the largest villages in the world. But to one particular person, it wasn't entirely relaxing as he had lots of work that's needed to be done by none other than himself.

- Hokage's Chamber -

A certain blonde Hokage was sitting on his rightful chair with his right elbow on the table to support his face while his left hand was holding a piece of paper over thousands of stacks of documents. Well okay maybe it's not thousands but hundreds. (A/N: hey that's still considered a lot!) He had a muscular face and a pair of deep blue eyes. He also had a Konoha's hitai-ate tied around his forehead, covering a part of his messy blonde hair. He wore a white robe with the blazing red flame decorated at the bottom of the robe and the word 'Yondaime' in the middle at the back of the robe. He also wore a pair of brown pants and white shirt underneath his robe.

The Yondaime yawned loudly as he read through the paper he was holding sleepily.

"...Mowing the lawn, D rank... escorting a businessman, C rank... catch a cat, D rank..." he mumbled as his eyelid started to close.

Just when he started to snore slightly someone knocked the door to his chamber. He jerked from his sleep and sighed in frustration before he motioned the person to come in.

The door swung open to reveal a young woman at her early 20, wearing a pair of black baggy pants with a light blue shirt underneath her jounin vest. She had a very long and silky brown hair that reached her slim waist and was tied up in a high ponytail. Her eyes were a cerulean blue, a bit different from the Yondaime's deep blue eyes. But there was something strange about her, for she carried two hitai-ates. The one around her neck had a symbol of a sun, while the other one that was tied around her forehead had the symbol of Konoha.

"Good afternoon Hokage-sama," greeted the woman politely.

"Oh, Koyu it's you. Could you just drop the formality? I already told you to do that," he stood and walked next to her.

"Ok then Hokage-teme," she said playfully as he wrapped his hands around her waist from behind, standing in the middle of the room.

"So...what brings you here today, my lovely wife?" he whispered to Koyu's ear as he closed his eyes and ran his fingers through her silky brown hair.

"Hmm… have you forgotten about our lunch date, Arashi?" she asked as she spun around looking at his detailed face.

Arashi looked at her and smiled, as he took her arm and walked out of his room, or maybe office. "Mou, of course not. How could I forget, when I don't get to spend some time with you that often?"

She smiled slightly at his words and hugged his arm tightly as if she was on the line of death. They walked to the Ichiraku Ramen stand and ordered two large Miso Ramen bowls.

During their wait for the ramen, Koyu turned to face Arashi right in his face as she tried to tell him something nervously.

"Umm...Arashi… I'm..."

"Yeah Koyu?"


"Spit it out already,"

"I'M PREGNANT!" she said a little bit louder than she meant to. Luckily for her no one was around to hear that except for the Yondaime himself and Teuchi, the ramen stand's owner.

Arashi stared at her wide-eyed as he looked at her stomach where the infant would soon be present. Or maybe it's already there? Oh well…

"…Arashi?" Koyu called his name as she waved her hand in front of his face. She sighed deeply, 'He won't be out of trance for a while...' she thought as she broke the chopsticks and started eating her ramen that was already served.

- One Hour Later -

Koyu was laughing as she read her newly bought 'Woman' magazine.

- Two Hours Later -

Arashi had finally recovered from trance and was startled when he saw Koyu was giggling at the 'Adulthood' magazine. He stared at her for a while without her noticing it.


"Huh? Oh Arashi, finally..." Koyu stated lazily as she glanced at him for a while.

"Koyu, how long has it been?" There wasn't any emotion in his voice. Koyu doesn't know if he's angry or something.

"What?" she asked with her serious tone of voice, her attention wasn't on the magazine anymore.

"Ou-- Our baby, how long has it been?" he asked as he scratched at the back of the neck. Koyu swore she could see a red tint of blush on his now red cheeks. She stood and smiled warmly before she kissed him gently on the lips. She pulled back after a minute and whispered at his ear.

"It's been 3 months, Ara-kun," she sat back on one of the chair at the stand.

"3--3 months!" he stuttered.

She looked at him and nodded.

His red cheeks had returned to the normal tan as he grinned at her.

"So now I'm gonna be a father right?" he said as he stood and walked out of the entrance.

"Uh...Arashi, where are you going? You still haven't eaten your ramen yet. Aren't you hungry?" she followed right behind him.

He turned around; his grin was still plastered on his well-shaped face.

"Hungry? Nah, I'm not hungry, especially after the good news you gave me. As for where I'm going...I'm going to tell everyone I know that I'm gonna be a father!" he scooped her in his arms, carrying her in bridal style. She almost yelled when Arashi carried her like that, after all she wasn't really used to this, since she just got married with him a month ago. Well, not yet anyway.

"Oi Teuchi, the money is on the table. And uh, keep the change," he said before he leapt away at a really incredible speed, after all, he is the Yellow Flash of Konoha.

- 6 Months later -

Everything was going pretty well. Very well actually. Everyone already knew that she's pregnant, and they acknowledged it. Of course, after all she was the Hokage's wife, and they were officially married, even though she got pregnant two months before the marriage.


'Oh, he's kicking again,' she thought as she touched her now-as-big-as-a-football stomach, which of course has the infant inside. A well-growing infant.

Arashi had restricted her freedom from doing almost anything, of course, the jounin's missions included. Who in the right mind would actually let a pregnant woman go for a dangerous mission after all? She was grateful at her husband, who was also a Hokage, for excusing her from all the missions, which is actually a reasonable act, though she would never admit it. Furthermore she wasn't really in the mood of doing anything, not even her favorite hobby other than training, which was reading. She preferred to sleep, rest while watching television, or daydreaming.

She smiled when she felt the infant kicked inside her again. But her smile had disappeared when she suddenly found herself in pain. A really really terrible pain.

"AHHHHHH!" she cried as she clutched her stomach. She was on her bed, resting before this happened. She cried for help but she doubt anyone would hear her. As if on cue, Arashi came rushing into their bedroom. He had just come back from the Hokage Tower since it was lunchtime. He decided to check on his wife when he heard her cry.

"Koyu!" he rushed at her and carried her to the hospital as fast as he can, using his trademark jutsu, Hiraishin, as Koyu was losing her consciousness.

- Scene Break -

Arashi was sitting on a bench outside of the operation room. 'It has been hours...Oh GOD! Save her and our baby...Save them...' Arashi mumbled as he clutched his head in desperation. He stood and paced around in front of the operation room to relax his mind, but of course that didn't work, he was about to sit down on the bench again when the doctor came out from the operation room. He quickly grasped the doctor's shoulders.

"How are they? Are they safe? Is the baby born? Is SHE safe?" Arashi asked the questions in one breath.

The doctor tilted his head away, and told him in a small voice.

"We could only save one life right now, its either the baby or the mother...we tried to save both, but the chance are just too thin... there's only 3 chance for them both to survive..."

Arashi slumped down on the bench. He cupped his face covering them.

"Now...we need you to decide...which life we should save..." the doctor looked at him with sad eyes. He did sympathy him, but he knew now wasn't the time to show the sympathy. Now he had work to do, to save a life. All he needed right now was the word and confirmation from the blonde Hokage.


Arashi could hear Koyu's scream of pain as the door to the operation room was opened. He turned his head and stared at the male doctor.

"Save my wife...save her..." the doctor could hear his voice, even though his voice was too soft.

"I understand. Have faith in me," the doctor said before he entered the operation room and closed the door.

Arashi stared at the doctor's retreating figure as he sighed sadly.

Later that evening at about 5 p.m. Arashi was jerked from his short nap when he heard a baby's cry from inside the operation room.

He quickly ran into the room with hopes that his wife was still alive and well. What he found out was more than what he could wish for. His wife was there, on the hospital bed smiling at him weakly after all she had gone through. What made him happier is that their baby, Arashi and Koyu's was alive as well.

"It's a boy," said a nurse behind the doctor as she walked up to Yondaime and hand him the vulnerable child. Arashi looked at his baby with soft eyes. The baby has a bright blonde hair like his and a pair of cerulean blue eyes, inherited by his mother. He was a perfect 'blend' of them.

"Ara- Hokage-sama, this operation seems to be a success. We managed to save not only your wife, but your child as well. The goddess of luck must be on our side today for we never thought we might save both of them, but we did anyway," the doctor looked at the yellow flash with a genuine smile.

Arashi smiled back at him before he went to Koyu and kissed her dearly on her pale lips, with the little baby cradled by one of his arm.


"Shh…. don't talk, you need to rest. Save your energy," he said as he pulled a chair and sat beside the bed.

She looked at him and nodded slowly before she drifted off to sleep, with the little blonde baby and Arashi by her side.

- That Night at 8 p.m. -

Koyu was there, on the white bed sheet in a white hospital gown in a white hospital room in the white hospital building. (Wow! so many whites...I'm getting dizzy) She just got transferred from the operation room to her own hospital room. Her body was still weak, but at least now she had the strength to talk.

On her left side there was a smaller bed for the newborn baby. His blonde hair was just messy, as her dear husband's hair. She sighed; it was pretty boring to just sit there doing nothing, especially when you couldn't sleep. She decided to caress her precious son's hair.

Half an hour later, Arashi came into the room carrying a basket of flowers for his dear wife. Behind him were the Sandaime, Sarutobi, and his student, Kakashi.

"Hey Koyu," Arashi greeted her as he went to the bed's side and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"It's good to see you Koyu," Sarutobi said as he smiled. Koyu nodded at him as in acknowledgement of his presence. Kakashi however beamed as he went to Koyu and hug her.

"Aunt Ko-chan! You're all right?" Koyu smiled sweetly as she ruffled his hair. Arashi blinked at this before he put the basket of flowers on the table at the left side of her bed near the blonde baby. He picked the baby up and cradled him in his arms.

One hour had passed, Kakashi and Sandaime was about to leave when a Chuunin barged into the room, panicked.

"What's the big idea? Can't you see that my wife needs some rest?" Arashi said unhappily as he looked at him. Sandaime and Kakashi were already at the door.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama, but there's a monster heading to Konoha! He'll be here in an hour! The guards on patrol said it was the Nine-Tail Fox Demon, Kyuubi! The most powerful Youkai! Hokage-sama, what are we supposed to do now?" The chuunin said all that in one breath without stopping. Every present in the room went wide-eyed except for the tiny blonde baby.

"Kakashi, help the other Chuunins to evacuate the villagers," with that said Kakashi disappeared in a swirl of leaves. Being a genius helps you learn that move a little bit quicker.

Arashi and Sandaime and nodded at each other before they stepped out of the room, only to be stopped by Koyu's voice. Sandaime said he'd go to the Hokage's chamber first to plan everything out.

The Yondaime looked at her lovely wife's eyes. He sat down on the bed right beside her.

"Koyu, if my assumptions are correct, we won't be able to defeat the Kyuubi. He's immortal and what more, he's the most powerful Youkai...I won't make it..." Koyu hushed him and hugged him tightly as he caressed her hair. Tears started to fell.

"There's only one way to save the village. We have to seal the Kyuubi in something living, since an inanimate object won't be able to contain his power. But we can't seal him in adults, since the Kyuubi's powerful chakra will corrupt the person's chakra system," Koyu sobbed even harder when she heard him. She understood what he was trying to say; after all, a shinobi must read underneath the underneath.

"I'm sorry Koyu... I'm so sorry..."

Koyu shook her head. This wasn't his fault. It was his duty, as a Hokage of the Konohagakure. She looked at his handsome face and touched him gently on his cheeks as they kissed each other passionately.

When they broke the kiss, Arashi stood as Koyu hugged her baby dearly and kissed him on his forehead. As she gave her son to the Yondaime she asked, "What will his name be?"

The Yondaime looked at the baby thoughtfully and said,

"From now on, his name will be Naruto; Uzumaki Naruto,"

She understood when he insisted for his son to use her family's surname. He had too many enemies, and if any of them found out he has a legacy, they'll surely go after her and their son.

They looked at each other and kissed passionately for the last time, with the little Naruto right between his parents.

- Scene Break -

She cried. She mourned. She mourned for her late husband who was now lying inside the coffin. She looked at his peaceful figure, lying inside the coffin. She knew how it would end up. She knew her husband would die. Then why? Why did she felt that something was lost, when she had prepared herself for this? Why did she felt as if a part of her soul was now gone?

Koyu mourned for her dead husband beside his coffin. Everyone was dressed in black, and when I said everyone I meant everyone from the Konohagakure. The villagers as well as the shinobis came up the platform and gave their last respect to the Yondaime Hokage, before they went to somewhere else and mourned for their own lost.

The village of Konohagakure was in bad condition. Most of the buildings had been destroyed, save for the area near the Hokage Mountain. So many lives had been lost; so many children would be parentless. The village had lost three quarters of their force, and now they were in a weakened state.

Sarutobi couldn't bear the sight of the Leaf. 'This is just too bad, it is worse than when we had a war with another village,' he thought, 'But isn't that obvious? Kyuubi was the one who attacked the village this time, not any mere foreign shinobi,' Speaking of the Youkai, he took a glance at the little Naruto beside his mother.

Kyuubi had been sealed inside the blonde baby, and though no one would acknowledge him, Naruto had actually saved the Konoha village by being sacrificed as the Kyuubi's container.

After an hour Sarutobi went up the platform and declared, "We lost so many lives, so many friends and families, as well as our beloved Fourth Hokage, Kazama Arashi. He had saved our village by sealing the Kyuubi into this child," he picked up Naruto and showed him to the whole village before he continued his speech, "and I want all of you, to respect this child, for he had sacrificed himself to protect this village. Anyone who disobey me would be executed immediately," he said with a stern tone as he gave back Naruto to Koyu who had stopped crying, though the sadness could be seen in her cerulean eyes, "now I declared, 10th of October as a day to remember, the day the Kyuubi's massacre had happened, and 11th of October as a mourning day," he looked around the village with sad eyes, "I am truly sorry for your loss, I really am," he said before he went down the platform.

Although the villagers heard the Sandaime's warning, they still held tons of hatred towards the Kyuubi container. To them, Naruto wasn't Naruto himself but Kyuubi who had been transformed into human being. That was of course a lie, but they decided to believe that lie, as long as that meant that they would have someone to blame for their loss. They continued on glaring at the blonde container and unfortunately, the glares had gone unnoticed by the Sandaime who was too wrapped up with the late massacre.

Later that night most of the villagers gathered up and made a plan... to kill a certain blonde child.

- With Koyu and Naruto -

Koyu sat in front of the fireplace as she hugged Naruto tightly. She had just lost her reason to stay in Konoha, her husband who had died during the Kyuubi massacre. She was lost in thought about her late husband as she felt something slipped from her neck. She looked down and saw Naruto who had somehow managed to grab one of her hitai-ate. She stared at the symbol of the sun that was on her hitai-ate, which symbolizes her village, the Hidden Village of Sun. She was a representative from 'Tenpi No Sato' otherwise known as The Village of the Sun. (A/N: Yeah I know the name sounds so stupid but that's what I got. And the kage is Taiyoukage.) However she fell in love with Arashi and decided to stay in Konoha...until today.

She sighed as she relived the memories when she met Arashi. Her train of memories and thoughts disappeared when she heard a loud crash from the kitchen. She hugged Naruto tighter than ever as she went to the kitchen cautiously. She still hadn't fully recovered yet, it was already a miracle she could walk around freely a day after giving birth. (A/N: Wow...)

She was hiding at the side of the refrigerator as she tried to spy the intruder. Suddenly she felt something cold was placed at her neck. She moved her eyes slowly and saw something shiny and sharp pointed her neck. She swallowed as she turned around slowly to face the intruder.

Her eyes went wide when she recognized the intruder, even though 'he' wore a mask. The intruder hissed at her, "Give me the child, and I'll spare your life,"

Koyu whispered under her breath, "Kimiko...what? What are you doing?"

The intruder looked at her as 'he' smirked. 'He' took off the mask and said, "I knew you would recognize me, Koyu-chan," apparently, the intruder was a woman that Koyu knew very well. She was one of Koyu's best friend damn it!

"Now don't look at me like that, I was just fulfilling my duty, even though I really didn't want to do this to you," Kimiko said as she asked Koyu to gave her the baby. Kimiko thought everything would work out smoothly, oh how wrong she was.

Koyu looked at her and asked her painfully, "Why? Why are you doing this," tears started to fall, caressing her smooth cheeks.

"Why? To kill the Kyuubi of course," she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Koyu choked on her voice. How could her best friend do this to her?

"Well, if you won't give him to me...then I'll have to take him from you by force," Kimiko said as she went into one of her Taijutsu stance.

Koyu too went into her own Taijutsu stance, after she put Naruto on one of the couch. Fortunately Kimiko had decided to come to her house alone, or else she'll have to deal with two people or more just to protect Naruto. Unfortunately she still haven't recover yet, so she has to stick with Ninjutsu instead of her favorite style of fighting; Taijutsu.

Kimiko smirked before she charged with a kunai at the helpless Koyu who could barely dodge her first attack. Koyu ducked as Kimiko swung her leg, aiming for Koyu's neck. Koyu flipped from the ground and kicked Kimiko at her chin with her right leg. Koyu did a few hand seals before she shouted; "Katon: Hinotama Naraku! (Fire Technique: Fireball of Hell)"

A huge fireball was shot out from Koyu's mouth as Kimiko went wide-eyed. The fireball had engulfed Kimiko and burned her to ash as she screamed in pain. Koyu tilted her head away from the big fire as she made her way to Naruto and cradled him in her arms. After a while the fire extinguished, leaving some ashes on the floor. (A/N: I know the fight was just too short, but I'm not really good in writing fighting scenes)

The battle had been short, but she was already tired. She had used a high level technique from her village that was designed so that once the fireball engulfed the enemy it won't extinguish until the enemy was burned to ash. It was supposed to be one of the 'Desperate Moves' because it uses a huge amount of chakra, but she couldn't help it since she wouldn't fair in the fight any longer. She would actually lose if she didn't use that move.

Koyu stood and jumped out of the window with baby Naruto in her arms. She could sense another five people, or better yet, enemies searching around for her. She couldn't believe that Kimiko and the Leaf would attack her and Naruto. Can't they understand that Naruto wasn't the Kyuubi? Even the Sandaime had made it clear.

She felt her heart broke when she was reminded of the intruder before. 'Kimiko...' she thought sadly as she ran away from her house when she heard someone shout, "Damn it! The demon got away! Search for the demon and kill Koyu if she resist!"

Tears started to fall as she ran for their lives. This had been the third time that she had cried today.

Koyu swallowed a soldier pill that she brought with her at all time and enhanced her foot with chakra to fasten up her pace. She ran until she was outside of Konoha's border and stopped to look at the village; the place where she met her lover, the place where her lover had died, and the place that tried to kill her and her son.

The place that tried to kill her and her son.


Her heart was blinded with hatred and rage. She had no idea why her husband would protect this village and so she blamed the village for her husband's death. She swore an oath with venom voice,

"I, Uzumaki Koyu will raise my son, Uzumaki Naruto as an avenger to avenge Kazama Arashi, by destroying Konoha No Sato..." with that said she turned and leapt towards her only home now, Tenpi No Sato, otherwise known as The Hidden Village of the Sun.

To Be Continued.

How was it? Was it okay? I really hope it was...anyway... I'm giving you readers some unusual choice (or so I thought) for this story... This are the following choices: -

a) Follow through as Naruto grows up in the Sun village and learns under the tutelage of his mother and his clan, or

b) Fast-forward the story to the time when Naruto returns to Konoha, ready to avenge his father.

VOTE AND VOTE AND VOTE! Choose and vote to help me write this story! How do you want the story to turn out? Do you want to follow through Naruto's childhood before he went to Konoha or do you want to see him back to Konoha right on the next chapter? Please decide and don't forget to review and tell me!

Anyway...like I always say...

Review...that's your job...