
4. Nakia and Snape


You can probably guess the disclaimer by now! And today's Plothole is taken from a Harry Potter fic, so sadly Snaga could not make it. Ah well.


4) Nakia and Snape by Nora davidson


Nakia was certainly no ordinary girl, with her 5-foot-7 frame, brown hair and eyes, and slight podge. Not in a world of pink-haired catgirls, sultry teenage vampires, and Last Survivors of Ancient Angelic Races. Of course, her name was rather boringly predictable, but you couldn't have everything.

She was also unique in not being teased for her individuality, picked on, victimised, orphaned or otherwise caused to angst along with all the other girls. So it was that one evening, when her classmates were holed up alone in their dorms or melancholy under the lonely moon -- where they were fighting for elbow-room, whilst the Giant Squid watched in amusement -- Nakia was in the library, doing homework. The others had whizzed through the two-foot essay, but then Nakia was considerably less clever than Hermione.

She saw a flash of intense purple.

Imagine her surprise when she transformed into a women!

This was fairly painful, as it involved the replication of bodies whilst the mind and soul remained in both. Ex-prepubescent Nakia reflected, wincing, that this was probably what it felt like to make a Horcrux, except that she was now staring at herself and her shirt was slightly tighter.

Staring out through two separate pairs of eyes, Nakia leapt back in shock, but then cried out twice in pain as one body fell backwards over a chair and the other bumped into a suddenly-appearing Professor Snape.


"Watch your step, girl!" chorused four disapproving voices.

Nakia managed, after a couple of false starts, to raise two pairs of wide eyes up to see Professor Snape. Her first thought was that she must have hit her heads harder than she thought, for there were four Snapes standing there, glowering down at her over their hooked noses, their faces lined and hair mysteriously greyed.

But then they spoke again. "So the spells affected you too, did they?"

"Wh--what happened?" quavered Nakia in trembling harmony with herself.

"Some students saw fit to cast a Multiplying Hex and an Ageing Jinx at me." The Snapes raised their arms together, and Nakia saw, struggling in one pair of hands but held fast, a green-haired, spunky-looking sixth-year girl and a busty centaur student with vivid magenta eyes.

The green-haired girl snivelled. "You only hate me because my mother was a fairy and I'm Harry Potter's girlfriend."

The centaur, on the other hand, was looking defiant. "You're an evil Death Eater! I hexed you out of sexual tension! SEXUAL TENSION I SAY!"

Nakia blinked, and the Snapes looked even angrier than they had a moment ago. Nakia tried not to think about the punishments the students would get. "Can't you break the spells, though?"

The Snapes scowled. "I have potions that can counteract the Ageing Jinx," they said. "But the Multiplying Hex is a tricky thing, so the fastest way to reverse it is to point out which is the original person."

He stared into the eyes of each Nakia so hard for a moment that it made her feel decidedly uncomfortable. "For example, you are the real..." he paused imperceptibly "...student." He nodded towards one of the Nakias.

She gritted her teeth, waiting for the change, but none came. "Why isn't it working?" she asked, and heard the double-voice again with dismay.

"You have to do me first," Snape said. Then he pulled a disgusted face. "Did I really just say that?"

Nakia stared at the Snapes. How was she meant to guess that? They were all identical – wait… she had an idea, far from a certainty, but she thought that she knew which was real...

"You," she said. "The Sna-- uh, Professor Snape holding the two girls."

There was a great rattling and blowing of wind, and several very ancient and valuable books toppled from their shelves, sending Madam Pince into a catatonic state. Snape and Nakia were whirled up into it as it flowed in a rainbow stream that was thankfully free of glitter, and their clones vanished, disappearing into a mass of colour, which in Snape's case was mostly black, as the wind died down.

Snape was back behind the bookshelves, near the Restricted Section, the two troublemakers were nowhere to be seen, and Nakia was once again sitting at the table struggling through the essay, blissfully prepubescent once again. In fact, it was ten minutes earlier. The counter-curse must have had some powerful Author's Whim behind it, as the whole escapade had now never happened.

Then Nakia saw a flash of intense purple...