Kemono no Shi: The Death of a Monster

By: Abhorson
Chapter: #01
Rated: M; for strong language and sexual themes

Summary: Shino and Kiba endure the daily tribulations of Konoha Chuunin. Unbeknownst to them, their relationship is slowly, but surely, progressing into something more than friendship. Set in time gap. ShinoKiba Slash; Strong Language.

Nihongo: Dialogue and references in Japanese will hold no meaning relevant to the plot or understanding of the story. Said dialogue with only represent common expressions that aren't entirely vital to comprehension, and will only contribute to Japanese authenticity

Fuck, the first chapter sucks. Man.


Issatsu: Between Unsure and a Hard Place


Inuzuka Kiba coughed, the tangy liquid that slipped down his throat sending chills down his spine, muscles convulsing without consent.

"G-Gehin!" He gagged. "This shit is disgusting!"

He scowled distastefully, the boy sitting to his right eyeing him with mild curiosity. Kiba weighed the small container he held in the palm of his hand, contemplating whether or not he should dump its contents.

"Do you wanna try it, Shino?" He asked, the horrid after-taste of the drink dissipating from his mouth. After a moment of decisive thinking, a somewhat curious Aburame held out his hand to take the proffered beverage. The scent invaded his nose before the drink even touched his lips. It reminded him slightly of a medicinic vapor used to calm dangerous insects. The taste was unpleasantly syrupy, the acrid bitterness dominating sweetness. He raised an eyebrow. It was slightly addicting.

He surprised himself by taking another small sip.

"...disgusting..." He murmured, his deep voice waking Kiba from a contemplative trance he had slouched into.

Kiba shrugged and retrieved the drink, capped it, and slid it back into his pack.

"It's supposed to have similar effects of two Seiryoku Jouzai, energy pills, but without the side effects."

Shino nodded in understanding.

With the inevitable disappearance of the two most controversial ninja in Konohagakure came a metaphorical fog of dreariness that loomed over the city, choking the spirits of the previously jovial citizens. Days become monotonous, missions uneventful; the most exciting tasks usually ranged from D to a C rank, sometimes B, if the newly instated Chuunin were lucky.

On one of these particularly dull instances, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino sat side by side in front of a dying campfire. They currently enjoyed a lackluster C escort mission to Kirigakure. The only reason it had been deemed even a C rank mission was because the two were expected to journey into enemy territory.

Kiba rubbed at his bare forehead in agitation, the liquid he had recently consumed procreating a nauseous feeling deep within his empty stomach.

"How long has it been since we've eaten?" Kiba asked wearily. Shino inclined his head slightly.

"Three days." The Aburame replied dryly.

In the light of the dim fire, Shino shed his green outer coat, folding it neatly and setting it on top of the pack that lay limply beside his feat. He felt a small wave of heat wash over him, triggering an uncomfortable cold sweat.

"You alright, Shino?" Kiba asked curiously. His teammate never shucked any of his numerous layers of clothing unless it presented a threat to his health.

Shino nodded his head in affirmation, tugging on the hem of his darker coat.

Kiba teased him after a moment of silence, attempting to mask the dire condition of their current situation. They hadn't eaten for three straight days, they were in the middle of 'who the fuck knows where' and had to constantly put up with the incessant nagging of their client. It was a good thing that they were being paid handsomely; otherwise, Kiba and Shino might have conveniently disappeared during the night.

The distinct movement of nearby bushes signaled the return of Akamaru. The large dog surveyed the campsite lazily, curling up on the opposite side of the fire to lay his head on his paws.

Kiba sighed and stood up. "Let's head in, Shino."

The Inuzuka looked to his teammate for agreement. When Shino finally stood, Kiba presumed it meant 'yes' so he headed into the empty tent that stood as their temporary residence.

Slipping into his thin futon, Kiba watched through half-lidded eyes as his friend shed layers of clothing; until he only wore a standard mesh top and his low-cut pants. Undecipherable thoughts ran through Kiba's head as Shino slipped into the futon next to his own. He turned over and shut his eyes.

"Oyasumi...Shino..." His voice drifted out lazily.

"Oyasuminasai, Kiba."


Kiba kicked at a stray stone, scuffing the side of his sandaru across a raised tree root. He looked around silently. Shino drifted along stiffly a few feet to his right, seemingly preoccupied with surveying the forest they currently traveled through. Kiba looked back and scowled deeply at his client - a useless woman who sat perched atop Akamaru as if she were royalty. The dog did not seem too thrilled about the prospect of carrying her either, but knew that Kiba would reward him sufficiently for his tolerance later.

The edge of the forest was near, a distinct saltiness entering Kiba’s nasal cognizance; it was a sure sign that the ocean was close. Shino seemed to notice this also.

The end of the forest led to the overhang of a tall precipice. Kiba stood precariously on the edge and held his hand to his forehead, scanning over the infinite ocean. He spotted a small fishing village about 1/4 of a mile down the coast. Through the fog, he could faintly make out the islands that embodied Kiri no Kuni: The Land of the Mist.

The party entered the small village about 20 minutes later. The villagers eyed Kiba and Shino's hitai-ate suspiciously, sending them apprehensive glances as they walked passed.

Kiba held an almost overwhelming urge to stop and eat, but knew that their group would most likely be rejected. Even so, the village people - eager to purge their town of foreigners - did accept the request Kiba made for a passage to the Mist's main islands. Glad to escape the furtive glances of the Mizu natives, the group of four boarded a small boat and were escorted to Kirigakure.


Immediately upon setting foot in Kiri no kuni, Kiba and Shino felt an ominous chill creep upon them. The villagers of Kirigakure disregarded them completely. Not entirely sure of their destination - it was Shino and Kiba's first mission to Kirigakure - the band walked in aimless circles around the island until a group of three ninja stopped them, barring their path.

"Konbanwa." One of the nin, a male, greeted in a casual manner. "Inuzuka-san and Aburame-san, I presume?" He asked unceremoniously, consulting a small makimono to make sure he had gotten their names down correctly. The male comrade behind him rolled his eyes.

The original shinobi turned back to Kiba.

"My name is Kagen, this is Madarame Kozuka, and Satsunagi Kanako."

Kiba withheld the urge to snort. 'K...K...and K...'

"...we're intended to escort you to the Mizukage."

"Escort? We've come this far without any assistance."

The leader, Kagen, replied - his tone of voice becoming grave. "Rokudaime Mizukage has asked that we stay with you two the entirety of your stay here in the Mist to ensure that the villagers do not become...rowdy." The boy frowned. "I am sorry if it is an inconvenience."

Kiba shook his head.


The Kage's tower was set on a small isle a fraction of a mile off of the main island, close enough to reach quickly if need be, yet far enough to delay any potential threat.

The Mizukage himself seemed entirely too worn for his young age. The tall man couldn't be any older than thirty and yet his youthful face was adorned with thick bags and weary eyes. His dark black hair drooped even in the tight ponytail he wore it in, mimicking his tired personality.

The man's greeting was kind enough - he fell into a low bow as soon as Kiba and Shino entered his office. Both ha-nin reciprocated the gesture and waited for the Mizukage to speak.

"Inuzuka-sama, Aburame-sama." He murmured. "We are in debt to you, for bringing Kasumi-san back to Kirigakure safely."

Kiba started. "It was no problem..."

"There were no hindrances." Shino offered a second later.

The Mizukage nodded and smiled weakly. "No complications?"

"Well, Kasu-"

"Yes." Shino interrupted his teammate's inevitable complaint.

Further discussion would only prolong their stay there. And not that he would admit it openly, but Shino was quite hungry.

"Well then. The Commissions Office is just down the hall from here. Kagen will show you the way."

The Kage's smile grew ever so slightly, and he bowed. "Mizu no Kuni appreciates your service." Kiba took this as a sign to leave. He murmured a quick 'thank you' before turning and pulling Shino from the office by his sleeve.


The two shinobi's payment clanked happily from within the furoshiki that it was carried in, mirroring its new owners jovial moods. Shino and Kiba walked a small food district towards the middle of the Mist's main island. Kiba hung an arm across Shino's shoulders, pulling him down to his height with a wide grin, much to Shino's disdain.

"Whadd'ya feel like eating?" Kiba asked the Aburame. He knew all too well what his friend would suggest, so he offered before Shino could answer. "How about yakitori and dango? Maybe sashimi? I hear it's really good here, so close to the ocean."

Shino nodded and let Kiba steer him into a nearby restaurant. He was instantaneously pulled towards a small table, Kiba sitting next to him in high-backed chairs. It didn't take long until a server came to their table, dictating to them their meal options. Both teenagers ordered a considerable amount of food, not bothering to save face in front of the other. They had gone too long without food to even consider the fact that the might create a reputation within the Mist.


Kemono no Shi: Death of a Monster
Gehin: Gross; Disgusting
Furoshiki: Patterned tying cloth.
Oyasumi(nasai): Good Night
Konbanwa: Good Evening

Yakitori: Chicken on a stick
Dango: Dumplings
Sashimi: Raw, sliced fish

Authors Notes: Nothing special. Comments Appreciated, Flames Encouraged. If there are any visible errors, I would appreciate it if they could be pointed out?

8/16 - Second quickly revised version of Chapter #1, I hope it is a better quality than the first version. Thanks to all of the reviewers up to this point, as well as those who have offered support. You guys are incredible!