Okay, so I'm putting my responses to the reviews at the beginning of this chapter, but please make sure you read what I wrote after the end as well. Until then, I sincerely hope you enjoy this last chapter and that it meets your expectations! It's been a wonderful ride over the past year! Cricket71
Oh, and if you're coming along after the dust has settled on this last chapter, please review! I will respond BUT I need an email address if you haven't registered here OR if you're signing anonymously.
unknown beedee: "hopefully nothing goes too wrong at the end." - Now where would be the fun in that? LOL. Thanks so much for your kind words and I hope you enjoy this last chapter! Thanks!
aliasSpyCrazy: Hey? Is that all you have to say? I thought you had disappeared! For the love of everything holy I was like, what the hell! Where is my Alias! See? Look what you've turned me into! An Alias review junkie! I am so sorry that life sucks for you right now, but I'm so glad you did find the time to read the chapter before I published this last one. It just didn't feel right doing so without hearing from you first!
Eve is delusional, borderline psycho I think. Not that I intended to write her that way, but the woman insisted.
Yes, I like Mark. He just kinda slipped on in there.
"Mark, that dragon is my wife." LMAO! funny! – Only Riddick could get away with referring to Jack like that!
Oh, you liked Jack's sucker punch? I had fun with that, too. Especially her rubbing it into Eve's face that Riddick wasn't thinking about her when EVE was all over him.
"LOL...where do you get this?"
- I honestly don't know. You'd never know I had it in me if you met me and that's the honest truth! Really I think I'm channeling these characters –I'm just their virtual keyboardist!
"oh! got to say i LOVED the quickies before getting home"
- I love the bunnies too! It was nice to put them in another location, too!
So you hate Toombs? Well, if I've done my job you'll have him even more after this chapter!
"LMAO! LMAO! Man i love these two...their banter is so darn comical! "
- Gee thanks! I have really enjoyed writing them.
"AWE! SO aside from being hotter than HELL, he turns into this sweet guy when he needs to...that was sucha cute thing to say!"
- Yes, he can have his moments! Makes you want to melt.
Vaako has his hands full with Anna. She comes across as the unassuming little woman, but she handles him good and Jack loves it.
Sorry to rake you over the coals about the possibility that Riddick had a kid with Eve….okay, so that was a complete lie, but it was fun to take you on a little roller coaster at least for a part of the chapter! Yes, I'm evil. So sue me. Ha!
"LMAO!...no really! I can see the hoe's face and that's funny! take that! no one messes with Riddick...and Jackie..." - Riddick knew that by saying he was going to 'make love' to Jack that it would tear Eve apart. The words don't mean anything to him, not really, but he knows how much significance Eve put on them.
"YEAH I DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I LIKE THIS THREAT! that hoe jsut doesnt know when to let it go does she?"
- And I repeat, she's delusional!
"its just...GOOD LORDIE!...you have such a creative mind and such great writing skills, you amaze me every chapter."
- Awww Alias! Thank you sweetie! You've been the best!
Vampiress-06: I have to agree with you sweetie! I would never want Eve as a mother either! I'm glad you enjoyed the way Jack handled it. I had fun writing that, too. Yes, I agree that Riddick could have been a little better, but then again, he's a guy and they just don't think straight most of the time. Yes, Eve will be getting what's hers….so I do hope you find it meets your expectations. Aww. Sophie is sweet isn't she? Randy…sigh! He's such a lovable goof. Wish I could do so much more with him. As for the name of Eron's baby….argh! Won't be able to help you out with that. I have my reasons and if I ever write a sequel to this, I'm naming his kid something for the future. Hope you can forgive me and I do so hope this last chapter is an enjoyable read.
NotAfraidToLive "i was freaken out when i thought that eves kid was really riddicks son! i was like NO. i was so happy to find out it wasnt lol." - Well you know how I love my twists and turns. Never knew how manipulative I could be until I started writing! LOL. So thrilled you loved the chapter and hopefully you'll find the last one as engaging as the first. Thanks for your sweet words, too!
Claudzion : Aww sweetie thanks! Wipes a tear And no, to be honest as I post each chapter I always have doubt. Yes, angst sucks! LOL. Mark and Abrie, huh? Had not thought about that. Interesting, as Riddick would say. I'm so happy that I can make you laugh….even better if I can get a significant other to look at you oddly! Gotta love that! Hope you enjoy this last chapter! Eek! Thought I'd never write that- "last chapter". Thanks so much for all your great reviews!
XXXevilgrinXXX "She sure has some pretty big delusions" – I think they key word here is delusional…period. LOL. "screwing with Jack is very unwise, she may be even more dangerous than Riddick when it comes to some things"
– absofreakinglutely! You don't go messing with Jack's people.
"I like that, because Riddick was completely honest where a lot of guys might have lied about it"
- Riddick knows exactly what Jack would do if he did lie…and it would not be pretty. Blasting him during sex would be a cake walk compared to an anger blast from her.
"office sex...m" – I so totally agree LOL
"invisible house, nice touch...you're screwed if you come home drunk though" – Thank you sweetie for almost making my spit out my mouthful of Pinot Grigio!
"his reassurances to Jack...sigh..." – the man can definitely have his moments
"she ends up dead, right? Just tell me she ends up dead..."
- you'll have to read on sweetie, but you're not the only one voting that way
Hope you enjoy and thanks so much for all the wonderful reviews!
wannabanauthor: The woman is delusional, that's why she won't let go of Riddick! LOL. Sure, she believes the kids is his. She went to one of those "power of personal positive thought" day seminars and bought the theory lock, stock, and barrel. Now if she can just get Riddick on board with it. So glad you enjoyed the last chapter and I hope the last is just as sweet! Thanks so much wannabe!
milsa Sorry to keep you waiting milsa, but so glad it was worth it for you as I hope this final chapter will be, too. As for sticking it to Eve? Read on and find out. Thanks so much!
BeccaElizabeth: Eve is delusional, I don't like her and I wrote her. There's something seriously wrong with that. Glad you liked the previous chapter and hope the last one meets with your approval! Yes, (sob), what will I do with myself after this? Thanks Becca..soooo much!
FitMama : "My favorite part is when Jack feels all insecure about her body, and Riddick reassures her. That was just beautiful."
- I was so iffy about writing it. I wanted it in there, but I wrestled with it and re-wrote it again and again because I didn't feel I had the right words or "voice" for him. So hearing that you thought it was beautiful really touched me! Thanks! You're the sweetest and believe me I've been tossing around ideas for the next fic already!
FluidDegree: Mmmm. Pats tummy - good cookin' sweetie! Love the cheesecake! LOL.
"Man that shit with Eve was crazy!" – and it ain't over yet! She's a piece of work without a doubt!
" And I was so mad at myself for not catching the time thing before you revealed it...hmph...lol " –
- I wrote about them having a kid and then I thought to myself – now how do I get him out of it and it came to me…the gestation time! Duh! LOL. Yes, I write and then things hit me. Crazy, huh? Thanks for your reviews. Loved reading every one of them!
Running-Wild22: "Eve is a pain in the butt." – I would think that Jack would agree….most everyone else agrees, too! Glad you liked how Jack welcomed her. I cheered her myself when she smacked her good! You like my one liners? Sweet! Would love to hear one of your favorites! I'm jealous that you share it with co-workers. No one knows I write..well, except for my husband and he is mostly disinterested and then there are all of my readers of course. But I digress. Thank you for your kind words! They mean a lot!
NightmareMonster: "eve needs to die, i just want to rip her head from her neck." – damn! Bloodthirsty little thing aren't you. LOL. Read on to see what happens to the chick and I wouldn't want to get on Jack's bad side either. I don't think Riddick would have ended up in the pool regardless. He knows her too well, but pulling one over on her is something he doesn't get to do often. Thanks so much for the great feedback! You had me laughing out loud and I love that!
PagingDrHouse: You think you're crushed? What about me? I've lived with them for over a year now. I'm going to miss them horribly. Yes, Eve's end is coming, I'm just not saying what that is. You'll have to read and find out. I do agree, she does need to go, but how she goes….read on. I love Toombs, too. I've so enjoyed taking him out of his 'box' to play with him, but like all toys he's served his purpose. Sorry to hear your sick! Hope you feel better in time to enjoy this last chapter! Thanks so much for all your kind words!
1elena1: you are not alone thinking Eve must go. Most people are asking for a rather blood thirsty demise, but you'll have to wait and read to see how I dealt with her. And thanks so much for the vote for me to follow my instincts. I did just that and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Thanks Elena!
LaLa2004 : WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? LOL. Yes, you are a slacker, but I forgive you. Really. Just glad you're back and knowing that you're still reading.
"SO LONG AS JACK KICKS THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF EVE. SHES BEEN IN THE STORY A GRAND TOTAL OF WHAT THREE CHAPTERS AND I WANTED TO KICK HER ASS WITHIN TWO PARAGRAPHS" – Oh, I do so take that as a compliment. If I can get you to hate her that quickly then I'm doing something right! Love it, too! But you'll have to read on to see what happens to our dearest Eve. Riddick can be very cruel, even Jack knows that, but he went for the jugular when he threw 'making love' back in Eve's face knowing how much weight those words hold for her. Oh, and how could she think he wouldn't know the difference? She's delusional! LOL. The girl is messed up big time. That's why she's so fun to mix in with all the sane people. LOL.
- And thank you for that! That's the sweetest thing to say and I thank you so much for it!
Recap from last chapter
Hungry, Vaako left the site to return to the house and Eve didn't show back up until an hour later with slightly wet hair. They made eye contact before she mounted the stairs, but his look said everything. He knew where she had been and what she had been doing and Riddick would know soon enough. Hungry, Vaako left the site to return to the house and Eve didn't show back up until an hour later with slightly wet hair. They made eye contact before she mounted the stairs, but his look said everything. He knew where she had been and what she had been doing and Riddick would know soon enough. Eve stretched out on her makeshift bed and stared out the window feeling much more relaxed.
"Haven't been fucked like that in a very long time. So what if Vaako tells him. I don't belong to Riddick and I'll do as damn well please. For now anyway. But Jack, dear, your happy marriage has seen its last days so go ahead and enjoy them, because when it does fall completely apart, and it will, I'll make sure Riddick knows exactly where he can turn."
Jack and Riddick emerged from their room less than ten minutes later and her mother showed up not long afterward with Sophia. Needing to see his daughter, he didn't even let Kellan get three steps through the door before he took Sophia from her. She squirmed in his arms and let out a squall of hunger that Jack came to answer. She held her hands out for the baby.
"Your lunch is ready in there. Let me have her and you go eat."
He shook his head. "No way. I want her while she's awake. I'll feed her."
"Okay, Daddy. Let me get you a bottle."
In the brief time it took her to heat one up, Sophia had worked herself into a full blown crying fit, rooting at Riddick's chest for the source of her food.
"Soon, baby girl. Soon," he soothed.
Jack handed him the bottle and she latched onto it immediately, letting out a few stray mewls of discontent until she settled completely, just to voice her opinion about the amount of time it took for her food to arrive. Instead of joining the rest of the adults at the table, he walked to the nursery and kicked the door partially closed behind him, wanting a little alone time.
He begrudgingly sat in the rocker. Him, of all people sitting in a rocker with a baby, his baby. Yeah, he still couldn't quite get over that. Had anyone told him this day would come he would have laughed them out of the room, but here he was…rocking. After a few minutes he found the chair wasn't half bad, comfortable actually, though that was a fact he'd keep to himself.
As Sophia noisily ate, he spoke to her and she watched him, pausing every once in a while as if to absorb what he was telling her, although none of it was important. Mostly drabble on his part just to keep those green eyes of hers open and focused on him. He was actually looking forward to when she wouldn't sleep as much. He liked her eyes and didn't get to look into them nearly enough.
Jack had finished her lunch and returned to the living room, but found no sign of Riddick. She headed to the bedroom and noticed the door to the nursery was mostly shut. She pushed it open a little more and found them. She had long finished her bottle and appeared to be asleep as he rocked her. She crept into the room and he finally glanced up at her.
"You need to eat."
He nuzzled Sophia, kissing her forehead before Jack took her from him. She laid the baby in her crib, and they went to go sit with the others in the kitchen.
"Vaako has something interesting to tell you."
"Oh? What might that be?"
"He wouldn't divulge, but I think it has something to do with Eve."
Riddick acknowledged everyone before he sat at the table across from Vaako, who appeared to have a slight smirk on his face.
"Jack said you have something to tell me?"
"First, where is Eve?"
Riddick shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno. Why?"
Jack got up and flipped open an access panel. "She's still upstairs."
"She was at the construction site earlier providing…entertainment for select men."
Riddick almost choked on the food in his mouth. He barely swallowed it and chased it down with his drink. "Say that again."
"You heard me correctly."
"She was fuckin a guy?"
"Indeed, but there was more than one. By the time I left the site, two had already shared some one-on-one time with her, and then two others took the last man's place. I left after forty-five minutes or so and she arrived here an hour after I did….with wet hair. I'm assuming she showered before she came back."
"One would hope," Eron quipped.
Riddick's chuckle soon turned into an all out laugh. "On the ship she told me she hadn't entertained anyone since she got out of cryo-stasis. Said no one measured up to me so why bother. Guess she finally decided to get over that bullshit."
Jack's fork clattered as it hit the plate. "You can't honestly tell me that you believed her."
"No, but the woman speaks the truth."
"Cute." Jack smiled and squeezed his leg under the table. "Funny how she ran off and fucked a crew of men right when you and I were-."
Riddick pieced it together before she could finish. "She heard us!"
"Makes sense to me. Hearing us would make me horny, too."
"Ahem." Eron had to clear his throat twice before they were brought back into the fold.
"Yes, Eron?" Jack inquired.
"Thank you. I know you two were off on your own little telepathic tryst, but I do have something, rather we have something important to announce."
"We? Meaning you and Shana?" Jack clapped her hands gleefully. "You finally found out what the baby is didn't you!"
Shana nodded. "Eron and I couldn't stand it any longer. We saw Abrie after we returned from Helion Prime and had her tell us. We've been dying to tell all of you, but wanted to wait until Riddick was back home before we did…only Eve was here and…well, we wanted it to just be us."
"I say it's a girl," proclaimed Vaako. "If he can't make a boy-."
"Excuse me?" Riddick pushed himself back from the table and Jack grabbed his arm.
"Down boy."
"Did you hear what he said?"
"I heard it." Jack reached her hand across the table and Vaako kept a wary eye on her. "I'm not glowing so relax. I just want to make a friendly wager before they announce."
"And the terms?"
"I say it's a boy and if I'm right, you agree to diaper duty for a solid day for both Sophia and their baby since you insulted both Riddick and Eron."
"And if I win?"
"Name it Vaako. Here's your chance."
"Unfortunately, I cannot think of anything to take from you, nor a duty as disgusting as diaper changing, so I ask for one days' worth of hard labor on my house doing whatever I ask, and I mean whatever. Trust me when I say I'll make you suffer, too."
"I'm not afraid. Deal."
The two shook hands and sat back, expectantly waiting for Eron and Shana to divulge the sex of their baby. Eron looked apologetically at Jack and her shoulders fell as Vaako's triumphant grin grew wider and wider by the second.
"I'm sorry, Jack. But the least you can do is tell me when I should demand his day. I wish to make sure the contents are as vile as possible."
Jack jumped up and ran around the table to hug first Shana and then Eron. She messed Vaako's hair as she sat back down and narrowly avoided having her hands slapped.
"Oh and Vaako. You're not changing her until she starts on solid food. That's when the package really turns ripe, and Anna cannot help."
"I wouldn't dream of it, but watching him will be fun."
"You're not supposed to be on their side," he pouted.
Anna gave Vaako a 'poor baby' look. "I'm not on their side, but I won't help if you insist on digging yourself into a hole either."
Vaako picked up his glass and found it was empty. He pushed himself back from the table. "I need a drink."
Jack couldn't resist getting in one last dig. "My milk is on the top shelf, to the left. Just in case."
Vaako stopped in his tracks, turned, and iced her down with his glare. "You swore to me."
Riddick looked at Jack, then Vaako, then back at Jack. Something was definitely going on between them and from where he sat Jack had a serious upper hand in it.
"What did you promise the man, Jack?"
Eron was dying to know as well. He had a suspicion that whatever it was would be really good. "Do tell. Whatever could she have promised you? I daresay you look as though you wish you could strangle her."
"If I knew I could get away with it, I wouldn't hesitate."
Jack leaned over the table with a smug smirk on her face. "Did I break my promise Vaako?"
She hadn't, he realized. It had been he who had brought it out into the open. "No," he ground out, "you haven't, but-."
"But what, Vaako?"
She sat back and waited. Though the table was quiet, she knew the wheels were spinning and it was only a matter of time before someone put the cryptic clues together. Eron and Riddick weren't collaborating, but they both came to the same conclusion and busted out laughing just moments apart.
"Oh, do give me the pleasure of asking him for confirmation," Eron begged.
"I probably would, but after he insulted my manhood-."
"Mine was questioned as well!"
"But you got the boy. Not that I'd trade Sophie."
"Of course not, and you do make a fine point. Proceed."
"Vaako…out with it. You got yourself a mouthful of her breast milk didn't you?"
"It was an accident," he muttered painfully.
"It was quite more than a mouthful. He drank several large gulps before I realized he wasn't drinking the milk meant for us and told him."
"That further embellishment was unneeded," Vaako mumbled.
It was out and there was no holding her back. Eron capitalized on her newfound openness and questioned her further. "What was his reaction?"
"Sprayed it everywhere! Then he went into a coughing fit the likes of which I've never seen. You would have thought I had poisoned him. He had the most difficult time getting over the fact that he had ingested milk that came from my breast."
Vaako's teasing only continued for a few minutes longer, before Anna began to feel really sorry for him. She got up from the table and joined him in the kitchen. Even though still in plain view and within earshot of the group, he was at least partially removed from the torture while he fixed himself another drink.
"You never said a word to me about that."
"It's not something I desired to share."
"Come here." She motioned for him to lean down and then she whispered something in his ear. His eyebrow rose and then a slight smile appeared on his face. "Twenty minutes?" she asked, hope in her voice.
"Fifteen and not a moment longer. I need to speak with Riddick and Eron first."
To the rest of the group it may have appeared as though they were planning for some midday loving, but the truth of it was nothing nearly as exciting. Without his Necro abilities, the work he was doing on the house left him feeling every muscle ache, bump, bruise, and cut. He worked out at Grant's gym, but construction work was using muscles he didn't know he had. Anna typically worked him over at night; tending to each abrasion before giving him a deep massage to ease his pains. A massage was exactly what she had offered him. Now whether it led to more remained to be seen, although typically it did. He couldn't help himself. Not after having those amazing hands of hers all over him, and Anna didn't mind either. Vaako made her feel like the most beautiful and treasured woman in the world and each day she thanked the Gods for bringing him into her life.
Since the two women regularly talked, Jack had gotten to know a whole other side of Vaako through her. As macho as he was on the outside, he was truly a big baby on the inside. He loved being taken care of and pampered; something she knew Dame Vaako would have balked at doing. She figured Anna had offered him some special tender loving care and mouthed for her to go on when she caught her eye. Besides, after the way they had been teasing him, he would be a beast the rest of the day if he didn't get some special attention.
Finished with lunch, Eron, Vaako, and Riddick went out on the patio while she and Shana cleared the mess. Ordinarily the three women wouldn't tolerate the men leaving their dishes, but there had been a little time to talk, so they let them off the hook this once. Shana reached down to get some tin foil and stood back up with her hands holding her stomach. Jack sensed something was off, not wrong, just off and turned around.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. It's the baby. He kicked…thumped really. Eron can't feel him yet and I feel horrible when I get excited about him moving around. I want to share this with him so badly."
Jack recalled sharing Sophia's first movements with Riddick and smiled. "It won't be long before he'll feel everything. Then if he's anything the way Riddick was, he won't keep his hands off your belly. I know this is getting into your personal business, but have you made any plans for getting married?"
"Actually we already have plans. When we saw Abrie we met with one of the judges in town. We have the license so we can get married whenever we're ready."
"And you're waiting for….?"
"You and Riddick to be reunited and free of this merc. We couldn't possibly get married without the two of you there. It simply wouldn't be right. I was hoping you would accept to be my matron-of-honor, too."
Jack dried her hands on the towel and took Shana's hands in her own. "I would be honored to stand with you. What about Eron? Is he going to ask Riddick or Vaako to stand up for him?"
"He was very torn about who to ask. Thinking that Riddick would refuse, he asked Vaako, but he turned him down. He told Eron that he wouldn't be getting married and they wouldn't be friends right now if it weren't for Riddick. If he refused, then he would do it, but not until he at least asked him. Do you think he'll accept?"
"As long as he doesn't have to wear a suit, I don't think he'll fuss. Not that I'll let him say no, mind you."
"No, there won't be any suits. We want to keep it all very informal."
"We'll be there; both of us for both of you. Hey, now that you know you're having a boy, have you two chosen a name?"
"Mmm. Not yet. We're still toying with a few. We're narrowed down to three; James, William, and Nicholas. All three of them sound great with Masters, but we like them equally well. I have a feeling he won't be named until he's born and we see what he looks like."
"Masters? Eron has a last name? Go figure!"
"You didn't think he did?"
"I never thought about it. When I first met him, he never offered it and none of the Necros use them. I'll have to ask Vaako what his is. But what about Eron, jr.?"
"Hardly," she laughed. "He balked the minute I brought it up."
"Well, I love the three names you've come up with. That was the worst, trying to choose a name. Just remember you'll be yelling it for the rest of your life, so make sure it's one you can do so comfortably."
"Great advice. I hadn't thought of that."
"Speaking of things you haven't thought of. Whenever you're ready, I want to take you on a shopping trip for the baby. I only ever get to look at girl stuff, so shopping…not to mention buying for a boy will be fun. My treat of course."
"No. Please. You've done so much for Eron and me already."
"That's fine. I understand completely. But this isn't for you or Eron. It's for James William Nicholas Masters."
"Well, when you put it that way, how can I argue?"
"Exactly my point. There. That was the last dish."
"Where's Riddick?"
It was Eve and Jack rolled her eyes before she turned around forcing Shana to face the other way so she wouldn't laugh.
"What? No time for meaningless chit chat?"
"Hardly. He and I need to discuss what we're going to do about finding our son."
"No, we," she corrected her, "will discuss together the plans for finding your son."
"What do you mean 'we'?"
"In general, we includes the person speaking in addition to Riddick and you." Jack put her hands on her hips and took a step closer to Eve. "You actually thought I wouldn't be involved in this?"
"I assumed you wouldn't want to be involved. After all, he's going to find a child he had with me. It doesn't concern you."
"Doesn't concern me? I don't know what you've been smokin', but you couldn't be more wrong. What affects one of us, affects us both, and I will be there with him every step of the way."
Eve rolled her eyes. "How devoted."
"It's called unselfish love, Eve, but the more I learn, the less I imagine you capable of it. It requires putting the needs of someone else ahead of your own. If you could feel it, you would never consider pulling your son from a home that's been everything to him."
Eve surged forward and got right in Jack's face, almost yelling at her, "What the fuck do you know?"
Panic, fear, and anger? Must've hit quite a nerve that time, she mused. Jack remarkably kept her calm. Knowing what Eve was about to be told gave her the upper hand and she was not going to throw that away by submitting to her anger. But her palms were itching to clench and deck the woman into next week all the same.
"What do I know? Just enough and that's all I need to know. Now I highly suggest you get the hell out of my face before I'm tempted to break it."
Riddick walked in right as Jack calmly delivered her threat, neither woman alert yet to his presence. "I'd do as she says, Eve. She's ain't fuckin' around."
Eve immediately took a few steps back and graced Riddick with a flirtatious smile. "I didn't hear you come in."
"Obviously," he quipped, his face completely devoid of emotion though. "Living room…now."
They all walked toward the front of the house, but Riddick cut down the hallway. Eve headed to the sofa thinking Riddick would join her, but when he returned to the room with Sophia in his arms he squeezed in with Jack on the adjacent loveseat instead.
"Have you gotten a good look at my kid, Eve?"
"No, why?"
"Does she look, oh, I don't know…normal?"
"I-I really don't know a lot about babies," she stammered, suddenly uncomfortable with the line of questions, "but she looks fine. She looks bigger than I thought she would."
"Bigger? She was close to ten pounds when she was born almost a month ago and she was a few weeks early at that."
"I'm very happy you have such a healthy child, really I am, but what does this have to do with our son?"
"Humor me, Eve. How much did he weigh when he was born?"
"Normal weight. Eight pounds and change."
"Sounds like a healthy boy, full term."
"Yes, he was. Perfectly healthy."
"Just like Sophie."
"Yes, I suppose."
"Almost. Did I tell ya that I knocked Jack up on her birthday?"
"And I can't wait to see what you'll do to top that present," Jack teased.
Eve looked at her. "That means you'll be what…twenty-four soon? In a couple of months?"
"Actually no." She smiled, more than ready to drop the bomb on Eve. "My birthday isn't for another seven months."
Eve's eyes darted to Riddick's emotionless face. Seeing he wasn't going to offer an explanation she was forced to ask Jack. "Seven? But he said you got preg-."
"I did. And I had a fat, healthy baby less than five months later."
Eve's face twisted. "But that's impossible."
"For humans," Riddick corrected.
"For humans? What kind of a fool do you take me for? I've read your entire file remember? You're no more humanoid than I am." Angry, Eve rose from the sofa and began to pace in front of them. "This was all her idea wasn't it! Come up with some wild plan so you wouldn't go off and find our son!"
"Are you callin' me a liar, Eve? Think about it before you answer. When have I ever lied to you?"
"That's easy. You promised you would take me with you off of Ursa Luna, but you left my ass there to rot!"
"Think again, Eve-."
"No. Don't talk. Think." His tone was deadly serious and Eve closed her mouth knowing he wasn't going to stand for another outburst from her, especially with him holding his daughter. "I never once promised. I never once told you I would take you. You assumed."
Eve slumped to the sofa. He was right. She had assumed everything with him. She had assumed he felt something for her, assumed he would take her with him, assumed they would be together. The only person who lied was her, to convince herself that she had meant something more to him than just a fuck and she had done one hell of a sales job because she had bought it willingly.
"No. You never lied to me. Not about that, but why should I believe you now? From where I sit, there is a lot more riding on this. I want proof that what you're saying is true. DNA records or something."
"Something? I think I can do that much."
He turned to Jack and handed her Sophia. If she wanted proof, he would need his hands to give it to her. He unfastened the top buttons on Jack's shirt, enough to expose her left shoulder to Eve's view and then pressed his open palm against her chest. His hand and her skin both glowed at contact, and then he pulled it away leaving his blue handprint. His own could now be seen faintly glowing through his shirt.
Eve wasn't that easily convinced though. "What is this some kind of hat trick? There are a number of chemicals that can react to cause a glow like that."
"Excuse me!" All eyes turned to Eron standing who had just bound down the stairs and looked nothing short of distressed. He pulled his shirt off to the left. "Can one of you please explain why her hand print is glowing?"
"It's all right, Eron," Jack soothed. "Eve asked for proof that we aren't human and Riddick was trying to give it to her. He activated my mark to show her."
"And turned mine on in the process? That's it? No Shirah calling to send us on another epic quest?"
"Not even a whisper."
Clearly relieved, Eron leaned against the wall to take a moment before heading back upstairs. Eve's gut twisted painfully. There was nothing like reality slapping you in the face to wake you up.
"So he's one of you as well? Whatever you are."
"We're Furyan," he supplied.
"Never heard of them."
"There ain't many of us left. That's why. Grew up thinkin' I was human until I was told otherwise less than a year ago. Jack thought she was human, too."
"Eron and his wife are expecting a child. Is Shana human?"
"Yes, and their baby is due in thirty-weeks, not forty. If your boy really was Riddick's child he would have been a lot older than four and a half when you were let out of prison, which means you slept with someone else before they locked you up."
"Slept? I was gang raped by three prison gaurds, but after being with Riddick every day for so long…." Eve got up and headed for the front door. "I thought there was a-. Nevermind."
The moment the door clicked shut Riddick leaned over and pressed his head to hers before lightly kissing her on the lips. "That went easier than I thought."
"I would have liked her to squirm a little more, but I'm satisfied. Besides, it's hard to argue with a glowing hand print, especially when someone else shows up with one, too."
"Couldn't have planned that had I tried. Now that she's out of the way, we just wait on Toombs."
"You actually think it's over with her?"
"She played her last card, Jack."
"No. Her deck goes much deeper. First, she thinks you'll just run away. You called that bluff. Then she goes for the straight on approach, begging you to sleep with her and she gets turned down. This lost son thing was her third hand; do what she can to come between us. The more schemes she plays out, the closer I grow to become her primary target."
"You think she'd go after you? Hurt you?"
"She hates me. I've felt that much from her, but I can't say for sure if she would try to hurt me. I know that I will read her every chance I get though. One thing is for certain, the sooner Toombs shows up the better, because once he's out of our life…so is she."
Early the next morning on Toomb's Ship
"Rise and shine biscuits!"
Meeko, who was piloting, grinned as Toomb's voice boomed through the ship, most likely startling the men from their slumber since it was only five in the morning.
"We've got Helion-5, New Freedom on the horizon and we'll be landing in less than two hours. Make sure you put on a fresh pair of panties and carry a spare ladies 'cause our boy ain't goin' down easy. This is Riddick's little love nest and the chance of us gettin' the drop on him like we did before is about as good as you getting' free pussy for the rest of your life. We meet in one hour. Be ready. Toombs out."
The crew, with sleep still thick in their eyes and coffee in their cup, lumbered groggily onto the bridge and took their seats an hour later.
"Dearly beloved," Toombs began, "we are gathered here today to make sure that each of you shit for brains knows exactly what to do so I don't have to send you home to momma in a tin can."
Toombs brought up a picture of Riddick. "School is in session, so pay attention. Now kiddies, we all know who this ugly mug belongs to, right? Good. He's our target. But this-." He switched to a semi-recent shot of Jack and several of the men began making lewd noises and comments. "Sweet huh? This tasty little morsel is Riddick's ball and chain. I'm gonna turn the floor over to Hack for her bio."
"Her name is Kyra Bennett Warrick and she owns a local security firm in town, JB&B. She's fairly tall, I estimate 5'7, but that may be in heels. What I found indicates that she works out regularly and spars at a local gym, so don't let the pretty face fool you. Consider who she's married to and how she could give you a run for your money and kick your ass. However, and this is a big however, she recently had a baby less than four weeks ago, which may have slowed her down."
Conversation erupted around the room. It was a big enough shock that Riddick had settled down and gotten married, but knowing that he had a kid added a whole new element into the equation.
"Okay, okay, settle your asses down before I smack you down. This changes nothing!"
Jonesy, like an idiot, raised his hand to speak. "You gotta question Jonesy?"
"Yeah, I do. Is there a game plan or somethin' or do we just go in with guns and smash and grab."
"There's a plan sweet cheeks, so listen up. Jonesy, you and Richert will do recon once we land. I want to know where her business is, when she comes in, how many men we face if she comes into work. Hack and Meeko, you two run recon on her home. I assume since Princess owns a security firm that her castle is protected. Find out what you can, and Hack see if you can find a way in. In case you haven't caught on, we'll go after his wife to get to him."
"And Eve?" Richert asked.
Toombs grinned. "I'm bettin' he'll hand over Eve if we offer his wife up for trade. Once he's out in the open, we bag him, too."
Two hours later
Jack was spooned against the curve of Riddick's body and sleeping contently. The same, however, could not be said for him as she had been wiggling a little in his arms ever since the sun began filtering in the room. And with her bare ass snug against his groin, he now had a raging hard on to deal with. Okay, so that was a recurring morning problem, but she had aggravated it enough that he would do something about it. He smoothed his hand up her thigh, over her hip, and up between her breasts where he teased each nipple into a hardened peak causing her to turn towards him. He gently rolled her to her back and straddled her, intent on sampling the goods at his leisure until she woke up.
Then the phone rang. Her business phone at that. He quickly reached over to turn it off, but it was too late. She was awake.
Jack opened her eyes eye to find Riddick looming over her with her phone in his hand. She reached for it, but Riddick kept the offending noise maker out of her reach and saw Randy's name flashing on the caller ID.
"Damn kid!"
Jack tried to take it from him, but he caught her hands and pinned them down. "Gimme the phone! It's probably important."
"I'll be the judge of that." He flipped up the lid with his mouth and answered, but expecting to hear Jack and not his voice, Randy took a second before he responded.
"Uh, is Kyra there?"
"Kyra? Don't know a Kyra."
"I-I mean Jack. Is Jack there?"
"Yeah, she's here, but she's a bit…tied down at the moment."
"Sounds kinky. Look, I really need to talk to her. If we can get this resolved on the phone then you can keep her tied up all day."
Riddick gave her the phone. She covered the receiver with her hand for a second.
His eyebrow popped. "Beast? I wasn't before, but you're gonna get him now," he grumbled, but she completely ignored him.
She was so used to being handled by him that when he nudged her legs apart and settled his body between them, she paid him no heed. Something he would soon make her regret. One, he wanted her, two he wasn't one to be denied, and three if she thought she could disregard him he was going to show her exactly how wrong she was.
He paid little attention to her conversation, focusing instead on his assault. He began simply; smoothing his hands up her thighs, over her hips, then her waist and ribs, and finally grazing his fingers over her breasts. Jack had struggled to stay still and her eyes shot to his, barely containing her gasp as he once again teased her nipples to hard peaks. She mouthed at him to stop. Yeah, right. Like that was going to happen. He was already getting to her because she had to ask Randy to repeat what he had just said.
Time for the second barrage. While his hands randomly worked over her body he tasted her skin, following no predictable pattern. Jack was now squirming beneath him and it was about to get worse. He was everywhere, yet stayed nowhere long enough for her to block him; her neck, belly button, collar bone, between her breasts, on her ribs, the tops of her thighs. He watched her knuckles turn white as she gripped the phone and how she was biting her lower lip. Not much longer and he would have her surrender.
Time to pull out the heavy weaponry. He maintained his course of action. His random hits with his mouth and hands were keeping her off balance, and she had progressed from squirming to writhing. He knew without touching her that she was wet. The scent of her arousal invaded his senses every time he kissed her lower body. She was ripe to be tasted, but then again those breasts of hers begged to be feasted on, too. They had belonged to his daughter, but there was no time like the present to re-stake his claim, and he was curious enough to see if she tasted as sweet as the scent of her milk. Hell, there was nothing to stop him from doing both. A two-prong attack? Why not.
He gave her enough time to get back into her conversation, to lull her into a false sense of security, but Jack eyed him warily. He was still doing little things to her, but nothing like before. By all appearances he had given up so she went back to her phone call.
"So what is their excuse?"
"They said our plans aren't possible, that the part we designed couldn't possibly work if manufactured according to our specs."
"Oh my…GOD!" Jack fisted the sheet with her free hand and her body arched off the bed when Riddick's mouth closed over her nipple and two fingers sank deep inside her.
Randy scratched his head. "Well, I figured you'd be upset, but not that upset. You okay?"
"Mm-hmm." She gritted her teeth to keep from moaning out loud. "Just-. Can I call you back a little later?"
"Ah, sure," he laughed, getting an idea of what was going on. "Tell Papa Bunny I said good morning."
"Funny! Bye!"
Jack closed the phone and dropped it on the floor, and then her hands went straight to his head. Whether it was to push him off or keep him there, she didn't know. Trying to assemble a thought long enough to act on it simply wasn't happening. Not with his tongue flicking her nipple, rolling it between his lips, his teeth grazing, nibbling, and then finally taking it deep into his mouth. Not when his fingers were curled deep inside her, creating an intoxicating heat and wrecking havoc on every nerve ending centered in her core. Thinking clearly? Out of the question.
Riddick released her nipple with a final lick and concurred that she was most definitely as sweet as she smelled. He then sat up a bit, wanting to watch the effect he was having on her. Without him to hold onto, Jack fisted the sheets, biting down on the material to keep from bringing the house down with her screams.
Having not been touched like this in weeks, the sensations were excruciating for her, especially because he could have let her come by now and hadn't. Every time he felt her getting close he slowed his hand, moving away from the pleasure spot that had her burning so hot she felt like he was branding her from the inside. Oh yes, he was thoroughly enjoying every whimper and cry she tried to muffle.
Her legs began to quiver and her back arched off the bed as he built her up again. She fisted her own hair and gasped for air, almost choking as her hips lifted off the bed. And as her passage clamped down on his hand, he fastened his mouth on her bundle of nerves and she disintegrated, screaming his name, and bucking against him as he milked her orgasm. Wet heat flooded over his hand and she constricted tightly on his fingers, almost crushing them together.
Jack sobbed as wave after wave of breath stealing pleasure stole her ability do anything but lie there. After a minute her body finally began to relax, releasing its hold on Riddick's hand and he withdrew it. Jack felt the loss and looked up in time to watch him put his fingers in his mouth and clean them off. He growled and seized her hips, and in one move flipped her over.
"On your knees," he demanded, his voice thick with lust.
And as she moved, he suddenly hauled her body up until her back was pressed against his chest, his erection cradled between the cheeks of her ass. He smoothed one hand up the column of her throat while his other roamed freely over her body. Just skimming the surface of her skin enough to make her writhe against him and whimper impatiently. She pushed back against him, but instead of giving her what she wanted, he slowly licked the shell of her ear sending a shudder down her spine.
"Beast is ready to play now, Jack."
With an arm around her waist Riddick leaned forward, pushing her upper body down so her head and arms laid flat on the bed with her ass elevated just as he wanted. As he drew himself up, he ran his hands down her spine and over the swell of her ass. Jack exhaled a moan from his touch and then held her breath feeling the head of his erection drag across her flesh, prodding her entrance. She pushed back and he thrust forward with a satisfied grunt. And although he began with long, slow strokes, it wasn't a rhythm he would sustain for long. His hold on her hip soon tightened and his other hand slid down her spine to grip the back of her neck. Instincts ruling he fiercely drove into her again and again, restraint abandoned as her cries filled the room.
Jack clenched the pillow, the sheets, anything she could to steel herself against his hard thrusts that touched her womb, firing off sharp, intense bursts of sensation that brought tears to her eyes yet again. Soon one jolt of pleasure merged into the next, each stronger than the one before it, building to the point where she couldn't tell where one ended and the next began.
Her back arched even further as her passage tightened around him, bringing the pressure in his groin to the breaking point. He roared and leaned over her, biting into her shoulder as his release tore through him like a hot flood. Jack screamed again from the sudden mix of pain and pleasure and furiously bucked him. He slammed into her one last time, grinding against her ass as his fingers massaged her bundle of nerves, sending her hurtling over the edge once again. Her body contorted almost painfully as pleasure seized her, turning her into a listless mass of bliss.
As her knees buckled he enveloped her body with his arms, and with a loud groan collapsed to the bed, pulling her with him. He spooned her into the curve his body and licked his own teeth marks as he lazily caressed her skin, smiling as a few residual tremors still jerked her body. After a few minutes, Jack turned on her back. Their eyes met and his brow wrinkled with concern as he wiped a lone tear from her cheek.
"You okay?"
Jack drew in a breath and smiled. He was funny that way. A sexual animal on one hand, yet he would hate himself if he hurt her. "I may have difficulty walking and most of my muscles will be screaming later, but other than that I'm completely sated and feeling absolutely incredible."
"It's your fault if you can't walk. I don't take to being ignored."
"So that's what brought that on?"
"That and you callin' me a beast."
"Mmmm. If that's the kind of treatment I can expect, I'll have to ignore you more often," she smirked.
Her business phone began to ring again, but neither moved to answer it. He lowered his face to kiss her again, their lips mere centimeters apart when the house phone rang.
"Answer it, Jack. It's probably Randy again."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, we need to get up anyway."
"Sometimes I hate being responsible. Answer incoming call." Jack waited a second. "Hello Randy. I take it the problem is more urgent than we thought?"
"Sorry, but yes. They want to talk to you and go over the specs together. Since your name is on the patent for the device they won't even speak to me."
"Okay. Call them back and tell them I can do a teleconference with them in two hours." Jack hung up the phone and Riddick didn't look happy. "What's wrong?"
"I don't like it. Toombs could show up at any time."
"I thought you didn't expect him for another day at least."
"I don't, but I'm not betting he'll keep to my time table either."
"If Randy didn't need me I would stay. I won't be long and then I'll come straight home. Besides, I know what to do, remember?"
It was almost two hours later and Jack was ready to walk out the door. Riddick was feeding Sophia and she dropped a kiss on his lips and her head.
"Straight home, Jack."
In Town
Jonesy and Richert were sitting at a café table strategically located across from the offices of JB&B. They each had a cup of coffee, which they had generously laced with alcohol from their flask. If they had to sit and wait, they would at least drink while they did it. Randy walked across the street to the same café, taking notice of the pair sitting outside. He sauntered up to the counter and leaned way over it, catching a glimpse of his favorite waitress's backside before Norma, the café owner, smacked him up the back of the head.
"Would you quit drooling all over my counter and floor!"
Randy rubbed the back of his head and laughed. "Sorry Norma."
"The heck you are child! You might as well quit while you're ahead. She ain't interested in you."
"Yeah, I know. But it's the cheap thrills that get my mornin' movin'. That and your delectable coffee and danishes."
"And how many will you be having?"
"Two large coffees with loads of cream and sugar and four cream cheese danishes, please."
"Either you're having a rough morning already or Kyra is coming in soon."
"Both. Say, who are the two guys outside? Haven't seen them around before."
"They just arrived this morning, or at least that's what they were tellin' Jennie when they were chattin' her up. She didn't even have their order taken before the two of them were hittin' on her, wantin' to know if she would party with them tonight after they finished their business in town. But you know Jennie. She came in here angry as a hornet, beggin' me to let her accidentally spill coffee in their laps." Norma packaged up his food and the coffee in a small box and handed it to him. "The way those two are nursin' that coffee, it makes me wonder just what else they put in it. I know I brew a mean cup, but that's ridiculous."
"Gimme a call if they cause trouble. I'll send Larsen and Gibbons over here to set them straight."
Norma walked around the counter and ruffled Randy's hair, which he hated. "You're a good boy, even with that mouth of yours. I'll put this on your account?"
"Yeah, please. See ya Norma."
Jonesy and Richert noticed Randy walking from the office and watched him as he crossed the street and was stopped by a young executive looking woman who then joined him and entered the building.
"Shit!" Richert exclaimed, jumping up and bumping the table, almost spilling the remainder of the coffee all over Jonesy. "That was her."
Jonesy brought out the portable handheld and looked at the picture they had of Jack. "You sure?"
"Positive." He pulled out his communicator and contacted Toombs. "This is Richert. We got her. She's in the office."
"Hot damn! How many with her?"
"There's a kid, a teenage boy that works in the office and a secretary, but everyone else works in another building. One entrance in an out from what we could see."
"Sweet. I'm on the way. If she moves, I want to know."
"Okay, Boss. Will do."
Toombs showed up minutes later and the three of them set off across the street with Norma watching them.
"Jennie, something doesn't feel right about those three. They're headin' over to Kyra's office. That man of hers is back isn't he?"
"That's what I heard."
"Do me a favor. I'll cover your tables, you go find their home number and if you can't find it, then get me Grant's. He'll know how to get in touch with them."
"Yes, ma'am."
Toombs and his two men sauntered into the office and were immediately greeted by Debbie, their secretary.
"May I help you?"
Toombs took the cigar from his mouth. "Yeah, we're here to see ."
"I'm sorry but and are in a teleconference. I would be happy to make you an appointment with-."
He held up his hand. "Sorry sweet cheeks, but this can't wait." He headed for Jack's office door and she panicked.
"Sir! You can't do that!"
"Shut the bitch up, Jonesy," Toombs growled and his man grabbed the woman, placing his less than clean hand over her mouth. "Now to meet the little woman."
He turned the knob on the door and walked in like he owned the place. Randy and Jack already heard Debbie yelling and were on their way to see what the problem was when the door flew open.
Randy lunged forward, ready to fight. "What in the hell is going on?"
Toombs snapped his finger and Richert slammed Randy into the wall and held him there. "Nothin' for you to be concerned about, kid. So be a good little boy and stay the fuck out of this so you don't get hurt."
"Randy, do as he says," she ordered calmly.
"Well, well, well. Doll face has looks and brains. Deadly combination in the right woman. Allow me to introduce myself."
"Don't bother. I know shit when I smell it."
Toombs began to laugh and put his cigar back in his mouth as he took a few steps in her direction. "Riddick's got himself slaved to a feisty little bitch. Guess you gotta be to keep his interest. That and have a pussy sweet enough to make a grown man cry. I've read his file and know that the man likes to fuck. Tell me, cuz I'm dyin' to know. How did a woman like you snap the ball and chain on him?"
"A woman like me?"
"Yeah. Straight up, smart, sexy…classy. You ain't exactly his type. Then again, never thought I'd see the day he settled down much less got himself a family. Got any pics of the devil's spawn?"
That characterization of her daughter didn't sit well with her whatsoever. "What do you want Toombs?"
He grinned. "My kinda woman. Straight to the point. What do I want? Easy. Eve and Riddick all wrapped up in a bow."
"Don't play dumb, princess. It doesn't suit you. You know who the cunt is and I for one am surprised you aren't chompin' at the bit to turn her loose, given her history with Riddick and all."
"Which I know all about and her as well. I'm well aware she betrayed you, but there's no profit in getting her back. She didn't help a criminal escape. He's pardoned, a fact which you have chosen to grossly ignore."
"I've got unfinished business with her. That's all you need to know."
"And my role in this?"
"Plain and simple. Bait. Riddick will trade you for her…or at least you better hope he does."
"Let Randy go. He has nothing to do with this."
Toombs walked around the desk and hauled Jack out of her chair. "You ain't in no position to tell me what to do, little girl."
Toombs face suddenly lost all expression and the cigar fell from his mouth. He looked down at his crotch and saw the source of his pain. Jack had a shiv to his balls and the first quarter of the blade was penetrating his pants. He let her arms go and made a move to step away from her but she followed him closely enough to keep the pressure on him. Jack cocked her head with a smirk on her face.
"You were saying?"
"Let the kid go," Toombs muttered and Richert released him but he wouldn't leave.
"There's no way I'm leaving you with these two!"
"Randy, I love you, but right now I don't need you to be brave or heroic. I need you to leave and go home."
"Home? What-" Why in the hell would she want me to lead these guys back to the house?
Randy took a moment to let some rational thinking occur and he finally got it. The two in the office weren't the only ones. He wasn't going to be really set free. More than likely he would be followed and that was the idea. He tried to make himself sound a little put out when he gave in.
"Okay, okay. I'm leaving."
Assured that Randy had left the office, Jack relinquished her knife to Toombs. "Here. I won't be needing this any longer."
She almost laughed at the dubious expression on his face and then just as quickly a mask of fury replaced it and he grabbed her by the neck and pinned her to the wall.
"That wasn't smart givin' up your blade."
"Neither is manhandling me. My husband doesn't take kindly to other men touching me and for that matter neither do I."
"Is that a fact? Too bad there ain't a lot you can do about it."
Jack actually smiled. "Then you don't know me very well."
He didn't like her look, not one bit. She wasn't cowering, crying, or pleading for herself. Instead she oozed confidence. She may be full of shit, he thought, but he wasn't in the mood to call her bluff either.
"For a woman you got some balls."
"I get them from Riddick, he's got 'em to spare."
At the house
Riddick, Vaako, and Eron sat at the table after breakfast going back over contingency plans for when Toombs would arrive when an incoming call began to ring. He was annoyed, but figured it might be Jack and chose to answer it."
"Caller ID?"
"Emergency line from JB&B. This transmission will be a one way call."
"One way? God dammit!"
"Do you accept the call?"
The next few minutes all three men remained completely silent as they listened to the conversation between Jack, Randy, and Toombs. His blood ran cold to think of her anywhere near him. This was the last way he wanted it played out, but she knew what to do. Even this scenario had been discussed.
Eve, thinking she heard Toomb's voice, came running down the stairs and was quickly hushed by the three men. When they heard that Randy had been let go and was coming home, Riddick got up and Eve got right in his face, about to come unglued.
"Why in the hell is she sending the kid here? Doesn't she know he'll lead the others right to us?"
"That's the point Eve. Draw them out by following him, but they're gonna get a rude awakening when he passes through that field and disappears."
Anna ran into the room with Shana not far behind. "Riddick, do you need us to see to Sophia?"
"Yeah, just stay in the house with her, and don't open the door unless it's one of us."
Eve grabbed Riddick's arm. "Back to Randy? They won't let him get as far as the field! One of Toombs' men is a tech head and I'm sure he had him check the place out. They won't let Randy pass through if they know the field is here. They'll keep him outside until Toombs can catch up and use both him and your wife as bait to draw us out."
He jerked his arm away from her. "I guess you've been too busy fuckin' every construction worker to notice, but there's nowhere to hide outside the field and though I prefer knives and hand to hand over guns, they'll be easy picking for the three of us."
Realization finally dawned on Eve. "Because they won't be able to see you."
"Exactly. We've been target shooting through the field and you can't see the shot coming 'til it hits."
Eve visibly relaxed, but was still angry that she hadn't been more involved in the plans. From all appearances everyone had a part except for her. Even his wife had enacted a game plan from the way it appeared. The three men left the room to get their guns and Eve pursued.
"So, you're going to kill them? Kill Toombs?"
"No?" She shook her head, not believing what she had just heard. "Tell me I didn't hear you wrong."
"No one is getting' killed…unless it's absolutely necessary."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me!"
He had never struck a woman in his life out of anger, but he was itching to do just that. Instead he whirled around, towering over the woman who had just yelled at his back, and forcibly pinned her to the wall.
"I have a life here Eve. We all do, and nothing would fuck that up more than killing every merc in town. Do I want to kill them? Hell yes! But it ain't worth it…not anymore. You wanna know what is really fucked up? I got the god damn law on my side now. Somethin' I'm sure Toombs would never expect me to use."
"So what are you saying? That you're going to hand him and his crew over to the authorities and let them handle it?"
"Guttin' him was my first choice, but sending them to slam works for me, too." He released her and walked away then stopped. "Hell," he chuckled after thinking about it. "Odds are Toombs will find a few friendly faces just waiting to welcome him. He'll feel right at home in no time."
They left her then to watch for Randy, but his answer didn't sit well with her. She wanted Toombs dead. The others were inconsequential. Even put together they didn't come close to rivaling Toombs. They were followers, all of them, and they would scamper away and find another merc's team to join once Toombs was dead. But as long as Toombs lived she would never be safe or free. If they gave her a gun, she would attempt to do the honors herself, but that was out of the question. Gun or no gun, perhaps there was something she could do after all.
She ran up to her room and dug through her bag until she found what she was looking for; her short range communicator. She fastened it to her ear and tapped it twice, hoping he hadn't changed the frequency they had always used.
Back in Jack's office
Toombs had walked outside to where her secretary was being held and she saw her scamper out of the building and then he returned.
"I let your woman go, too. As a sign of good faith."
"Well isn't that comforting."
He sat on the edge of her desk, right where Riddick had placed her days before, which caused a small smirk to dance across her face.
"And I suppose a small show of gratitude is too much for you to handle?"
"Not at all, but I'd prefer not make myself nauseous."
"You got a fuckin' answer for-." His hand went to his ear and he immediately pointed at his flunky. "Watch her."
Toombs left Jack's office and shut the door behind him for privacy. "Eve?" He didn't quite trust his ears.
"Yeah, it's me. I understand you have Riddick's wife."
"And you and Riddick are next."
"What if I offered you something even sweeter? Hmm? Something with some profit potential?"
Toombs chuckled. She was full of shit as far as he was concerned. "You ain't got squat, Eve. Except for that pussy of yours and once I've got you back, I own it…until the time comes when I decide to sell it that is."
"Then you're overlooking the true prize, one which you already have in your hands."
"Riddick's wife?"
"Not just Riddick's wife. She's a whole lot more than that and has been since she was a kid."
Eve was deliberately baiting him and he knew it. She had given him just enough information that if he thought about it long enough, he would figure it out. Then all hell would break loose. She was both hoping and counting on it.
He hadn't responded to her yet for a reason. At that moment he had pulled out his handheld and was scrolling back through Riddick's file, and then linked from there to Jack's cross-referenced file and found her picture. It was the eyes that gave her away.
"Well fuck me."
Eve smiled triumphantly. "I take it you made the connection?"
"How long have you known she's Jack?"
"Before you ever took Riddick into custody."
Toombs slammed his fist into the office wall knocking the pictures on both sides off and sending them crashing to the floor. Jack jumped in her chair, startled by the sudden noise, and her stomach plummeted. Something was wrong…very wrong. Toombs stormed back through the door and jerked her from her chair and slammed her against the wall almost knocking the breath out of her. He turned his hand held to her face, presenting her with a picture of herself as a child.
"You never bothered to properly introduce yourself….Jack. Damn, but this day just keeps getting' better 'n better. Looks like Riddick will have his wife along for the ride after all. Many a merc would love to fuck you up just like they're waitin' to do with Riddick, but that ain't happenin' to you. No, that would be a waste of perfectly good pussy. Alone you'll get me a fortune, but as Riddick's life-long companion turned wife? Shit, I'll be lucky if I don't drown in the credits they'll shower me with."
"Hold on to that thought, Toombs….just don't get too warmed up by it."
His smirk fell away and she was faced with a Toombs devoid of expression. He let go of her, but only long enough to pull back his hand and back slap her across the face hard enough to send her to the floor.
"As Kyra Warrick, I had to put up with that mouth. But as Jack? No such luck. Hold onto that thought." He turned to his man. "Watch her again. I need a third set of restraints from the ship."
Richert's face went pale. "Y-you want me to stay here with her? Alone?"
Toombs strode over to Richert and grabbed the man by the balls causing him to wince in pain. "Yep, you got a pair. Try to fuckin' use 'em! Besides…Jonesy's right out there."
"B-but what about Riddick?"
"He ain't comin' after her yet so relax. I'll get the restraints and then she's goin' back to the ship and into lock down."
He walked out of her office, leaving her alone with his man once again. She remained on the floor for a few minutes, not ready to get up. She gingerly felt the corner of her mouth and found blood on her fingers when she withdrew them. This hadn't been part of the plan and she knew exactly who was to blame.
In front of the house waiting on Randy to appear….
"Jack?" Something was off. He could hear it in her voice. "What's wrong?"
"Where's Eve?"
"She's in the house. Why?"
"Because Toombs was treating me like Kyra Warrick up until five minutes ago. He got a call on his com system, went ballistic, and back handed me across the face hard enough to draw blood. He knows who I am, exactly who I am and I'll give you one guess how he found out."
"Did he do anything else to you?"
"No, not yet, but he's not holding back from abusing me like he was before."
"Do NOT do anything to piss him off. You do what he says. I'll get you out of there, Jack."
"I know you will. What about Eve?"
"I'll deal with her right now. Stay safe."
Riddick roared her name as he entered the house and bounded the stairs to her room. She heard him coming and realized her mistake, or rather mistakes. She had forgotten about their telepathic connection and she should have made sure she was clear of the house before calling Toombs. Thinking she could escape her room through the window, she ran in that direction, but had not even managed to touch it before he kicked her door open and off its hinges. Eve whirled around and her hand went to the com link in her ear. It was too late though. He had seen it.
"You fucking bitch!"
There was no thought behind it, only pure unadulterated rage that led Riddick to strike Eve in the face. The blow from the back of his hand jerked Eve's head to the right and sent her to the floor. She looked up at him in complete horror. Fury and rage, she expected it, but never to be struck by him.
"That's what Toombs did to my wife when you told him who she was!"
He seized a fistful of her hair and pulled her up by it so he could get in her face. "WHY? Why tell him, Eve?"
"B-because I want him dead."
"And you knew he'd hurt her, and then I would go after him. Is that it?" She nodded hesitantly. "Jack was right about you all along. I push you away and you target her in the end. I'll go after the fucker, Eve, but there is something you need to know. Every time he hurts my wife, I will do the same to you if not worse."
He shoved her away from him, and then his hand went out to her. Thinking he meant to help her up she offered him her hand, but he slapped it.
"Give me the com link." Eve removed the small silver-colored ear clip and handed it to him, waiting while he examined it. "Is this a two-way com only or can I hear chatter?"
"Blue button opens the frequency and mutes the microphone. Red turns it off-."
"And green I talk." She nodded and watched as he attached it to his ear. Everything was quiet for the moment. "Get your ass moving'. I'm not lettin' you out of my sight."
Eron and Vaako had followed Riddick back into the house, suspecting that something had gone seriously wrong. They watched as Eve preceded Riddick down the stairs. Neither missed the ugly red mark splashed across her face and looked to him for an explanation.
"Toombs knows who Jack is. Who she really is thanks to Eve. He might have been a little rough with her before, but now?" He rubbed his hand over his head. "There's no tellin' what the fucker will do."
Eve shrunk under the hate-filled glares coming from Eron and Vaako and for good reason. They both were thinking exactly what they'd like to see happen to her if Jack got hurt and she could hear every thought passing through their heads.
Vaako took a few steps in her direction, but she kept her feet firmly planted, refusing to cower to him. "If you believe in a god, I highly recommend you start praying to it."
Eron stepped forward, the concern for Jack clearly written on his face. "Now that Toombs knows who she is, how does this affect the plan?"
Riddick picked his gun back up and took a hold of her forearm. "We ain't waitin' on them to come to us. No time. Other than that, nothing changes." He pointed to his ear. "I've got an open channel to their com system as long as they don't think to change it. That should help us track 'em. We take each of 'em out until we get to Toombs."
"No killing?" Vaako inquired.
"No. But that doesn't mean I won't turn down the chance to gut Toombs if he gives me the right excuse. Keep your guns on max stun unless I tell you otherwise."
The four of them left the house and briskly walked to the edge of the security field. Randy had yet to make an appearance leading Riddick to believe the kid was dragging his heels on purpose. That or they had already gotten to him. Minutes later Randy appeared and the com link sprung alive with chatter and none of it helping. He soon realized why. With a growl he pulled the ear piece off and shoved it in Eve's face.
"They're speaking in code. Put the god damn thing on and translate. Every word, Eve. I don't give a fuck if they're just talkin' about takin' a piss. I want to know."
Eve nodded shakily and put it back on. "It's Hack. The tech head I told you about earlier. He's down the coast on the beach, and he knows about the field. The men work in pairs and he's telling his partner not to let a kid through. They were warned Randy might be coming this way. Toombs wants him held and given a set of instructions. They're going to tell him they know who Jack is and that the only way to save her is to give you and me up. He either disables the field or Toombs will have him brought back into town where he'll have to watch him hurt Jack until he agrees to cooperate."
"Fuck!" Riddick turned to Vaako who had already risen with his gun in hand.
"Given the terrain, there's only one place he could have gotten down to the beach. I'll take care of him."
"Quietly," Riddick reminded him.
"So much for my amusement," he drawled.
As he ran off the remaining three watched as Meeko trailed Randy. Riddick raised his gun and took aim, hitting Meeko square in the chest as he raised his own gun to pistol whip Randy across the back of the head. He froze in place and Randy turned on his heel in time to watch him collapse at his feet.
Randy took off running toward the field as if the devil was breathing down his neck, almost running right into Riddick as he passed through it.
"FUCK!" He turned around and pointed to Meeko's body. "Did you do that? Is he dead?"
"Yes, and he's alive, just stunned. How was Jack when you left her?"
"Calm, but she's really pushing his buttons. He hasn't hurt her though. He wants the two of you pretty bad and I think that's why he hasn't done anything."
"How many were there?"
"Three, including Toombs."
"He has six men total, but oddly enough I haven't heard any chatter from or about their sixth man," Eve offered, hoping that by appearing to be helpful Riddick wouldn't follow through on his threat.
"We need to know one way or the other. Eron, I need you to make a couple of calls."
"Let me guess…immigration to find out how many registered?"
"That's the first one and now that we're about to bag our second guy, the Marshall needs to be called in. I spoke with him already so you don't need to worry about fillin' him in on what's goin' on. Just tell him that they're here and we're defending ourselves, but we're gonna need 'em to pick up the trash."
"They won't try to interfere?"
"No. We have an understanding."
"I'll go make the calls now."
Eve's hand went to her ear and she nodded her head as she listened to new conversation. "That was Toombs. He's on his way back to Jack's office with restraints for her. There's no mention of Crank at all."
Heavy footsteps approaching from behind caused them all to turn. Vaako had Hack's body slumped over his shoulder. He unceremoniously dumped him on the ground and then dusted off his hands.
"That was amusing," he smirked. "I shot my hand through the field and grabbed his throat. He promptly fainted, but I shot him anyway to ensure his prolonged cooperation."
Riddick noticed the crotch of Hack's pants were wet and laughed as he clapped Vaako on the back. "He pissed himself. Not bad, Vaako. Not bad."
"Thank you. I see you took care of the other guy. Should I fetch him?"
"Not until we hear from Eron about their sixth man."
Five minutes later Eron appeared and with a smile on his face. "I believe I have good news. Toombs only registered himself and four other men."
Riddick nodded to Vaako who set off for Meeko's body. "And the Marshall?"
"He's coming, but from the beach as requested. I told him I would meet them there and bring him and his men in with Randy's assistance, of course."
"Huh?" Randy shook his head to clear it, obviously still somewhat disturbed by what had taken place. "Yeah, no problem. I'll show you on the console how to let them in."
Seeing how shaken up the kid was affirmed Riddick's decision to not tell Randy about the danger Jack now faced. They needed him and with a clear head. As clear as they could get it anyway and letting him in on what was happening wouldn't do him or any of them any good.
Eve laid her hand on Riddick's shoulder and he recoiled slightly from her touch. "What?"
"It's Toombs. He's wants an update from Meeko and Hack."
Riddick held out his hand for the com and smiled, but there was no warmth in it. "Let me talk to the fucker."
By the time Riddick got the com link up to his ear, Toombs was bellowing the names of his two men. Riddick's chuckle promptly shut him up. "You came with a five man crew this time? And to my own home? Fuckin' insulting."
"Riddick? Where the fuck are my men?"
"Asleep on the job, Toombs. Gotta say I ain't too impressed. What's wrong, the recruiting pool getting a bit shallow? You're man Hack pissed his pants when I got to him. Skittish Toombs, very skittish."
Toombs once again slammed his fist into Jack's office wall, punching a hole almost through the drywall. He looked at his bruised fist and then turned to Jack who was sitting on the floor in restraints.
"Listen to you, soundin' all cock sure of yourself. Did you fuckin' forget I have your wife? Who, by the way, I've come to learn is actually the little bitch you kept with you for years. You sure do like 'em young don't cha? Can't much blame you though. She's a fine piece of ass. And that mouth of hers? I'm sure it's good for more than spoutin' off and I think I'll take it for a test run a little later."
Jack was gritting her teeth through the entire conversation to prevent herself from saying something that could get her slapped again, but it was absolutely killing her.
"Don't worry. I'll keep my mouth shut!"
"I know exactly who you have Toombs, and I also know exactly what you're down to; three men including you. Sit tight, cause I'm coming for her."
Riddick handed the ear piece back to Eve and she didn't look happy. "And just how do you expect this to work?"
"Funny…I thought this is what you wanted, Eve. For me to go after him."
"I do, but he'll ambush you and you know it. All it takes it one clear shot with his tranq guns and you're done for."
"You think they'll take me down that easy? Your faith is comforting."
"This isn't about faith. It's about being realistic. They took you down before."
"And it ain't happenin' again. In case you weren't listening, I told him I took his man down, not 'we'. He doesn't expect me to bring my own crew. Once these two are picked up by the Marshall, we're headin' in, so get your shit together."
Jack's office
Jonesy had heard the entire conversation through the com link and ran into the office. "It's just us and he's headin' in? Now?"
"Give the boy an "A". Yeah, dick head. That's what he said. Richert! We gotta secure her and now." He grabbed Jack's restraints and jerked her up off the floor. "Take her to the ship and lock her up, then get your ass back here right away."
"How long do we have 'til he gets here?"
"Ten minutes most likely so move your ass."
"Aw, come on Toombs," Jack cooed. "You're not gonna let me stick around for the fun?"
He pushed Jack against a wall and with a sick grin squeezed her face, forcing her lips into an unnatural pucker and slammed his mouth against hers. She screamed in outrage and struggled against him with everything she had, but in her position she was virtually immobile. The way he held her mouth prevented her from biting, but luckily for her also prevented him from truly raping her mouth. She pressed her palms flat against his chest and ached to release her anger straight into him. Seconds after contact he released her and stepped away, the look in his eyes was odd to say the least, but she was simply relieved to have him off her. She wasted no time in wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, but it was already filled with the stale taste of cigars. Something only a vigorous teeth brushing would take care of.
Toombs regarded her warily not understanding what had just happened. He went from feeling like a balloon ready to burst to completely deflated in a matter of seconds; completely drained of the anger and frustration that had driven him to kiss her in the first place. He sneered at her and jerked her restraints before walking her over to Richert. Getting her the hell out of there couldn't happen soon enough.
"Be back in five minutes," he growled.
Jack remained uncharacteristically silent as Richert led her back to the ship and locked her up. He smirked at her before he left, thinking that what Toombs had done had somehow crushed her spirit, causing her to abandon hope.
"It'll all be over soon. Riddick will be back on board, as will Eve, but you ain't never gonna see him again. Well," he chuckled, "I take that back. Boss is plenty pissed so I wouldn't put it past him to parade you right in front of your husband. Let him see and smell you, but not touch while Toombs plays around a little. I know I won't miss showtime. It's always fun to get a caged animal all riled up. Who knows, maybe Boss will throw Eve in there for a consolation prize."
Richert suddenly grabbed his ear in pain as Toombs yelled. Now it was Jack's turn to chuckle. "Go on doggy. Your owner is calling you."
"So you're coming after him?"
"Yeah. Is he still keeping you in the office?"
"No. He just had his man bring me on board their ship and I'm locked up in a small cell." Jack cocked her head to one side as she eyed a panel within her reach. "But maybe not for long. There's a panel just outside the cell and I might be able to get myself out."
"If you do, stay out of sight-."
Jack's anger flared. She knew she could help, and he was being a stubborn ass. "Out of sight? Are you-."
That was the last thing she expected to hear and it completely dispirited her. She frowned and hit the wall with her fist. He wasn't playing fair with her at all and it pissed her off. How could she continue to argue with him when he said 'please'? A word he rarely said and when he did, it was huge.
"If it's that important to you."
"It is.
"Fine. If I can get out, I'll head to my mother or to Grant's place. So what's the plan?"
"The Marshall is meeting us right now to take Meeko and Hack off our hands. After that we're headin' in, but Vaako and Eron are gonna make their way into town by the back roads, flanking them. Eve gave us their descriptions so they know who they're lookin' for."
Jack bristled hearing him mention Eve's name. It sounded as though he was still working with her even after what she did.
"It doesn't exactly sound like you took care of her like you said you would."
Riddick had to smile. Saying that Jack was territorial concerning him with other women was putting it mildly. He liked it, too. It brought out her animal side and he could most definitely connect with her on that level.
"Jack, I gave her exactly what Toombs gave you."
Her mouth dropped open and then she began to laugh. "You struck her? Well damn!"
"Promised her more of the same, too. Whatever he does to you, I do to her. Do I need to deliver anything else?"
She knew he wouldn't follow through on what Toombs had done to her, but she most definitely wasn't sharing the fact that he had forced a kiss. That tidbit could wait until later and she would repay Eve for that one herself, and in her own way.
"No. I have kept my mouth shut." For the most part anyway, she added to herself. "But back to the Marshall. He's ready to take Toombs and the other two into custody?"
"He's on standby for when I give him the call. After that he'll take Eve's statement and then set them up for transport off world to a holding facility until they're tried and sentenced. Then she's goes off world, too…for good."
"Stay safe, please."
"Hey, it's me you're talkin' to."
Jack rolled her eyes. "I love you."
"I know and you can show me later. Stay outta trouble. Bye."
Jack gritted her teeth, but dropped what she was about to say in favor of working on the panel. "Cocky turd!"
She removed the clip and pins from her hair, using the tools that she had to pry the cover on the panel loose. The wiring system could be described as nothing less than ancient and her escape became a foregone conclusion. At least from the cell.
"Hmph. I see where you're not spending your bounty money."
The lock disengaged and the door to her cell was now open. She closed it back along with the panel and headed straight for the bridge to check the monitors for a man he might have left behind. Finding no one, she opened the ship's outer door and lowered the platform and was about to walk out, but changed her mind. A quick search of the ship produced a gun, which she set to stun, and a tranq rifle. She had promised Riddick to stay out of sight and she would, but she never promised to not get involved. Stuffing both guns into a large canvas bag she left the ship and headed for her mother's hotel. Her final destination was Grant's place, but she needed a quick change of clothes first. Her mother answered after the first knock, shocked to see Jack at her door. Judging by the way her mother was dressed, she had been heading out.
"I wasn't expecting you."
"I know and I'm sorry. Toombs is here. He's in my office waiting for Riddick and he thinks I'm still locked up in his ship."
"In your ship? You mean he had you?" Her mother examined her and noticed the bruising on her face. "Your face! Toombs did this?"
"Yes. Right after Eve told him who I was."
"How? How could she contact him?"
"She still had a com link apparently. But I told Riddick what she did, then what Toombs did to me, and he paid her back in kind."
Kellan's hand went to her mouth in shock. "He must have been horribly angry to strike a woman like that."
"I can only imagine because he's never hit a woman unless it was self-defense from a female merc. Well, if you don't count the time that he beat the shit out of me without provocation, but-."
"He what?"
"Mom, relax. He thought I was a merc and that I had done something to Jack. It was before he knew the woman he was after and the woman he was trying to find and protect was one and the same."
"I trust I'll hear that entire story later?"
"I promise. What I need right now is a change of clothes so I can make my way to Grant's house unnoticed."
"And your purpose there will be?"
"Eron and Vaako are going to attempt to flank Toombs and his men to even the odds. I took a couple of guns from his ship and I plan on providing some cover of my own if necessary from Grant's roof."
"And Riddick knows you're doing this." Jack didn't even have to answer. Her mother knew, and she wasn't happy. "I see."
"Good, then can I have a change of clothes?"
"I don't like this one bit."
Which meant she wasn't saying no. Jack kissed her mother on the cheek and quickly hugged her. "Thank you. I won't be a minute and then we can walk to Grant's together. It will be less obvious than if I was alone."
"And what makes you think I'm headed to his house?"
"Easy." Jack sniffed her mother. "You're wearing the perfume I told you he likes."
Kellan scowled at her daughter. "Would you go and get changed already. I don't wish to be late!"
Jack and her mother left the hotel five minutes later. She had let her hair all the way down and was now wearing a pair of sandals, a sundress, and sunglasses; a sharp contrast to how she looked when she left her office with Richert. She switched the guns into a less conspicuous bag and they made it to Grant's home unbothered. Expecting Kellan he didn't wait for her to knock before he opened the door and greeted her with bright smile. His arm was headed for her waist, intent on pulling her into his arms for a kiss when he saw Jack.
Kellan experienced his roller coaster of emotions as he slammed the brakes on his desire. At that moment, she was just as unhappy that Jack was there as he was. Jack knew exactly how they both felt and cringed.
"I'm sorry, Grant. I know you weren't expecting me and I didn't do this on purpose. I promise! The twins aren't here, right?"
"No." He thought for a second. "They're at a friend's house." He noticed her bruised face and was about to ask but she never gave him the chance.
"Good. I'm going to change into some gym clothes and head for the roof. I'll let my mother explain. Carry on."
Stupefied, Grant ran a hand through his hair. "What was that about?"
"Toombs is here."
He blew out his breath. "That's all that needs to be said. Is she okay? I saw her face."
"She's fine and the bruise is courtesy of Toombs. He knows everything."
"Good god! He knows who she is and he let her go?"
"Not exactly. Let's go sit down and I'll get you updated."
Jack grabbed her workout clothes from her locker, changed, and headed to the roof. From there she had a perfect view of the main street, her office, and several of the side streets on the opposite side of the road thanks in part to the elevation of Grant's building.
It wasn't long before she spotted Vaako and then Jonesy's red mop of hair. She double-checked to ensure the gun was set for maximum stun, took it off safety, and targeted her man through the scope. If Vaako didn't get him, which she highly doubted, then she could.
On the street
Vaako kept his gun out of sight. It shouldn't be long before he encountered someone if they were on the ground. However, if they were on one of the rooftops, he would have his work cut out for him. Even if that was the case, he had already located a fire escape he could climb. Everything was covered, until something bright flashed in his face. He looked up toward the offending light and almost pulled his gun until he realized which building the shooter was on.
"Jack," he growled under his breath, but smiled all the same because she was there. That and he knew Riddick would throttle her if he ever found out she had gotten herself involved. Definite blackmail material. He watched closely as the barrel of her gun moved and he followed it, leading him to his target. "Thanks for the help."
He walked out from behind a building and immediately recognized one of the men Eve had described. She had not been kidding about his bright red hair. Hearing the crunch of footsteps in gravel behind him, Jonesy turned with his weapon in hand, almost firing at Vaako. Realizing his mistake, he lowered his weapon and began to apologize to the much larger man.
"Shit! I'm sorry, man! It's cool. I ain't here to rob anyone. I'm a bounty hunter."
"Really. How interesting," Vaako feigned curiosity long enough to get Jonesy to relax. He then pulled his own gun and shot him. He quickly pulled his limp body behind a building and secured his wrists together before looking up at Jack and saluting her.
Jack scowled. She had been made. "Cocky prick. Now where's the other one?"
She moved to the opposite corner of the building and was impressed when she found Eron had already dispatched with Richert. He spoke into his com link and then looked straight up at her without searching, saluting her as well.
"Damn you, Vaako!"
Riddick got the all clear from both Vaako and Eron, and then they called again once they were in position near Jack's office. He grabbed Eve's arm and pulled her up. She was like dead weight and had no desire to confront Toombs head on.
"Time to go, Eve."
"Why can't I stay here?"
"Out of the question. I want him to think I brought you in to bargain for Jack."
"And his other two men have been taken care of?"
"Yes," he ground out, "now let's go."
Eve reluctantly walked with him, but a few steps behind. The pair was being watched by many, including Toombs. A slow smile spread across his face as he watched Riddick and Eve approach. Knowing what he had in store for them both had him rubbing his hands together.
"Well ain't that cute? He brought the bitch with him. Probably thinks I'll hand over Jack for her. Not a chance in hell." He touched the com link at his ear. "Maintain radio silence. I repeat. Do NOT say a fucking word. I have Riddick and Eve in my sight. When I give the word, you come out and flank 'em. I'll come at em' from the front."
Riddick looked back at Eve who seemed to be even further behind him than before. She had her hand at her ear hoping to hear something.
"No. I think he changed the frequency."
"Let's find out." He pulled his own com link out. "Eron or Vaako. You getting anything off their com links?"
"He's telling them to observe radio silence. When he gives the word, they're to attack. He'll come out at that time from the front."
"Be ready. When he gives the word, that's when the two of you go after him. What frequency are they tuned to? I think Eve's gonna shit unless she knows what's going on."
"Seventy-five," Eron answered.
"You get that?"
Eve nodded and subtly adjusted her com link since they were being watched. Knowing she would be able to hear when Toombs gave the word restored much of her confidence.
They walked past the last side street and were within on thirty yards of Jack's office when Toombs gave the signal.
"NOW! NOW! Take the fucker now!" He busted out of her office with a huge smile on his face and a gun in each hand. He was leveling them to fire when he realized neither of his men was there. "What the f-." The look of disbelief was frozen on his face as he fell to his knees and then down to the ground. Eron had done the honors and looked quite pleased.
Jack watched the entire drama from the top of the building and suppressed a scream of delight when Eron took Toombs down. She used the outside fire escape to descend the building and rounded the corner just in time to see Eve throw her arms around Riddick's neck and kiss him full on the mouth. Jack watched as he froze in shock, and then worked to extricate himself from her. She didn't give up easily though, but he finally pushed her off him, causing her to stumble back a few steps and right into Jack who shoved her. Eve spun around and Jack's fist connected with her face. The crack of bone was clearly audible to everyone and Eve sank to the ground, her hands catching the blood that poured forth from her now broken nose.
"You bitch! You broke my nose! Just for kissing him?"
"Hardly. That was what I wanted to do to this sack of shit-." She pointed at Toombs. "-for kissing me against my will!"
"He what?" Riddick roared as he closed in on her. "You said he didn't do anything else to you."
"Well I wasn't sure how you planned on paying Eve back for that kind of abuse, so I kept it to myself until such time when I could pay her myself."
Riddick smiled and went to kiss her, but scented her and scowled. "You smell like him."
"Sorry. I've been kinda busy and haven't had time to rid myself of the stench."
His scowl turned into a frown and she fought the urge to bite her bottom lip, something she knew would give her guilt away. "Busy doin' what, Jack?"
He sounded like a suspicious parent cornering a child they already knew was guilty. She wasn't going down that easily though. She straightened her spine, hoping to appear somewhat offended and put her hands on her hips.
"Staying out of sight, of course. I went to my mother's and we walked to Grant's together after I changed into some of her clothes so I wouldn't look like myself."
She caught Eron and Vaako's smug smiles and suppressed a groan. They weren't going to rat her out, but they weren't about to let her off easy either and began to wonder just how long they would blackmail her. Technically speaking she had done as Riddick had asked, but all of them knew he wouldn't exactly see it that way.
"Eron and I will go get the other two men and bring them here."
"And I already called the Marshall a few minutes ago to let them know where they should find us," Eron added.
"Good. Another half hour and this is over with."
As Riddick and Jack spoke Eve slowly got back on her feet. They were both aware of her movement, but neither saw the look of pure hatred on her face. Hatred directed at Jack who became attuned to it too late. Just as she turned in her direction Eve body slammed her to the ground. Jack screamed in pain as the asphalt scraped away a layer of her exposed skin from her left arm and leg. Eve rolled away and was up on her feet and back at her, ready to kick Jack in the ribs. She saw the booted foot coming in time and grabbed it, then assisted with a little Furyan energy she jerked hard, popping the bone at the ankle. Eve screamed and stumbled backward, but managed not to fall. It gave Jack enough time to get on her feet and ready herself.
Although she hadn't intended this to become a fight, Eve had turned it into one and Jack would end it, but not by being the aggressor. It ate at her, like nails on a chalkboard, but she had to keep herself in check or risk losing control of the energy that had built inside her. Anger from herself, from Toombs, and now from her contact with Eve was festering. She would have to let it out and soon, but not at Eve. Even as much as she hated the woman, expending her energy would kill her.
Riddick was tempted to intervene for all of a second. This wasn't his fight and what was happening now had been predicted by Jack. Besides, if he did step in, he was sure he'd find himself sleeping alone for the foreseeable future. So he stayed put and waited. Funny, but Jack was actually holding back when she could have ended this. He saw the halo of blue pulse to life around her hands, and then dissipate just as quickly. She wasn't going to use it, at least not in a concentrated blast, but it would have to go somewhere eventually. That much he knew. But for now the two women locked eyes and each one waited for the other to make a move until the silence and inaction between them got to be too much for Eve.
"Come on Jack!" Eve taunted. "You fucking started this. End it!"
"I started this," Jack laughed in disbelief and began to slowly walk a circle around Eve as she recounted the events that led up to that moment. "I delivered Riddick to Toombs on a silver platter in the beginning? I helped Riddick escape thinking he'd leave his wife and child? I threw myself at a married man? I tried to manipulate him with a child that wasn't' his? I told Toombs that I'm really Riddick's kid side kick so he would kill Toombs or at least so Toombs would hurt me?" Jack took a few steps in her direction, just to entice Eve into action. "Tell me Eve? Did I do all that?"
Vaako and Eron returned in time to hear the last of Jack's speech and were left to wonder what they had missed. Whatever had taken place, they were both kicking themselves for not returning more quickly.
The taunting had gone on more than long enough. Eve reached behind her back and lunged at Jack as she withdrew a knife taken from their kitchen. Jack jumped back, but not quickly enough and hissed as the knife cut through her shirt and sliced a horizontal line across her stomach. It wasn't deep, but it stung like hell and was seeping blood. Eve lashed out again, but her broken ankle restricted her movement and she cut a wide arc into the air instead of slicing into her face, her intended target.
This had gone on far too long and Jack was ready to finish it. She moved in closer, luring Eve to attack again. Noting how she was forced to move, she anticipated Eve's next assault and caught her wrist as it came down to stab her. Eve struggled to free herself and stab Jack, but she couldn't move. She had always thought herself stronger and now saw how wrong she was; the shock of her realization evident in her face.
"I can do this slowly, Eve. I can bend your wrist, centimeter by centimeter, forcing the bone to its breaking point until you're screaming for me to finish it." She hitched her wrist just enough to pull a cry out of Eve. "But I'm in pain, thanks to you, and I'm tired. I simply want to go home with my husband and hold my daughter. Drop the knife."
She resisted in spite of the splintering pain and Jack applied a little more pressure, her own anger and impatience growing exponentially.
Eve refused to give in and Jack growled her frustration. Soon the light blue glow began to form around her hands and that's when Eve began to rethink her actions…a little too late. She dropped the knife, but Jack wouldn't release her.
"Let me go, Jack!" she pleaded fearfully.
With a scornful grin, Jack shook her head. "You had your chance….plenty of them."
"JACK!" Eve screamed her name and Jack released her wrists from her crushing grip and then backslapped Eve hard enough to throw her back several feet. With her ankle broken, she couldn't balance and went tumbling to the ground, stopping not far from Toombs.
Much to everyone's surprise, Jack headed straight for the fountain about half a block away and Riddick followed her. He could see her hands were still glowing and guessed her intent. Sure enough, she stuck her hands in the pooled water and released the energy. The water glowed blue and then exploded, rising well above the height of the nearest two-story building. She collapsed on the steps and turned her face to the sky as the water gently rained back down, hissing as it washed over her raw skin, but welcoming it all the same.
By the time Riddick got to her, only a fine mist of water was still falling; just enough to moisten his skin and make him glisten. She closed her eyes and laughed. He always did look good wet. He squatted down in front of her and cocked his head to one side.
"You're laughing?"
"Don't ask."
"I'll ask, but later. You okay? That was one hell of a geyser!"
"I-I'm fine. Just a little weak. I've never taken in that much energy before, nor expelled it. Honestly didn't think I could."
"Eve has no idea how close she came to buyin' it."
Jack shook her head. "I wouldn't have let it go that far."
"Yeah, I know…but you wanted to," he smirked and she smiled her acknowledgement.
"JACK!" Kellan and Grant came running up to her and her mother covered her mouth seeing her condition.
"Mom, Grant, I'm okay. It looks worse than it is. You should see Eve."
Despite her assurances, their concerns had not been assuaged. "And the water works?" her mother demanded.
A half-cocked smile lit Jack's face. "Cool, huh?"
"Hardly. That was a foolish thing to do, take in that much negative energy. You weren't ready for that yet, and you could have seriously hurt yourself or worse!"
She eyed her mother with interest and Riddick's spine had straightened as well. Both of them had caught the word 'yet'. "Somethin' you're not tellin' us Kellan?"
"I'll save that for another time, but as soon as you're back on your feet, I'm going to start training you before you blow up something She smoothed Jack's hair off her face and kissed her forehead. "You're sure you're okay?"
"Yes." Jack reached up and took Grant's hand. "And I'm sorry I interrupted your date."
Grant looped his arm around Kellan's waist once she stood back up and squeezed Jack's hand. "Don't let it bother you too much. I plan on making up the time. But for now, I think we should get you to Abrie and let her look you over."
"I agree," Riddick added.
"Hey! Don't I get a vote?" Jack demanded, put out that they were making decisions for her.
"No," they all said in unison.
"Cute! Did 'ya plan that?"
Riddick gently helped her up, careful to avoid her raw skin. "The Marshall is here. I'll come get you in a few. They may need to talk to you."
He softly kissed her in spite of his earlier complaints about smelling like Toombs, which helped take the sting out of them overruling her. "Okay. But I'm heading right back here if she gets done with me first.
The Marshall, along with two of his deputies had arrived during the middle of the fight, but chose to stand back until it was over with. Recognizing Riddick from profile pictures, the head Marshall warily approached him once he walked back in his direction. His other two men remained where they were.
"Are you Richard B. Riddick?" Marshall Logan inquired.
Riddick's hand was already on the handle of his secreted shiv he saw the man walking toward him, and he gripped it more firmly the closer he got. He slowly looked the three men over and nodded after he appraised them as a minor threat.
"That would be me."
" -."
"Just Riddick." Marshall Logan shifted on his feet and then relaxed, inwardly laughing at himself for being so tense.
"Riddick, my name is Marshall Pete Logan." He offered Riddick his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."
A smile slowly curved his lips. "Never thought I'd hear a man of the law say that. Then again, never thought the law would be on my side either or that I'd be askin' them for help."
"Help?" He removed his hat and scratched his head. "From the looks of things, you've done all the work. We've just…ah, cleaned up the mess so to speak."
"I've got three more for you, too. The big, scruffy one is Toombs."
"And I assume the other woman who is just now sitting up over there is Eve? We did a little of our own research and found that Toombs had her on his crew."
"That's right. She got me out of his ship though so I want her to go free."
Marshall Logan gestured to Jack, who had just entered the hotel. "And that woman is?"
"My wife."
Marshall Logan let out a low whistle. "So that's Jack?" Riddick growled, completely misunderstanding the intent behind what he said. "N-no disrespect intended. It's just that in the academy your case file made the rounds and of course she was part of it. You may not realize it, but you're something of an icon…a legend, if you will. She's a part of it, too because no one could figure out why a scrap of girl, posing as a young boy, would stick with you and defend you the way she did."
"Took me a while to figure that out myself."
"Looks to me like the two of them don't see eye to eye. I admit to being curious why you didn't stop the fight."
"You married?"
"Me? Ah...no."
"Didn't think so. You wouldn't have asked me if you were. Trust me when I say that whatever Eve got, she deserved. She's caused us nothin' but trouble."
"You sure you don't want her charged with the rest, then?"
"And that explosion in the water with her hands glowing?"
"We look human, but we're jacked up so to speak."
"You're humanoids? Which race?"
"Never heard of them, but then again there are plenty of races out there that I'm sure I haven't heard of. But back to Toombs? We'll have to revive him so he can be read his rights and you can make your formal request to have charges levied against him at that time. It's a little uncharacteristic how we're handling this, but considering the circumstances we figured you'd rather take care of business outside the Marshall's Office."
"I appreciate it."
"If you're ready then, we'll give him an injection and wake him up."
They walked over together and Eve was back on her feet, but hobbling. "Jack…she could have killed me, but she didn't. Even though I had a knife. I thought for sure she-."
Riddick shook his head, amazed that she still didn't get it. "She ain't like you, Eve. Sure, she hates you and woulda loved to rip your head off, but she wasn't about to be a bottom feeder. Know this. It woulda been easy, too. No knives, guns, or breakin' bones. Just her two hands and you'd be dead. You owe her your life, what's left of it. As soon as we're done here I'll pay for one night in a hotel. Tomorrow you're off planet and I don't want to even hear someone breathe your name once you're gone. Is that understood?"
Eve nodded and solemnly looked away. If Jack had killed her, it would have been easier, because living gave her nothing to look forward to. Not if she was alone.
They all watched as the two Deputy Marshalls took hold of Toombs' arms while he was injected with an adrenaline concoction that would awaken him. His body jerked and within thirty seconds his head snapped up and he began to struggle against the two men holding him.
"What the fuck is goin' on here?"
"Allison Randolph Toombs, it is alleged that you have committed the following crimes against Arad R. Warrick, otherwise known as Richard B. Riddick; assault and battery, kidnapping, and torture. You have also been accused of assault against a Randall Hollings, and breaking and entering, assault and battery, and kidnapping against Kyra Bennett Warrick, otherwise known as Audrey Jacqueline Landers Riddick."
"You gotta be shittin' me! You're chargin' ME? What kind of fuckin' joke is this? You hire these nut jobs Riddick? Is that it? Tryin' to make this look legit? Well I ain't fallin' for it you cock suckin' son of a bitch! Your ass is mine. Yours, Eve's, and that little bitch you call a wife, too!"
Riddick took a few steps closer to Toombs and the closer he got, the more his smile grew. "First of all, Allison, this ain't a joke. I'm only smilin' 'cuz the look on your face is fuckin' priceless. The men holding you are legitimate Helion System Marshalls and they know all about me, including the fact that Jack and I were pardoned, which makes you the criminal in this case. How's that for irony? Richard B. Riddick on the right side of the law."
"Richard B. Riddick, do you wish to press charges on behalf of yourself, Randall Hollings, and your wife?"
"Yes, I do," Riddick smirked and then turned his back on Toombs and began chatting with Vaako and Eron.
"Allison Randolph Toombs, you have the right to remain silent-."
"SILENT? You think for a fuckin' minute I'm keeping my trap shut?"
He jerked hard against the men, the adrenaline concoction in his blood gave him a burst of strength making it difficult for them to contain him, but the Marshall continued on. Sensing the possibility that he could break their hold he struggled more intensely, his eyes glued on Riddick as their sweaty palms began to slip on his arms.
Eve , who was standing next to Riddick, turned around and saw how Toombs was struggling. She opened her mouth to suggest they tranq him again when Toomb's pulled his left arm loose and elbowed one of the Deputies in the nose, breaking it. He fell away and that left his hand free to reach for the gun in the other man's holster. Flipping the safety off, he shot the man through the hip with the gun still partially holstered, and then whipped it out in search of his primary target.
Eve saw where he was aiming and threw herself at Riddick's back as several shots rang out, knocking them both to the ground. Toombs took two steps in their direction before Vaako unloaded on him, his gun no longer set to maximum stun. As quickly as it started it was over and everyone was deathly quiet.
Abrie had just begun to tend to Jack's injuries when the shots rang out.
"No! It's supposed to be over!"
Jack tore out of the hotel room and ran the short distance to her office where a few curious onlookers were beginning to gather. She pushed her way through, tears blurring her eyes and saw Riddick face down on the ground, unmoving with Eve lying on top of him and three bullet holes in her back.
"Riddick!" Vaako and Eron were already moving Eve's body. In spite of her last heroic effort, the bullets, at such a close range, had passed through her and into him. The back of his shirt was soaked in blood and she had no idea whether it was his or Eve's. "NO! God no!"
Eron put his fingers to Riddick's throat and grabbed Jack's hand. "He's still alive."
"W-we've got to get him to the hospital. NOW!"
Vaako didn't waste a second picking up Riddick's body. Granted the man weighed a ton and it was dense, muscular weight at that, but he wasn't going to wait around for anyone else to take him. He hadn't gone far when Norma, the café owner, pulled up right in front of him in her truck with the door to the bed already down.
"I saw it all. Get him in and we'll get him to the hospital."
They were waiting for him with a crash cart and gurney when they arrived and rushed him into an examination room. Jack was in the way and one of the doctors had to ask that she be removed. That honor again fell toVaako, who had to physically restrain her in order to get her out of the room.
That's how her mother, Grant, Aunt Dory, and Abrie found her; a bawling, cursing mess, bound by a straight jacket of unbreakable arms. Kellan stepped right in front of her and took her face in her hands. Although Jack struggled, within minutes she had been calmed enough for Vaako to loosen his grip, but not enough for him to let go. Kellan was left trembling and both Abrie and Dory stepped in to take away some of the burden of Jack's emotions.
Five minutes later a nurse emerged in blood stained clothes.
"Mrs. Warrick?"
Vaako released her and she stepped out of his reach. "Y-yes, that's me."
"Your husband has been taken to surgery. One of the bullets severed a major artery, which led to extensive blood loss. They have it clamped for now, but need to repair it. The second bullet grazed his left kidney, and the third punctured his right lung."
"Just tell me he'll be okay."
The nurse touched Jack's shoulder and the sympathy in her eyes was crushing her. "Mrs. Warrick, he's holding his own, but with the amount of blood loss that he sustained, it's going to be a difficult surgery."
Jack felt other hands on her shoulders and it was Abrie. "I'm and their family friend. I delivered their baby in this hospital almost a month ago. Could I observe the surgery and report back to the family?"
"Let me check with the Chief of Surgery, but I don't think that will be a problem."
"Thank you, Abrie."
"Think nothing of it, Jack. I want to be there for you both in any way I can. Until she returns, we need to see to you. I never had a chance to finish what I started."
Eron walked up to them both and handed her the healing tool. "I had this…just in case. Will it work on Jack's injuries?"
"Not until I resurface them first with a laser tool. It doesn't react to injuries like hers."
Jack saw that the nurse was returning and shook her head. "No. Later. Take the tool in there with you and use it on him. I don't care who sees it. Once they remove the bullets, if they'll let you, use it on him. But if you think for a moment that he won't pull through, don't ask, just do it. Please."
"I will."
"Dr. Abrie, our Chief of Surgery, Dr. Westin said you can observe. I'll show you where to scrub in."
"Thank you." Abrie turned to Jack before she walked away. "I'll look after him. I promise."
Eron looped his arms around Jack's shoulder and led her back to the waiting room.
Eight hours later
Riddick slowly opened his eyes, it took a few minutes, but he was finally able to focus and realized his lenses weren't in. Everything was in shades of white and purples, but someone had known to lower the lights in the room for him. Someone? Where was he? He moved his arm and felt a twinge of pain. Lifting it slowly, he noticed an IV was attached. The monotonous beeping noise of the heart monitor suddenly began to race as his heart rate surged. He had an idea about where he was, but not the why or the how.
"What the fuck!"
He went to rip the IV from his arm, but a familiar voice stopped him. "Riddick! You're awake!"
"Jack? What happened?" Tears were running down her cheeks as she walked to the side of his bed and her face spoke one work loud and clear, relief. "What happened?" he repeated, this time a little more slowly.
"Toombs. I wasn't there but Vaako and Eron said that whatever they shot him up with to revive him was apparently too much. He got loose and took one of the Deputy's guns, shot him, then aimed at you. But Eve got in the way and she took three bullets before they passed into you. She died saving you."
"And Toombs?"
"After you were already down, Toombs was still coming after you so Vaako shot him several times, but his gun wasn't on stun anymore. He didn't intend for it to happen, but he killed him. The Marshall was there and saw the whole thing, and Vaako won't be charged."
Given how she looked and sounded he was hesitant to ask. "And me?"
Jack choked back a sob and climbed on the bed with him, getting as close to him as she possibly could. He wrapped his arms around her and she completely lost it, bawling like a baby.
"That bad, huh?" he joked and jack propped herself up so she could look down on him. The roller coaster of emotions she was riding had taken a serious dive and she was now angry at him.
"Don't joke about this! You're never supposed to leave me. You promised, but you almost did it anyway! Not only left me, but Sophia, too. Left us alone."
His face lost its mirth. He had underestimated what she had been through and stuck his foot in it that time. "I'm sorry, baby. Sorry" He coaxed her to lie against him again. He kissed her forehead and stroked her hair and relaxed when he noticed her breathing and heart rate were more normal. But she didn't talk for the longest time. Instead she rested her head on his chest and listened to the reassuring sound of his heart beating.
"You were in surgery for two hours. Abrie talked them into letting her observe and she had the healing tool, but she couldn't use it until they got the three bullets out. You had already lost so much blood, too. It took longer than they thought, much longer, and they had to put you on a machine to keep your heart going because you coded on them while they were working. Abrie was finally able to use the tool on you. You probably wouldn't have made it otherwise because the surgery would have lasted much longer.
But even after she healed your body you didn't wake up like she anticipated. Like I always did after I had passed out. At first, they said it was probably because of the anesthesia, but you showed no signs of waking up even two hours later. I wanted to stay in your bed with you, but they wouldn't allow it given your condition. So I stayed as close as I could…waiting. I refused to leave to even feed Sophia, so Shana and Anna brought her to me. God, what kind of mother does that make me?"
Riddick lifted Jack's chin so she would look at him and he, of course, was frowning. "You better stop talkin' that shit right now. Understand me?" She nodded and he released her chin. "Is she still here?"
"My mom took her, but it's almost her feeding time so they should be back soon."
He shifted to allow her more room on the bed and the IV snagged his arm, pinching him again. "Shit! Why am I hooked up to this if that tool healed me?"
"Because of all the blood you lost. The tool restores blood loss, some blood loss, but not the volume you lost. I never thought I would see you deathly pale, but you were. Paler than Vaako used to be."
"Couldn't they just give me blood?"
"They already did. Pints of it. What they've got you on now is an immunity boosting cocktail ,and so help me if you pull it out I'll have them put it right back in."
"Fine. It stays."
A minute later the door opened flooding the room with light. Riddick covered his eyes too late and growled in pain.
"Shut the damn door! He can't tolerate the light!" The nurse quickly apologized as did Jack for yelling at her. The woman had no way of knowing he was awake.
"I-I'll come back in five minutes and check his vitals and let his doctor know that he's regained consciousness. Will that allow you enough time to get his lenses back in?"
"Yes, thank you."
Not liking the face that he was literally flat on his back he asked Jack to elevate the bed so he could sit up. This time a knock sounded on the door, but it wasn't a nurse. It was her mother and Grant with Sophia. Jack took her daughter, and Kellan actually made Riddick blush when she kissed his forehead and fussed over him.
"You had us all very worried."
"You should be. It was very inconsiderate of you." But she said it with a smile.
Grant clasped Riddick on the shoulder and got eye level with him. "There are better ways of bringing the world to a screeching halt and then making it revolve around you. Try running naked through the streets next time while professing you've been abducted by aliens. It would be a lot less stressful on all of us."
"I'll keep that in mind. Hey, can you tell the doc to hold off about half an hour and lock the door?" Grant raised an eyebrow and Kellan's mouth dropped. Riddick rolled his eyes, but then laughed at where their thoughts were going. "I ain't that recovered yet. Thought Jack might like to feed Sophia without someone getting' a peep show."
"Oh, yes…certainly we'll tell them." Kellan and Grant excused themselves and left the room, both with reddened cheeks.
"Give her to me while you climb on." He took Sophia until Jack was settled between his legs and then took great pleasure in holding his daughter and her in his arms, too. He kissed Jack's shoulder and then remembered that this side of her had been severely scraped in her fight with Eve.
"Did Abrie heal you up?"
"She couldn't at first. The tool won't work like that. She had to resurface my skin with a laser, and then it worked. I think I really frustrated her because I wouldn't sit down long enough for her to finish me all at once. It took her four tries."
"Always trouble," he teased.
"Just tell me one thing, please."
"What's that?"
"There aren't any other women like Eve waiting to interfere in our lives when we least expect it." He opened his mouth but she halted him. "On second thought. I don't want to know."
"Not even about this hot blonde I-."
Not thinking she elbowed him and he acted as though he was in serious pain, which she fell for, but she couldn't do anything about it with a baby in her arms. "Oh my god! Riddick! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" His chuckle was her answer and she elbowed him again.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"For making me worry…again!"
"Turn about is fair play, princess. You did that to me after you were shot, remember?"
"And you've been waiting almost ten years to pay me back?"
"Hey, it worked didn't it?"
"Smart ass."
"You can pucker up and kiss it later."
Riddick was released from the hospital the following day and allowed to complete his recovery at home under Abrie's supervision. It took him a full week before he felt like his old self again. The doctors called it a miracle that he survived and his recovery time unprecedented. Abrie called it superior Furyan genes. Jack and Riddick were simply happy to be alive, together, and free of Toombs and Eve even though it had not ended as they would have liked.
Over the course of the next year…
Things around the Riddick household quickly returned to normal…then proceeded to become painfully quiet after Eron, Shana, Vaako, Anna, and Cherice moved out and into their own homes several months later. Shana and Eron then married in the court yard of their new home with Riddick and Jack by their sides. Two days later Riddick and Vaako left on a three week shipping run and that night Jack sat in the middle of her deathly quiet living room and wept. It didn't last long and she felt like a fool for doing it, but she missed having a house filled with people she loved. Randy was in the basement, but it wasn't the same, and it depressed her even further to know that one day he would leave, too.
Her one consolation was that Sophia had grown into a laughing, smiling, and extremely vocal baby. She didn't coo, gurgle, or babble like most infants. Instead she squealed and screamed, sometimes at the top of her lungs when she was really excited, and from time to time grunted, the last of which Jack completely blamed on Riddick.
Exactly thirteen days after his due date, Nicholas William Masters made his debut at eight pounds, fifteen ounces. Poor Eron hyperventilated while counting and passed out, but was revived in time for the last few pushes that brought his son into the world. And what a beautiful boy! Blond hair and blue eyes and, like his father, was constantly noisy.
After Nicholas' birth, all eyes were on Vaako who, unbelievably, got down on not one, but both knees and in public no less, to ask Anna to marry him. When asked what the delay was he had responded, "She wanted me to have a nice full head of hair for the pictures first."
Parting with the Mohawk had taken far more time than Anna had anticipated. Regardless, they were married a month later in the same courtyard where Eron and Shana tied the knot, which was when they announced they were already expecting their first child –a boy. And yes, Vaako took great pleasure in tormenting Riddick over that bit of news. Jack merely smiled and thought it was fitting. All of her men came in pairs, and now Sophia would have Eron and Vaako's sons just as she had them.
Six months after Sophia was born, Grant proposed to her mother and she eagerly accepted. Grant, the man she already considered to be like a father to her, would have the official title of step-father, and she couldn't be more thrilled. Two days later, they left the twins with her for some supposed 'alone time', but flew to Chronus and eloped. Jack was crushed at first, but quickly forgave them. Getting even was much more fun anyway so she threw a huge party when they returned, thus ensuring anything but a quiet homecoming.
A month later, Vaako and Anna welcomed Raphael Vaako Silven. Nine pounds, five ounces, and twenty-one inches long.
Time passed quickly, except for when Riddick and Vaako were gone on runs and then it absolutely crawled, especially when the majority of their trips pushed three weeks. Granted they were home for long stretches, but it was still difficult. Anna would come and spend the night at Jack's house in her old room, which helped. It would seem being alone didn't suit either of them. And though they spoke to their men nightly, it was only like a band-aid, a temporary relief.
The reunions, however, were at least sweet and lasted…well, they lasted, and sometimes for more than a day depending on how long he was gone. For Jack it was always too long though, and sometimes she needed a little help to fill the void. Unfortunately, Riddick found her 'help'.
"Jack!" Riddick began picking up objects out of the bag he found under her side of the bed.
"Yeah? You need somethin'?"
"Com'ere. I'm in the bedroom."
"Can't you come here? My hands are in raw meat."
"Not unless you want me bringin' this. And I know Shana and the baby will be here any minute."
Riddick sent her the image of the object he was holding and she was in the bedroom in thirty seconds with clean hands. There was Riddick, eyebrow cocked, sitting on the bed holding her 'passion pink' vibrator – and he had it set to high speed. Her mouth dropped open the minute she entered the room.
"W-what are you doing with that?"
"Me? Shouldn't I be askin' you that question?"
She attempted to take the vibrator from him but he held it out of her grasp, laughing at her sounds of exasperation, and that her face was now beet red.
"Come on! You can't seriously tell me you don't get off while on a run!"
"Oh, I do. You know I do. But toys, Jack?"
"So I need a quickie from time to time."
"Time to time? I don't know. Batteries seem to be running a bit slow considering the receipt says you just bought it a month ago."
"Give it to me, dammit!"
Riddick started to laugh and licked his bottom lip. "Oh, I'm gonna give it to you all right…with pleasure." Jack half dreaded what he was saying, but the thought of what he was promising also had her weak in the knees – literally. He picked out a few other choice items from her bag and waved them at her. "And I ain't stoppin' til I've drained every last one of these either."
Shana knocked at the front door and Jack bit her lower lip. "Oh god!"
"Don't think he's gonna help with the batteries, but you can always ask."
After finding her 'toy bag', Riddick took it upon himself to add to her collection every now and again, leading her to wonder if was shopping by himself or if Vaako had been with him. Although tempted to ask, she figured she was better off not knowing. If Vaako was with him, she'd never be able to look him in the eyes again.
Before she knew it, Jack's birthday had rolled back around. They celebrated with a huge cookout including family and friends. Then Riddick took Jack to Chronus for a few days where they stayed in the exact same room he had brought her to the night she turned twenty-two. And yes, they visited the club where he had picked her up. He sat at the bar, drinking his beer while she strutted it on the dance floor wearing the exact same outfit from two years ago. He had packed it knowing she wouldn't and she was shocked to see it still fit, although a little more snug.
Jack ate it up teasing him from the dance floor as she put on a show for him by dancing with several women. He had to adjust himself several times and wondered if he was going to make it out of the club without needing find a dark corner where he could pin her to the wall. Fortunately, a very flirty, not to mention bosomy redhead sat on the stool next to him and struck up a conversation providing him with a convenient diversion.
She was amusing and just aggressive enough toward him to spark Jack's territorial instincts. Perfect, he thought.
And Jack didn't disappoint him. She moved in on Riddick, subtly, but she moved in, and got his attention by ordering some Tequila shots, which led to body shots, which led to him finding a very dark corner where he had every intent on ravaging her. However, he ended up cursing her pants all the way back to the hotel because thanks to how they fit he couldn't do a damn thing. Next time he would pack the miniskirt.
Riddick's birthday, his thirty-eighth, was the next major event. Everyone turned out, friend and family alike, and Mark showed up as well, but stayed a few days this time. It gave him the chance to meet more of Riddick's 'pack' as Mark called it. One of whom he took particular interest in – Abrie. Jack almost kicked herself for not thinking about the pairing before. Mark was forty as was Abrie and it was obvious the attraction was mutual.
And speaking of mutual attractions, Randy had taken a definite interest in Cherice, Anna's little sister, who had blossomed and grown several inches. Vaako noticed his interest as well and played the over protective older brother to the hilt, frustrating both Cherice and Randy. They were both very young and Randy asserted his belief that they should keep things slow and casual which suited everyone fine. Given that the boy was eighteen now and still a virgin, which he had begrudgingly admitted to Jack, showed he wasn't in a rush. His focus was on his work and he was also six months shy of finishing school. Cherice, for the time being, was a wonderful young woman he could spend some time with. For all his mouth, Randy was actually a very old-fashioned gentleman on the inside. She knew he hadn't learned the behavior from her, but figured the time he had spent around Grant had rubbed off on him; another life that Grant could take credit for touching in her eyes.
But getting back to Riddick's birthday, Jack found she had a huge dilemma. His gift. What could she possibly get him? He never asked for anything or acted like he was partial to a particular item when she did get him out shopping, which was rare. For a man who grew up in the worst possible way, he was incredibly content. Or so she thought.
The week leading up to his birthday he had been home and had been acting…well…not like himself, and although she subtly tried to coax it out of him, he wasn't forthcoming. She thought and thought and came to the conclusion that perhaps the right mood needed to be achieved before he would talk. Since they weren't able to have the party on his actual birthday Jack planned a nice, intimate dinner just for the two of them, but with a twist.
She found a website that sold harem girl costumes and ordered something special to wear just for his pleasure. But that was just part of it. She had more work to do, so she got Eron and Vaako to take him out for the afternoon, and her mother had Sophia, giving her plenty of time to create the perfect atmosphere in their bedroom. When Riddick came home and tried to come through the front door, he found himself locked out.
"What the hell?"
"Go around the back and come in through our bedroom. I have a surprise for you."
"Surprise?" A half-cocked grin spread on his face. "What are you up to, Princess?"
When he got to their bedroom entrance off the back patio, the door was open and yards of gossamer fabric were gently blowing from the door. He slowly spread them open and walked into a scene from the fantasy he had shared with her. They had always toyed around a little with it, but damned if she didn't go the mile. Their bed was draped in the same gauzy fabric and candles lit the room giving it an ethereal glow. Dozens of oversized satin covered pillows were scattered around the room in groups of four forming inviting sitting areas and the scent of sandalwood and spices that hung in the air completed the room. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and Jack was standing at the door of their bathroom looking like something out of a wet dream.
He couldn't move. He just stood there and stared at her. Her hair was completely down and she had straightened it, making it several inches longer than it usually was. It hit right at her hips, further accentuating any movement she made. She wasn't wearing much either. A bikini top fashioned out of shimmering silver fabric and covered in tiny reflective, jewel-like pieces. The bottoms were made the same way, but attached to them were panels of diaphanous white fabric cascading down from her hips, outlining the contours of her legs, and ending just above her ankles. And to top it off, there was a jewel winking at him from her belly button that made him want to drop right down to his knees and lick a trail from there down to the top of those bikini bottoms.
Jack brought her hands up and pressed her palms together, bowing to him slightly, and that's when he noticed she was also wearing the Necro wedding bracelets. She had called them slave bracelets so the fact she had kept them, much less was wearing them was a shock. He had to admit they did complete her outfit though and he took it as sign of the role she would be playing tonight.
"Yes, my lord?" Jack walked forward and tugged his shirt free of his pants. He held his arms up and leaned forward as she pulled his shirt over his head and allowed her to completely undress him.
"Just what do you have in mind?"
"Whatever pleases you, my lord. Tonight is for you, as am I."
"And I'm definitely likin' the sound of that"
A few hours later after eating and 'other' activities Jack and Riddick were lying in bed holding each other. He was toying with a strand of her hair, wrapping it around his finger and then watching as it unwound. And while he played, she stared at his quicksilver eyes as they reflected the flickering of the candlelight. He wore his lenses so often that she found she missed seeing his true eyes. She always felt she could see him best when she was looking in them.
"You know, you really need to tell me what you want for your birthday. The party is just over a week away."
"Tonight wasn't my present?"
"Part of it, but everyone is going to be expecting me to give you something and I haven't a clue what you want."
His forehead wrinkled and she sensed a serious shift in his mood. "You really wanna know what I want?" Jack nodded and wondered if he was finally going to tell her what had him acting a bit 'off' lately. "You may not like it."
Okay, now he was beginning to freak her out a little. "I still want to know."
Riddick rolled over to his night stand and pulled a small box out of the drawer. He handed it to her. "Open it."
Jack hesitated, but removed the lid on the box and inside was a small electronic device unlike anything she had seen before. "I don't understand. What is this?"
He took the box from her and sat it on the bed, then covered Jack's body with his own. He smoothed a few loose strands away from her face, just to give himself a moment.
"That device is somethin' I picked up on my last run. It's…ah-. It a disruptor."
Jack knew a little about such things….very little. "Meant to disrupt what other device?"
He took her arms and stretched them above her head, then ran his hands down the inside, but she quickly realized that he had stopped and was massaging the spot on her arm where her birth control implant was. Her brow furrowed, then smoothed just as quickly. He couldn't-. No. Surely not that. Could he? Only one way to find out. Her mouth had gone suddenly dry and she swallowed hard against the nervous lump in her throat.
"My implant?" He nodded, barely, but he nodded. "But if you do that, I can get-." She nervously laughed. "Oh my god." Her heart was pounding so fast with excitement she thought it would burst, but she needed him to confirm it. "Y-you want me to get pregnant?"
Riddick completely mistook her excitement for something else and started to roll off of her. "Told ya you might not like it."
"Woah!" Jack wrapped her legs around his waist to stop him. "You've got to give me a minute. I'm shocked as hell that you would want another baby. I mean, I know how you love Sophia. You're crazy about her, but I never imagined that you might actually want to have another child. And why would you think I wouldn't like the idea?"
"Why? 'Cause when you were givin' birth you said you weren't doin' it again."
"And I was trying to push out an almost ten pound kid while I felt like my lower body was being ripped in half. That was the pain talking. Not me. But you're really serious about this? You want another child?"
"Been thinkin' about it ever since Nick was born…and some before that. Never put much value on havin' brothers and sisters 'til I ran back into Dee Dee, and then I saw you with Adam and Nate."
"You want Sophia to have that, too."
"I do want another baby, but I wasn't going to even talk to you about it for another year. I'm ready, but I didn't know about you. I thought I would need to take my time to coax you into it."
"Already there, Jack," he replied with a slight smile.
"Obviously. But that doesn't explain your odd behavior or why you bought the dis-." Jack took his face between her hands. "You weren't!" He wouldn't look at her and she gasped. "You were! You were going to use that on me with me knowing and get me pregnant!"
He shrugged and smirked. "Seemed like a good idea at the time."
"I can't believe you! Do you have any idea what kind of a panic that would have put me in? What kind of complete wreck I would have been? And then having to tell you I got pregnant with an implant in my arm?"
Jack wanted to smack him so bad she could taste it, but she had to get him off of her first. She growled and pushed to no avail and he quickly secured her hands above her head in case the thought of blasting him came to mind.
"Let me go!" she ordered through clenched teeth but he didn't relent.
"Not a chance, Princess. I said it 'seemed' like a good idea. I've been a little 'off' lately because I wanted to talk to you about this but could't-. I didn't-. I was waitin' for the right time. And had I used it, I woulda told you the second I thought you were pregnant so you wouldn't have to go through what you did last time."
"Oh? And what if you had been off planet on a run when I found out I was pregnant? You would have been gone for weeks and I would have been left here worrying myself to death for nothing!"
"Another reason why I didn't do it."
That let some of the hot air out of Jack. "So you really thought about it? Everything."
"I did." Jack ceased her struggling and he released her wrists. "So what do you say?"
Jack reached for the box and took out the device, turning it around and closely inspecting it. "I say if this hurts I'm pinching your ass."
They had no idea how long it might take her to get pregnant, but they sure would enjoy themselves while trying. With the exception of food and a quick shower, they had remained in bed up until an hour before her mother had brought Sophia back the following day.
Riddick left on a short solo run two days later that would keep him out of town until hours before the party so they made the most of their time before he left, behaving like bunnies as Randy would say. Not too much different from how they normally were, but now they did it with a purpose in mind.
Jack was actually glad Riddick was out of town. She had a lot of organizing to do and nothing would have gotten done given the 'project' they were working on. They agreed to tell no one until it happened. It was their little secret. Besides, most people would have never believed Riddick was a willing participant anyway.
The day of the party arrived and the house was full of people, however, the guest of honor had yet to appear and was two hours later than he said he'd be. Jack kept looking, but half an hour into the party he had yet to arrive. She was walking to the bedroom for some privacy to call him when he finally walked in the door. Mark saw him first and headed straight for him, laughing at the bouquet of flowers in his hand.
"You brought flowers? To your own party?"
"Did you miss the part where I'm late?"
"So these are for Jack?"
"I don't do flowers, but if I want to sleep with my wife tonight then she's getting' flowers."
Hearing his voice, Jack walked from the hallway back into the living room and stood there, hands on her hips, foot tapping impatiently and with an eyebrow raised that said 'Where the hell have you been?'.
"Excuse me, Mark."
"By all means."
Mark had been blocking her view of the flowers and the impatient foot tapping stopped when she saw them. He had brought her a dozen of her favorite stargazer lilies. Riddick got within a couple of feet of her and held the flowers out, which she hesitated a second before taking. She inhaled their intoxicating fragrance and admired them a minute before addressing him.
"These will keep you from sleeping outside at least. Now get out there and mingle. This is your party after all." With that she turned and headed to the kitchen to put the flowers in water leaving Riddick to stand there with Mark.
"Well how do you like that?" he grumbled. "I'm gone six days and two extra hours and that's all the welcome home I get."
"Hey, she said you weren't sleepin' outside. Take your victories where you can get them. Come on and get a beer."
Jack listened from the kitchen as the swell of voices rose when Riddick walked outside. It sounded as though he was getting his share of good natured ribbing for being late, which he deserved. She couldn't imagine what had kept him, but she'd find out later.
Over an hour into the party and Riddick was beginning to get grouchy. Jack had been avoiding him. He was sure of it. Sure she might be pissed at him, but he didn't like being ignored. It wasn't his fault his last drop had been delayed. Every time he tried to get near her, she turned heel and went the other way. Most everyone had finished eating dinner and dessert and coffee were being served when Jack finally approached him. He eyed her almost warily until she looped her arms around his neck and graced him with a flirtatious smile.
"Happy Birthday Big Evil."
Jack stood on her tip toes and gave him a rather chaste kiss before hugging him. He relaxed then and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck. She started to pull away, but he tightened his grip on her. His hands were at the side of her face in heartbeat, tilting her head the opposite way so he could scent the other side of her neck. Growling lowly he pulled back, his face deadly serious.
She acted confused by his actions. "Yes?"
"You don't smell like you."
"I don't?"
"No, you don't. Tell me it's a new soap."
"No. I like my pearberry."
"Tell me it's a new perfume."
"You know I rarely wear it."
"Well if it ain't you, soap, or perfume. Then what am I smelling?"
Jack smiled and bit her lower lip. He already knew, but she would go ahead and confirm it for him.
"Tater tots."
He blinked and started to talk but stopped. Then his brow wrinkled in thought. He got the tater part. Spud…tater – it was the potato thing again, but tots? Jack suppressed a laugh watching him trying to sort it out. He looked up at her, then quickly back down again and shook his head a little. No. Couldn't be, he thought.
"You said 'tots."
"I did."
"With an 's'."
"Plural, yes. Tater tots."
Jack watched his Adam's apple slowly bob as he swallowed the truth. "Twins?" he squeaked.
She nodded and he immediately looked for the nearest chair and sat. A few people noticed he didn't exactly look like himself and headed his way with concerned faces. Riddick pulled Jack down across his lap and breathed in her scent several more times until she was laughing because his short growth of whiskers tickled her neck.
"I didn't expect it to be this quick."
"Me neither. I must have ovulated right away." Then Jack grinned. "Are you disappointed? Hoping for a little more time to work at it?"
"Somethin' like that, but I ain't complainin'."
"Not that it would do any good." Riddick buried his face in her neck again.
"Is the big guy okay," Randy inquired?
Riddick picked his head up and grinned, squeezing Jack even closer. "It ain't spicy this time!"
Randy stood there with a confused look on his face. "Okay. What has he been drinking?"
Eron had been within ear shot of Riddick's last remark as he approached and couldn't believe his ears. He knew immediately what he was referring to when he said 'spicy', but his attitude was what threw him.
"It's not what he's drinking Randy, it's what he's smelling."
Randy pointed at Jack. "On her?"
"Yes, and apparently it isn't spicy….like last time."
"Not a bit." Riddick boasted and scented Jack again. "Musky. Definitely different. Wait. Jack, that sayin'…there wasn't anything in there about musky, right?"
"Not at all," she assured him.
"Good. Just checkin'."
Vaako was the next to arrive and cocked his head to one side once he saw Riddick's face. "Why does he look…strange?"
"Vaako! Be nice!" Jack chided.
Eron chuckled at his assessment. "Although I'm loathe to admit it, Vaako is right. We don't see him like this too often."
"Like what?" Riddick demanded, but knowing that whatever came out next, he probably wouldn't appreciate.
"Giddy as a school girl," Vaako drawled but Riddick's reaction was far from what he had anticipated. He actually laughed.
"You ain't getting to me today Vaako. I'm havin' tater tots."
"Tater tots?" Randy threw up his hands in exasperation and very loudly exclaimed, "What's with the potato obsession? And with her not smelling spicy, but musky instead? I don't get it?"
Jack heard Kellan gasp from the other side of the pool and her mother was there in a heartbeat. "Did I hear Randy say potatoes?" Then she grinned and clasped her hands. "Do I dare hope he's talking about what I think he's talking about?"
Jack remained coyly silent. This was Riddick's birthday after all. "That's right Kellan. Tater tots. Musky tater tots."
Aunt Dory had snuck up behind Kellan and was giggling herself. "Told ya the next one would be soon!"
The light bulb finally went off for both Randy and Vaako.
"Holy shit!" Randy screamed. "I get it now! You're knocked up!"
"Not just that," Vaako added. "There's more than one."
"You got it. Tots." Riddick held up two fingers. "Boys. Two of 'em. At once. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Vaako."
Vaako appeared skeptical. "We shall see."
Riddick stuck out his hand. "Care to wager somethin' on it?"
Vaako had his hand out and then caught sight of Anna who was warning him off with a look. "Perhaps another time."
Grant kissed Jack on the head. "Twins, eh? Welcome to my world. But how far along are you?"
Jack looked to Abrie for that explanation. "Not far at all, but if she follows the same pattern as Sophia, her morning sickness will start very soon."
Riddick remembered what she had gone through on Earth and suddenly became concerned. "Hey, any fever or pain like last time?"
"No, but I did get light headed yesterday and ended up fainting after I got to Abrie's house. She said I might feel a twinge or two because it's twins, but it will be nothing like what I experienced before."
"So if I plan this right, I could be off planet on a run and then come back after your morning sickness is over with?" He was teasing her, but her frown told him she didn't think it was funny in the least. "Or not," he amended.
"Or not is right. If I suffer, I want you here with me."
Abrie made them wait a week to run a gender test on the babies, but as he had presumed, identical twin boys were on the way. Forty pounds, four months, and three weeks later,Xander Nathan and Zane Adam Riddick were born. Xander weighing in at an even seven pounds and his 'little' brother Zane at six pounds fifteen ounces. When asked how the boys' names were chosen, Jack retorted that she wanted something Riddick couldn't shorten. Riddick's response? "I'll find a way around it."
Epilogue – 5 years later
Jack looked out at her guests and smiled. Everyone was here and this is when she felt the most content, even if the house was a complete zoo. Zoos were good, especially this one.
"Need any help?"
Dee's voice woke her from her reverie. "No. I'm fine."
"You sure? You look a little tired." Dee put her hand on Jack's distended belly and smiled. "Not that you don't have an excuse, mind you. How much longer?"
"Three weeks and he's out. I'm done. Kaput. Over. No more."
Nate put his hands on Jack's shoulders. "Hey sis, isn't that what you said last time?"
"I didn't need to be reminded, thank you. I thought I was done after Zane and Xander, but Riddick had other plans-."
"And two years later out pops tater tots four and five the day we land for a visit," added Adam.
"Yes, thank you for reminding me. Kellan and Jacqueline were supposed to have been one child."
"Tell us again how he talked you into this one."
"Nate. I already told you."
"Yeah, but Dee hasn't heard this yet."
"Well, he doesn't like odd numbers. Or that was his excuse, which I wasn't buying into. Then low and behold two weeks later my birth control mysteriously failed. So, in three weeks, Hunter Iman Riddick will be born and become the sixth and final child."
"What? The first five weren't birth control enough for you?"
"Funny Adam. Here." Jack shoved a tray of food at him. "Make yourself useful and take this out there and Nate, there's another one like it right there."
Jack blew out her breath as Hunter lodged his foot under her ribs yet again. "Umph! Damn child." She pushed on her stomach until he moved and she could breathe again.
"You're going to bruise my nephew," Randy teased.
"Shut up. How much longer until your house is ready?"
"Wanting my ass out of here that quickly? That really hurts." He put his hand over his heart. "Right here."
Jack slapped his hand and gave him a dirty look. "Please! You're just moving across the street, but as soon as you're out Zane and Xander are going downstairs."
"You gonna pad the ceiling, walls, and floors first?"
"Ha, ha. When?"
"Five days, no more."
"Did you buy the ring for Cherice yet?"
Randy covered Jack's mouth with his hand. "Shhhh! She's right outside the door!"
"Is that a yes?"
"Yes, I bought it for her. Her birthday is next week and I'm asking her then."
"You'll have beautiful children together."
"Not anytime soon we won't! Do you need anything brought outside?"
"I think my brothers got the last of it. Is everyone here?"
"Should be. Mark and Abrie walked around back a few minutes ago."
"What about my aunt?"
"Dory? She's here and she showed up with someone."
"What? Who?"
" . The guy who owns the antique store in town."
Jack ran to the window overlooking the patio and caught a glimpse of her aunt and her new beau. "Aww. They're so cute together."
"Yeah, just so long as they don't start smoochin'. Old people getting' it on in public just ain't right."
"You're awful!"
Jack waddled her way outside and met up with Vaako on his way in. "Wide load coming through."
Jack wasted no time in smacking him on the arm. "I KNOW you don't say shit like that to Anna when she's pregnant."
"You're right. Those remarks I save for you."
"And don't I feel special! Looking at your wife, I think it's going to be a race to see which one of our kids is born first."
"Care to wager?"
"Wager?" Eron asked. "Is someone betting without me?"
"You don't have a horse in this race….baby I mean."
"That's hardly fair. Shana and I have been on a different schedule."
"Please tell me you don't intend on trying to keep up with us!" Jack laughed.
"Hardly. Shana has already vowed that won't happen. Besides, our three are enough."
Jack patted Eron on the back and walked on. "Yep. Famous last words."
She made her way to a lounge chair next to the pool, but stopped short. "If I lay down on that thing and need help getting back up I'll never hear the end of it." She chose a different chair and as she eased her way down Riddick's hand smoothed over her belly from behind.
"How's Hunt?"
Jack leaned her head back and he bent down and kissed her. "He's a pain in my ribs."
"Sounds like he takes after his momma. Only you aim lower and around the other side."
She scowled at him and was about to say something when Sophia ran out of the pool and up to her father. "Daddy!"
Riddick looked down into her big, green eyes and noticed her bottom lip was already jutting out. He put his hand to the side of her face and melted a little. "What's wrong, Princess?"
"It's Xan, Zee, Nikki, and Rafe. They keep splashing me and I can't make 'em stop!"
Riddick looked over at his twin sons, and Eron and Vaako's boys. Unfortunately Sophia made an easy target for them, so they naturally picked on her as much as possible. Riddick crouched down to his daughter's eye level and took her diminutive hands in his.
"Maybe you can't make 'em stop, baby girl. But you can sure as h-."
"Riddick," Jack warned knowing the language he was about to use.
"Baby, you can sure shut 'em up with these two hands. You know what I'm talkin' about?"
Sophia nodded and smiled. "But Grandma says that's not a…" She searched for the right word. "…proper! That's not a proper use of my energy."
"Then you do it like I taught ya."
She was now grinning. "Furyan cannon ball?"
"Furyan cannon ball."
"Thank you, Daddy." She hugged Riddick, getting him wet and then walked briskly to the diving board.
Jack grabbed Riddick's hand. "Help me up! I'm not getting wet!"
They moved just in time and watched as Sophia jumped into the pool with blue glowing hands. The second she hit the water she released her frustration and created a huge wave of water that left the four boys sputtering and swimming to the side of the pool for their very life. When her face broke the surface of the water she wore a huge grin that mirrored her father's.
Jack shook her head and motioned for Riddick to look at her mother. She was frowning. Riddick waved, which didn't make her any happier. They had all agreed to let Kellan teach her how and when to use her empathic abilities, and Riddick had just undermined her authority. It turned out that Shirah had made Sophia a hybrid and a powerful one at that. She wasn't saddled with being able to feel other's emotions, even though she was sharp judge of character, but she could pull from them and disperse the energy. Otherwise she was all warrior class and it was his responsibility to show his daughter how to defend herself until she was old enough to learn how to fight.
"One of these days war will break out in our house between her and those boys and you're cleaning it up." She poked his chest for emphasis.
"I never liked any kid getting picked on. 'Specially when it's four to one. 'Sides, Soph can take care of herself. She just needs remindin' that's it's okay to do it…within reason."
Riddick took her hand and tugged. "Come on."
"To the beach. No one will miss us."
Jack smiled and he led the way. They walked a short distance until they rounded a rocky bend that would hide them from everyone's view. Riddick laced his hands in her hair and drew her into a kiss that ended far too soon. He kissed her nose, each cheek, and then her forehead before pulling her into his embrace.
They watched the sky became streaked with shade of pink light, which bled into orange, and then into a deep golden red as the sun set. Riddick would never admit it, but he loved watching the sunset. It heralded the onset of darkness in which he found the most comfort, but it meant a new day would soon arrive. Something he never looked forward to years before; before Jack and before he had his kids. Then it was all about surviving. Could he even make it to the next day – that had been the point. If he made it, then he seized what he could.
But life now was very different. Although it had been a huge adjustment from his solitary, take care of number one way of living, he would never trade it. In fact, he would kill to preserve it.
Jack lifted her head off his chest and looked up at him, her eyes questioning him. "For what?"
"For everything…for fuckin' everything." He tenderly kissed Jack before embracing her again. He didn't know if he could talk anymore, but he did have one last thing he wanted to tell her.
"Love you, baby."
"Never had a doubt."
Please check out my other fics!
A/N: One year and three days since I published the first chapter, almost 640,000 words (ACK!), over 74,000 hits, and after 43 pages of reviews (THANK YOU!) it's done! But hey, don't forget to REVIEW PLEASE!
I truly never expected my first fanfic to amount to anything, much less this. Every one of you has been such an inspiration to me and turned this 'little idea' buzzing around in my head into what it is. This last chapter wasn't even supposed to be this long but Jack and Riddick had a few other ideas, such as putting in her 'toys', Chronus, and his little harem birthday. They demanded I write each of those into full scenes, but I had to put my foot down. Perhaps they'll take a life of their own as one-shots?
(Update: Check out One Night On Chronus. It's an expanded version of Jack's birthday trip.)
Looking back through my reviews, and yes I'm a sentimental fool, there have been so many incredible ones. From short and sweet words of encouragement, demands to post the next chapter soon, to lengthier ones that read like a stream of consciousness telling me your reactions to your favorite parts of the chapter. A few of you have been here since I posted the first chapter and others just climbed on board, but I wanted you to know that I thank all of you so very much!
I wanted to list names here, just so you would know personally, but there are simply too many. I hope you understand and KNOW how much I've appreciated absolutely EVERYTHING!
I won't be able to post my responses to your review because (sniff, sniff) there won't be a next chapter, but I WILL respond personally as long as I have an email address to contact you with or through the PM system here. Worse comes to worst, I'll add my responses after this as an edit.
And with that...I LOVE all of you!