Thanks everyone for reading. This is the last chapter. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think!

Jess walked outside to find Luke pacing and yelling at Jackson. He shook his head and walked up next to the man trying hard not to laugh. It was clear to everyone that if the wedding didn't start soon people were going to start attacking each other, Luke being first to attack.

"There almost ready." Jess smiled.


"Let's go in and wait for them to tell us what to do." Jess laughed.

"Why is it so complicated?"

"Who knows?" Jess laughed as he put his arm around his uncle's neck and walked inside.

"Her family is mad." Luke exclaimed as they entered the Inn. "They are so…"


"Yeah." Luke laughed, "I'm glad you're here."

"No problem."

The two men stood at the doorway waiting on the bridesmaids, as Jackson walked up and joined them. He awkwardly fixed his bow tie as the music outside started. Rory and Sookie walked up to join the men. Both women wearing, pale yellow dresses with daisies in their hair. Jess smiled as his eyes caught Rory's and he took her arm.

"Their ready." Kirk said running in and out fast.

"This is it." Luke sighed as he froze on place.

"Time to walk." Jess said nudging Luke.

Luke practically ran down the aisle as his nerves got the best of him. The rest of the wedding party tried hard not to laugh. He stood at the front of the crowd as Rory and Jess walked down the aisle. His mind drifted around the crowd of people as Jess took his place beside him. Next were Sookie and Jackson, and then April tried to smile as she walked down the aisle as the flower girl.

"Isn't she cute." Luke whispered to Jess.

"She hates it." He laughed as the girl rolled her eyes and sat beside her mother.

"Hush." Rory said as the brides march started.

The Brides March began and cameras started flashing. Lorelai and her father walked down the aisle and Rory began to cry. Suddenly as she looked out across the crowd of friends and family Rory felt dizzy. She remembered how Miss Patty told them all, 'Do not to lock your knees, it could make you faint.' So she made sure she was standing correctly. The wedding neared the end and Rory looked over to see Jess rolling his eyes in boredom. She tried hard not to laugh. She watched as her mother and Luke both awkwardly slipped the rings on each other's fingers. It made tears fall from her eyes. Sookie gripped her hand as they finally said I do. This was it. Lorelai Gilmore was finally married.

After the ceremony everyone gathered in the town square. It was thirty minutes later when Luke and Lorelai arrived. The crowd cheered and as they sat at their table everyone crowded around them. Jess sat at the table next to Rory reading his speech to himself and preparing for the big moment.

"What are you thinking about?" Rory said as she leaned against him.

"My speech."

"Nervous?" she asked.

"You have no idea," he laughed.

"I'm sure it will be fine." She smiled.

"Talking in public isn't my thing."

"Talking isn't your thing." She giggled, "You'll be fine."

Rory watched as her mom and Luke mingled with the guests and smiled softly at each other. Her eyes fell on a familiar face that she hadn't seen in quite sometime. She stood up and walked towards the man who caught her eye and Jess's eyes followed.

"Dean." She said confused.

"I was just as shocked that I was invited." He laughed.

"Wow." She said awkwardly looking back at Jess's confused face.

"So you with Jess now?" Dean curiously asked.

"Yeah. We live in Philly. Its nice there." She soon realized she had nothing to say to him, what was there to say?

"Dean." Jess said from behind Rory. "Heard you got married."

"Oh yeah, I was married for a while." He awkwardly looked at Rory.

"Had a falling out?" Jess pried knowing the answer.

"Jess, stop it." Rory whispered.

"When you marry young, things happen." Dean said to Rory. "It was no one's fault."

Jess rolled his eyes and walked to the bar leaving the two behind. Rory stared at the back of him as he walked away, wishing he had stayed. Looking up at Dean she felt her whole life flash before her eyes. 'The down fall of Lorelai Leigh Gilmore.'

"What are you doing?" Luke exclaimed as he walked up to the bar.

"Getting a drink."

"You just left her with him?"

"Shouldn't you be doing Groom stuff?" Jess said taking a sip of his drink.

"Lorelai and her mother are talking." Luke said pointing them out, "Rory looks uncomfortable."


"This is my wedding. If you make a scene I will make a bigger scene when I clobber you."

"Clobber? What are you Wally Cleaver?" Jess laughed.

"How's that speech?" Luke asked changing the subject.

"We'll see."

Rory walked up to Jess grabbing his arm.

"Why did you leave me?" she said with a glare.

"Thought you wanted to catch up."

"Told you." Luke said as he walked away.

"I have nothing to say to him." She sighed, "That was so uncomfortable."

"Sorry, it won't happen again." Jess sighed and kissed her cheek, "I just felt like I was 17 again."

"You got the girl, Jess." She said smiling.

"So I hear." He smirked.

Hep Alien played as Luke and Lorelai danced. All eyes were on them as they waltzed across the floor gazing lovingly at each other. Jess and Rory stood patiently by knowing that they soon had to join them on the dance floor.

"Can you believe this day is finally here?" Rory smiled as she watched her mom.

"It was fate."

"Fate?" she said looking at him, "You use that word as if you believe in it."

"Maybe I do."

"I suppose I do too." She sighed, "How else can you explain it."

Soon another song began and Rory and Jess joined them on the dance floor. Jess sighed as he noticed the Gilmore grandparents heading their way. Pulling Rory close he kissed her neck and whispered 'I love you.' in her ear.

"I won't let you do it." Emily protested as she walked up to the couple.

"What are you squawking about?" Jess said finally loosing his nerve.

"Rory I want to speak to you. Alone." She glared.

"We are in the middle of a dance Grandma." Rory said as Babette and Morey came beween them.

"Lovely wedding huh Mrs. Gilmore?" Babette said to the angry women.

"It was." She smiled a fake smile as she danced with Richard.

Jess and Rory danced up beside Luke and Lorelai as the dance floor filled up.

"Angry Emily to your right." Jess said to Lorelai, "She walked up and said 'I wont' let you do it.' What is she talking about?"

"Switch partners." Lorelai said as she grabbed Jess's hand, "I told her."

"What?" Jess shouted.

"Shh." Lorelai laughed, "It sort of fell out of my mouth earlier."

"This is a disaster." He sighed as he looked over at a confused Rory.

"What's that, speech? You want to make it now?"

"Lorelai!" Jess shouted as she walked to the stage.

Lorelai grabbed the mic from Zack and smiled as she waited for everyone to pay attention.

"Hi everyone." She said smiling, "I want to thank you all for sharing today with us."

"What is mom doing?" Rory said walking up to Jess.

"Ruining my life."

"What?" Rory said confused.

Jess ignored her as he turned his attention back to the stage.

"You see today is a special day. My two worlds are colliding tonight." She smiled, "The Gilmore's meet Stars Hollow. Who would have thought? Well I am going to hand the mic off to the Maid of Honor and Best Man. You know those lovely speeches you guys have been dieing to say."

Jess and Rory got up on the stage as Lorelai walked off. First she hugged Rory and then she nodded at Jess who rolled his eyes. Rory took the mic first and smiled back at Jess.

"I figured I would go first. I know Jess had the jitters earlier about it. Well I'm Rory Gilmore. Everyone here knows that though." She said looking out at the crowd.

Jess stared at her while she spoke about love and fate and her mother. He wasn't sure how to feel. He turned his eyes towards the audience and sighed. The Gilmore's stood angrily watching as they waited for what was coming next. He looked back at Lorelai and Luke and smiled faintly.

"So now." Rory said looking over at Jess. "I want to introduce the Best Man. Jess Mariano, Luke's nephew, my boyfriend…"

Rory walked off stage handing the mic to Jess who nervously dropped it.

"Oh sorry." He said picking it up as it made a ringing noise. "Sorry, sweaty hands."

"Don't worry about it sweetie!" Miss Patty shouted.

"Okay." He said looking down at the paper he had prepared. "When I first met Lorelai Gilmore I thought she was dating my uncle. Soon I found I was wrong. The funny thing was what everyone could see the chemistry the connection between the two. Everyone but them."

Rory stood at the edge of the stage listening to the speech and looked over at her father who smiled back. As she watched her grandparents she could tell she was messing something. They kept stern faces and whispered angrily to each other. She wasn't surprised at their behavior, but she didn't know where it was coming from.

"Rory." Jess called out for the seconded time to a day dreaming Rory.

"Oh sorry."

"Will you come up here." He smiled.

As she walked out on the stage she looked over to her mother who gave her a thumbs up. Then looked back to a very nervous Jess.

"A few days ago this ring started a huge fight." He pulled the ring that had been burning a whole in his pocket out and handed it to her, "Look it over, make sure you like it."

"Your grandma's ring?"

"A few weeks ago I had my grandma give this ring to a friend named Lucy Gallo." He smiled as she looked up at him.

"Lucy Gallo." Lane whispered as she sat behind the drums.

"Yes, Lucy Gallo," Jess smirked as he looked at Lane, "She took this ring and got it sized and inscribed."

Rory looked on the inside of the ring and smiled. Jess took the ring from her hand and got on one knee as the crowd gasped. Rory felt tears forming in her eyes as she looked down at him.

"Oh." She smiled.

"Rory, will you marry me?" Jess said as the crowd whispered.

"I've got to finish school."

"We aren't getting married till after your graduation." He smiled, "Well I mean…if you say yes."

"I really need to think about it." She said as the crowd sighed.

"I'm looking like a fool here Rory." He whispered to her.

"I'm sorry." She said as she ran off the stage.

"Rory?" he exclaimed as he threw down the mic and chased her.

Zack took the mic and started singing as he looked back for the band to play. Suddenly the crowd went back to mingling and Lorelai and Luke sat in shock.

"She said no?" Luke said confused.

"No, she wants to think about it."

"Poor Jess, he felt like an ass up there."

The mingling crowd gossiped about the scene they had just watched Babette and Miss Patty whispered to each other as they shook their heads.

"Poor thing." Miss Patty whispered.

"In front of the Grandparents too. What a shame." Babette said back.

Rory ran without knowing where she was going. Her feet knew though. They took her to the bridge as Jess screamed her name behind her. The noises of the party filled the air as she finally reached the bridge and turned to look at a panting Jess.

"How could you do this?" She exclaimed as she raised her arms up to pound his chest.

"You have got to stop running away from me when I'm trying to confess my love." He panted.

"You can't just pop that question in front of my family." She shook her head, "Did you see my grandparents? Did they know?"

"Your mother told them." he sighed.

"She knew?"

"I had to tell her, that way she wouldn't hate me." He said trying hard not to raise his voice, "This tux is killing me."

"Jess do you not see what you have done?"

"Let's see?" he said scratching his head, "I just asked the love of my life to marry me?"

Rory stomped farther down the bridge as Jess followed and shoved him off.

"What did you do that for?" he said standing up in the water.

"I've heard it's cathartic." She angrily said before giggles bursted out of her.

"Now she laughs." He said as she helped him back up on the bridge.

"Sorry." She said leaning against him, "You put me on the spot."

"Sort of the point."

"Mom was okay with it?" she smiled leaning her forehead against his.

"Gave me her blessing." He smiled back.

"I can finish school?"

"No doubt about it."

"It does look good on me." She said as she held her hand out.


"Can I push you in again and see how I feel?"

"Rory?" he sighed.

"Yes!" she squealed. "Yes!"

Jess spun her around and kissed her before they headed back to the reception area. The crowd had thinned out and Jess was relieved to see that the Gilmore's had all gone.

"What happen to you?" Luke asked laughing.

"She said yes." Jess said as Rory looked at the ground.

"That's great kiddo." Lorelai said smiling. "But that doesn't explain why Jess looks like a hurricane hit."

"No Lorelai I think it does." Luke smiled, "Sometimes you just got to give Jess a nice shove into the pond."

"When do I get my turn?" Lorelai laughed.

"Keep dreaming." Jess said as his tux dripped, "Can I please take this off?"

"Yes please!" Babette and Patty said from behind them.

"I'll keep it on." Jess said throwing the jacket onto a chair.

As Rory and Jess lay in bed that night, both had smiles plastered to their faces. Staring at the ceiling of the Inn they both turned and looked at each other.

"We're getting married." Rory said as she smiled at Jess.

"So I hear."

"Want to read me some Hemmingway?" she asked smiling.

"I should have asked you to marry me years ago." He said jumping up and grabbing his book from the nightstand.