Reviews for Here We Go Again, Gilmore
AJ Granger chapter 16 . 10/13/2017
I like it. I wish there was more as I fully expect that Emily is not happy with this. I kind of wish he had kept the proposal private (that's more Rory's style). All in all, a nice story.
kylielink chapter 16 . 10/16/2009
liked it.
c.margo chapter 16 . 10/21/2007
This was It! (The story I read but didn't think i reviewed) I loved it but I had to come back to the ending and make myself read it. I always feel so unbelievably bad for Jess when I read this kind of thing. Once I did get over being embarassed for him it was good, very much worth it.
Kitty the drunken butterfly chapter 16 . 10/8/2006
Aw. I loved this story. I was up until about 3am reading it when I had to get up at 7 the next day, that's how much I liked it. Really glad it has such a happy ending. They were such an awesome couple.
milover chapter 16 . 5/29/2006
keep it going
Pascale0405 chapter 16 . 5/28/2006
Very typical of Rory to run. I could imagine it easily.

Great job.

Update soon, please.
LitGG1982 chapter 16 . 5/28/2006
this story was amazing. the main thing that i loved about it is the fact that it was really realistic. real pain, real passion, real well, just everything! this was a story about maturity, responsibility and love and i think that you totally caught these apects! great great great job, but you already know that i love it!
katesque chapter 16 . 5/28/2006
aw! how sweet! i loved this chapter!
cmtaylor531 chapter 16 . 5/27/2006
Oh it was great! I loved it. My heart about broke when i didnt think she was gonna say Yes! But it was awesome. Amazing. And any other great adjective you want to add in. Funny. Oh yeah funny i forgot that.
Arica Princess of Rivendell chapter 16 . 5/27/2006
please update again soon
123123123123123po chapter 16 . 5/27/2006
Aw cute!

i am lovingthis story!

how far do you plan on takin git?

Id love to see them marry and try and have kids and all that stuff!
justatragicgirl3 chapter 16 . 5/27/2006
aww so sad that it had to end but you ended it in a good place :) i loved reading it and congrats
love-r-of-Jam chapter 15 . 5/27/2006
i really hope that the evil twins (mama and papa gilmore) have the decency to not ruin their daughters wedding
Arica Princess of Rivendell chapter 15 . 5/27/2006
Poor Rory and Jess, please update again soon
musicalfreak22 chapter 14 . 5/26/2006
This is sweet. I love it. Please update soon, I want to know how things will turn out for Jess.
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