Disclaimer: I do not own V, nor any other characters. They belong to their rightful owners!

Hello my lovelies! I know, I know, I've got to update my other story, which I will! I'll try and update tonight. This idea though, refused to be put aside and demanded that it be written before anything else. So, here it is! Also, sorry for the lack of updates. I got my four wisdom teeth out and this is the first time I've actually gotten off my couch. It's just been a total nightmare!

Although there is silence, words are spoken. Not from mouths, but from touches. Innocent to the eye they may seem, but to the wandering hands they know the truth. They are maddening and they are fleeting, they are wanting and they are needing.

Yet they say nothing at all. Not from their mouths, anyway.

She sits in the kitchen, watching as he cooks her breakfast. A bottle of ingredients falls to the ground, and they both move to pick it up. Their fingertips brush against each other, but only for a second.

Do you know how much I care for you? I do not know how all of this will end. I am scared for you. I do not want you to die. Stay with me always, her feminine hand pleads. The leather clad hand moves away, away from her touch but not from his thoughts.

I care for you more than words could ever express. You have given me so much, and yet I can give so little. You make me feel more than I've felt in years…

But breakfast is now long gone, and neither have spoken.

They are sitting together on a couch, watching a black and white movie with only half interest. They both are silent, but their hands are moving. She moves to grab the remote, her palm softly touching his thigh.

What are you thinking? They ask, Do you think of me as I think of you? Am I the only one going insane for your touch?

The gloved hand curls from the contact.

I think of you always. You are in my thoughts, in every moment…you are not the only one going mad. Do you love me as I love you?

She raises the volume and resumes watching the movie.

They sit in silence once more.

As night falls upon the city, she rubs her eyes sleepily. She cannot stay away much longer, and makes her way to her room. As she passes by the tall figure, her hand briefly touches the cuff of his shirt.

If you only knew how much I love you.

The gloved hand grasps her palm, holding it tightly. They look into each other's eyes, both wanting to speak.

If you only knew how much I love you, the gloved hand cries in return.

They continue staring; her mouth opens and closes quickly, then shuts.

"Goodnight," she whispers. She breaks the contact between them.

The silence returns, but the hands continue to speak…


AN: Well, hope you liked! It was short, I know, but hopefully it was sweet. And please review, I would love to know what you think! And they'll take my mind off my teeth, too...myeh!