Reviews for Silence
Thayanne Elizabeth chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
Quem dera se as bocas falassem
CYLi chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
So keen, so much heart aches. Love it!
Laraeliae Black chapter 1 . 12/8/2006
So I was looking through authors I used to read back in my writing of "you" potc fics, and I came across yours... I like your new stuff- a lot! It's cool to see what people have progressed to writing about later years later, and I loved V for Vendetta... I'm still not over writing about pirates though, and Harry Potter of course.

hope to see more from you soon!
Amber Cradle chapter 1 . 7/12/2006
hi, i'm amber cradle..

this might be bizarre, but i've tried to contact you but realized you disabled the message sending thing so that people cannot email you... i'm terribly sorry for this inconvenience of leaving a message like this in a fic. i've never done so before, because i know it really isn't proper, but i was left no choice... i've been searching days and days for your PotC fics, to reread. i'm a big fan. and then i saw that you've changed your name which is why i couldn't get a hold of you. i was a big fan of your work back then and would like to reread them... but i can't find them in your homepage. i was wondering where i could read them? please! i suddenly got the hunger to read PotC and no one else's work but yours. i was around your age when i started reading your fics and really thought you had great talent to have done such work. i would really appreciate it if you tell me how to locate your fic so that i could read it. if you wouldn't like to email me, you can also leave me a message in my fic. i would really, really appreciate it if you do. consider this a dire message from a fan who hasn't read fanfiction in a long time and chose yours (for very, very good reasons). oh please. thanks
Tinuel chapter 1 . 6/19/2006
It really is sweet :) I really like the opening and the summary. Rather poetic. So you do an amazing job wording things. It has a bit of a saddened ting to it, but its sweet.

I like it _
Tachyons chapter 1 . 6/3/2006
Aww, that's so sweet!

I shall have to get very annoyed with the last part of the comic/movie yet again...

Anyways, it was awesome!
sami1010220 chapter 1 . 6/2/2006
aww, that was sweet. good job!
Kyrene once Blood Roses chapter 1 . 4/20/2006
Well that was depressing. But I loved the way you did it, how each hand movement has it's own way of being symbolic. It was adorable...But still sad...
FreeSpiritedOne chapter 1 . 4/19/2006
otakugal15 chapter 1 . 4/14/2006
Wow! This was really sweet...and sad! Aw, I wanted to just go in there and PUSH them together! Then lock them into a closet untill they resolved their little problems. XD But, jeez...I was trying not to cry just a bit there. I was so URGING them to just...AUGH! Great little story. And I can't wait for you to update the other one. I keep checking back.
Smallville is fun chapter 1 . 4/13/2006
This was nice. I thought it was bittersweet, but more sweet than bitter :). This embodies the Unresolved Sexual Tension that was totally going on between them in the beginning. Good job.
forever-young-88 chapter 1 . 4/12/2006
Oh my God! What is it with these V for Vendetta fics making me tear up and all? I don't even cry in the movie. But that's because you don't really have to cry at the end of the movie since V's spirit lives on and whatever. But when you good writers do your stuff, boy, sh!t goes down. Argh, I'm just so goddamn emotional! *Fumes* Thanks a lot.

LoL, you know I love you. Faving this right away! And yes, please do update your other one soon! Much love _.

P.S. - Ya know, the review I left you in ~To Desire the Forbidden~ was anonymous, whoopsies. Mine was the one that stated "Piano is one of my ultimate specialties, but what would I GIVE to have V offer me a beginner's lesson, oh GOD, Evey's one lucky gal." Hehe, I'm just kind of a stickler with signed reviews, so yeah, that was me.
AnonyMiss731 chapter 1 . 4/12/2006
that was very very good. it made me sad and happy all at the same time.
bleak reality chapter 1 . 4/12/2006
This concept is excellent. They say so little aloud of the things that matter, the silence on what does matter is deafening.

I both like and dislike the vagueness of the scenes you've given. Non specifics like, 'a bottle of ingredients' or, 'a black and white movie' work on the one hand because they refer to just any bottle, just any movie, a day which is just any (and thus every) day. On the one hand I am very fond of specific moments. One specific detail can be brighter, sometimes, than a slew of generalities.

(One or two typos.. it happens.)

I like how Evey asks all the questions first. It's just like V to need to be drawn out, just like Evey to reach for the contact. The characterisation in this one is perfect.
KEL chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
Kickass. Absolutely kickass. I love the concept, of so much more than words being said between the two. It fit, esecially considering how V's body language is so key to interpreting his emotions; of course a touch would mean so much to him, and Evey.

Love it. LOOVVE IT. Kudos!
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