Chapter 1 ~ An accomplished Woman

It had been 8 years that very day when Hitomi had met her fallen angel. Eight dreaded years of separation, in which she had barely felt alive. Sometimes, when it was midnight, and the wind battled outside her window, Hitomi wondered why she came back. Why she sacrificed her only chance to happiness, to return to a forsaken place, where she could not find peace. The answer was clear to her. Burned in her mind with dark letters she knew only too well. Eight years before, she was still a teenager. Still dependent on her family, and her friends. She did not believe that someone could fall in love at that age and actually stay in love. She also thought needed her planet. She was too frail and too afraid of meeting life head to head. She believed that she could come back to Gaea one day, when she was older. Eight years later, Hitomi could see the real truth. She could not go back to Gaea, and her love still lasted. In fact, it got stronger with the passing time. So strong, that now it seemed unbearable. So why did she come back? It was the question that haunted her dreams.

Looking up into the morning sky, Hitomi thought of Van. "Do you still remember me Van? Do you still love me?" she wondered. Van Fanel was the young king of Fanelia she fell in love with eight years before. With his dark unruly hair, with his shy smile, with the way he talked, he had stolen Hitomi's heart, and for eight years no one had been able to replace him. Hitomi pulled out the white feather she had from Van. She held it near her cheek and let her tears flow freely. Oh, she felt so empty inside, why couldn't she go back?

"Come on Hitomi! You don't want to be late for work! Today's your big day!" Yukari yelled from the other room.

"Sure, coming!" Hitomi responded back. She had almost forgot that this was her big day.

Today she was being promoted as head chief or her office. After she came back from Gaea, she concentrated on her studies, and her running. They were all that was left to her. She got dressed put the feather in her pocket and left the room. Yukari was waiting for her.

"Hey, you must be very excited! You have probably been waiting for this! Congrats!!" Yukari patted her on the back.

Hitomi tried to put up a smile, but it was useless. "Well, what can I say, I hope I'll manage," she said unenthusiastically.

"What's wrong Hitomi?" Yukari asked concerned.

Hitomi was silent. She hated to think about how she threw happiness away. "Let's just go," she quietly said.

Yukari eyed her strangely. Something was definitely the matter with Hitomi. Luckily, Yukari learned not to ask. Ever since Hitomi came back from wherever she went, she had kept much to herself, not sharing whatever had happened while she was missing. Her laughter was not carefree anymore, and there was a shadow of sadness and regret around everything she did. Today was her big day, and she wasn't the least bit excited. Yukari knew something was very wrong with Hitomi, but she also knew her to be the most stubborn person in the world. If Hitomi herself had not come forward, no matter what Yukari did to make her talk would be useless.


Later in her office, Hitomi had found no peace. Memories of Van, Merle, the gang and Gaea invaded her every thought. She could not stand it any longer. If she had to give up ten years of her life, she would find a way back to Gaea. This life, here on Earth, was not a life, it was just a game she had been playing for eight years. Blinded by her brain, Hitomi had not listened to the true calling of her heart. She came back, because she was a stubborn child that refused to let go of her toys although she grew out of them. Well, now she knew better. It was time to stop living a lie. No matter how much she ran, it never went anywhere. She was still here; here on Earth.

"I'm going out for lunch," she told her new secretary and left without looking back.

Once at her car, Hitomi decided to go someplace quiet where she could devise a way to go back to Gaea. She was determined to go back. That's when it hit her.


She was back on Gaea. A new evil arose. They were attacking Fanelia again, and Van was in the middle of it. The soldier's blade slashed through the air like a whip, only it shined in the sun's rays. Van, already down, stood no chance. He was cut into two bleeding pieces by the forceful blow he received. The sun shone, on her fallen angel, blood pouring from his cuts. There, on the ground, he lay beaten, slain. All because she was not there. "NOOOO!!!" Hitomi screamed. Then the vision shifted. She was back on Earth, and she was in traffic. No, wait, it was Yukari. A deadly car accident left Yukari a vegetable.


With that last thought, the vision left Hitomi gasping for air. It had been so quick and full of pain, that tears were rolling down her cheeks. She had to find a way to get to Gaea, and also warn Yukari. Before she would go, she would tell Yukari of her vision, and give her the letter she prepared a few days before. Somehow, Hitomi had a feeling something would call her back. She had written about her adventure, and explained everything. She got out of her car, and left to find Yukari. She would tell her about the vision, and then go to the temple. That's from where she left for Gaea eight years ago.

By the time Hitomi sorted all of that out, she had called for the elevator to go up to Yukari's office. Lucky for her, the first face she saw when she was about to go into the elevator was Yukari's.

"Hi, I was looking for you to have lunch with me, but your secretary said you'd left," Yukari stated.

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling very well. Listen Yukari, there's a lot I haven't said in eight years, and now I must say it. Thank you for being my friend through this tough time, and here's a letter explaining what happened while I was missing. Also, don't go out to lunch on the highway today, there's an accident and you're gonna get injured. I have some business to take care of Yukari, please tell my family I'm ok." Hitomi said all that in a mouthful, and left as soon as the elevator hit the lobby.

She ran through the streets trying to get to the temple. This time though, her running was not an empty method of expressing anger. She was going somewhere. Gaea.

Hitomi arrived at the temple breathless but full of excitement. She took out the feather she had from Van and held it to her heart. Then she wished she could go to Gaea and prevent the massive destruction that was going to happen. It was the hardest thing she wished for, ever since she came back from Gaea.

(On Gaea, her pendant began to glow, creating a pillar of white light that shot up into the sky)

The light hit Hitomi, and embraced her. She slowly started to rise off the ground.

Just then, Yukari arrived. "Hitomi, wait, don't go!" she yelled.

"I have to go Yukari, Van needs me! I need him! You see I love him! I have to go!" Hitomi yelled back.

"Ok, if you're positively sure!" Yukari yelled back. She understood that Hitomi had to go. For the first time in eight years, Yukari felt hope, and happiness in her friend's voice.

After Hitomi could no longer be seen, Yukari sat down on the grass and opened Hitomi's letter.

"Dear Yukari,

Forgive me for not clueing you in on what happened eight years ago, but I just couldn't. People would think I was mad, and not even you would have believed me. But I guess now you have no choice. I went back, and please don't make the authorities search for me. They won't find me. You see, I went to this world called Gaea, and I fell in love with a person there. His name is Van Fanel, and the last eight years have not been easy without him. Please tell my family that I am ok, and please try to understand why I left. I just couldn't live without him anymore....."

The letter went on explaining her adventure. Yukari closed it. There was not the place to read it. She understood why Hitomi had to leave, and she also understood why she had to make a call to Amano in America. They had some unfinished business left to discuss.

*Author's Note*

Hey there everybody, I would like to say that this is the final Author's Note you will see during this story, except at the end, the last two chapters. Since it is now a finished piece of work, I have finally took the time to spell check it and proof read it. Because of that, I accidentally, by mistake took off all the author's notes. You see, on my comp, I had them changed as txt's without author's notes. So I replaced the chapters, and forgot all about the dear author's notes. You see, when I wrote this story, I enjoyed writing author's notes very much. So here it is. This is the only thing you see until the end. The story is 20 chapters long, and the other 2 are just stuff you can vote on and updates. I would like to thank everybody who took the time to write a review for this story. When I first started to write it, and I saw the reviews coming in, I felt even more motivated to write. Thank you very much for taking the time to tell me what you thought about this story. Thank you for sticking with me, through all the times, no matter what. To the reader, please do not hesitate to make a comment. I wish to know what you think about my little piece of writing. Now that I have fixed all mistakes, (or so I think) I am no longer afraid of criticism in regards with the language =) So just enjoy this, and write a teensy weensy comment. I would really like to know if you like my style of writing. Well, I took enough of your time, enjoy the rest, and sorry about the fact that there's no more author's notes. I accidentally forgot all about them! Sorry!

Phantom Angel (if you want to write me a personal email, email me at [email protected]