Okay, this is my first Yuffentine to upload, not write. Its short, yes, and I may redo it. Just a Oneshot, srry folks.

Oh, and i'm sorry if Vinvent's alittle OOC, though this isn't my firt Yuffetine, its an old one, so I don't thnk its very good, the ony reason its beig uploaded is because AndreaRoberts saidI should so...yah..

He Loves Me Not

Yuffie plucked another flower out of the ground and grinned impishly. She immediately sat back down ad began to pluck the petals. "He loves me not, He loves me, He love me not…..he loves me….he loves me….Not? GAH!" Yuffie threw the flower a fair distance away before plucking another one out of the ground and plopped back down, going the process again. Once again, ending in the same results.

Vincent watched the girl curiously. He had never seen a girl go through so many flowers, tearing their beauty off mercilessly. What could she be doing? Overcome by sudden curiosity, he walked over to inspect.

The careless Yuffie did not notice Vincent walk up until he sat down next to her.

"Stupid flower with it…VINNIE!"

Vincent grumbled at his nickname, no, he did not like it at the least. "What are you doing?" He asked calmly.

The material loving ninja smiled impishly, once more, and replied. "Its just a silly game Vinnie! Just a…..a silly game…"

Vincent sighed, not wanting to push the subject. He did not want to tempt Yuffie, for she took every chance she got to press about his troubled past. This…this would be no different.

"Hey…Vincent…?" Had she used his full name? Vincent's interest perked.

He didn't look at her. "Yes, Yuffie?"

She sighed painfully. "Say I like this guy, who's oblivious, and I really like him, and he doesn't like me, what do I do to make him like me?"

Vincent's eyebrow quirked. "I am unaware of this 'guys' personality, so I wouldn't know."

"That's what you think…" Yuffie mumbled, barely audible, but her heard.

"What was that, Yuffie?" He asked, turning to face her.

Yuffie blushed. She looked up into Vincent's red eyes, and with sudden courage, she leaned forward quickly and brushed her lips against his. She pull off quickly and looked into the distance, trying to hide her furious blush.

Vincent sat dumbfounded. "Y-Yuffie?" She looked up at him. "Do…do you like…me?" Yuffie squirmed, not liking the pressure, but finally mumbled a quiet 'yes'. Vincent sighed. "You cant Yuffie."

She looked up at him. "Why? Because of some age difference I don't care about? Because your still hung up about some bi-" Vincent's hand went over her mouth.

"Don't. Talk. About. Her." He growled.

Yuffie pushed his hand away and glared daggers at Vincent. Vincent sighed again. "You can't like someone like me Yuffie. Your destiny is one of an empress of Wutai, not one with me. Please unde-" Yuffie cut him off.

"I get it Vince. I get it." She stood up and walked away. Vincent saw a small petal flow away in the wind, and heard Yuffie mumble her last words to him. " He loves me not."

Thats all folks! Thanks and please review! they make me feel fuzzy inside! Flames are welcomed! hands out Vincnet plush dolls REVIEW!