Good day to you, folks. Tis' I, YiffyOne, here to blab for like a half a page and then cop out another fanfic. This one'll be Sonic oriented, based on Tails, and that adorable little Cream. Fox and Rabbits happen to be my two fave animals, so I simply can't resist. Hopefully I'll be able to top my record of review #, with this cute lil' ol love story.

If it's not already self evident, this story is a romance between Tails and Cream, it's a bit more complicated than just that, because ALL the girls like Tails.. just, read to find out.. Here's the full-on summary: Tails is innocently tinkering in his workshop one day, and discovers that scent is the key to a new-age form of hypnotism! Unable to resist the urge to create an invention using this principal, he begins working on the Hypno gun. He ends up getting a scented solution on him by accident, and when he goes out, he discovers that all the members of the oppisite sex find him irresistable! Sparks fly, friendships are in peril, and Tails, the stud everyone's gunnin' for is stuck in the middle of it all!

Also, make a note that this story may have references that, though they do not take place, may suggest age-play. Tails is 15 in this, and there WILL be sexual references. Very vague ones, but just warning ya.

Ok! Here goes nothin'! Miles 'Foxy' Prower, Chapter 1: "Bad Tails, BAD!"

side note: this chap will be extra short, because it's more of a prologue. It's good enough, though, enjoy.

General day in the Mystic Ruins. Running water, wind through the trees, and other various sounds brought the region's ambience together well. In the direction of Tails' workshop, the faint sound of a radio playing a popular song could be heard.

"I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds, but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside, swallow my doubt, turn it inside out…" The words, muffled a bit by static could be heard.

Tails bobbed his head left and right in beat with the song. He didn't even know the name of the tune, but it was catchy nonetheless, and he liked it.

Krrch, Krrch.

The wrench made these barely audible noises as the young foxteen tightened the last bolt on the Typhoon. Yup, only a few years, and Eggman managed to trash both the X Tornado and X2 beyond repairs. The Typhoon reverted back to the classic bi-plane look, since Tails hadn't the materials or money to remake something as big as the X Tornado, much less the massive X2. It would do, though.

He wiped a small bead of sweat from his forehead with the back of his glove, as he looked upon his finished work triumphantly.

The Typhoon was painted beautifully, in a nice shade of green. Tails wanted to make it look different from the original Tornado, the purple one, which was also red at one point in time, so just as an extra measure to make it look really different, it was green, with his insignia, the fox tail T on the side, with the retro-looking letters 'y-p-h-o-o-n' written to it's right. He was going to call it the Tornado X3, but it was too different from the X and X2, not to mention it was about time they gave a plane a different name. At least Sonic felt that way.

To clear up any misunderstandings, Tails had not just completed the plane, but was repairing it from a battle. It was just a scratch, but he decided to replace the panel with a pre-painted one. All he had to do was screw it on, not much work involved. However, it was a hot day, and one of the screws was stripped, so he ended up being hunched over for about 10 minutes fixing the dang thing… more trouble than he bargained for, but he liked work, being just a little OCD about occupying himself.

His work completed, Tails had nothing else to do. He turned the radio off just in time to avoid a horrid R and B tune, which he loathed. Tails was no racist, and he rather enjoyed rap, but rap and blues were just a bad combination. Period.

He decided to turn on the news. He entered the lounge section of his workshop, where he and Sonic spent the majority of their free minutes, as few of them as they got, what with Eggman always at it, even after all these years. The fox plopped down on the couch, next to Sonic, whom had been there the whole time watching the Smurfs. Tails pulled out his master remote, which controlled virtually everything he pointed it at, and flipped the channel to the News. Sonic immediately jumped up.

"Heeeeeeyyy! Smurfette was about to ask Papa Smurf out!" Sonic whined.

"Sonic, I hate to tell you this, but Smurfette and Papa Smurf are never going to date. That would end in a Smurfy hell." Tails responded indifferently. Sonic pouted.

"Hey, I don't wanna watch the News! It's all reruns!" Sonic said, folding his arms.

"Hahaha… the News doesn't have reruns you dummy, that's why it's called the NEWS!" Tails chuckled, "And I don't know what you see in the Smurfs anyway." He added. Sonic grinned coolly.

"They're blue, like me!" Sonic said, doing his 'you know I rock' pose. Tails shook his head.

"You're SO vain." He said through a grin. Sonic gave his little buddy a comedic look.

"Well, wouldn't YOU be if you looked this good!" The blue whirlwind stated, pulling out a ridiculously convenient hand mirror.

"Paaaah. I'd hate myself." Tails said, making Sonic sweatdrop, having no comeback.

"Arg, touche'." he said simply, never being a sore loser.

After all, nine times out of ten, Tails reigned triumphant in bouts of wit. Leave him in a room with anybody for five minutes and the boy could outwit anyone, so Sonic didn't really expect to win anyway. He was proud of the teenager Tails turned out to be… over a few years, one of two things changed him: either some of Sonic's cool finally rubbed off on him, or the slyness that takes place naturally in foxes finally hit him with puberty. Sonic figured it was a mixture of both.

Yeah, Tails had grown in more ways than one, alright. Over the years he'd gotten even smarter, stronger, and best of all, his attitude formed into something Sonic and many others highly admired. He had this… aura. Kind of like his partner's... Heroic, but also intelligent, and kind, gentle. Sonic was always surprised that the girls didn't flock around his little bro like they did around him. He felt bad sometimes, cuz he always knew HE was the one stealing Tails' thunder. Sonic, despite what most people thought, DID consider the future every now and then, and he saw big, BIG things in this little foxboy's future. Well, not so little anymore. He WAS as tall as Amy now, a bit shorter than Sonic himself. Sonic had this theory that Tails was going to be a better hero than he ever was, and he'd love nothing more than to watch it happen. He smiled.

"sniff What are you grinnin' at?" Tails said, seeming to have a bigger than average peripheral vision, seeing as he knew the blue hedgehog next to him was smiling, even though he wasn't looking.

"Hmm, nothin'."

"Shh!" Tails hissed as he sat on the edge of the sofa, looking at the tv.

He always did that when he watched the News. It was best to just shut up if he did, otherwise he'd just shoo you out of his workshop. Sonic remained silent and looked at the tv screen.

"…In other news, it's been scientifically proven that the key to most of Hypnotism is, you guessed it, scent. Here we have Mrs. Wittcolmbe. Mrs. Wittcolmbe?"

"Just call me Patty."

"Very well, Patty. Can you tell us a little bit about your research?"

"Of coarse, Katie. We've been doing experiments for years, but we've finally stumbled onto something! It turns out that the reaction that aromas… everyday aromas that enter your nose affect largely what you do in everyday life! It's been done in Broadway shows, all sorts of things that involve altering what people do, such as hypnotism. Studies show that…" With that, Tails turned the tv off.

"Oh c'mon Tails! The ONE time the News has ever had anything that interests me, you wanna… Uh… Tails?" Sonic trailed. His face twisted in horror as his best bud's eye glint with the famed 'inventor's glint'.

"A-…ah-…Ahh! No Tails! NO! NO, that's a BAD BAD thing Tails! Hey, don't…" Tails nodded in a lunatic manner as he grinned hugely and evilly and started to push Sonic towards the door, "No! BAD Tails! BAD! Oh.. c'mon, at least let me catch the last five minutes of the smurfs!" Sonic's voice trailed off as a door slammed in front of it. Tails had work to do, he needed to be alone for a couple of weeks so he could work on this breakthrough of an idea.

It never WAS a good thing when Tails got that look in his eyes. Half of the time, one of his guinea pigs would get toasted, or have some ill side-affect that lasted for weeks. Sonic probably still remembered the Time machine, which succeeded only in making Sonic's quills turn green from all the radiation, man, Tails thought he'd never forget about that. Then there was the Shrink ray, which made all of Amy's quills fall OUT. Maaaan, Tails still had that crescent shaped scar from where she went on a rampage with a butcher knife. And who could forget the 'invincible gel'. All that did was make flowers grow out of Cream's ears. She actually kind of liked it, but, you know.

The other half of the time, the invention actually worked, and it was SO good, everyone would fight over it and be at each other's throats and just pester the poor foxteen so much he'd eventually put it in the 'Vaporizer', which looked an awful lot like a recycling bin straight off the Jetsons. Such disasters included the cloner, the invisability potion, the mushroom form of Ritalin (XD WTF) and of coarse, the virtual reality helmet… he actually made a lot of money of that one, heh.

The inventions usually turned out like a bad episode of Dexter's lab, and Sonic KNEW it. However, one bad thing that Tails developed over the years was stubbornness, and no matter what the consequence of his action, he just kept inventing. He had that sort of disease, you know.

This time, after hearing the scent theory, he set his sights on making a hypnotic weapon… Just think of the pranks he could pull! After all, he was a teenage boy, and those never come without a hefty share o' mischief. Not to mention it could be a huge convenience if he were to cause one of his friendships to falter, which was something he often worried about.

With hard determination in his eyes, Tails started drawing out the prints of what would surely be his best invention yet.

End chapter (MYAHAHA!)

So, did you like it? Did you laugh? Were you moved to tears? Or are you dis-satisfied? There's a lot more to read, so keep going… the others are longer than this one.
