I'm back! This is my first attempt at E/C so we'll see how this goes! I don't think this is going to be a long drawn out story, but we'll see how inspired I am! This is based off of many of the mediums of Phantom. Mostly it's based off the Susan Kay novel 'Phantom' there are going to be some references to the original novel and ALW's musical. However my Erik is based off of the new Movie (Gerard Butler..uh a Gerik? I believe he's called) So, please leave me note and let me know what you think! Thanks, hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything! Sorry, wish I did! This is all the product of my imagination.

Christine Daae smiled as her daughter plunked away on the piano in the drawing room of her small, modest flat. While her daughter was only 5 years old she was exceptional in anything musical. She sighed sadly as she let her mind wander, far from the comforting surroundings of her home, instead focusing her thoughts on the tortured genius who had stolen her heart from her childhood sweetheart and who had taken it to the grave with him.

No longer haunted by the Phantom of the Opera Christine's name was still linked to the scandal which brought in crowds still, nearly six years later. Her life had truly begun in the cellars of the Opera House, though no one but her knew it. All those involved more intimately with the Phantom were dead or gone.

The Phantom himself…Erik had died, leaving Christine heartbroken and unsure of herself. Raoul had left for his tour of duty in the Navy; they had parted as friends but nothing more. Christine knew that Erik had captured her heart and it would be horribly unfair to Raoul to pretend otherwise.

Four months later Christine was dealt another surprise.

She smiled to herself as she recalled the day she found out she was pregnant.

There had been no doubt in her mind who the father of her child was, she could think of no one who deserved it more than Erik.

A tear rolled down her cheek, she swiped it away just in time to see her beloved angel turn on the piano bench, looking to her mother for applause. Christine bestowed it happily on the little girl who had curled up on her lap. She placed a kiss on the curly head of dark brown almost black hair that rested upon her chest.

Her daughter looked up into her own blue eye with the most unique golden-green eyes she had only ever seen on one other person…Erik…

She smiled down at the little girl "Very Good mon ange" she said softly.

Madeleine looked up at her mother grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you maman."

"It's time for you to go to bed darling. Go wash your face, say your prayers and I'll come tuck you in"

Madeleine nodded, leaping off her mother's lap and running down the hall to her room. Once she was tucked away safely in bed with her favorite stuffed animal Christine returned to the drawing room, picking up the libretto to study it. However after a few moments she gave up on the endeavor, allowing herself to become lost in her memories yet again.

Without the help of her surrogate mother Madame Giry and her daughter, Meg Christine would have been lost in the first few months after Erik's death and her impending pregnancy. If the stern ballet mistress had been surprised at the news she hid it well for Christine's sake. Meg and Madame Giry were her saving grace, and she would forever be in their debt. There was one other familiar face whose calming presence had been a relief for Christine.

One day about 7 months into her pregnancy she had been out walking among one of the many open-air markets, when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She spun around, surprised and found herself looking into the dark brown eyes of Nadir Khan. Erik's only friend. He bowed low.

"Forgive me Mademoiselle, I did not mean to startle you"

She smiled warmly at the Persian "Monsieur Khan! I had not…it's a pleasure to see you again"

"And you Mademoiselle" he caught a glimpse of her swollen belly and attempted a smile. "Or is it Madame Vicomtesse?"

Christine looked down at the ground sadly, shaking her head. "No, Monsieur. I didn't marry the Vicomte."

He raised an eyebrow; she blushed slightly "I haven't spoken to him in some time"

"Surprising, does he not wish to know of his child?" his tone was harsh and cold.

Christine resisted the urge to flinch. She looked back into his dark eyes, standing up straight steeling herself against his icy gaze. "I imagine he would if it were his child" she retorted.

Nadir couldn't help the expression of shock that graced his dark features. "I beg your forgiveness but if he's not the father…then…" he stopped unable to continue aware of how rude he was being.

"Perhaps we could discuss this in private?" she asked, looking around at the many people milling about.

He nodded, suggesting a small café around the corner. They departed and sat themselves in one of the tables near the far wall, away from other patrons. They ordered tea, and sat in an uncomfortable silence until it arrived. Once it did come, Christine took a long sip before looking at Nadir.

"I didn't marry Raoul. I couldn't, it wouldn't have been fair to him and I didn't want to live a lie."

"A lie?"

"I loved Erik. I still do and I couldn't marry Raoul and pretend I didn't love another man, pretend I didn't wish it was someone else holding me at night" she paused taking a breath. "I couldn't do it. As much as Erik wanted me to be taken care of, I couldn't force myself into that farce. We parted amicably before he left for the Navy and shortly after he departed I discovered I was pregnant…with Erik's child"

Nadir bent his head "Allah" he whispered.

Christine managed a wry smile as she took another sip of tea. Nadir looked across the table at the young girl who had been forced to grow up far too quickly. He also noticed a flash of gold on her left hand. Erik's ring rested on her finger still. She was very determined and strong. Many other young girls in her situation would have been absolutely panicked, but she was calm and happy?

He sighed, "I'm very sorry this happened to you Mademoiselle Daae"

"I'm not" she replied coolly. "My only regret is that Erik isn't here to see his child, to be a father and…a husband," she added softly.

Nadir's lips formed a thin line, as he was deep in thought. They had finished their tea, but he could see that Christine was tiring quickly.

"Indeed. Allow me to assist you home. Forgive my rudeness, this must have been exhausting for you"

She nodded politely, smiling. "Thank you, but that's not necessary"

"I insist"

She nodded in resignation. "Thank you"

She blinked returning to the present once again. That day seemed so long ago, ages ago. Nadir had been a reassuring presence since that day. He stopped by sometimes for tea, and to visit Madeleine who loved when he would tell her stories about his homeland of Persia. He was also often seen at the Opera, attending all of Christine's opening nights. She sighed, looking back down at the libretto on her lap. She set it aside for the night, standing up and retiring to bed herself.

The next afternoon she received a visitor. Nadir opened his arms to the blur of dark curls and blue ribbons as Madeleine hurled herself into his arms happily. Christine smiled when she saw the happiness in her little girl's eyes. Nadir set her down and allowed her to pull him into the drawing room where she proceeded to play her newest piece for him while Christine busied herself with making tea.

She returned to the room, as Madeleine was finishing up. She set the tray down and poured a cup for Nadir, then herself. Nadir smiled and applauded when she finished, hopping down off the bench and curtsying.

"Brava my dear!" he exclaimed.

The little girl blushed happily, looking at her mother who smiled at her. "Wonderful my darling. Why don't you go play in your room for a bit alright?"

Madeleine nodded and turned leaving the room.

Christine smiled at Nadir, as she picked up her cup and took a small sip. "She's a remarkable child" he commented.

"I know, much like her father was at her age I'm sure."

Nadir set his cup down "How are you doing Christine?"

"I'm fine, truly."

He raised an eyebrow before letting it go. After an hour of polite conversation Nadir took his leave and departed. He arrived back at his little flat on the Rue De Rivoli, handed his walking stick and jacket to Darius who bowed and hurried away. Nadir sat himself down in the chair nearest the fireplace and stared into the flame. Christine had looked so sad; he knew she missed Erik terribly. 'Erik you fool!' he thought angrily. In his brooding he had missed the dark figure hidden away in the corner of the room. He jumped as the figure materialized from the side of the room.

"Erik! I do wish you wouldn't do that!" he exclaimed holding a hand over his pounding heart.

Erik chuckled "Still as jumpy as ever daroga"

Nadir shook his head "I had hoped the last letter was true…"

Erik made a gesture with his hand "Indeed, I have returned. Though for how long I know not"

Nadir nodded remaining silent. Contemplating his next move, dare he tell him about the child? Erik settled himself down on the sofa, watching Nadir carefully.

"Tell me, friend. Why so solemn? I would think my return would be pleasing to you"

"It is Erik, you know me better than that" he chided.

Erik smirked but remained silent. The two friends passed the time by in silence until Erik spied the chessboard and challenged Nadir who happily accepted.

"Why you continue to surrender your money to me is a mystery," he teased.

Nadir refused to rise to the bait, instead set up the chessboard all the while a little voice in the back of his mind screamed at him to tell Erik.

Two weeks later Nadir had persuaded Erik to join him for a walk. The weather had taken a nice turn for late April and Nadir could feel Erik's tension at being locked away in his small flat. The sun was setting, so many people had returned home. They were walking past the Opera house, how they ended up there Nadir never could figure out. They were immersed in conversation when something ran straight into Nadir's legs. He looked down to see Madeleine wrapped around his legs. He paled slightly as he felt Erik tense up immediately at the intrusion by the little girl.

"Monsieur Nadir! I didn't expect to see you today! Maman and I were leaving the Opera house and I saw you!" she exclaimed happily.

Nadir couldn't help but smile, until it dawned on him what was going to happen. Erik stepped into the shadows, but not before Madeleine caught sight of him. She disengaged herself from Nadir and approached Erik who was looking around for a way to escape. Madeleine's attention was taken by Nadir for a moment, and in the second that she had turned around Erik disappeared. Nadir breathed a sigh of relief, for the moment until Christine caught up with them. She was out of breath.

"Forgive me Nadir! She took off so fast, I couldn't stop her," she said apologetically.

Nadir held up a hand "Think nothing of it my dear. I was just out for a walk"

"Where is your friend?" Madeleine asked, looking around.

"He went around the corner to one of the shops my dear" he said, praying that would be the end of the questions. This seemed to satisfy her curiosity for the moment. Christine took her hand and gave her a warning look. "Forgive the intrusion Nadir. We'll be on our way"

He bid them both goodnight and breathed a sigh of relief, until Erik reappeared at his side. "I didn't know you had such…young contacts" he remarked lightly.

Nadir glared at him, but said nothing.

"A charming little girl, she seems quite taken with you" he remarked.

"Yes, she's the daughter of a friend" he replied cautiously. He knew he would be forced to tell Erik the truth and he was dreading it.

"She's a very pretty child. She reminds me so much of…" he stopped before collecting himself.

"Reminds you of Christine?" Nadir asked timidly.

The warning glare he received almost prevented him from going any further. But he knew he must.

"Madeleine reminds you of Christine because she is her daughter"

Nadir was uncertain which caused Erik to pale, the fact that Christine had a daughter or the name of her daughter.

"I'm sure the Vicomte is thrilled to have such a beautifully perfect child" he spat. "I wonder though where she received her name"

"If I'm not mistaken she was named after her paternal grandmother" He saw Erik's fists clench and unclench. Nadir knew he had to get the entire truth out, quickly.

"She's not the Vicomte's child Erik. Christine never married him. The child is…" he faltered and didn't continue until he saw the pain creased on his friend's face. "The child is yours Erik"