Tears Run Scarlet

Author's note: To the real Noki. Thanx for inspiration.

Chapter I: Stained Soul part I

It was a cold November night. The winds howled cruelly with every passing moment. Not a soul was to be seen in the streets. But that was the norm in this city. Copra Haven it was called. It always seemed abandoned, as if no one had lived there in forever.

As twenty one year old Noki stood on the balcony of her apartment, staring out at this ghost of a city, she sighed, feeling the boredom that came with living here. Copra Haven was a town that was cursed, one could argue. It was overrun with all sorts of creatures that ruled the night. That was the main reason why no one would live there. Noki took one last gaze at the abandoned metropolis before withdrawing back into her apartment. She took off her coat, hanging it on the rack and went into her room. She turned on the radio and let herself fall back onto the bed, allowing the soft music to relax her. She played with her soft brown hair a little. Finally, she allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, A group of wraiths were approached by a mysterious character in a hood. They eyed him in the primal fashion that they usually would. Low hissing sounds being emitted from each of them. However, they elicited no response from this nobody.

One of the wraiths charged at the stranger. To which the hooded person responded with a quick spinning jump kick, sending the wraith flying. The effort of the executed technique caused the hood of the stranger's jacket to fall back, revealing his face. Cerulean colored hair framed his face. His purple eyes flashed with an unforeseen anger.

Immediately, the group of wraiths assaulted him. He then somersaulted out of reach of their malicious scythes. As they moved to strike him again, he quickly and effortlessly drew the shamshir in his back and parried the joint attack. He kicked them away during the struggle and ran one of them through. The beast perished in a violent implosion, knocking all those nearby away a few feet.

The young man recovered gamely and cleft another wraith in two. The last of them raised its scythe, prepared to slay the young man. He dodged the would-be reaping and jumped onto the wraith's shoulders. He then leaped off behind the creature and dealt it a punishing blow to the back. He watched it disintegrate, then he sheathed his blade.

"They're back." He whispered. "They've returned, and I still haven't found her yet. I have to hurry…" He then dashed down the abandoned boulevard and into the night.

Sorry for a short Chapter.