To all those who were wondering, I'm really, really sorry for the extended delay. I don't really have any excuse as to why I discontinued my story….I guess I sort of lost interest in it. However, to make up for the five years I have not continued my story, I have rewritten Demonic Yoshi and cleaned it up quite a bit.

Newer fonts (though I'm not sure just how compatible this will be with you don't experience anything like italics, bold, or underline in the story, as well as different font styles then I guess something didn't work…), new dialogue, new events, different format, and a much, much, MUCH eviler Yoshi…grant you, there will still be things that will be the same, but I am not deleting my old fiction so as to allow fans of the original Demonic Yoshi to compare and contrast. I honestly feel, however, that this version is better than the last, but I will let you make the judgment for yourselves. Don't forget to leave a review, though!

In any case, as the title suggests, Yoshi goes stark-raving mad, insane, bonkers, and absolutely flipping evil. If you can't handle the image of even a cute fluffy bunny hopping around with a glint in it's eye and carrying a blood-stained butcher knife, you'd probably not read this. Oh yeah, lots of blood and adult language, as well as subtle descriptions of adult situations, so….yeah. Read at your own risk.

Demonic Yoshi v2

Written by Benjamin T. Kitsune

Chapter 1: Encounter in the Dark

Yoshi couldn't believe it. He just could not believe it. His home, ransacked, and destroyed. Everything of value: His pictures, his games, his TV, his Nintendo GameCube, his FOOD, taken. Everything not of value, so there was nothing of his house left. NOTHING. Just a hut that seemingly "collapsed". Yoshi considered two things:

-Either the hut collapsed or people thought he was dead and taken everything.

-Somebody stole everything and destroyed it.

Yoshi strongly considered the second option, as the house was in a position it wouldn't have lain it if it collapsed by itself. Second, the hut itself wouldn't have collapsed given its strong foundation and sturdy supports; it would have lasted for years. Third, it happened only today. Sighing, he went over to his best friend's home. It was pretty far off from the village, but then again, so was his own hut. Yoshi knew of a shortcut to get there faster and took it.

The sight there horrified him, as his best friend's hut had also been destroyed. Shaking his head in denial, he dove upon the wreckage and began throwing debris left and right. After about five minutes of digging, he came across a green shoe. Placing it down, he went back to the rubble. It was another fifteen minutes before Yoshi found her. She was oddly twisted at an angle, and impaled with a support beam. One of her arms was so twisted it was broken and looked as if it would snap if it were twisted any tighter. Blood was all around her…though, it was mostly on herself and the beam support.

From the look of it, any idiot could see she was very, very dead.

Yoshi couldn't stand it anymore, for the female that had perish was none other than Birdo. True, Baby Mario was said to be Yoshi's best friend, but Yoshi cared for Birdo even more. She was his life. Because, you see, Yoshi was really in love with Birdo, and he was going to tell her that day. This day, which went horribly, terribly wrong. He couldn't find any flowers she'd like, his fruit gift destroyed at the devastation of his home, and her untimely death. Yoshi collapsed to his knees, then to all fours, where he started to cry. Pounding on the ground, Yoshi let out an agonizing wail of despair. He had loved her with all his heart, and was too afraid to admit it. When the big day finally came, she was taken. Snatched away with no second thought…

Yoshi cried until he could cry no more. As he slowly and painfully got up, he noticed something white and crumpled in her hand. Stumbling over, Yoshi grasped her lifeless clawed hand. Immediately, Yoshi burst into cries anew as he buried his face onto her lifeless body. Managing to get ahold of himself, he worked the paper out of her hand and silently read it to himself...

Dear Journal,

I can't hold my feelings any longer. I cannot hide from my fear. It's about Yoshi. We're best friends, right? Well, journal, I really hope to change that. I've prayed to the stars night after every single painful night, that'd he return my feelings. I have never worked up the courage to do that. Well, it's time. I'm going over to Yoshi's place this afternoon to tell him...that I love hi---

The rest of the note had a long streak down the paper where the pen must have slipped from her hand. Yoshi was in tears anew. She DID love him back, but she never got to confess her feelings to him.

She didn't even have time to finish writing in her journal.

Yoshi looked at the carnage, and found a small pink box by Birdo's left foot. Another note was crumpled next to it. He calmly walked over to the box, and also read the small little note.

Birdo + Yoshi Lovers Forever.

Yoshi wanted to cry again, but he couldn't. Instead, he looked at the box. Opening it, he saw a small, tiny little locket. Reaching down, he carefully and delicately removed it from its container, letting the box slipped numbly out of his hands as he gazed upon the necklace. It was 14 karat gold, and attached to a thin chain that would fit around even Yoshi's enlarged cranium. Yoshi looked for more clues, and found that it belonged to Birdo, and that it had been one of her most valued possessions. She was to give it to him...Yoshi's lips trembled….and he hesitated before opening it up. Inside the heart-shaped locket was a small picture of them together, taken during the old Tennis tournament several years ago…

Yoshi wanted to cry. However, as much as his heart wrenched inside of his chest, the tears simply would not come. Though, as he gazed upon it, he felt warmth inside of his chest. A passion, a light that shone with love. And he knew…he knew Birdo wouldn't want him to see him sad. Slowly, he closed the locket and placed it around his head, the metal feeling cool against his scales. The wind blew past, carrying the scent of Birdo's Eau de Fire Flower perfume she loved to wear so much.

"Thank you….Birdo." Yoshi whispered softly. Surveying one last look over the scene of destruction, he wrenched his gaze away before dragging himself off to alert the townspeople of the event…

Over the course of two months, Yoshi was sad at the loss of his love. However, whenever he felt strongly grieved, he'd grasp the locket and his memories of his lost love would fill him with warmth, with knowledge she was still looking over him. However, as the days dragged on, the weeks passed, Yoshi slowly found that despite the warm memories, the pain in his heart kept growing bigger and bigger, and he grew more saddened with each passing day. Life just wasn't the same without Birdo…one day, as Yoshi was out on his daily walk, he lost his footing and tumbled down the hillside. Coming to a stop, he found himself in front of a cave. Ever curious, Yoshi entered it. The green reptile usually didn't like caves as they were dark, but his sense of curiosity got the better of him most of the time.

As he went further down, Yoshi found it got colder and much darker. It wasn't two minutes before Yoshi was completely surrounded in the pitch-black darkness. Feeling panicky, he wanted to get away, he hated total dark. But some unseen force kept driving him, kept him moving forward. Fast…

-Yoshi…- A voice emerged the darkness. It was deep, guttural, seeming to bounce off the walls, enshrouding and piercing Yoshi to his core. It was a voice of unknown origin, but commanded respect by its very tone. He wondered just exactly how he heard it, because even though he knew somebody had just spoken out loud, Yoshi didn't hear it with his ears…but, rather, his mind.

"Huh? Who's there?" Yoshi managed to call out, regaining his voice.


"Who's there! Answer me!" Yoshi cried out.


Shaking his head, Yoshi pressed on. Who was calling him? Who did that voice belong to? He had to find out, and pressed on. The strange unseen force from before seemed to fuel him even more…whenever Yoshi felt tired, to the brink of exhaustion, he would suddenly find a boost of strength and energy. Whenever he felt he was going to slow down, he would speed up instead. His walk sped up to a trot, which in turn eventually bumped up towards a jog. Before he knew it, the emerald long-tongued beast was flat out sprinting down the cavern corridors, the strange voice occasionally calling out to him, beckoning him with a greater sense of urgency the further he descended into the darkness.

"I'm coming! Whoever you are, I'm coming!" Yoshi called out in response.

Finally, after what seemed like hours and many twists and turns, Yoshi found a room with an unnatural light coming from a pitch black pool. It was very confusing to Yoshi. Why was this room the only room in the cave with light? And just how was light coming out of a black pool of water? Suddenly, Yoshi heard the strange voice again…

-Yoshi…come to the pool!-

Yoshi paused, not trusting the strange source of luminosity. Though, he felt that he needed to go to the pool, as it was calling him, summoning him, with an incredible sense of urgency. Yoshi couldn't resist, despite trying to hold himself back…

-You are sad that Birdo is dead…yes?-

"How…? How did you…" Yoshi spoke, surprised. "Who are--?"

-I know many things, my green friend. Do not despair…I am a friend. My name is not of any importance, as I go by many. You may refer to me however you wish, but I have called you here for a reason…-

"Why?" Yoshi croaked out, finding himself barely able to speak.

-As I asked you before, you pain for the loss of Birdo…do you not? The hole in your heart, it grows steadily larger day by day. The sorrow, it claws at your soul…-

Yoshi nodded wordlessly…

-Was it an accident, do you think?-

Yoshi was silent. He did not know.

-Well, my friend? What do YOU think? Was it an accident?-

"I…I….I d-d-don't k-know. What do you mean?"

-I mean the destruction, Yoshi. The destruction of your house. The destruction of Birdo's. Her untimely death. You remember how it looked…the way it had fallen in on itself. Do you believe, my friend, that this was just some mere coincidence? That this was an accident?-

"N-no. S-s-somebody house and Birdo's. It couldn't have been an accident."

-Well, then. There's your answer. No, it was not an accident, Yoshi. Somebody DID destroy your house, and somebody DID kill Birdo….I know…-

"You know?" Yoshi repeated, cocking his head. "How--"

-I know….who it was….-

"Tell me!" He cried out, falling to his knees. "I must know! Who was it?"


"NO? Why not!"

-Not unless you are willing…-

"Willing? To do what?"

-To get revenge! You can, you MUST! Avenge your love's death!-

"Avenge…" Yes, revenge sounded like a good idea. Birdo's death was very untimely. She should not have been taken from him! Yoshi, however, was confounded, murmuring, "How do you…suggest I do that?"

-YOU MUST KILL HIM!- The strange disembodied voice thundered from the pool. The mere suggestion shocked Yoshi back with a cry. Kill him? He repeated in his head, KILL him? The idea made him sick…the concept of deliberate murder, even for revenge, was wrong, and he knew it.

-Kill him, Yoshi! Bring righteous justice down upon him. He took the life of your love, a crime he must pay for with his own! You must kill him, the same way he killed her! YOU CAN AVENGE HER DEATH! Yoshi, are you willing!-

"No!" Yoshi suddenly shook his head, stepping back. "I won't commit murder, even to avenge Birdo!"

-Fool! Do you not see! This crime is of a very high magnitude! It demands payback of the highest vengeance!-

"NO!" Yoshi repeated, more forcefully. "The M.K.P.D. is looking into it. They'll find—"

-The Mushroomers are fools! They'll never find the true culprit; they'll just assume it was a freak accident! Even now they're closing the case as we speak!-

"You lie!" Yoshi accused. "They're still—they're still…." He paused…beginning to doubt. They couldn't be. Peach herself promised him they would get to the bottom of the mystery.

-They are.-

"No! I refuse to believe that! I REFUSE!" Disgusted, Yoshi tore himself from the dark pool, turning to dash off. The voice called out to him as he fled, though…

-You cannot run from the dark truth, my friend! You'll see!-

Yoshi closed his eyes—not that it mattered since he was essentially running blindly through the cavern anyway without any light. Though, having no sense of where he was running, he kept banging his knees and arms against the rocky walls and the stalagmites littering the ground, even tripping once or twice. As the voice continued, Yoshi's hands flew up to where his ears would have been, even though it was ineffective in blocking the voice out.

-You are a fool to disregard me! You'll be back, I swear it!-

As he continued to flee, however, the voice grew weaker and softer in its angry curses, until it eventually disappeared to the point Yoshi could no longer hear it at all. Exhausted, dazed, starving, and utterly confounded, it took Yoshi several hours to find his way back out of the cave. Just when he thought he would be lost within it forever, he spotted the light at the end of the cave, and emerged to see the dawn of a new day over the horizon.

"That was…" Yoshi began, but could not find a word suitable to describe the harrowing adventure he had just been through. Mumbling something incoherent to himself, Yoshi staggered off back towards Mario's pad, where he was currently staying until another home for him could be built.

Still, a lingering doubt still covered in the back of his mind, and as much as he hated to admit it…

He had a dark feeling that voice was right.


A/N: And so, the first chapter draws to a close. However, it's only just the beginning. The next Chapter, Descent Into Madness, will have Yoshi encountering the dark voice again, as he struggles to maintain his mental grip on the world…

Don't forget to leave a review! –B. Kitsune