Past Present

Chapter 2: Preparations and the Journey to the past.

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

a/n Thanx to all those who reviewed... i love them soo much!

The next day, Harry was woken up from his beauty sleep by a large, black dog jumping excitedly(or enthusiastically) on his four poster bed.

'Sirius...yawn... what are you doing here?' asked a very sleepy Harry rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake up.

'Hurry up! I got something to give you. Here, your glasses' Sirius said, handing Harry his glasses that he had been groping for.

' But it's too early to do anything.'whined Harry.'It's only 3 am..'

'Yeah... but this is important...James would have wanted you to do this by now'

Harry gave in to Sirius only because Sirius was starting to annoy him by tugging and looking at him in a funny,and i don't mean haha, way.

'Oh and Harry, Don't forget to bring along your invisibility cloak and the Marauder's Map. I have a feeling we are gonna need it.'

Dreading what evil joke Sirius is planning for him, they walked in silence under the invisibility cloak towards the DADA classroom. What Harry saw inside it shocked Harry as he didn't expect
Dumbledore to be involved in whatever Sirius is planning.

' Harry' Dumbledore said, snapping Harry out of his 'trance' ' today, you are going to be an animagi'

an: sorie it's short. Don't forget to review.