Author's Note: Please check out my other stories.

This is War

Colors of Emotion

One-shots: "The Simple Kiss," "A Song in the Wind," and "You Can't Escape"

Thanks for reading and reviewing and here's the last chapter. Enjoy.



When Gibson and Otto came back to Shuggazoom, everything was back to normal and so were the people and their friends. It took them hours to tell the story about what had happened to Mandarin and Isis on the other planet.

"Whoa, that must've hurt, Gibson" Chiro said, as he and the rest of the team check out the deep claw marks on his back after they unwrapped the bandages. Gibson was lying down on one of the Med. Bay beds so the others could check out his injuries.

"Don't worry, I think my body was numb to feel any pain" He said.

"Dude, she tore off your jet pack" Chiro said, making Gibson groan.

"I'm just glad I didn't get my legs and arm torn off like she did to Mandarin" Gibson said.

"Otto, I hope you can forgive me for what I did" Antauri said, referring to the claw marks on Otto's stomach.

"It's ok, Antauri, I know you didn't mean it after all you were a zombie"

"For the last time, they weren't Zombies," Gibson shouted, "ow"

"Take it easy, Gibson" Chiro said.

A few feet away from the Sprx was checking out the power orbs the Queen gave to Otto. "So these thigs are suppose to power up our weapons just by holding them" Sprx asked.

"Pretty much" Otto said.

Sprx unleashed one of his magnets and held the clear white orb in his other hand. "Let's test it out why don't we" He said, "Magnet Tingler Blast"

Sprx literally flew to the other side of the Mad. Bay from the huge blast of power as it stuck the other side of the wall. There was a loud explosion and the whole room was covered in smoke. Everybody started coughing as the smoke started to clear.

"Wow" Sprx said, coughing up smoke.

"Sprx, you left a hole in the wall" Nova shouted.

"I know and look it even melted my Magnet a bit" he said, smiling.

"Next time do that in the training room" Nova said.

The others laughed till Chiro spoke up, "So Isis stayed on her home planet"

"Yeah, after all it's her planet" Gibson said.

"Well, I just thought she would've stayed with us" the boy said.

"I miss her already" Otto said.

Gibson looked at the shard he held in his hands, "yeah, Otto, I miss her too"


One Month Later . . .

(A/N: This takes place after my two one-shots: The Simple Kiss and A Song in the Wind)

While everyone was at the park to enjoy the nice evening, Gibson found the park to be boring and went back to the robot to do some experiments. He walked into the cold Command Center and before he was able to go to his lab he heard the alarms going off. He turned to the screen as an image popped up of something coming toward the Robot.

Gibson hurried up to the Robot's shoulder and looked up at the sky. He zooms in at the object but still couldn't figure out what it is. Whatever it was it was small but it was coming closer and closer.

He was about to contact Chiro and the others when the thing made a direct hit on his head. He fell to the floor and rubbed his head then looked up at the thing that was floating just a foot a way from him. It was a round white ball that suddenly crack open to reveal a small dragon he knew very well.

His jaw dropped, "Isis?"

"Gibson!" Isis shouted in pure happiness and tackled him to the ground in a big hug.

Gibson sat up and just stared at Isis who was still smiling. "But-but-but how, how did you get here and I thought you lost your ability to speak."

Isis gave him a folded up piece of paper and he open it up and started to read it.


I just want to say thank you again for saving my planet and for finding the shard of Isis's orb. It turns out the shard still has a little bit of power left for Isis to regain her ability to speak and intelligence but it cut her powers in half. Anyway, it didn't take her long to realize how much she misses you and with a heavy heart I'm going to let her stay with you in Shuggazoom city. Please take good care of her and I'll keep in touch.


Gibson dropped the note in shear shock as Isis hugs him again. "Isn't this great, Gibson, I get to stay here with you" She said, smiling as the shard she wore as a necklace started to glow.

"Stay here with me . . . for good!" Gibson said to himself and fainted.

Isis giggled as she sat there on his stomach because she knew that was Gibson's way to say how happy he is to have her home . . .


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