I do not own the Legend of Zelda, nor its wonderful characters.

Thank you for giving this story a try (if now that is the reason you're here)

Our Life Zelda

Chapter 1: Link and Zelda

"Mum, what are they doing?" a little boy whispered as he pointed at a dancing couple whispering softly to one another.

"Oh, don't mind them dear" his mother answered and smiled down at him, affectionately giving his small hand a warm squeeze. "You'll understand that eventually".

Curious by nature as he was he let go of his mother's hand and carefully treaded a little closer to see what the couple was doing. Maybe they were telling secrets, and if so he would be very lucky.

"Darling, no one in Hyrule can be a happier woman than I am. From this day forward we'll be together always."

Her partner spun her around, making her dress spread out like a flower. "I can't wait till we're married honey", he in turn said and elegantly pulled her closer.

The boy took another small step closer, careful not to be noticed. Together always? Marry? He'd never heard of anything like this before. Then he noticed something else, their faces had a most curious expression he couldn't quite place, but it felt oddly familiar.

Gracefully the couple danced around the fountain in the middle of the crowded square and didn't seem to have eyes for anything else than each other. There was something with their eyes, so familiar the way they looked at each other, yet the boy could never have described it. He didn't know what it was. The man looked as if nothing could take his joyful smile away and the woman sighed contently.

Suddenly the two stopped and looked down. A small boy was standing almost between them, staring up at them with wide eyes full of excitement.

"Yes, little boy?" the woman asked and raised an eyebrow at the little figure at her feet. Her partner, who still had his arms gently resting around her waist, grunted irritably. None of them appreciated the interruption.

"What an annoying kid, don't you agree honey?" the man muttered. The boy, who had overheard, thought that wasn't a very polite thing to say.

"Oh, don't bother about this little grasshopper darling", the woman whispered back as she cast a glance at her annoyed partner and then bent down so that hers and the boy's eyes were at the same level. "Don't you have something better to do?" She asked nicely but with furrowed brow.

The boy hesitantly began to walk away, you shouldn't argue with a lady, but didn't go very far before he changed his mind. You see, it would be such a shame not to find out what he had been curious about from the beginning and his mother always said you shouldn't give up. The couple was already very busy discussing how wonderful the other would make as a parent when he returned.

"Why did you look so weird?"

The words slipped through the boy's mouth before he had time to stop himself. The woman gasped, obviously taking offence as he had feared, and the man looked like nothing would make him happier than to kick the interrupting little boy. Not that he would ever dream of doing such a thing… at least not in front of his fiancée.

"Don't you have a little friend to play with?" the woman asked with a peculiarly wide smile. Her voice was sweet as honey but the boy felt that he wasn't wanted here. Yes, he would gladly leave but not before he got an answer.

"There you are!" his mother, still carrying the bag full of groceries she had bought, called out as she hurried over to him.

"So this is your son?" the man asked and crossed his arms while the boy's mother tried to catch her breath. Before he could say something really insulting his sweetheart bent down and pulled the boy into a tight hug. "He is such a dear, we are so glad you showed up! We thought he was lost."

The boy struggled to escape the woman's grasp while her partner was glaring at him behind the women's back.

"I hope he didn't trouble you", his mother politely said to the couple as she freed her son from the hug, dusted off his clothes and grabbed his small hand. "We should hurry home before you father begins to worry, say goodbye to these nice people".

The boy made a small clumsy bow to the man and turned to the woman. He struggled to remember a name. If he could do that his mother would be very pleased, and he shined up like a small sun once he remembered.

"Goodbye, Miss Honey." Then he quickly ran, pulling his mother along with him.

"You almost made me drop the groceries," his mother gasped and smiled. She took a better grip around the bag without letting go of her son's hand.

"Mum…" The boy said and his eyes darted to the ground. "What is ma-ry?" Their eyes met and for a brief moment he could see that very same look on her face, the one he couldn't quite place but which felt so strangely familiar. Had it always been there?

"My son… you will meet so many people in your life and some of them will disappear but…" She struggled for the right words. "Someday you'll meet a girl that you don't want to part from and when you marry you promise each other you'll stay together. Always."

"Always, Mum?"

"Always, my son."

"So she, that girl, won't disappear then?" He asked eagerly, convinced that some sort of magic must be involved, and his mother laughed.

"Yes, I guess you could say that."

He stopped and let go of her hand. Quietly he watched his mother who kept walking. She had her long, normally messy, blonde hair in a pigtail that she had put up in a bun. Her dress, made of a light, green fabric, went past her knees and she had a darker vest with the symbol of the royal family, the royal bird, on it. She also wore a comfortable leather belt around her waist and a thin golden chain around her neck which she never took off.

He enjoyed looking at her because it made him feel happy. He loved listening to her voice because she always said such good things. When he didn't follow she turned around, to be sure she didn't lose him, and he could see what he liked best about his mother, her smile.

"Are you coming?"

"Yes, Mother"

It was late afternoon and the training grounds for the soldiers of the kingdom of Hyrule, always faithful to the royal family, were empty with an exception of two small children, a boy, the one who recently returned from the market with his mother, and a girl.

They looked like they were about six years old, one year older or younger perhaps.

The girl was sitting on her knees and touched the dusty ground, frowning since there was no soft grass, while the boy with concentration stared at his own feet as he stepped around a scarecrow, trying to stab it with a short wooden sword that wouldn't make anyone much harm if it hit. He counted his steps carefully. He wasn't supposed to do it out loud but he didn't notice his own whispering.

"One, two, one, two…"

The girl giggled when the boy tripped over his own feet and missed the scarecrow by far.

"What's so funny?" he scowled at her. He could feel his cheeks flush.

"I'm glad you didn't hit him." She hugged her knees and her azure eyes, she often heard people whisper they were too big, met his darker blue ones. "I can see the training grounds from my window and this one always looks so sad. He's often forgotten out here and stays alone the whole night", she said and shifted her gaze, full of pity, to the scarecrow. "I call him Bonooru", she then happily stated and pushed away all unhappy thoughts the way only a child could do.

"How stupid", the boy responded and brushed some of his blonde hair out of his face just to have it all fall back. Annoyed he rose and dusted of his red tunic. He also wore a pair of brownish yellow trousers and was for the moment barefoot.

The boy's comment didn't change the girl's good mood in the least.

"Just so you know, he has a fantastic memory and can be a little picky so you better be nice to Bonooru!"

Her blonde hair fell all the way down to the ground when she sat down as she did now and she was wearing a short, white dress that reminded more of a nightgown, which it actually was but it wouldn't be very nice to expose the innocent girl's secret and what good would it do?

"Why give a scarecrow a name, it is stupid", and with that the boy started over his clumsy dance around the scarecrow.

The girl cocked her head to the side and watched him as he did everything over and over.

It didn't take long for him to get warm and take deeper breaths. Huffing, he took position to start everything over yet again.

"Why do you practice so much?" she asked. She already knew the answer. She had asked him many times before.

"Because, one day I'll be a great warrior or a general like my father and then I'll have to be the most skilled swordsman in all of Hyrule", he answered as she had know he would. "I'll gain honor and become famous, maybe a knight, and then…" He swallowed and looked at her beaming face. This time the story would be a bit different.

"And then…" She whispered, careful not to ruin the moment. He sat down and fixed her with his stare, she had never seen him this serious and she tried hard not to giggle. "And then you'll marry me!"

This time she couldn't help but to laugh. "What if I don't want to?"

To be honest she didn't quite know what marry was. He stared back at her in disbelief. Did she just say what he thought she did? He was about to argue when she put a finger over his lips "I said what if… What would you do to make me?" she asked teasingly.

"I'd…" He thought the hardest he could, something she liked, he could give her something…

"I'd…give you flowers", he suggested and looked at her hopefully. She leant back and crossed her arms, obviously not satisfied.

"I'd buy you a necklace", he tried again.

"Anyone could give me that", she said uninterestedly and looked in another direction.

"An expensive one", he added but regretted it immediately. The girl gave him a dark look and then looked away again. He fiddled with his fingers trying to think of something to make the girl happy again and to make her change her mind.

"I could write you a song…"

She seemed to consider this offer and the boy waited anxiously for her answer.

"Well… Okay, but you have to make sure that I can play along with my harp and I must like the song", she stated thoughtfully.

"Of course, I'll write you a great song, and then we'll marry" he beamed at her "and we'll be together always!"

Her small lips formed an adorable smile. He rose to continue his practice on the scarecrow but as he stood in front it he cast a glance at the girl and made a small gesture towards another scarecrow. "Does he also have a name?" he asked her and made sure not to get any contact with her eyes. "That's Pierre, he loves to dance and he is very strong so he's popular. He thinks it is fun when the guards come and he never feels lonely, he wants to be friends with Bonooru though."

He should have expected her to name every single scarecrow.

"Do you think I can practice on him?"

"He'd love if you would practice on him", she cried and clasped her hands together, getting to her feet and hurrying over to the other scarecrow.

"So…" he could feel his cheeks heat as he went over to her "if I write you a song…"

He looked shyly at the smiling girl.

"Will you marry me Zelda?"

"I will marry you Link!"

And so it begins. Will they marry? There's a far distance ahead, will they make it? Now I'll just wait and see if I can get a review or two, they seem like so much fun.