Disclaimer: Everything recognizable belongs to Anthony Horowitz and the song belong to who ever wrote it… congrats to you it's a great song!

Chapter 1

Let me know that I've done wrong

When I've known this all along

I go around a time or two

Just to waste my time with you

Tell me all that you've thrown away

Find out games you don't wanna play

You are the only one that needs to know

I'll keep you my dirty little secret

(Dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret

(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)

My dirty little secret

Who has to know

When we live such fragile lives

It's the best way we survive

I go around a time or two

Just to waste my time with you

Tell me all that you've thrown away

Find out games you don't wanna play

You are the only one that needs to know

I'll keep you my dirty little secret

(Dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret

(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)

My dirty little secret

Who has to know

The way she feels inside (inside)

Those thought I can't deny (deny)

These sleeping dogs won't lie (won't lie)

And now I try to lie

It's eating me apart

Trace this life out

I'll keep you my dirty little secret

(My dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret

(Just another regret)

I'll keep you my dirty little secret

(Dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret

(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)

My dirty little secret

Dirty little secret

Dirty little secret

Who has to know

Who has to know

Ha, that song is so true about my life. My whole life is a 'dirty little secret' and if you did know it and did tell someone you'd regret it and no one has to know it. Alex Rider thought to himself as he walked down the street, 'Dirty Little Secret' by (The) All American Rejects blasting through the headphones to his video iPod.

Alex Rider was looked like a normal boy; he was casually dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans that fit in all the right places, an army green t-shirt that read 'ARMY' across the chest in big, black letters, a black North Face fleece and black converses and his book bag was slung across his back, Alex also had a watch strapped to his right wrist. His light brown hair had grown out a bit but two pieces of hair on either side of his face were constantly falling across his eyes. His eyes were gray and attentive and he stood at about 5'8". You see, he did look like a normal teenage boy.

But Alex Rider was far from normal. If you looked closer- which most people didn't- you'd see some differences that distinguished Alex from the other boys. His eyes, to start with, were serious and looked like they had seen and experienced too much. He walked with a certain confidence that could only be achieved with experience, he held his head high. You could say he walked with a physique similar to that of a panther, swiftly, gracefully, silently, just waiting to leap into action. His body was well built and muscular, more so than your average boy. If you removed his jacket you'd see scars and bruises on his arms, his whole body was covered with them.

Alex was a spy for the British Military Intelligences, or MI6. He was great at his line of work and being a teenage spy he was very valuable to MI6. After all, who would suspect a teenager?

When Alex was one-year-old his parents, John and Helen Rider, were killed in a plane crash. Alex was left in the charge of his uncle-though he told Alex not to call him 'uncle', he said it made him feel too old- Ian Rider. Ian Rider was great fun and Alex had loved him, they always had fun together. Ian was-as Alex believed- the over seas financer for the 'Royal & General Bank of London' so he traveled a lot. Alex often accompanied him on these trips. As a result he had traveled to many foreign places and had tried many exotic activities such as snorkeling, rock climbing, snowboarding, bungee jumping, para sailing… you name it Alex has done it. Alex was also fluent in Spanish, Italian, German and French and experienced in many forms of martial arts.

Ian had trained him well, and now he knew what for; Ian never really talked about his work, except when he had to and even then he answered using as few words as possible and giving as little as possible away. Than one night about a year ago Alex was awoken in the night to the doorbell ringing, it was two policemen announcing that a Mr. Ian Rider had been killed in a collision with a truck at the Old Street roundabout. The police said he had died instantly seeing as he hadn't been wearing a seat belt. But Ian always wore a seat belt, he was always so careful. Now Alex knew why he had always acted as if such a simple gesture could save your life, it could. Alex was left living with his American nanny, Jack Starbright.

Well one thing led to another and Alex had soon discovered that in reality his uncle had been a spy-one of the best- for MI6 and had been killed by a contract killer on his way back to MI6 headquarters to give them vital information on the case he was working on. He never relayed the information and soon Alex found himself recruited to finish his uncle's mission.

Alex successfully completed that mission and three more. He had taken down power crazy men and had even 'saved the world' a few times too.

It was on Alex's fourth mission that he ran into trouble. He was by the side of the dying Yassen Gregorovitch-the assassin who had killed his uncle- when it started; Yassen told Alex that he had worked with his father in Scorpia, the most feared and deadly terrorist organization in the world. He told Alex, "If you don't believe me, go to Venice. Find Scorpia. And you will find your destiny…"

So Alex went to Scorpia and joined in their ranks. Scorpia only fed him more lies and told him his father had been killed my MI6. They sent Alex on a mission to kill the deputy head of MI6, Mrs. Jones. Alex ended up not being able to kill her was captured by MI6. MI6 managed to turn him around and he realized what Scorpia was planning on doing. He was sent back into Scorpia and managed to bring down a small branch of Scorpia and Mrs. Rothman-head of Scorpia- and a man called Nile-one of their best agents- in the process, but Alex had stopped the attack on London and saved thousands of innocent school children, including himself.

Alex was than told the truth about his father; his father- John Rider- had been a spy for MI6 along with his brother, Ian Rider. John was sent into Scorpia to spy. He joined their ranks and did have to kill a few people but with help from MI6 some of the assassinations were prevented. It was when Scorpia captured and planned to kill the son of the senior British civil servant that John was 'captured' by MI6. The two sides made the swap and- just as had been planned- MI6 starting firing. A bullet 'hit and killed' John. But he wasn't dead; it was all planned by MI6 so they could get the senior British civil servants son back and get back one of their best operatives.

But Scorpia is not stupid and eventually figured out that they had been set up. A one-year-old Alex and his parents were preparing to set off on a trip when Alex unexpectedly developed an ear infection. John and Helen left and arranged for Alex and his nanny to meet them in a few days time. Scorpia bombed the private jet the Rider's were on and they were killed, their bodies were never found.

There is a saying that anyone who has had anything to do with Scorpia- if they're still alive that is- that "Scorpia never forgets and Scorpia never forgives." Scorpia neither forgot nor forgave Alex for what he did to them.

A few days after Alex's return to London Scorpia attempted to assassinate him. Scorpia snipers are of the best in the world- Alex would know, he'd trained with them. Their aim is true and deadly. It was a miracle the bullet missed its intended target-Alex's heart- by the small distance it had.

Alex had spent the past 2 months in the hospital recovering with a hole in his chest and the past month back in training. He had recovered wonderfully and was almost fully back in shape. But there would always be a slight pain in his chest-sometimes worse than others- and Alex was left with a scar running down much of the left side of his chest and smaller scars extending from the place the bullet had entered from the surgery it took to remove the bullet from his chest.

Alex had returned to school just three days before. That was another thing about Alex. He was a mystery to his classmates, most of his friends-only his best friend Tom knew about him being a spy- and his teachers.

Alex frequently missed school for weeks at a time starting right after his uncle's death. At first people assumed he was just having a hard time dealing with the lose of his last real family member. But than he started missing more and more school, always coming back with fresh cut and bruises and looking more battered than before. Alex would always say he had been sick but no one really believed that anymore. Instead rumors flew around the school about him and his frequent absences from school.

They were as follows:

-Alex was in therapy

-Alex was involved with drugs and drinking and was in rehab

-Alex stole from stores or stole cars and kept going to juvie

-Alex had joined a gang

-or a combination of them all

Obviously none of these were true but Alex just figured let them believe what they want to believe, it's easier than them knowing the truth.

But truth be told Alex actually was not too fond of the turned heads, silence or whispering whenever he was around. When he'd first gone back it had been horrible, he'd even manage to make the cafeteria so silent you could hear a pin drop. Though the rumors, whispers and stares still followed Alex they were gradually dying down but Alex knew they would never be gone completely.


Alex was on his way to 'The Royal & General Bank of London' the MI6 headquarters. Even though he was basically recovered Alan Blunt-head of MI6- and Mrs. Jones-the deputy head- still required the Alex stop by every day after school to make sure he was okay.

It wasn't so bad though. Alex really liked Mrs. Jones; she acted like a motherly figure in a way. She was always concerned about Alex's well being and what was best for him. Mr. Blunt on the other hand had been emotionless and generally unpleasant when Alex had first met him but he was gradually loosening up.

And besides sometimes he got cool gadgets from Smithers-the guy who designed all of MI6's gadgets. So far Alex had received a bag filled with that explosive gum, a few tubes containing the substance that used to be held in the 'zit away' tube but now read 'Elmer's Glue'. He also got a silver chain that held a cub pendant on the end-'Cub' was his code name- that was equipped with a tracking device-even though MI6 had already had a small tracking device inserted in his shoulder- and a video camera so he could show them anything as needed. It also came with a small ear piece so MI6 could communicate with Alex.

Alex also got a watch that had a walkie talkie so Alex could communicate with anyone else who had one of the watches and an emergency button to alert MI6 if Alex had a problem and a microphone system connecting Alex to MI6. Alex also got a bullet proof back pack, a cell-phone that could hold any information Alex needed on a mission and he could also text MI6 or press any button and be immediately connected to MI6.

But the stuff that interested Alex the most was the video iPod. But it was not just any normal iPod; it played music and videos-of course- but he could also send video to MI6 or receive video from them. Smithers told Alex that there were more features on the iPod and Alex received an instruction manual that he had yet to read. In addition Alex got a calculator that held a tool kit-lock picks, small razor and various small tools- but his favorite, by far, was the 9mm hand gun and a smaller dart gun that could knock out any adult in 5 seconds flat and keep them out for a good three hours. With the privilege of finally being given a gun was a lecture from Blunt, "These weapons have been given to you for your safety. Do NOT use them unless it is the utmost of emergencies." He went on and on.

The gun was hidden in the cover a book Alex had in his book bag. It was camouflaged into the back cover of the book and could be ejected by pressing the publishing companies sign. The spine also held extra bullets.


Alex had now reached the 'bank'. He entered through the heavy glass doors that he knew to be bullet proof. The inside looked much like a bank-a very elegant bank at that. There were mahogany desks on one side of the room that the 'bank workers sat at'-they were really security guards. Elaborate paintings and artwork were hung on the walls. The floor was a white and gray tile. To the other side of the room there were a few dark red velvet couches and chairs, a mahogany coffee table that held an array of magazines and a few end tables with reading lamps, all on top of an obviously expensive oriental rug. MI6 obviously liked their 'investors' to be comfortable. There was also a small snack table holding coffee, sodas, tea, water, cookies, pretzels, corn chips, small chocolates and other various snake items.

"G'afternoon Mr. Rider," one of the security guards greeted him. He was probably in his thirties; he had pale skin, close cropped blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing an expensively tailored suit that Alex knew held a gun or two.

"Hello. Can I head on up to Mr. Blunt?" Alex questioned the man.

"Sure go on ahead." He replied.

"Thank you."

"No problem, have a nice day Mr. Rider."

"Thanks and you to Jake, and I've told you to call me Alex."

"Well okay, but only when the boss isn't around… Alex," Jake said in a joking mater, this was an ongoing battle between the two but it was meant in jest. Jake flashed a grin revealing straight, white teeth.

"Okay." Sighed Alex. The two laughed, "See ya later Jake."

"Same to you Alex."

Alex continued on his way to the elevators and pressed the button next to them on the wall. None of the others behind the desks had greeted Alex with anything more than a nod. Alex knew they were busy though, either working for Blunt or another agent or executive or checking the security cameras surrounding the building and the heat/motion detectors when Alex came in the building making sure the computers recognized Alex and made sure he had no weapons on him-other than the gun of course but they knew about that.

When the elevator opened with a 'ding' Alex stepped in and press the button to take him to the ninth floor where Blunt's office was located. The elevator was every bit as elaborate as the main lobby downstairs. The elevator was also installed with security cameras that watched Alex's every move.

The elevator dinged open again and Alex stepped into the hallway and walked passed the other office doors until he got to a door that said:

'A. Blunt


across the mahogany surface. As Alex approached the door he knew there were more cameras watching him. He pressed the 'talk' button under the speaker.

"Hey Mr. Blunt it's me, Alex."

"Hello Alex, you may come in." Blunt's voice answered him back and Alex heard the door click open. He opened the door and entered the office.

Blunt's office was pretty big seeing as he was the head of MI6. One wall held a floor to ceiling window that had a spectacular view of the park and the lake. Floor length red velvet curtains hung on either side of the window. Sunlight was streaming into the office brightly and covering the potted tree in the corner with bright light. The carpet was white and the walls were a cream color. The walls also held a few pieces of exquisite artwork. Off to the side were a red velvet couch and two red velvet arm chairs and a mahogany coffee table. In front of Alex was a huge mahogany desk that held a high tech computer, a container containing some pens and a few folders of work.

Blunt was sitting in the leather office chair behind the desk and Mrs. Jones was sitting in one of the plush black leather chairs in front of the desk.

"Hello Alex." Mrs. Jones said brightly.

"Hey Mrs. Jones, Mr. Blunt." Alex replied with a nod to Blunt.

"Welcome Alex, please take a seat." Blunt greeted Alex. Alex gratefully sank into one of the plush chairs. Alex loved the chairs in Blunt's office, they were so comfortable.

"So do you have any news today?" Alex questioned the head and deputy head of MI6. Alex asked this every time they met. He knew it was only a mater of time before Scorpia came after him again.

"No there's nothing today Alex. So how are you feeling?" Blunt responded.

"Oh, well, I'm okay it just hurts a little today." Alex said referring to the bullet wound.

"Good, good," Blunt said writing something down on a pad of paper in front of him. "Have you been continuing the exercises the doctors gave you?"

"Yes sir."

"So Alex have you noticed anything… odd or unusual?" Mrs. Jones questioned.

"No I haven't everything's been perfectly normal. That's what bothers me."

"How so?" Blunt said looking at Alex quizzically.

"Well I don't know really. But it's Scorpia shouldn't they be trying something?"

"You're absolutely right Alex. I have no doubt that Scorpia is in fact planning their next move, maybe even as we speak. What do you think about this Alex?"

"Well I guess the obvious thing for them to do is plan their revenge on me but not make it known… keep it well hidden because they're smart enough to realize that I'm probably expecting an attack. I was with Scorpia for about two months and it seems… from my experience… that they know I'm expecting an attack now so they won't make their move until a while later, when I'm not expecting it. When they think I'm unprepared and unsuspecting is most likely when they will come forward." Alex replied.

Blunt inwardly grinned to himself at the teenager's intelligence and managed to keep his face almost serious, but he was surprised to fell the corners of his lips twitching upwards. "Very right Alex. So what you need to do is always keep up your guard, always expect something. You don't want to be caught unaware by Scorpia. We will continue our work to find out anything about what Scorpia is doing. They've been too quiet for too long, they are defiantly planning something."

"Yeah," Alex said.

"Is there anything else Alex?" Mrs. Jones inquired, "If not than your free to go and we'll see you at this time tomorrow."

"Actually there was one thing I was wondering about…" Alex trailed off.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well I was wondering if I could go back into Scorpia…"


Author's Note

I know that's a horrible place to stop but it's 1:15 and I'm tired!

So do you like my new story? I like this version better than the other one, what do you think? Please review and let me know what you think! Reviews will help me update faster! ;-) I think this is going to go in the same direct 'In Her Hands' was going to go buuuuuuuut… I'm not 100 positive so we'll just see where this story ends up. I think I'm going to delete 'In Her Hands' next week or something if this story does end up taking the same path. But if it doesn't I may continue. Anyway I should have the next chapter by Sunday or Monday and the next chapter will be more interesting. This one was just you knew what happening and all. Enjoy! ;-)
