The Hunters Decision

Hi there. Here's the las5 chapter. I am babysitting and writing, so be happy you're even getting the last chapter so soon. Ok well here it goes. Oh and thanks for reviewing:


Ichigo burst into her apartment. She couldn't believe that she had actually let Ryou see who she was. She had kissed him and then he had pulled off her mask. He had seen her face. He knew who and what she was. The it hit her, he would have her arrested, he knew where she lived, she had to go, Now before he and the police came and crashed down the door. They could arrive any second. She had to get away. Suddenly she was flying into activity. Jewel, the cat watched from his viewpoint on the couch he had never seen his mistress like this. He had been with her for years and had always been her loyal companion and he had never seen her like this. They cat felt her panic and her fear, what had happened? What was happening?

In his office Ryou pulled on his jacket, placed the mask in his pocket and grabbed his belt with his gun and handcuffs. He had to get to her before she fled. He had made his decision.

Ichigo was dashing around her apartment. She had hastily packed a suitcase of clothes and taken out her emergency cash from its hiding place. She had packed away in a bag any special things like photos and family heirlooms. She had grabbed all her passports, real and fake. Next she packed her feline belongings. Once this was done, she was almost ready. Next she place Jewel in his kitty carrier. Jewel sensing that his mistress was in a rush went into it without the usual fuss. Lacing her bags and kitty carrier at the door she then went into her bedroom and began her final task before she left. Entering her dressing room of her bedroom she opened the double-doored cupboard. Entering it she pushed aside the false back and beheld all the things that she had stolen over the years. She had never sold or gotten rid of one, after all they were just prizes to show that she had indeed been in that safe and broken that security system. She had looked after the treasures well over past few years. Sighing as she did it, she began removing the treasures from their places on the shelves. She carried them one by one into her dining room and placed them on the long table with a label stating the date it was stolen, the true owners name and what type of security system it had been guarded by. Once all the treasures were lined up on the table and floor; the table being to small to accommodate them all; and she had properly labelled them all. She then placed the respective tapes from the security cameras. As she did this she noticed that the tape from the night she stole from under Shirogane's nose was missing. Thinking that she had left it in the cupboard she returned to he room to look for it and to fetch the note she had written to Shirogane. She would leave it with the treasures, when the police came he would find it, at least she would have said," Goodbye."

As se did this Ryou exited the elevator of her building and made his way to her apartments door. Deciding that it was best not to knock he silently picked the lock and entered the room.

As he entered he noticed that the lights were dimmed. The apartment was silent. He began to think that she had already fled until he saw her bags and Jewel in his carrier waiting for her departure. He was treading quietly past the dinning room having decided to search for her when a glint of light caught his eye fro the dinning room, peering in he saw all that she had stolen and by his estimation there was nothing missing. Deciding that he could investigate that later he carried on his search. He was just about to move on with the search when Ichigo entered the room from the direction of he bedroom. He spotted her before she spotted him. He moved across the room towards her.

Ichigo had frozen in the doorway, he was here, she knew it, and she didn't have to see hi to know it. Years of training and life on her nerves and instincts told her that he was here. Her suspicions were confirmed when she was grabbed from the side. Looking straight at him, even with the lights dimmed. Her heart thundered within her chest but she had to push aside those feelings.

Ryou felt his heart come alive again when she looked at him, the feeling of her body being held tightly against her caused him to wonder how he had not recognised her in her costume before. He so caught in his thought for a moment that he was surprised when he heard her speak.

Ichigo steeled her voice and resolve, she had to escape and she couldn't let her feelings for Ryou get her thrown into jail. She said, " Let me go Ryou, I don't want to hurt you." As this though she thought, ' I love you to much.'

Ryou didn't know if he should laugh or cry. But he said" A small thing like you couldn't hurt me." But as he said this he thought, 'Except you already have hurt me, you broke my heart and didn't trust me enough to tell me everything.'

Ichigo manoeuvred herself in his arms so that she now faced him. Trying one last time she said, with tears of strain and pain in her eyes, " I really don't want to hurt you Ryou, please let me go."

Ryou seeing her tears had to force himself not to start comforting her, looking at her equally pained he said, " I cant Ichigo, I cant ever do that." He had to strain to hear what she said next, "I'm sorry Ryou but this will hurt." What happened next was totally unexpected.

Ichigo turned and rammed her elbow into his stomach. Caught by surprise Ryou released her. Reeling from the shock of her hitting him, Ryou was unprepared for the kick to the head that followed. Standing over him with tears in her eyes, Ichigo quietly said," I'm sorry.' Suddenly her feet were swept from under her." And Ryou who had been faining unconsciousness said," Me too. Before she could get up he grabbed his handcuffs and cuffed her to himself. Ichigo blinked a few times, she Feline and Ichigo Mommiya had bee caught and cuffed, it was her worst fears come true. She had failed.

Slightly out of breath from her attacks and the effort of cuffing her Ryou hesitated before he spoke. "Ichigo, before I do anything else I want to know why?" Ichigo looked at him, her eyes he would never forget were haunted. "Why? What?" she said in an echo like voice. Ryou looked at her as if she were mad." Why did you become Feline?" She looked directly at him then, but he had a feeling she wasn't seeing him at all.

Slowly she began the story of the origin of Feline. It had all began when she had graduated from school. She had been the typical, spoilt rich girl who got everything she wanted without the smallest effort. She had many friends but none liked her for herself, they all wanted her money. So she had wanted to escape, to leave, to be herself once in her life. One night while everyone had slept she changed into dark clothes, and crept away from the family mansion.

She had been o the streets for two days when she had met some guys. Being the naïve girl she was she had went with them. It had begun. She followed the guys who were part of a powerful crime ring around the world.

At first she was just a pretty face, a person who acted as a secretary and supplied cash. When her money had run out things had changed. They were in Taiwan at the time. She had had to approach the men that she had seen kill, steal, con and rob and she had had to tell them that he money had run out. Her usefulness expired they had left her there. For days she had wonder the streets, occasionally stealing food. She hadn't wanted to call her parents; she had resolved that she would, make it on he own, without the use of the family, money or status. The police eventually picked her up. A red haired girl who stole food wasn't that hard to find. The guys who she had been with had also framed her for all their crimes thereby making her a wanted person.

In a woman's institute slash prison she had had to learn to defend herself, woman's prison was every bit, if not more, dangerous than men's prison. She had eventually made one friend. The woman's name was Hay Jin. She was in for several life sentences for murder and various other crimes. Being an older woman she had taken a liking to Ichigo. She had treated her like the daughter she had never had. Hay Jin taught Ichigo how to defend herself, she taught her street fighting, dagger play and various other skills. He life in prison had then improved, she had not only been able to defend her self but being Hay Jins friend was a sort of protection in its self. She was a respect inmate and none dared cross her.

Ichigo had eventually been released from prison after six months for good behaviour. Before she had left though Hay Jin had given her a contact on the outside that she had said would be able to teach Ichigo the things that she herself had not. When Ichigo had promised to write Hay Jin had told her to not write, she had said that she must forget her and live her own life, by doing so it would be as if she herself were on the outside. Having grown to respect the lady over the months she had agreed. As far as she knew Hay Jin was still in prison.

Once she was released Ichigo followed Hay Jins advice and made contact with the contact. She had found that he was a leader of one of the assassins groups. She had heard of them during her stay in prison. They were world renowned and famous for being ruthless, deadly and unmatchable. Having no money and nowhere to go she had joined them.

At hearing this Ryou felt a feeling of dread fill his stomach. He also felt a strong sense of horror.

Upon reaching their hideout she immediately began basic training. Men and Women trained together, when one was punished they all were. After four months she had completed this training now she was to choose her path. She was informed that they were not only a guild of assassins. All specialised in something. They trained assassins, thieves, spies and mercenaries. She had been told that once she had chosen her field she would be solely trained in it. There was no changing the choice. She had chosen to become a thief.

For the next fourteen months she had been trained in all aspects of thievery. She ha also been trained in all forms of fighting. She had been taught to rob anything. She could do anything from pickpockets to rob from the most hi-tech safes and security systems in the world. She had soon shown that she had a natural ability in thievery and so had progressed faster than any other had ever been known to.

Once the fourteen months had passed she had the completed her training. She had then had to take the final test. She had had to take the thieves oath. She had sworn that she would not reveal the identities of her trainers, she would not reveal the location of the hideout, she would not steal fro another thief and she could never go into a police station handcuffed. Once she had taken the other she was awarded her thief alias. She had become Feline. Beautiful, sleek, sophisticated but street smart, intelligent, capable and silent. They had the presented her with Jewel as a congratulatory gift.

Once the oath had been taken she and Jewel had then been allowed to leave.

Once she had left she had robbed her first safe as Feline. That had been the only time she had ever sold her prize. Once she had sold the artefact on the black market she had bought a closet of clothes and returned home as if she had been on a long holiday.

Her parents had thought her dead so when she arrived home she was received at first with disbelief and then joy. When they inquire where she had been she had simply stated tat she had been on holiday.

She had then stated university and made her reappearance on the social scene. She had also begun her secret life as Feline. She had cracked safes all over the world. She ha defeated hundreds of security systems and everyone knew she was the best.

The rest she said was history and he had no doubt found when he had run check on her.

Once her narration was complete Ryou sat there n stunned silence his thoughts raced. His Ichigo had been through so much. He wanted to hurt the guys who had left he wanted to do something, anything to erase all ten hurt she had experienced. Then he realised the irony in what she had told him and what she had said about not wanting to hurt him. He realised that she would have been quite capable of killing him, even with his training and superior strength he wouldn't be a match for her. His mind was still racing when he heard a click and saw that she had removed the cuff from her own arm and cuffed it to a support beam. HE WAS NMOW THE ONLY ONE THAT WAS CAPTURED. Quickly he reached for the keys on his belt to uncuff himself when he saw that she had him.

Ichigo had tears I her eyes, remembering the past had caused her past fears and emotions to catch up with her, deep down she was still the child she had been. Seeing Ryou was I a daze she had pick pocketed the keys to the cuffs. Now she stood in front of him with the keys in her hand and him cuffed to a beam.

She hadn't wanted it to come to this. She was brought f thought when Ryou said, "So that was the mystery of the two years you disappeared. Silently Ichigo nodded.

Ichigo then made her way for the door and her bag and was about to pick them up when he said," Was all this why you refused my proposal?" Trembling Ichigo turned and nodded.

Ryou watching her leave had realised what had really happened. He decided to clear up everything with Ichigo.

Ryou then said, "I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTING Ichigo, will you answer some questions before you go. " Hesitant Ichigo silently agreed and sat on the chair watching him.

Forcing himself to stay calm and o appear emotionally detached Ryou asked, "That night that we first met, the night that I had shot at you and Masaya introduced us at the ball, did you consent to talk to and see me again just because I was your bounty hunter or was it something more." Voice trembling Ichigo answered, 'At first it was because you were my bounty hunter but as it progressed I was more and more attracted to you. I became more. I think I realized that I was completely in love with you that night, not only because you were the only person who had almost caught me but because of yourself a person, we are very alike deep down."

Steeling himself for the next question Ryou asked," Why did you date me?" Ichigo replied truthfully, ' my heart wouldn't let me not date you."

Upon hearing this Ryou sent a prayer of thanks. The he asked his second last question," Ichigo answer truthfully, Do you love me?" Ichigo felt tears running down her face as she nodded. Then she said, " I always will."

Reinforcing his remaining courage he asked his final question, " Ichigo will you marry me?"

Ichigo couldn't believe her ears. Had he just asked her to marry him? Even after everything that she had done and told him?

Ichigo just stared at him with disbelief I hr eyes.

Ryou seeing this decided to explain. "Ichigo I never came to arrest you. I could never send the one I love to jail. Even if she did deceive me and break my heart. I came to tell you that I love you and convince you to love me back. I had the handcuffs with me so I could handcuff you to myself so that you would stay in one place and not fee while I explained.

Ichigo looked at him doubtfully.

Ryou decided that he would simply have to convince her. Suddenly he was free from the cuffs having picked them while talking to her and he pulled her into his arms.

As his head descended Ichigo looked up instinctively. His lips were cool and very gentle. They caressed hers with a featherlike touch that enticed and promised. It isn't fair. The words formed dissolved in her mind. He was using the one thing she couldn't argue with, her feelings and his.

His hands slid from her shoulders down to her waist, drawing her closer. The kiss deepened, and as her lips parted helplessly under beguiling pressure, she felt the first sweet erotic stab of his tongue against hers. Excitement stirred, catching her breath I her throat. A defeated sigh emerged.

Ryou lifted a hand, twisting it into her hair, letting the soft strands twine round his fingers. He pulled her head back, making her lie across his arm, supporting her waist. He kissed her again, slowly and hotly this time, then let his lips travel down over the long, exposed line of her throat to the opening of her shirt. As his mouth brushed burningly over her vulnerable skin, a shiver of pure weakness trembled through her body.

His hand moved down her body, shaping the curve of her hip, tracing the flat plane of her stomach, the leisurely quest deliberately tantalising.

From some whirling corner of her mind Ichigo realised that he could stretch put this waiting - this wanting - forever.

Ryo eventually broke the kiss. He intended to ask her again, to plead this time.

"Ichigo I love you, I always will, Will you marry me."

Ichigo looked up into his eyes, wonder and the full measure of her love shining in her eyes, "Yes", she replied, AND THEN FURTHER WORDS WRE CUT OFF AS HE WAS KISSING HER AGAIN.


couple of months later Ichigo and Ryou sat in the testing lab of Shirogane securities. Much had happened since that night.

Once they had come to terms with the fact that they were never going to be separated again, they explained the rest to each other. They had discussed Ichigos career as Feline and agreed that her career would alter slightly. She now combines her B-com degree with her Feline skills. Ryou had made her a partner in the company but Ichigo basically ran the practical side of the business while Shirogane handled design. This didn't stop Ichigo from dabbling in design though. Ichigo also managed her own business empire. The Mommiya and Shirogane Empires had merged. Ichigo was now the chief security test expert. Her skill in security and safe cracking improved as well and she was still acknowledged to be the best, thieves still regarded her as one of their own even though she no longer stole. No she now tested the different security systems. None had been able to defeat her as of yet but the were otherwise unbreakable.

Feline in the legal system had bee put to rest. One morning the police ad had a rather large delivery of all the items that had been stole. When the police had asked Ryou if he knew whom feline was he had replied that in this case he had been beaten. The case had been dropped since all the treasures had been returned and since then Feline hadn't stuck.

Ichigo and Ryou had been married a month before. They had just returned from their honeymoon and now they were returning to working side by side.

Ryou kissed his bride again and then whispered in he rear as he had always done since that night he had proposed, " Don't stray to far kitty, I will find you. " Ichigo laughed as always and equally softly replied, "Not if I didn't want you too.' And then she began to once again defeat a new security system.

-The End-


Okay. Well that's the end of this story. I know it was really short, but I don't have time to make it longer. Sorry 0-0. Okay so here I say goodbye and hopefully you will read and review. Okay bye. I would also like to say that if and that's a big IF I have time during the term I will write stories but otherwise you will have to wait until the school holidays. Okay so hopefully you enjoyed this story. Please tell me if you like the ending and any pointers for future stories will be accepted.